Censorship in the ROK

It appears that the ROK government has once again taken a blunt intrument and applied it sqaurely upside the head of free speech. For the past several days expats using blogspot or typepad have had access to their blogs mysteriously blocked. The chief suspect is the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC). They pulled the same stunt last year in a futile attempt to keep the beheading of a Korean in Iraq from being viewed. It is unclear what the reasons for this current round of censorship are, but speculation seems to be growing that it has to d0 with Korea’s Independence Day celebrations. I guess I am so used to watching the leadership in this country kissing Kim, Jung Il’s ass that I didn’t think the fawning lovefest with the enlightend government up north would be cause for controversy.

Anyway, it sucks and it is pretty disgusting to see the government of a “free” country resort to such tactics. It is really a pathetic effort doomed to failure anyway, as most of us are still accessing our favorite blogs using a proxy server like unipeak (thanks to Nomad for showing me the way) to bypass the blocks KT and other ISPs have imposed. My original blog was on blogspot, but when I heard about last year’s outrage I purchased my own domain. Rest assured, LTG will not be silenced! (just in case I ever have anything of import to say here. Hey, it could happen!).

Although some folks appear to be apathetic regarding this outrage (absolutely no mention in the Korea media thus far) Kevin at BigHominid is poking the ROK goons with a big stick in a manner for which he is uniquely qualifed. Don’t miss this takedown, and keep scrolling to read all his posts on this topic. Of course, sometimes a picture can speak volumes, and this one captures my sentiments exactly….

I’m putting it on page 2 in order to avoid offending anyone with tender sensitivities…. Continue reading

Back in the ROK

Left New York City at 0800 Friday and touched down at Incheon at 1600 on Saturday. It was actually worse than that. I left my hotel at 0500 (after the 0400 wake-up call) which got me to JFK airport way earlier than I needed to be. Flight left the gate on time but we got in the back of the take-off queue so actually were running late by the time we were off the ground.

I figured there would be plenty of time for my connection in San Francisco but we didn’t land until 1230 local time and my flight to Korea left at 1300. As we pulled up to the gate the flight attendent announced that Incheon was departing from gate 92 in the International terminal. And that’s all she said. So I hoofed it through the airport and discovered to my dismay that I had to go through security to enter the International terminal. Fortunately the line was not very long, but doing the “taking of belt, shoes, watch, laptop out of the case and on the belt seperately” routine (and its reverse on the other side) took some time. When I finally made it to gate 92 the sign said “last call” and they were calling my name on the PA system.

The gate agent takes my ticket and asks “where have you been?”. I wasn’t a real happy camper at this point and I shared my opinion about the United’s short connection window and how screwed up it was to have to go through security again. He said we have a shuttle that brings passengers to the International terminal bypassing security. I said am I supposed to know that through osmosis? He responded we have “signage”. Well, I didn’t see any signs but it seems that would have been a good piece of information for the flight attendent to share when she announced the gate. Anyway I made the flight but didn’t get to do the duty free store or buy some comfort foods for the long trip across the Pacific.

The flight was uneventful (which is a good thing). I was seated next to a young Korean woman who was returning with a group of 50 Korean kids who had been visiting the USA. I was relieved that they were so well behaved because I was smack dab in the middle of them. The woman was exhausted and slept most of the flight. I couldn’t catch more than a couple of naps, maybe two hours total. I saw two movies “It must be love” with that Ashton Kutchner guy and “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. Neither was great, but they helped pass the time which I guess is the point. I also made it halfway through a book called “Skinny Dip” which I am enjoying.

I had a $70 AFFES cab ride home from the airport. Took a long hot shower and went into Itaewon to burn some energy. Ran into my buds Robert, Vance and Kelly at Sweet Caroline’s and we had some drinks before they headed off to Shooters for some live music. I wasn’t up for that so I went across the street to Dolce Vita and had a reunion with my pool league teammates. Seems they have been doing quite well in absence, winning all 3 of the matches I missed. I hope that was just a coincidence. Then I headed over to Bar Metro to play some pool and did alright considering I hadn’t played and was buzzed and tired. On the way back home I stopped off at Bar Episode for some darts. Got my clock cleaned by Jin Hee, one of the bar girls I chat with there. So it was midnight, I had been up about 30 hours and I got home and crashed hard.

