Comfortably numb

I never saw such a place! Uncle Cho's entreaty to come inside for a taste of his sausage was ignored however...

I never saw such a place! Uncle Cho’s entreaty to come inside for a taste of his sausage was ignored however…

So here are some random photos from my so-called life this week…

Attended the Change of Command ceremony for the Korean Service Corps commander...

Attended the Change of Command ceremony for the Korean Service Corps commander…

I'd worked closely with the outgoing commander on a couple of cases this year. He was appreciative enough to call out our office as having done a "fine job" during his speech...

I’d worked closely with the outgoing commander on a couple of cases this year. He was appreciative enough to call out our office as having done a “fine job” during his speech…

I'm a sucker for pomp and circumstance...

I’m a sucker for pomp and circumstance…

My fellow office mates who attended the event...

My fellow office mates who attended the event…

My commie friend Choonae. Not surprisingly, there is next to nothing we agree on politically. She is vehemently opposed to THAAD deployment and posted on facebook that she "hates the U.S. Army". I took some offense to that, noting that over 54,000 young Americans had sacrificed their lives to give her the freedom to hat the U.S. Army. She did reassure that it was the Army she hated not the people who work there. When I pressed her as to why she was opposed to a purely defensive anti-ballistic missile deployment, she said it makes China angry and that China is more important to Korea than the USA. I laughed and told her that that makes sense. Korea has been China's bitch throughout history...

My commie friend Choonae. Not surprisingly, there is next to nothing we agree on politically. She is vehemently opposed to THAAD deployment and posted on facebook that she “hates the U.S. Army”. I took some offense to that, noting that over 54,000 young Americans had sacrificed their lives to give her the freedom to hate the U.S. Army. She did reassure that it was the Army she hated not the people who work there. When I pressed her as to why she was opposed to a purely defensive anti-ballistic missile deployment, she said it makes China angry and that China is more important to Korea than the USA. I laughed and told her that that makes sense. Korea has been China’s bitch throughout history…

Not sure why I even bother to stay engaged...

Not sure why I even bother to stay engaged…

I guess I just can't help caring...

I guess I just can’t help caring…

Thank God for chemistry though...

Thank God for chemistry though…

Thursday night we did a farewell event for my Army buddy Steve who will be departing Korea for his next assignment soon. We drank, we ate, and then we drank a little more. Got him back on base before the 0100 curfew so it's all good. I was floored when I got home.

Thursday night we did a farewell event for my Army buddy Steve who will be departing Korea for his next assignment soon. We drank, we ate, and then we drank a little more. Got him back on base before the 0100 curfew so it’s all good. I was floored when I got home.

Fortunately I had the foresight to take Friday off. Despite the stifling heat, I spent some time on Namsan...

Fortunately I had the foresight to take Friday off. Despite the stifling heat, I spent some time on Namsan…

Objects in the photo are more distant than they appear...

Objects in the photo are more distant than they appear…

One step at a time gets the job done...

One step at a time gets the job done…

And I came back for more today...

And I came back for more today…

Tonight I’ll be changing things up by attending a dinner party at the Cassady’s house.  The Randolph’s and Rago’s will also be there.  It’s been quite some time since I’ve received such an invite to a couple’s centric event.  I guess the failure of my marriage makes folks uncomfortable.  Hell, it makes ME uncomfortable!  Anyway, I’m bringing banana pudding.

And now you know everything I do.

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb.

Wow, get a look at that rack!

No, not that rack...

No, not that rack…

...this one!  Baby back ribs for supper tonight baby!  And lunchee tomorrow...

…this one! Baby back ribs for supper tonight baby! And lunchee tomorrow…

In other news, my kids are busy dismantling my American life.  Yard sale scheduled for August 6.  And meanwhile on Craigslist:

sellout1 sellout2 sellout3 sellout4 sellout5

Listed at less than half of what I paid, who knows what the market will bear.

I just need to be done with it.  It’s a sad reminder of what was, what could have been, and what will never be.

And that as they say “is life”.

What’s for dinner?

why, Mississippi roast beef.  Thanks for asking!

