Yesterday’s consult with Dr. DeLeon went fine. She explained the basics of aortic stenosis and some of the ramifications of that diagnosis.

So anyway, Dr. DeLeon was being careful about not stepping out of her lane as a pulmonary specialist, saying the cardiologist I’m scheduled to see next week can better explain treatment options, medications, and the way ahead. She did render the judgment that this condition is the likely cause of my breathing difficulties. As I understood her explanation, the oxygenated blood from my lungs is restricted by the stenosis from entering the heart, creating a lung backup.

Aortic valve stenosis ranges from mild to severe. Symptoms generally occur when narrowing of the valve is severe. Some people with aortic valve stenosis may not have symptoms for many years.
Symptoms of aortic valve stenosis may include:
- An irregular heart sound (heart murmur) heard through a stethoscope
- Chest pain (angina) or tightness with activity
- Feeling faint or dizzy or fainting with activity
- Shortness of breath, especially with activity
- Fatigue, especially during times of increased activity
- Rapid, fluttering heartbeat (palpitations)
- Not eating enough (mainly in children with aortic valve stenosis)
- Not gaining enough weight (mainly in children with aortic valve stenosis)
Aortic valve stenosis may lead to heart failure. Heart failure symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, and swollen ankles and feet.
On the one hand, the only aortic valve stenosis symptoms I’ve experienced are shortness of breath and fatigue. On the other hand, I’ve had all of the heart failure symptoms listed above. We’ll see what the cardiologist has to say about that.
Another thing about Dr. DeLeon: she’s young, smart (obviously), and has a sense of humor. And apparently, she enjoys reading fiction. I cracked up when I saw this book on her desk:

So, I aim to make it until next Thursday and see what I need to do to keep things from worsening. I’m going to keep it mostly flat on my hikes and monitor my heart rate so I don’t exceed my 128 bpm limit. At least I have an excuse to wimp out of the climbs on Monday’s Hash. We’ll see.
But enough about my health. Let’s talk about John, from the Sushi and Steak place I like to eat. He is still in the hospital. He posted on Facebook asking if anyone had a wheelchair and a four-leg walker he could use. I messaged him that I’d be willing to help him acquire something if he hadn’t found anything yet. John responded that he had gotten what he needed, but his problem now was they wouldn’t release him from the hospital until his bill was paid. Yeah, that’s how it works in the Philippines. And, of course, the bill keeps going up for every day they keep him there. I couldn’t afford to foot the whole bill, but I told him I’d make a contribution. So, when I was done with my medical shit yesterday, I went to John’s place to leave some cash with his wife. She was very appreciative, as was John, so hopefully, he’ll be out and about again soon. Swan and my helper/caregiver, Teri, accompanied me to the restaurant, and we had an early dinner together.

Dr. DeLeon prescribed me five days’ worth of steroids to tide me over, and after dinner, Teri went to fetch them at the drugstore. Swan and I proceeded to It Doesn’t Matter for some liquid refreshments, and then we had a nightcap at The Green Room.
It’s good to be alive. Let’s see how long I can keep it going!
I saw this today and thought, hey that shoe fits:

Might as well wear it:

What would Kamala say?

But enough about politics, let’s watch today’s YouTube video. Our vlogger exposes what he considers “lies” about the Philippines. Well, he’s been here two years, and I’ve been here six. Opinions vary, and disagreeing with someone doesn’t make it a lie. But whatever, he likes the food; some do, and some don’t. I agree with him about the PI being relatively safe. I sure as hell wouldn’t walk through slum villages in the USA. I still appreciate hearing different perspectives.
And now for what I call humor:

Alright, sorry for today’s late posting. We went all the way out to San Antonio for the Friday group rainy-day hike. We got back home later than usual, which threw me off schedule. I decided to say fuck-off to Friday in town and just chill at the house tonight. Swan is making some burritos for our dining pleasure. We’ll eat downstairs. The Rite Spot is closed due to inclement weather. And life goes on!