Now its Sunday morning and I’m hoping I hear from Corine who I let use my car while I was gone. No food in the house so I need to hit the commissary today. Corine moved into her new apartment during my absence and I don’t have a phone number. So I’m kinda stuck unless she calls.

I had a great time in New York which I will post on later with some photos. I also want to post photos of Kevin and Lynn’s wedding, which was very nicely done. I don’t have any good photos from the wedding though, so I am waiting till they email me the professional pics.

So that pretty much catches you up on my journey home. I have a positive outlook as I begin my second six months in Korea. I am committed to making the most of my time here and I think the bumps and bruises I experienced during my first six months were the lessons learned as I adjusted to this new life. I’m going to try and get down to Busan over Labor Day weekend so I can get a taste of the second city. At least it is something to look forward to.

A great Korean blog

I find myself reading blogs from expats in Korea on a more regular basis. Here is a jewel I recently discovered called Scribblings of the Metropolitician. Great writing and photography.

I mention him here today because of a particularly thought provoking post on how women are used to sell consumer goods in Korea. My comment to that post explains how I am somewhat conflicted on the matter.

Anyway, it provides an unusual insight into life in Korea. Go have a read.

Six Months

Today marks six months in Korea. Coincidentally, it is also the day I leave for three weeks back in the states. I’ll be spending time with family in Virginia and South Carolina. My son is getting married next Saturday, and I will finally get to hold me granddaughter Gracyn. Yes, it will be good to be home again. I will also spend a week in NYC at a conference.

I’ve been reflecting some on my time here and lessons learned and all that. I am one quarter through a two year assignment now, and I believe I’m starting to make a life. I have my Wednesday night pool league and Friday poker nights. Work is challenging and if my performance rating is to be believed, my work is viewed as excellent.

Things aren’t too bad. I regret that I have let my blog whither on the vine, but it is not dead quite yet. I do have good intentions to get back to regular posting. Hopefully, this post will keep me in the “active” category, it would break my heart if the Nomad dropped me from his blogroll for lack of posting!

Anyway, I do think I have recaptured my positive outlook. I look forward to spending some quality time here at LTG in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for hanging in there.

Man, I am dreading my flight. I remember how I used to hate flying coast to coast, 5 hours stuck on a plane. Today I leave Incheon International at 1350, will land in San Francisco tomorrow morning, have a 3 hour layover, then on to DC arriving at 1940. That’s a long day. Good things waiting on the other side though, so I will tough it out (yeah, I’m spoiled and soft. 100 years ago it would have taken a week, and I guess coach accomadations on a steamer would not be much better than a small seat with no leg room).

By now you are surely thinkng: “Ah, he doesn’t write for weeks, then you can’t shut him up!” Well, you are in luck because pack I must (always the procrastinator!)

Back soon.

Party Time

I’m the first to admit that when it comes to photography I’m not particularly skilled. Mix in a few beers, and I take pictures like I play pool. But a promise is a promise, so here are some shots from the Independence Day gathering in my humble abode…..

Our primary purpose was to honor Old Glory. Here she hangs proudly from a balcony in Seoul. Many, many toasts were raised to our homeland far away….

My buddy Robert cutting the cheese….

Ribs on the grill. We had way too much food, I sent everyone home with hamburgers and other assorted leftovers….

“Sister”, Corine, and Mi Kwong sample the shrimp. Sister, Mi Kwong, and Mi Soon run Sweet Caroline’s, a bar most of the guests at this party frequent now and again (mostly again). I know Sister has a Korean name, but we never use it as she is the oldest. We call her sister as a term of respect

In a new twist on the traditional American 4th of July fare, Mi Soon has kimchi and bean paste with her baked potatoe (and eating on the floor Korean style)….

Jim explains to Mi Kwong and Corine what he would do if he could get his hands on Kim Jung Il’s neck. Or not.

Kelly works for the Public Affairs Office and was technically on duty. He came by to document our celebration (and eat) before heading back to post to photograph the Army band and fireworks display….