So I upped my Sunday crock pot game a tad today.  I got tagged with this recipe on Facebook by a friend who likes my leftovers.  So I thought what the hell, let’s give it a try.

Started off with a four pound chuck roast...

Started off with a four pound chuck roast…

"Dredged" it in flour, salt and pepper...

“Dredged” it in flour, salt and pepper…

Browned in the skillet to form a crust...

Browned in the skillet to form a crust…

Popped it into the crock pot and added butter and pepperoncini...

Popped it into the crock pot and added butter and pepperoncini…

Mixed up some mayonnaise, paprika, dried dill, and cider vinegar...

Mixed up some mayonnaise, paprika, dried dill, and cider vinegar…

...which I poured on top of the roast...

…which I poured on top of the roast…

...and set the timer on low.  Went out and did some drinking and got home to a wonderful smelling house and a crock pot full of this...

…and set the timer on low. Went out and did some drinking and got home to a wonderful smelling house and a crock pot full of this…

Not bad, eh?

Not bad, eh?

Pulled that tenderness apart, soaked it in the juices, then put it on my plate...

Pulled that tenderness apart, soaked it in the juices, then put it on my plate…

Not bad if I do say so myself...

Not bad if I do say so myself…

And of course I rewarded my efforts with a sweet strawberry-banana smoothie.  Life is good.  Or at least dinner was...

And of course I rewarded my efforts with a sweet strawberry-banana smoothie. Life is good. Or at least dinner was…

More effort than I usually invest, but it was a nice change from my usual pot roast….

And so ends another weekend.


I’m a thousand miles from nowhere…

Haven’t seen the sun in two damn days but that didn’t stop me.

With my head in the clouds and the rain on my back...

With my head in the clouds and the rain on my back…

...Saturday's objective was achieved.

…Saturday’s objective was achieved.

The city below me.

The city below me.

No rain today at least which made the river walk quite pleasant.

The obligatory shot of the oddly familiar bridge.

The obligatory shot of the oddly familiar bridge.

I actually went the opposite direction this morning. Crossed the Han at the Banpo bridge and walked to this one.

I actually went the opposite direction this morning. Crossed the Han at the Banpo bridge and walked to this one.

Looking back on where I've been. Doing that a lot of late it seems.

Looking back on where I’ve been. Doing that a lot of late it seems.

Walked back through Seoul Forest and exited through "the 6th Gate". Good to know.

Walked back through Seoul Forest and exited through “the 6th Gate”. Good to know.

I did manage to avoid getting into any "real shit" this weekend...

I did manage to avoid getting into any “real shit” this weekend…

Played singles league dart matches Friday night (won 9-7) and last night (winning 10-6). Another match on tap for this afternoon.

After darts last night I walked on over to Grand Ole Opry for my country music fix.  Got home in fair condition, although I was technically floored.  By choice though, so I don’t think you can hold that one against me.

Today’s weigh in has me at 214.2, down 1.3 pounds from last week and an even 55 pounds lost overall.  Well, 55 isn’t an even number, but you know what I mean.

Lost the belly (mostly) and the wife. Only sad about the one though.

Lost the belly (mostly) and the wife. Only sad about the one though.

Speaking of the belly, a friend was telling my about mesotherapy.  Apparently, you get these injections into the fatty parts of your body and it supposedly breaks down the fat cells like magic.  My friend swears by it.  I was thinking that may be the answer for me, but the more I read about it and some of the side effects I’m like “meh, I’ll just keep doing it the old fashioned way.”  We’ll see.

I’m a thousand miles from nowhere
Time don’t matter to me
‘Cause I’m a thousand miles from nowhere
And there’s no place I want to be

I got heartaches in my pocket
I got echoes in my head
And all that I keep hearing
Are the cruel, cruel things that you said

Walkin’ my blues away…

Found myself in a foul mood this afternoon so I left work a couple of hours early and took a longish walk.

I mostly succeeded in sweating out all those negative feelings.

I mostly succeeded in sweating out all those negative feelings.

Of course you can’t ever change who you are.

