Sunday afternoon found me on the familiar streets of Itaewon, albeit somewhat earlier than I normally arrive. The occasion was a lunch meeting with the esteemed Kevin Kim of Big Hominid fame. Kevin did a nice write up of Mannimals, our chosen dining venue to satiate our hunger for wood fired barbecue. Go have a read about it, then hurry on back!.
As I awaited Kevin’s arrival at our designated meeting place (Hamilton Hotel) I heard some amplified shouting in what I assume was Arabic. It had a familiar ring about it given the years I spent living in close proximity to the Seoul Mosque. Sure enough, along came a mob parade of Muslim folk down the main drag of Itaewon. As the car with the loudspeaker affixed to the roof approached, there was an announcement that the march was not a protest, rather it was all about honoring the Prophet on the occasion of his birthday.

Kevin did some research and found that Sunday was not in fact the recognized birthday of Mohammed. But there is no question that is what was being celebrated if the banner is to be believed.
Anyway, they all seemed peaceful enough. My snarky comments above notwithstanding, I do try and be respectful of all faiths, but I truly do have issues with a religion that condones honor killings, stoning rape victims, and murdering homosexuals. Maybe I’m just old fashioned that way. And while I get the fact that not all Muslims hold such beliefs, a sizable percentage do if the recent Pew poll is to be believed. Regardless, I would have been much more receptive if this march was in protest of the heinous acts being perpetuated in the name Islam. I was though surprised to see just how many Muslims were out in Itaewon, I reckon they numbered 200 or more, all adult males. I guess the burka clad women-folk aren’t permitted to engage public displays of affection.
Anyway, after the meal we strolled out Haebangchon way and then said our farewells at the entrance to the Noksapyeong subway station. It was still too early to quench my thirst at my regular watering hole (Shenanigans), so I meandered over to Dillinger’s which also was not as yet open for business. Tried Seoul Pub unsuccessfully as well, before winding up a Scrooge Pub.
I’m far from a regular there, but the barkeep knew me by name which is always nice. As I enjoyed a frosty mug of draft beer, one of the Filipinos who plays for Scrooge in dart league invited me up to the rooftop…

…where preparations for a celebration of the team’s championship were in full swing. And no Filipino gathering is complete without Lechon.
I didn’t stick around for the party (nor I suspect were any of the Muslim marchers in attendance) but the pig came out looking like this:
I got around to drinking some beers at Shenanigans before heading home. Then drank some more there after work yesterday. And that’s just about all I’ve managed to accomplish of late it seems.