Robert was feeling like a lucky man….

Corine and Mi Soon demonstrate that the US-ROK alliance is as strong as ever….

Mi Kwong visits the designated smoking area. I threatened to send this photo to her mother, but when she told me that would not be a good thing I relented. Instead I am posting it on the Internet!

Somehow I failed to get a good picture of Vance. That’s him on the left. It was funny, we both were wearing the same Independence Day t-shirt (different colors). As he noted, when everyone buys their clothes at the PX we all have the same fashion sense….

Ok, here’s one of me with my “little brother” Robert.

Anyway, it was a fun time. It was nice hosting a houseful of soldiers for a little taste of America. Not the same as being home of course, but we did the best we could.

Independence Day

On this side of the world at least it is July 4th. I’m going to carry on the tradition of the Great American Cook-out in celebration of our nation’s birthday. Menu will be burgers and dogs, pork ribs and pork chops, baked potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, beans, salad, shrimp, pecan pie and ice cream. And lots of beer of course. Yeah, we are going to pig-out. It’s the American way.

Guests will be my military bar buddies, Robert, Kelly, and Vance; the three sisters from Sweet Caroline’s, and my new employee Corine. Hopefully I will remember to snap a few photos to share with you along the way.

And to all Americans wherever you might be, Happy Independence Day! Especially to our brave soldiers who are sacraficing so much in defense of our freedom. Thank you!

Up on the roof

Weather is starting to warm up, but it is still not uncomfortably hot. I keep my doors and windows open and thus far have not needed to use the A/C. The mosquitos are out however. I’ve killed a couple in the house, and woke up this morning with a bite on the belly. Got to keep the screens closed on the doors to the balcony….

Anyway, I’ve mentioned how I spend some time up on the roof. There’s a nice view up there and usually a good breeze. I take my chair, boombox, and cooler of beer up there and most days have the place all to myself. Here’s some photos I took a couple of weeks ago….

In other news, it appears that one of the bars I enjoyed visiting for a little pool and conversation has closed. No idea what happened to Lucky Strike, I was there Wednesday and everything was cool. But it has been closed all weekend, and bars do not close on weekends. There are lots of bars in Itaewon, but finding a comfortable place without Juicy girls, loud music, or big crowds is not so easy. I also enjoyed the company of Eun Ja, the barkeep. When it was quiet she would consent to kicking my ass at pool. I would reciprocate by beating her at chess.

And in case you are wondering, the answer is no. She just turned 30. And she has a boyfriend. In fact, she told me he is the jealous type and he asked her about me. Her response: “you mean that old guy?” Ouch.

Anyway, I will miss Lucky Strike.

Time for a post

And here it is. I’m doing alright. Nothing exciting to report, just moving forward with each passing day.

Work has been quite interesting lately. This week I participated in a mediation at the ROK National Labor Relations Commission during which a settlement was reached resolving a labor dispute with the Korean Employees Union. Bottom line, we have now avoided the possibility of a strike next month. Which is important because USFK relies heavily on our Korean workforce and while we had contingency plans in place, it would have been a lose-lose situation for all concerned. I have mentioned before how much I respect our Korean workers, but if I have failed to say how much I admire the professionalism of the KEU President, I have been remiss. I’ve been doing labor relations work for well over twenty years now, and Mr. Kang is the best I have seen. He is smart, savvy, and very effective. A genuinely nice man. He has the trust and respect of USFK leadership, and that has paid off for the KEU in ways that the rank and file may not see or understand. Anyway, he has been a pleasure to work.

Unfortunately, the leadership of the US union is the antithesis of KEU. I’ve been holding on to the hope that the problem was simply lack of experience and that with time I would see a more mature approach to maintaining positive labor-management relationships. I’m starting to realize that instead we have someone who is not only completely clueless but also unreasonable and intransigent. He is rapidly burning up the good will of the people who are in a position to really ensure that the US workforce interests are served. The things that management can provide at its discretion are much greater than what is available through collective bargaining, at least in the Federal sector. It is foolish to trash the relationship over petty complaints that are entirely without merit. Well, I can play the game either way, and it looks like we will be doing it the hard way for awhile. The upshot of this is that I am preparing for an arbitration hearing on an issue that the union has little or no hope of prevailing. We will spend lots of time , effort and money to reach the result the union should already know, especially if they would take the time to read how the courts have ruled countless times. This is the first time in anyone’s memory that we have had an arbitration hearing on the peninsula. And it is completely pointless. Alas.

