And now I’m running dry

The heat wave continues. It was 45 last week, and I thought that was a killer. Little did I know Mother Nature was just warming up…

Yesterday morning, my fellow Hares (Pubic Head and Buddy Fucker) and I marked today’s Hash trail. It’s about 8K with one moderately easy hill climb, but damn, I don’t recall ever being as tired as I was when we finished. The heat really does suck you dry. I usually drink half a bottle of water (or less) during a hike, but yesterday I finished two. It’s every bit as hot today, maybe hotter (I was dripping wet after the morning dog walk) so I hope my fellow Hashers take care on the trail. We didn’t build in a short version, but today, I will walk the portion after the hill and invite any folks inclined to shortcut to join me.

I saw this graffiti on our trail and thought it was an excellent definition of “HOPE.”
My fellow Hares doing their magic
Chalk marks on the tree with an arrow and a 99 (this is run #1599)
A cookie delivery along the way
I take pride in a well-marked trail. Hopefully, no one gets lost today.
A scenic view from our trail
And then these two guys walked by with their cocks out.
The long and straight of it
As hot as it was, this felt like a bridge too far.
The watering hole. Or an algae farm. One of those.
A nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.
A dicey bridge crossing
And another
And another one bites the dust. I’ll always pause at these funeral banners to check the age at the time of passing. Disconcertingly, as in this case, more than half are younger than me.
We finally arrived at the On-Home venue, the One Three Resort. It was good to rehydrate with something other than water.
The view from our perch at the bar
All three of us enjoyed the Monte Cristo sandwich for our hard-earned lunch.
Today’s Hash will start with a Jeepney ride to the far side of Subic and then a hot walk back to the On-Home.

I took a nap when I got home, did my blogging duty, then showered up and headed out for the feeding at Hideaway.

Enjoy your meal, girls.

And in keeping with my custom, after Hideaway I hit the beach.

A good place to be on a hot day
Awaiting my ride to the floating bar. Swan joined me there.
The sun hid behind those clouds, so there was not much of a sunset to see yesterday.

Once again, the bay waters were very choppy, and the floater was really rocking. Swan and I were both feeling a tad queasy by the time we left. One group boarded and then left almost immediately because it was so rough. In just a few more weeks, the floating bars will be put in storage for the stormy season. I’ll need to find a new Sunday evening diversion. I’m thinking I’ll make it dinner at John’s night. We’ll see.

We had our nightcap at It Doesn’t Matter, but it was pretty boring, so we headed home even earlier than normal. I’m just glad to be alive.

Speaking of which, the diarrhea issue has moderated somewhat–from pure liquid to liquid with chunks. Also, I have regained the ability to fart without leakage. Swan had the can of air freshener working hard last night. So, now I need to figure out what’s up with this:

There is some weird, itchy rash on my back. I wonder if it is heat related?

Facebook memories says that six years ago I was having a swell time at Shenanigans in Itaewon:

What’s not to like? Sadly, the gal directly behind me, Sohee, took her own life a couple of years later. Still makes me sad to think about.

To the Quora Q&A then:

Q: How do I deal with my boyfriend not being able to keep a job? He has been fired from all 4 jobs he has had, 2 of which I got for him. He has also lied to me about being fired every time.

A: Have you considered getting a new boyfriend?

Yep, the old answer a question with a question routine.

A couple of funnies before I go:

Do bears shit in the woods?
I’m going to need to mediate on that one.

So, it’s time to get myself together for the journey back to the Hash trail starting point to offer some words of wisdom to the Hashers and guide the shortcutters to their trail. I’ll let you know how it all goes tomorrow.

Hash browns

Well, technically, it is the sun that browns, but doing the Hash in this fucking heat certainly helps to darken the skin.

Nothing like having some fun in the sun!

So, naturally, I did the short trail yesterday, hoofing it from the VFW to the On-Home at Tiny Cunt’s house at the end of Rizal Extension. That was blissfully only 3+K, but it did feature two moderately long climbs. My walking fun wasn’t done yet, though. I had a few beers after the hike and before the Hash Circle commenced, then departed and walked the 3K to It Doesn’t Matter. At least it was all downhill. I’d rather walk (mostly) sober in daylight than try to find a way back to town in the dark. Anyway, another Hash I lived to tell about, so here goes:

The short trail folks met up at the VFW (that’s the Hare, Tiny Cunt, on the right). The long trail began on Rizal Extension.
And we are On-On!
These guys are retreating from a wrong turn
Let the climbing begin!
Heading up through some hillside shanties
This was the first time we’d seen Gasman on trail in several months (he’d been injured in a motorcycle crash)
It was much more pleasant hiking in the shade
On up!
I was huffin’ and puffin’, but for some reason, I wasn’t at the back of the pack yesterday like I usually am.
Resting in the shade of a lean-to
Looking down on Barrio Barretto
Ready for action!
My Easter Mountain shot
The trail took me by the mountain family’s place. Onelia celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday, so I slipped her a gift of 500 pesos—and cookies for the kids, of course.
A little stroll on the dirt road
And then it was time for the second climb
A view from the top of the second climb
Our path also took us by mountain mama MJ’s place. She and kids weren’t home though…
…so I left their treats on a table in the cubi hut outside.
Relaxing with an after-hike cold beer at the On-Home venue.
Two of our Hash Gash (where does that name come from?), Anal intruder and Derby’s Bitch, chillin’ after the hot hike.
The purple line is the short trail I walked. The long trail in red was insane–up and over Kalaklan, then down to Gordon Heights in Olongapo, back up Kalaklan, and then down to the On-Home. I wouldn’t enjoy that on a cool day.

