Ok, we all remember the ’80s with the big hair and over-the-top music videos, right?
This remix of the Bonnie Tyler classic is hilarious. Hope you enjoy as much as I did…
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Ok, we all remember the ’80s with the big hair and over-the-top music videos, right?
This remix of the Bonnie Tyler classic is hilarious. Hope you enjoy as much as I did…
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For your enjoyment:
Thanks to Chris Muir (of Day by Day fame).
Well, President Obama really gave it to the the North Koreans:
One day after North Korea launched a successful test of a nuclear weapon, President Obama said that the United States was prepared to respond to the threat with “the strongest possible adjectives.”In remarks to reporters at the White House, Mr. Obama said that North Korea should fear the “full force and might of the United States’ arsenal of adjectives” and called the missile test “reckless, reprehensible, objectionable, senseless, egregious and condemnable.”Standing at the President’s side, Vice President Joseph Biden weighed in with some tough adjectives of his own, branding North Korean President Kim Jong-Il “totally wack and illin’.”Later in the day, Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the North Korean nuclear test “supercilious and jejune,” leading some in diplomatic circles to worry that the U.S. might be running out of appropriate adjectives with which to craft its response.But President Obama attempted to calm those fears, saying that the United States was prepared to “scour the thesaurus” to come up with additional adjectives and was “prepared to use adverbs” if necessary.“Let’s be clear: we are not taking adverbs off the table,” Mr. Obama said. “If the need arises, we will use them forcefully, aggressively, swiftly, overwhelmingly and commandingly.”
I say go for it! Tell Mr. Kim one more false step and we will throw the book at him.
As for me, I’m taking action as well: Ashes and scorn and vomit on you, Mr. Kim, Jong Il!
You don’t want to mess with masters of the carefully crafted invective!
Thanks to Andy Borowitz for giving me a good hearty laugh.
Brought to you by Dokdo is Ours.
And no, it does not look remotely familiar, thank you very much.
Here’s a commercial from Great Britain you won’t want to miss. I promise.
I just saw on the news that getting screened for cancer is a leading cause of discovering that you had cancer…
Prague’s Franz Kafka International Named World’s Most Alienating Airport” />
I would never sit in the subway seats reserved for the elderly and I would offer up my seat to an ajumma without being asked regardless. Good manners are appropriate in any country, but you don’t want to be rude in Korea. Unless you are driving. Or walking on the sidewalk. Or waiting in queue. Come to think of it, maybe those reserved seats are the last vestiage of civility in Korea. Oh well, I thought this video was kinda funny:
(Sorry, until I can figure out why I am unable to imbed YouTube, you will have to click this link)
Hat Tip: On My Way To Korea
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Commenter Frank asked for something funny the other day. As it is always may aim to please, I offer these tidbits from the real world…
Ah, the joys of good ‘ol Southern livin’…
I spent a few years in both Arkansas and South Carolina. I’ve had neighbors like good ‘ol boy Steve. Here he is again havin’ a little trouble with the missus (and the law).
Heh, almost makes me homesick.
Well, if their television commercials are any indication, Denmark is clearly an advanced society. (and if I am misreading and this isn’t Danish (and I don’t mean pastry), well then feel free to have a laugh at my expense as well.
Enjoy (but probably not at work!). Unless you are in Denmark that is. Er, I guess if you were in Denmark you would see it on TV. Ah well, here it is:
Going through some of my email archives and came across this:
1. Save The Whales. Collect The Whole Set.
2. A Day Without Sunshine is Like, Night.
3. On The Other Hand, You Have Different Fingers..
4. I Just Got Lost In Thought. It Wasn’t Familiar Territory.
5. 42.7% Of All Statistics Are Made Up On The Spot.
6. Light Travels Faster Than Sound, Which Is Why Some People Appear
Bright Until You Hear Them Speak.
7. I Feel Like I’m Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe.
8. Honk If You Love Peace And Quiet.
9. Remember, Half The People You Know Are Below Average.
10. He Who Laughs Last, Thinks Slowest.
11. Depression Is Merely Anger Without Enthusiasm.
12. The Early Bird May Get The Worm, But The Second Mouse Gets The
13. I Drive Way Too Fast To Worry About Cholesterol.
14. Support Bacteria. They’re The Only Culture Some People Have.
15. Monday Is An Awful Way To Spend 1/7 Of Your Week.
16. A Clear Conscience Is Usually The Sign Of A Bad Memory.
17. Change Is Inevitable, Except From Vending Machines.
18. Get A New Car For Your Spouse. It’ll Be A Great Trade!
19. Plan To Be Spontaneous Tomorrow.
20. Always Try To Be Modest, And Be Proud Of It!
21. If You Think Nobody Cares, Try Missing A Couple Of Payments.
22. How Many Of You Believe In Psycho-Kinesis? Raise My Hand.
23 . Ok,…. So What’s The Speed Of Dark?