In my personal life I am just filling time these days. Last night my Air Force buddy Jeff called and interrupted a game of CIV so we could meet a Caroline’s for a couple of beers. We wound up playing darts. I can’t remember the last time I’ve tried to hit a dart board, but it has probably been over 20 years ago. I assumed my darts would be worse than my pool, but surprisingly I played pretty well. Not well enough to win (Jeff is really good), but most of the time it came down to who got the last bullseye first. I really enjoyed myself and I’m thinking with some practice I might actually be a decent player. Although practice has not done much for my pool game yet, and league play starts again next month.

And that’s about it from here.

A taste of home

Well the cook-out went well. Everything came out tasting good, except the garlic bread which I forgot about until it was burned beyond edibility. Well, that happens. Preparing a big meal solo was a bigger challenge that I imagined. Timing is key and it was touch and go there for a while as I juggled the grill, the stove, conversation, and bottle(s) of beer. I guess the bread was a small sacrafice, it could have been the steaks.

Anyway, it was the first social event I have hosted in Korea. Back home we would do this on a regular basis throughout the summer. So in addition to the food (t-bones, sweet taters, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans, and apple pie) I was reminded of summer nights in Virginia, sitting on the deck and watching the fireflies dance.

Doing better

Just wanted to let everyone know I am doing better. Thanks to all for the kind words and support.

Lots of stuff happening at work and that is keeping it all very interesting. Nothing I can talk about here, but I am enjoying my work more these days.

In the non-work life there is not much to report. I got drafted to play in the Itaewon pool league. Which if you have seen me play pool would make you laugh. Seems a warm body that can’t shoot straight is better than a forfeit, although I’m not convinced. I played in my first match Wednesday night against Seoul Pub. Of course, I got soundly beaten but I accomplished my goal of not totally embarassing myself. Although I missed some shots I should have made, I never missed the ball I was shooting at, and that happens pretty frequently in my practice games. The guy I was playing was like the team captain for Seoul Pub and he was mercifully quick at cleaning my clock. Ok, I only had 3 balls on the table when he dispatched me (although he inadvertantly holed one of mine). Anyway, it was nice to meet some new people and I have continued to practice. I am slightly improved, but have a long way to go.

I invited my friends from Sweet Caroline’s over for a good ol’ All-American cookout Monday evening (only time everyone is off work, seems not all soldiers get weekends off, go figure). I’m looking forward to that. Menu: T-bone steaks, cobbed corn, sweet taters, beans, and salad. For entertainment I am going to show Team America: World Police. Sounds like fun, eh?

Motor Show

Well, I learn from one of my favorite Korea blogs (The Lost Nomad)that the Seoul car show is (or was) happening this week. I have maybe been to one of these shows once many years ago in California. I must say that some of this year’s models are looking mighty fine indeed. I’ll post one example, but you really need to go here to see them all……….

Three sides to every story…

Don Henley wrote in his song “It’s a Long Way Home”:

Oh it’s cold and lonley here
Here in this telephone booth
There’s three sides to every story darlin’
There’s yours and there’s mine and the cold hard truth…

Which is really the point of this editorial in the Korea Times. An excerpt:

Some Koreans object to the U.S. military presence because they feel American bases get a great deal on Korean land and the Korean government pays astronomical levels for troops here. Aspects of this might be true, but the U.S. has greatly helped develop Korea’s economy to internationally astronomical levels. Yes, the Korean government spends a significant amount on defense, but if the Koreans could not have relied on the Americans here then more military spending would have been necessary. If so, either Korea would not have had the required funds to develop their economic standing rapidly, or each Korean would have had a lot less disposable income as they would have had to pay more taxes. Granted, Koreans can be considered diligent workers and can be proud of helping their society’s advancement, but large degrees of the level of development in Korea and the level of affluence among Koreans is indirectly a result of America’s presence.