And still I find myself surprised at being disappointed when people let me down.

And still I find myself surprised at being disappointed when people let me down.

I’m walking down that long lonesome road babe
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word, babe
So I’ll just say fare thee well
I ain’t a-saying you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don’t mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right.


And so ends another weekend.

Got floored on Friday night.  And again on Saturday night. What’s up with that?

Still had the energy to climb a mountain though...

Still had the energy to climb a mountain though…

You gotta do what you gotta do...

You gotta do what you gotta do…

By the time I got to the top I was drenched...

By the time I got to the top I was drenched…

A shady trail on a hot summer's day is like the ice in your tea.

Much more pleasant on my way back down. A shady trail on a hot summer’s day is like the ice in your tea.

Drank hard on Saturday night, mostly at the Grand Ole Opry.  But I was up early this morning figuring on beating the heat.  No dice.  I was a sweaty mess long before reaching the riverside.

The return walk brought me to the oddly familiar Donguk bridge...

The return walk brought me to the oddly familiar Dongjak bridge…

And at the top of the stairs leading up from the river walk, I discovered a pretty nice cafe featuring excellent river views...

And at the top of the stairs leading up from the river walk, I discovered a pretty nice cafe featuring excellent river views…

So I took advantage of the opportunity and re-hydrated with a refreshing "citrus tea".

So I took advantage of the opportunity and re-hydrated with a refreshing “citrus tea”.

Got home and did some chores.  Then took a nap.  Then headed out for my season opening Seoul Sunday Singles League dart match.

I'd call that a fair start to the season.

15-1. I’d call that a fair start to the season.

Played at Shenanigans where the friendly staff did their usual fine job at getting me inebriated.

Played at Shenanigans where the friendly staff did their usual fine job at getting me inebriated.

Had a little incident in the bar tonight with some rude drunks with British accents.  They were being dickish all night but we did our best to ignore them.  One of the dickheads was obviously looking for trouble, but us regulars outnumbered them and nipped that shit in the bud.  Well, until the biggest dick among them started harassing the bar staff.  Alex, my dart opponent today, is a big guy.  And when the jerk started running off at the mouth with bartender Sonya, Alex politely asked the punk to leave the bar.  And by politely I mean physically removed him.  Just outside the door (and at the top of the stairs) the drunk guy started mouthing off to Alex.  Not a good move.  Alex picked him up by the throat and held him firmly against the wall.  It was pretty funny in a way, because the guy’s tongue was hanging out of his mouth like a cartoon character.  I told him “dude, you better just walk down those stairs or else you are liable to be flying down them.”  About this time one of the asshole’s comrades tried to join the fray.  Me and another John blocked him from getting through the door.  A little pushing and shoving was as physical as it got for me.  I guess even drunks have a sense of self-preservation, because they all exited the scene without further incident.  And justice prevails in Itaewon!

What else?  Well, I had a pretty good walking week.

Except;t for Tuesday when the rains *ahem* put a damper on things.

Except for Tuesday when the rains *ahem* put a damper on things.

And I walked my ass off today as well. Sure do wish I could walk my belly off...

And I walked my ass off today as well. Sure do wish I could walk my belly off…

Tried a new crockpot recipe today.

Pork chops. Tasty and moist, but a little bland for my liking. Next time I'll have to get creative with some seasonings...

Pork chops. Tasty and moist, but a little bland for my liking. Next time I’ll have to get creative with some seasonings…

My strawberry-banana smoothie for dessert was most excellent however...

My strawberry-banana smoothie for dessert was most excellent however…

Scale was kind to me today.  Weighed in at 215.5.  Down 1.8 pounds from last week and 53.7 overall.

I’m down to a 36″ waist and I have the new wardrobe to prove it.

Who knew dieting could be so expensive?

Who knew dieting could be so expensive?

Why did I call this post “Landslide”?  Well, it was the last song to pop up on my playlist as I finished my walk this morning.  It suits my mood.  Maybe you’ll enjoy it too…

I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?


