At the bus stop in Itaewon

Down on Main Street, er, Itaewonno Blvd.

Ok, where’s the damn bus…

…ah, here it comes

Woo hoo! A seat for everyone!

My tour guide (girl friend) suggested we switch to the subway…

Alright, this is where we are, now to get to where we are going

Maybe we CAN get there from here!

Here come da train!

Restless riders

After another short bus ride we reach Uidong…

The temple is up the mountain and we are going to join the hikers…

But first we’ll have some lunch at an outdoor cafe and enjoy the springtime flowers…

…and the view from our table

Meat on the grill…

…sides on the table.

We enjoyed this gurgling stream on the way up Bukhansan…

…and the blossoms just past their peak

Eventually we made it to the temple gate…

Even statues love flowers I suppose


A better photographer would have found a more pleasing way to capture what was really a very nice view…

The lanterns were nice too

Colorful architecture

Didn’t want to stand to close to this one for fear that I’d get my belly rubbed too…

I think this is kinda like a wheel of fortune, but what do I know…
Anyway, my girlfriend was there to worship and I’m also uncomfortable taking photos of the Buddha while folks are being reverent, so this is all she wrote.
Hiked back down the mountain (much easier that way!), lined up for the bus in Uido and reversed our trek.
And so ends today’s journey down memory lane.