In addition, U.S. soldiers stationed here have paid a human emotional cost by being away from their loved ones. If people feel Americans do not pay enough for their bases or other costs, these same people should take a sobering stroll around the War Memorial and as they see the names of the multitude of dead U.S. and U.N. soldiers they should remember that freedom is not free. All of this is to protect Korea from a crazed regime in North Korea.

In all honesty, I have not encountered any overt anti-Americanism from anyone I have met during my short time in Korea. In fact, the opposite has been true. But like anywhere else, there are going to be people who don’t like you or resent the fact that you are occupying some prime real estate in their country. Regardless of the fact that your whole reason for being here is to defend that real estate.

It is unfortunate that the relatively few incidents involving bad conduct of USFK personnel get blown out of proportion in the Korean media, but you know I suspect the US press would do the same thing. Hell, they are masters at ignoring all the good news in Iraq while every roadside bomb is worthy of headlines.

Anyway, the editiorial presents some balance and that is a good thing. There is some tension between the US and ROK governments right now on how to deal with the NORKs and how to fund our presence here, but I honestly believe that the vast majority of the Korean people do in fact appreciate what we have done and are doing and respect the sacrafices we are making in their defense.


Sorry folks. I vegatated this weekend. Nothing exciting to write about in my life and just not motivated to post on current events.

Tonight I must and shall write.

Otherwise, I am doing just fine. Busy at work and I expect to be busier. I have a new employee coming on board in a few weeks, and I am looking forward to that. I was very lucky to find a talented individual who is excited about coming to work in Korea. I’ve known this person for several years and I know she’ll be a good fit.

Alright, I’m off to work.

Gyeongbokgung Palace

I ventured out to a new part of town yesterday and took a stroll through grounds of Gyeongbokgung Palace. Well, the rebuilt palace. The Japanese destroyed it the first time in the 1500s, and again during thier occupation of Korea circa 1910-45. Still, you could get a sense of how glorious it once was. I was amazed at the size, courtyard after courtyard. And it always seems strange to find an oasis in the urban sprawl that is Seoul.

Anyway, I got a few pics before my camera batteries died:

The point is the place is huge. I’m not sure this captures that, but its the best I could do.

This is where I came in. I liked how the backdrop is mountains, when I just walked in from a skyscraper jungle.

As I arrived there was a traditional Palace guard reenactment going on….

After purchasing a ticket for 3000 Won (US $3.), I entered through this main gate…..

….and into this courtyard….

Looking back towards the main gate you can get a sense of the size of the courtyard and the urban setting.

You could only go inside one building, but there was not much to see. I think the first shot is of a sleeping area. And then I tried to capture the ornately painted ceiling…oh well. Hardly worth taking my shoes off for.

Moving on to the next courtyard was this little garden area…

And this pond….

and this cute child….

and these birds. Cahchee or Cagee or something like that. I want to get a better picture because they caught my interest my first day here. Pretty large for a songbird. I understand if you hear them in the moring they are bringing luck…

I was getting thirsty. The concession stand didn’t have diet coke, so I settled for an ice cold Pocari Sweat. Tasted like Gatorade.

This is the Korean folk musuem. I didn’t make it inside. Just too nice out.

A statue garden. These are found on Jeju island, off the southern tip of Korea. I hope to visit there later this year.

And that’s as far as my batteries took me. After I left the palace, I walked over to a shopping district called Insa-dong. They had some sort of festival going on, streets closed to cars and music and vendors. It was pretty nice, especially after tawdry Itaewon.

So there you have my Sunday in Seoul.

The Grand Ole Opry

Right here in Itaewon. Yes, tonight I ventured up the infamous “alley” and visited a country bar called, yep, the Grand Ole Opry.

It was a dive in the fine country bar traditon. Antlers and all. It reminded me of some of the honky tonks I would frequent when I lived in Oklahoma. It was bad, but in a weird kind of way it felt good to be there. A taste of home.

Beers are cheap too (2500 Won, most places are 4-5000). And the bar girls are the fattest, most disgusting looking Koreans I’ve seen since I’ve been here. Yep, it was pure country in the truest sense.