Too soon to say much here but I’m considering and being considered for a new job.  It’s a lot more pay and a lot more hassle.  I guess my mindset is that if I get the job, great.  If I don’t get it, well, that’s fine too.

Anyway, we have a casual dress code on Fridays.  For me that means a short sleeve sport shirt and no tie.  Just before lunch I got notified that I’d be meeting the person who has the biggest say in the aforementioned hiring decision.  So instead of enjoying my lunchtime stroll (I actually do look forward to it) I went home and changed clothes.  Upon my return I was advised the meeting had been postponed until Monday morning.  Oh well.

I got home after work with only 1,600 steps under my belt, far short of my 15,000 daily goal.  So I put on some shorts and t-shirt and hit the road.  I opted for a riverside stroll and invested just over 2 hours in the effort.  Finished the night at 18,315 which is satisfactory, but left me a sweaty mess.  It’s gonna be a long hot summer as the Big Hominid reminds us.

Now I’m fixin’ to tackle the mountain.  Wish me luck, it’s pert near as hot already this morning.


Today is Jee Yeun’s birthday.  I sent her a message wishing her a happy one.  She thanked me and told me “good luck”.  So…

It’s been a little over six months now since I was sent packing.  And I’m okay.  The fact of the matter is that I’ve grown accustomed to being alone.  I can take care of myself.  I’ve even gotten to the point where I’m no longer achingly lonely.

One of the things I like about walking is that it gives me time to think.  In a good way.  Not like when I lay awake in bed at night wondering what the fuck happened to my life.  Anyway, I’m not sure I’d call it an epiphany but I’ve come to understand some things.

For one, I’m a selfish bastard.  It is just the way I am.  I’m not willing to compromise or settle.  I’d rather be alone than to accept less than what I want in life. I don’t need anyone to complete me.  I’d be ecstatic to encounter a kindred spirit who accepts me as I am, but I’m guessing those are pretty long odds.

But here’s the thing: I just don’t care.  Perhaps I’m broken beyond repair, but all those sweet words of love mean nothing to me.  I’m dead inside and just don’t feel it.  I’ve been burned one too many times to ever believe it again.

And I understand the ramifications of that portend a solitary future.  So be it.  I’d rather be alone than sucker punched again.  Love me at your peril!

I don’t have the patience or desire to make the sacrifices that are required in a “loving relationship”.  And that is so contrary to to everything I’ve always believed about myself.  I never thought I could make it own my own, and now I’ve come to understand that it is my destiny to live a life of oneness.  And I’m alright with that.

Baby we can talk all night
But that ain’t gettin us nowhere
I told you everything I possibly can
There’s nothing left inside of here
And maybe you can cry all night
But that’ll never change the way I feel

And all I can do is keep on telling you
I want you, I need you
But-there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you
Now don’t be sad
‘Cause two out of three ain’t bad

I can’t lie, I can’t tell you that I’m something I’m not
No matter how I try
I’ll never be able to give you something
Something that I just haven’t got

Baby we can talk all night
But that ain’t getting us nowhere


Free fallin’

Americans like me celebrate Independence Day with our favorite patriotic songs.

I’ve been working hard and playing hard thus far this weekend. Here’s a recap:

I got reacquainted with Namsan after a two week hiatus. Still an ass kicker.

I got reacquainted with Namsan after a two week hiatus. Still an ass kicker.

All that rain on Friday cleaned up the air some. Was expecting to get rained on at some point in my hike but other than some sprinkles I was golden.

All that rain on Friday cleaned up the air some. Was expecting to get rained on at some point in my hike but other than some sprinkles I was golden.

Back home I set about freeing up some closet space.

It came together easier than most of my projects...

It came together easier than most of my projects…

And it is functional. See those pants? They are all 42" waist size. Which makes them too big for me to wear now. I reckon I'll carry them to the on=post thrift store one of these days. What I need to do this afternoon is purchase some new pants for work. I tried on a 36" pair and they fit. Snug, but they fit!

And it is functional. See those pants? They are all 42″ waist size. Which makes them too big for me to wear now. I reckon I’ll carry them to the on-post thrift store one of these days. What I need to do this afternoon is purchase some new pants for work. I tried on a 36″ pair and they fit. Snug, but they fit!

