Well, Labor Day weekend was for me at least. Nice little road trip to the East Sea of Korea. Half the fun was getting there. Let’s ride!

It’s always sweet to live the hustle bustle of the city behind…

Once you hit Route 6 you can’t go wrong…

When you travel through the mountains in Korea, you travel through the mountains.

You can’t spend much time on the highway without taking a break for some Korean noodles. Well, I can. But I’m not Korean.

Did I mention there were tunnels?

And some nice two lane blacktop…

Arrive safely in Gangnuem where we booked a room in this comfortable place for 50,000 Won.

And enjoyed ocean views like this…

…and this.

The room was small but functional and comfortable.

Sharing the morning coffee with a butterfly…or is that a moth?

A rainy morning on the beach was actually quite pleasant…
And now I’m back safe and sound in the city…