Tell you what though, I saw a couple of Koreans doing some pretty impressive Country Swing dancing. I think I’m pretty fair at it, but these people rocked. And you had your American cowboys (or wanna be’s), hat, boots, and all. Pretty interesting crowd. I just sat there and soaked up the atmosphere, watched the people, and drank cheap beer. Hey, I’ve had worse nights.

God Bless America. Even in the dingy outposts of Korea.

A walk in the park

Yesterday I ventured out to Yeouido park for the cherry blossom festival. It was quite interesting. Seoul has nearly 13 million inhabitants, and at times is seemed like the majority of them joined me at Yeouido. The blossoms were already a couple of days past peak, but they were still beautiful of course. The setting was not as pretty as the tidal basin in DC, but it still reminded me of springtime back home.

Another thing that was different was that out of the thousands of people that were there, I saw maybe two foriegners. It was a strange feeling as I have grown accustomed to seeing western faces in the crowd in Itaewon. No one bothered me of course, although it seemed like I was being stared at sometimes (or maybe I’m just a little paranoid). Anyway, it was a good day to be out and walking about. Plenty warm, although a little overcast. Last night we had a big thunderstorm. Loudest thunder I’ve heard in quite sometime, it woke me from a deep sleep. I was disoriented at first, and thought it was an explosion. Didn’t know if the NORKs had decided on a pre-emptive strike or what, so I was relieved when I saw the next flash of lightning.

Alright, here’s some photos from the day:

As I said it was crowded (not unlike DC at cherry blossom time). I don’t do well in crowds, so I moved off this sidewalk after a very short time.

I liked the contrast of the gaenalee flowers with the cherry blossoms.

I had to escape the crowded sidewalk, and found this little park-like area. It was nice to see regular Koreans enjoying a Sunday afternoon.

I sat on a bench for awhile and saw this cute little girl running around. When she finally stopped for a minute I snuck taking this picture. Made me think of my little granddaughter Gracyn who is going to be born in about 3 weeks.

Moving on, I encountered this Magnolia tree (called monjoun here). Again, a few days past peak blooms, but still quite impressive.

I spent a few minutes listening to some Korean music. I was pretty far from the stage and in the midst of a large crowd, so I moved on pretty quick. I don’t like crowds generally, and it was just so strange to be the only person who looked and talked like me. Still, I was able to see over everyone’s head, so that was an advantage.

I believe this is the ROK National Assembly building. I thought it looked pretty cool from this perspective.

So, I moseyed on down to the riverside. Bought a couple of boiled eggs, a bag of chips, and a soft drink and sat by the river to enjoy my snack.

I bought the eggs because I at least recognized what they were. If I am not mistaken, this local delicacy is silkworms. Yum! (not).

So I walked along the river for quite awhile, then crossed the bridge and headed home. It was a good day all in all. Certainly better than sitting at a bar….

Namsan Photos

UPDATE 2: Ok, couldn’t figure it out with Picasa, but the HP Photo Imaging had a resize feature, so I think I have the photos up now…..

UPDATE: Hmm, the photos are too large for my template so I have had to remove them for now. Anyone know how to shrink photos to fit?

Well, it turns out I just knocked my memory card loose, so I was able to salvage the photos of yesterday’s hike. Not that they are anything to write home about, but then, that’s exactly what I’m doing. My photography does not do justice to the beauty of the day, but for what its worth, here are some shots….

I don’t read Hangul too well, this MIGHT say welcome to Namsan Park or maybe it means “Yankee Go Home”. Or not.

Seoul Tower, my destination. It was closed for renovation so I could not ride to the top. It reopens in October, so I’ll be back….

Lots of interesting concessions at the top of the mountain. Here we have an assortment of dried fish, squid, and what I think might be octopus. I was not hungry, but it did look tasty, don’t you think?

A view from the top……

What was cool was that from any direction you looked, Seoul spread out before you in all her glory…..

One more vantage point. After winding my way up the mountain, I lost all sense of direction so I don’t know what compass point this would be, but the point is Namsan is an island of serenity amongs the urban sprawl. Quite impressive really.