Saturday night I changed up my routine.  I’m usually in the bar around 6 and stumbling home drunk shortly after 9.  I wanted to see  what the late night crowd was all about so I delayed my arrival at Shenanigans until 8 p.m.  The staff was a little shook-up saying they’d been wondering what happened to me.  Hey, I don’t want to be too predictable!

I left Shenanigans a little after 10 still relatively sober.  Had a soothing Thai massage for an hour then headed over to the Grand Ol’ Opry to resume my hydration.  Ran into a guy from work who told me he’s there every weekend.  I’m like, so am I, but then I realized he’s there after I’m gone.  It was actually interesting seeing the late night faces I’ve been missing.  And an added bonus was being there for the traditional rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at midnight. It seemed especially appropriate on this Independence Day weekend.

Despite my late night I was up bright and early Sunday morning.  Popped a chicken in the crock pot and set about on my riverside walk.

This is the farthest I've gone in the westward direction.

This is the farthest I’ve gone in the westward direction.

And this elevated pathway took me somewhere I've never been before...

And this elevated pathway took me somewhere I’ve never been before…

...Seoul Forest. It was nice to see they had a designated farting area...

…Seoul Forest. It was nice to see they had a designated farting area…

Even after just a brief visit I can say that Seoul Forest will always be deer to me.

Even after just a brief visit I can say that Seoul Forest will always be deer to me.

Heading back on the opposite side of the river...

Heading back on the opposite side of the river…

I crossed back over at the Banpo bridge and made a quick detour to the commissary where I purchased a walnut brownie mix.  Nope, I’m not falling off the carb wagon (well, maybe just a taste), I’m going to treat the Korean staff in my office who are of course working hard this 4th of July.

All told, the morning walk was 3.5 hours. That is about my max. My legs were dead and my knee was aching and as this sign a couple of blocks from home reminded me don't overdo it.

All told, the morning walk was 3.5 hours. That is about my max. My legs were dead and my knee was aching and as this sign a couple of blocks from home reminded me don’t overdo it.

Kevin KIm achieved a “miracle” 40,000 steps on his Saturday morning walk.  This is as close to a miracle that I’ll ever get…

And the only way I managed that was 2000 steps walking home from the bar on Saturday night, plus some steps I got in during the dart tourney. And yes, I took a round about way home after darts so I could break the 30,000 barrier...

And the only way I managed that was 2000 steps walking home from the bar at 0100 on Sunday morning, plus some steps I got in during the dart tourney Sunday afternoon. And yes, I took a round about way home after darts so I could break the 30,000 barrier…

Perhaps not so coincidentally, I had some good news from the scale this week.

Goal achieved and exceeded!

Goal achieved and exceeded!

I initiated my lifestyle change on on February 21, when I weighed in at a robust 269.2.  20 weeks later and I’ve lost 51.9 pounds.  My goal had been to get down to 220.  But I’m still not pleased with my big belly so I’m going to try and get down to 200 pounds.  We’ll see.

It feels good to have put down that big ol' sack of rice though...

It feels good to have put down that big ol’ sack of rice though…

That’s my big news I suppose.  As long as you are here, you might enjoy some random ass crap:

My crockpot chicken came out pretty close to perfect. Today the crock pot is slow cooking a pork roast...

My crock pot chicken came out pretty close to perfect. Today the crock pot is slow cooking a pork roast…

These Filipinos put an ass whooping on me last night...

These Filipinos put an ass whooping on me last night…

Never flown them, but I'd wager it's a pretty shitty airline.

Never flown them, but I’d wager it’s a pretty shitty airline.

Maybe the "e" is silent. Or invisible.

Maybe the “e” is silent. Or invisible.

What a pisser.

What a pisser.

Is it something I said or didn't say?

Is it something I said or didn’t say?

Hopefully, I've learned to avoid future mistakes...