24. How Do You Tell When You’re Out Of Invisible Ink?
25. If Everything Seems To Be Going Well, You Have Obviously Overlooked
26. When Everything Is Coming Your Way, You’re In The Wrong Lane.
27. Hard Work May Pay Off In The Future. Laziness Pays Off Now.
28. Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
29. If Barbie Is So Popular, Why Do You Have To Buy Her Friends?
30. How Much Deeper Would The Ocean Be Without Sponges?
31. Eagles May Soar, But Weasels Do Not Get Sucked Into Jet Engines.
32. What Happens If You Get Scared Half To Death Twice?
33. I Used To Have An Open Mind But My Brains Kept Falling Out.
34. I Couldn’t Repair Your Brakes, So I Made Your Horn Louder.
35. Why Do Psychics Have To Ask You For Your Name?
36. Inside Every Older Person Is A Younger Person Wondering What
37. Just Remember – If The World Did Not Suck, We Would All Fall Off.
I’m thinking after my previous post I should reassure the world that I have not lost my sense of humor. Which is a good thing seeing as how often my life feels like a joke. Ha Ha!
A Scotsman, an Englishman, and an Irishman are playing darts at Dolce Vita in Itaewon (you guys know who you are, so I won’t mention any names…).
“Y’know” said the Scotsman, “I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there’s a wonderful little bar called McTavish’s. The landlord there goes out of his way for the locals, so much that when you buy 4 drinks he’ll buy the 5th drink for you.”
“Well,” said the Englishman, “at my local, the Red Lion, the barman there will buy your 3rd drink after you buy the first 2.”
“Ahhhhh, that’s nothing, laddies,” said the Irishman.
“Back home in me own Dublin, there’s Ryan’s Bar. Now, the moment you set foot in the place they’ll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like. Then, when, when you’ve had enough drinks, they’ll take you upstairs and see that you get laid. All on the house.”
The Englishman and Scotsman immediately scorn the Irishman’s claims. But he swears every word is true.
“Well,” said the Englishman, “did this actually happen to you?”
“Not to me meself, personally, no,” said the Irishman… “but it did happen to me sister.”
I don’t care much for the ‘boys, and really don’t care who wins the Super Bowl. But this fan’s reaction to the Giants upset of Dallas has to be seen to be believed…
Now and again I come across a commercial that strikes my fancy. I mean if you gotta sit through the damn things, at least you should be entertained, right? A unique idea, interesting locations, good photography, wit and/or humor, and of course sex are all ingredients of a successful advertisement. It is rare indeed when all of these elements come together in a single ad. So, kudos to the folks at Scruff’s Hardwear, manufacturers of construction clothing in the UK, for this outstanding commercial.
Pretty well done, eh? Gotta hand it to the Brits on this one.
But, you may have noticed I tagged this post in the “humor” and “politics” category. If you are wondering why, I’m glad you asked. It seems that the attractive blonde woman in the first vignette went on to become an English teacher at an academy in Manchester. At least until some of her students recognized her from her work in television. She is currently under suspension while the school board decides her future at their institution of enlightenment. You can read about it here. Pretty f’d up in my view.
Speaking of ads, here’s a photo of a Target billboard in Times Square.
Believe it or not, this innocuous advertisement has the feminists loudly complaining that the model’s placement “objectifies” women. Umm, I don’t see that, do you? Amy Alkon has a good post on this subject that shines a bright light on the ignorance of our would-be liberal overseers.
As a commenter on Ms. Alkon’s blog notes:
I’m sure it’s a great comfort to the women in jail in the Middle East for the “crime” of being raped that Western feminists care so deeply about the placement of a well-paid, fully dressed model on a corporate billboard.
I was depressed last night so I called Lifeline.
Got a call center in Pakistan.
I told them I was suicidal.
They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.
This is pretty damn funny. The website is in Portuguese, but I’m sure anyone smart enough to read LTG will be able to figure out that you put your first name in the first block and your last name in the second block. The other blocks are optional.
Most likely my visitors from Korea have already seen this video clip. But for those of you who have not, go have a look! This is hilarious on so many levels. Even if you haven’t actually lived here it will make you laugh. But for those of us who have had the good fortune (and I mean that sincerely) to observe Korean society up close and personal its killer funny.
So say I and so it must be.
Hat Tip: Occidentalism