All along the crest of the mountain are these old fortifications. As many times as Seoul has been conquered and reconquered I can’t say they were as an effective defensive as they appeared, Reminded me a little of the old city walls in Istanbul, only smaller….

I came down the mountain using the road as opposed to the trail I took going most of the way up, and at the bottom is the National Theatre. The marquee indicated some type of traditional folk dancing show would be taking place, but in the afternoon lots of folks were roller blading on the promenade.

In front of the theatre was this statue which I understand represents the celebration of Korea’s independence. I assume from Japanese occupation in 1945, but I’m not too clear on that point.

So I wasn’t sure which direction to go to get back home from the theatre, I just went with instinct and figured worse case I would catch a cab home. Came upon this sign which sounded so final I almost turned back. My instincts proved correct however, and I found my way back to Hannam-dong with no difficulty.

Alright, there you have photographic evidence of my best adventure so far. I’m going to see about a tour of some points south through the USO next month. I figure I just about have enough confidence now to expand my admittedly limited boundaries. We shall see.

Good day

Today turned out spectacular weather wise. I did the hike up Namsan to the Seoul tower and it was fantastic. The cherry blossoms are not in bloom yet, but they have buds, so maybe next week. The magnolia trees are in blossom and so is the gae-na-lee (yellow flower bushes) and gin-da-ley (purple flowers). I spelled those names phonetically, at least as best I can tell. Some great vistas, pine scented air, and a very exhilarating walk. I took some great photos too. Then I dropped my camera, the batteries fell out, and apparently everything in memory disappeared. I’m not real happy about that obviously, but I do plan on going back once the cherry tree blossoms appear, so I will take more then. If you want to get some idea, you can check out the photos taken by Kevin of Big Hominid when hiked up there last week (keep scrolling down from the food section to get to the Namsan pics).

For the first time I really got some perspective on just how big Seoul really is. Namsan (meaning Nam Mountain) is surrounded on all sides by the urban sprawl of this city of 13 million. It had rained all day yesterday, so today was about as clear as I have ever seen the air here. Seoul is surrounded by mountains, and it was all quite beautiful from my lofty perch above the city. And to be in this natural wooded area surround by the massive city was quite the juxtaposition. It was probably my best day in Korea. It just felt good to be out amongst the people soaking up the sunshine and fresh air.

I was disappointed to find the Seoul Tower closed for renovations (it won’t reopen to the public until October), but the view from the top of Namsan was well worth the hike. I think it will be a regular thing for me to do on nice days.

Once I got back to Itaewon I treated myself to dinner at Pancho’s Mexican restaurant. I had low expectations, but it turned out to be quite good. Chicken enchiladas (of course), a bit pricey at 10,000 WON but it was nice to have a taste of “home”.

As I was walking back to my villa I saw a street vendor selling DVDs. And he had Team America: World Police! And for another 10,000 WON it is mine. Just finished watching it and it was almost as funny as it was last summer in the theatre.

So, all in all a great day. And other than the beer I drank at Pancho’s with dinner, I was “bar free” today. I am sorry about the pictures, but they would not have done justice to the natural beauty I experienced on my hike.

Rainy day blues….

It has been raining all day here. I don’t understand how it can be so perfect all week long and then suck on the weekend. Well, I do understand how, but I don’t like it much. I am planning on hiking up Namsan tomorrow, weather permitting. My contingency plan is to visit the Korean War Museum.

Last night I was bad. I have been scoping out some alternatives to Sweet Caroline’s. Nothing wrong with SC’s, its just a little too much same old, same old. I immediately reject any bar where women push drinks, which is probably half the bars in town. I found a couple of good places last night, and wound up playing pool with a guy named Stephan from Germany. I realized that it has been years since I shot pool. At least before I started wearing bifocals. I don’t know if it was the beer or my glasses, but I played horribly. Embarassing ass kicking over and over. The worse I played the more I drank and I of course kept playing worse.

Anyway, came home inebritated and I really hate ODing like that. Wound up on the floor in the bathroom hugging the toilet. It was not a pretty site.

So today I have just chilled for the most part. Ran a couple of errands and bought groceries. Watched TV and napped.

From now on my motto is: Everything in moderation. Really, I mean it.