Hopefully, I’ve learned to avoid future mistakes…

Ah well, that’s enough for now don’t you think…


Living the LCHF lifestyle

LCHF=low carbohydrate, high fat

For no particular reason I kept track of my food and beverage intake today:

Lemon juice and water (heated one minute in the microwave)

1 boiled egg (breakfast)

2 hamburger patties w/cheese and ketchup (lunch)

1/2 oz. mixed nuts (afternoon snack)

2 brats w/ketchup (dinner)

5 Diet Cokes

1 bottle of water

It’s my kind of diet because you never have to be hungry.  I don’t count calories.  For me at least, it is not how much I eat (within reason) but what I eat.  Hence, none of the high carb foods I crave and miss but pretty much anything else I’ll put into my mouth.

The walking helps me avoid temptation.  I see chocolate or cake and think is it really worth sacrificing three hours worth of walking?

Dig those crazy 8s!

Dig those crazy 8’s!

I haven’t been on the scales since I returned from the Philippines.  I drank a shit load of San Miguel Light beers and wasn’t as strict on the carb avoidance.  Hey, it was a vacation!  Plus, I didn’t get the opportunity to walk as much as I’m used to doing.  I’ll wait until this Sunday to, ahem, weigh the damage.

Still, folks tell me they can see the difference.

January pre-diet. (that's me on the left).

January pre-diet. (that’s me on the left).

And last week. Both of the elephants have gotten smaller...

And last week. Both of the elephants have gotten smaller…

Since I shaved the ‘stache a couple of folks say I resemble Bruce Willis…

...which I'm not sure is such a compliment...

…which I’m not sure is such a compliment…

...but anyway, I'm just not seeing it.

…but anyway, I’m just not seeing it.

Meanwhile, I got screwed yesterday. And not in the good way. In fact, the whole experience left me feeling a little flat. Luckily I made it to the repair shop before I had to break out the spare tire.

Luckily, the tire was only flat on the bottom...

Fortunately, the tire was only flat on the bottom…

Given my temper tantrums in the Philippines, I had to laugh when I saw this on Facebook today:

Hey, anything worth doing is worth doing well...

Hey, anything worth doing is worth doing well…

But here’s one Filipina I do not want to piss off…

Maria, armed and dangerous...

Maria, armed and dangerous…

But enough about me…


Let it go

Chatting with the daughter tonight about liquidating my American life.  Well, my possessions in America at least.

Her stepfather is a handy guy and is going to come in and change the locks and do any fix up work that is necessary.  The soon to be departing tenant expressed interest in the living room couch and love seat.  High quality leather furniture.  Paid around $2500 new but not sure what I should ask.  Daughter said she will check “Let it Go”, a Craigslist type website, to see what similar stuff is selling for.

I had to laugh at the name.  It’s so perfectly describes exactly what I’m trying to do.

Ha! Look at me, blogging while sober.  It’s been awhile.

Finding a better way to fill the hours…

So, there comes a time when enough is enough.  I’ve more or less been on a six month drunk.  And I’ve noticed that my brain is turning to mush.  So it’s time to scale it back a notch or two I suppose.

Tonight I rested my liver and my body.  Walked a roundabout way home from work and managed to log 11,000+ steps.  Straightened up the house in preparation for the housekeeper’s bi-weekly visit tomorrow (I still have my pride!).  Then I took a nap.

I’ve got access to HBOGo now and season 6 of Game of Thrones is available.  When I left the USA  a year and a half ago now I think I was somewhere in the middle of season 5.  Or was it 4?  Told you my brain was mush.  Anyway, I just decided to re-watch the whole damn thing.  So season 1, episode 1 is now in the books.

Hell, this ought to keep me out of the bars some.

Closing a door

Today I gave my departed wife the last installment on the promised six month support after our split.  I sent her a message telling her the money was in her account.  I told her I would never understand why she turned her back on a life we promised to share. I wished her well in her quest for happiness.  She responded thank you and good luck.  And that was that.

I’ve enlisted the support of my kids in South Carolina to assist in liquidating the contents of the house I bought, remodeled, and furnished for Jee Yeun in Columbia.  And then the house itself will go on the market and I’ll take the first reasonable offer I receive for it.  Fact of the matter is I have no desire to return to the USA to live, and even if I did I couldn’t bear to live in a house full of sad memories.

At this stage of my life I do not want to be encumbered with material things nor the baggage of the past.  That’s about as close to freedom as it gets I suppose.

What next?  Well, unless I fuck up massively I expect to work until June 2017.  My goal is to have a year’s worth of my pension salary in the bank by then.  In addition to whatever I recover from my ill-advised decision to pay cash for that fucking house.

And then what will I do?  No idea really.  I’d say the Philippines is a definite possibility.  Old time readers will recall that was where I was going to retire in 2010.  And then I met Jee Yeun and she convinced me that she was a better option.  Now six years later I’m back where I started.  Older but likely not much wiser.  Certainly more cynical, bitter and lonely though.  So there’s that.

Things can change.  I’ve just got to get my mind around how to go about changing them.

The way we were

So, Facebook has this feature where they take a post you made at some point in your FB history and repost it so you can “see your memories”.  Mine invariably feature a smiling picture of Jee Yeun.  Thanks FB, but I can remember well enough on my own.

And today that story I didn’t tell about the Chinese gal on Friday night took a strange turn. Here’s what happened.  Qian (pronounced “Chen” as far as I can tell) has been known to frequent Shenanigans now and again.  I met her there several months ago.  I guess the general consensus is she’s a little crazy, as in whacked.  She earned that reputation because apparently one night she sat in the bar crying.  For hours and hours.  I wasn’t there that night, but I did observe her crying once and I asked her what was wrong.  She said “nothing, I’m happy”.  Alrighty then.

I’ve chatted with her a bit.  Her spoken English isn’t so good, so there wasn’t a whole lot to talk about.  She was looking for an English tutor so I put her in touch with my nephew.  Supposedly he’ll start working with her next month.  Qian found me on Kakao and one day out of the blue started messaging me all about her problems with a guy she likes.  No idea why people come to me for relationship advice, unless they plan to do the opposite of what I say.  I’m a four time loser after all.

And then on Friday she sent a message asking me if I’d like to meet up in Haebangchon at the “V” club.  Never had been there but she said they have live music and darts.  It sounded like a good change of pace from my usual routine and so I said “sure, why not?”

We were supposed to meet a 9:00 and I got there a few minutes early.  As usual, I was by far the oldest person in the bar.  She sent a message at 9 saying she’d arrive at 9:30.  She wound up getting there at 10:00.  Luckily, a guy I know from work came in and we had a very nice chat which passed the time.

So, I ordered Qian a drink and she left the bar and sat down at a table near the stage.  I said my goodbyes to my friend and went over and joined her.  The live music was really more of an open mike kinda thing.  But both of the performers were quite talented and engaged the audience in banter.  It was pretty enjoyable actually.

Shortly before midnight the guys put their guitars away.  I asked Qian what she wanted to do next and she told me she needed to go home (she lives in Hongdae).  I said okay and went to pay the tab and take a leak.  When I returned I asked her if she was ready and she told me she was going to stay awhile longer.  The implication being pretty clear she meant without me to cramp her style.  I’d noticed her eyeing one of the younger bucks in the joint.  So I said goodnight and left.  Yes, I thought it was pretty rude but then again I had no romantic expectations either.  I decided on my walk home that would be the last time I shared my company with her.  I figured the feeling was probably mutual so I didn’t expect to hear from her again.

And then today during my lunchtime sojourn I get a disconcerting Kakao message:

“John, it is Qian.  Maybe the police will ask you things about me. You just tell the truth and it is ok.”

My reaction was WTF?  So I asked “why would the police ask me about you?”

She responded: “I had some trouble with some guy.  But I’m ok”

I told her she needs to be more careful and she said “And I have to say what I did last Friday.  So I was in the bar with you. And they just wrote your number.  It is not related to you.  Anyway, sorry.”

As I was stewing over what that meant, she sends another message “you were there till you leave later.  They may ask you this.”

Well, that’s true of course.  I was there until I left.  Alone.

I asked her if she could tell me what happened.  She just said “it is ok.  I’m ok.  Sorry, don’t worry”.

So I have no idea what is going on.  Did she get raped?  Did she steal from some guy?  Something else totally off the wall?  Who knows.

I guess I’ll just count myself lucky that I left when I did.  I think this gal is nothing but trouble, and trouble is not what I’m looking for.





Another notch in my belt

Began the LCHF diet wearing a 42" belt.  Then I had to replace it with a 40" version.  Yesterday I bought a 38" belt for the first time in a long time.

Began the LCHF diet wearing a 42″ belt. Then I had to replace it with a 40″ version. Yesterday I bought a 38″ belt for the first time in a long time.

And a new pair of Levi’s with a 38″ waist as well.

At week 13 I’m 232.1.  That’s a mere 0.6 loss for the week.  Disappointing but not unexpected.  I believe my body has decided that this is the new normal and it is resisting my efforts to be less than the normal.  We’ll see who prevails.


I’m going to be sticking around working and living in Korea for another year anyway.  That should carry us through the move to Pyeongteak sometime next summer.  Then we’ll see what happens.  I’m still in a day-to-day mode for now.

To the extent I do look forward my intentions are to bank some cash so I’ll be prepared for whatever opportunity life might throw my way.  I’m on track to achieve financial independence from creditors by, well, Independence Day.

Things could be worse.

I get around

From Friday’s lunchtime jaunt around the Army base.

Part of the diet regimen involves walking PAST the food court rather than into it...

Part of the diet regimen involves walking PAST the food court rather than into it…

General Walton Walker suggested I go "thatta way"...

General Walton Walker suggested I go “thatta way”…

A tribute to the 8th Army service members who gave their lives in defense of freedom during the war...

A tribute to the 8th Army service members who gave their lives in defense of freedom during the war…

And a tribute to the ROKs and KATUSA's who stand shoulder to shoulder with US Forces to maintain peace on the peninsula...

And a tribute to the ROKs and KATUSA’s who stand shoulder to shoulder with US Forces to maintain peace on the peninsula today…

And this guy is apparently defending the Yongsan Garrison fire station...

And this guy is apparently defending the Yongsan Garrison fire station…

Yesterday I was around Namsan.

The hardest part of the hike was walking in the opposite direction.  Beer is the creator of the belly that must be destroyed.  Metaphorically speaking.

The hardest part of the hike was walking in the opposite direction. Beer is the creator of the belly that must be destroyed. Metaphorically speaking.

These are likely the only two lips I'll be enjoying...

These are likely the only two lips I’ll be enjoying…

Yesterday's big discovery was this actual drive-in theater.  Will wonders never cease?

Yesterday’s big discovery was this actual drive-in theater. Will wonders never cease?

I think they are saying "Dokdo is our land!"

I think they are saying “Dokdo is our land!”

Dissent will not be tolerated.

Dissent will not be tolerated.

I'm a sucker for Korean women with a heart of stone.  In my experience that is just about all of them...

I’m a sucker for Korean women with a heart of stone. In my experience that is just about all of them…

Damn, but that was a lot of steps...

Damn, but that was a lot of steps…

Now there's a sentiment that's hard to argue with...

Now there’s a sentiment that’s hard to argue with…

...and so I didn't...

…and so I didn’t…

In non-walk related news, I enjoyed helping Sung-Ha celebrate her 21st birthday.  She'll be leaving for Toronto next month for school.  Gonna miss her.

In non-walk related news, I enjoyed helping Sung-Ha celebrate her 21st birthday. She’ll be leaving for Toronto next month for school. Gonna miss her.

And now it is time to sayhike4

Steppin’ out

So I decided to pull a Kevin Kim and measure my daily walks in number of steps taken as opposed to time on the road.  This morning I downloaded a pedometer app on my phone and set about walking.

Today’s jaunt (Songtan to Osan AB bus stop, Yongsan Garrison to home, and to/from/along the Han riverside) amounted to 18,259 steps in 2 hours and 26 minutes.

Not a bad day’s work.  Now I need to step out for my dart match.