After a few more beers at IDM, I was ready to call it a day. Swan had been taking care of some business in town, and she had her trike driver swing by and pick me up. I skipped dinner, had a smoothie, and hit the sack at 8 p.m. I earned it!

I can honestly say that I had Zero beers last night

I’ll be one of the Hares next week, so you know it’s gonna be a good one. We’ll see if the Kennel agrees.

A nice stroll down memory lane today courtesy of Facebook:

Some of the “disinformation” I was posting four years ago. Oddly, it turns out I was right.
Seven years ago, Uncle Sam rented me this house in Pyeongtaek, Korea for my last year of government service.
Eight years ago, I enjoyed a luncheon with my team in Seoul. I miss the people more than the work.

This is not my memory, but it did give me a chuckle:

That didn’t end well!

Okay, let’s do the Quora Q&A thing:

Q: What is the most inexpensive way my family can deal with me in the event of my death? Is it free to donate my body to science and hold no funeral, no casket, if I’d rather they don’t spend money on my corpse?

A: That’s exactly what my father wanted and did. The medical university that received his donated body took care of all the arrangements, like picking up his remains from the hospital where he died. Several months later, I got a notice that they were finished with him, and I was asked to pick up a cardboard box containing his ashes. Later, my brothers and I poured them into the river in his hometown, and that was that.

Dad always lived life on his terms.

Let’s try to lighten things up a tad:

You are welcome!
That seems a tad bassackwards
Been there, done that. Not anymore. We still buy an occasional drink for our friends and favorites, but no strings attached.
Where global warming really comes from. Who is gonna plug that hole?
See how you are?

Alright, that’s all for now. Nothing special going on today, but I’ll write about it anyway tomorrow.

We sing some of these at the SBH3.


Well, in normal Hash parlance, HHH stands for Hash House Harriers. But yesterday was Hashing Hard and Hot. Yes, it is the Philippines, and a tropical climate is expected. But even folks who have lived here for decades are complaining about the recent heat wave we’ve been experiencing. Hurry up and get here rainy season!

The Hare for yesterday’s trail, Vienna Sausage, is notorious for the difficulty of his trails. Our “sane” group of Hashers opted to take a different route up to the Kalaklan Ridge than the one the Hare chose. It may have been easier, but it was by no means easy. We did intersect with the actual Hash trail near the end of our climb, but by then, I was totally whacked out. So, four others and I took a shortcut back down to Barretto. It was definitely the right call for me. Even when I was back on flat ground for the walk to the On-Home, each step was tortuous. I had to resist the voice in my head telling me to catch a trike. I don’t mind shortcutting a trail, but by golly, I’m going to arrive at the end on my feet. Or die trying.

Our journey began with a highway walk
And then our long climb began with these steps
A view from part way up
Exchanging cookies for smiles
When the steps ended, the climb got more challenging.
The view from here
The Navy ships are still at anchor
And still we climb
Who watches TV anymore anyway?
Still going up but not as steep now.
Almost to the top at last
The Easter Mountain shot
And a view of the National Highway running through Barretto
I announced I’d had enough, and these gals came down on my shortcut. We had to hop over some barbwire to catch the trail down.
Much more pleasant going down
A quick stop at Rolly’s place to deliver some cookies.
And then a tiring 2K street walk to the On-Home at Johansson’s
Happy Birthday, Leaking Pussy
The trail I walked came in a little over 6K. It still felt like Hell.

And then a sad Facebook memory:

Twelve years ago, we had a nice little weekend getaway with the Werner family to Korea’s West Coast. Two years later, Jee Yeun broke my heart. Not long after that, Bridget died in her sleep. And then her sweet little boy passed away a few years later. What a world.

Quora Q&A time:

Q: Joe’s Great Granddad owed my Great Grandad $100. Can I sue Joe for the money?

A: Yes, you are entitled to reparations for the sins of Joe’s great-grandad.

I hope the sarcasm came through.

Humor me this:

That doesn’t add up
I sometimes wonder if the old retired military folk from back in the day might inadvertently meet the daughter they never knew about and fall in the wrong kind of love. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
When your best just isn’t good enough

So, back to Dr. Jo this afternoon for what she calls “a crucifixion.” I’m getting the last of my stem cell injections that involve multiple painful needle jabs into my back. I also sent her a link to this post on Kevin’s blog and asked for her thoughts. Not sure she’ll have a chance to read it before my appointment, but I’ll share whatever insights she may have.

Hare-y Hash Gash

These gals did the Hare work for yesterday’s trail. It was hard and long, just the way they like it!

Another week, another journey up to the Kalaklan Ridge. I’ve taken the path to the top the Harriettes chose a couple of times previously, but damn, yesterday was a lot harder than I remembered. Might have had something to do with the heat. Once we were on the ridgeline path, I opted out of doing another down and up, choosing instead to carry on my way until I rejoined the trail for the steep down to Barretto. Even with the shortcuts, my path was 6+K, although I counted the 2K I walked from my house to the start in that total. Here are some photos from yesterday’s Hash:

Gathering at the start
Off we go
And up we go
Even with steps cut into the dirt, it was steep and hard.
We’ve only just begun
A brief pause to deliver some cookies
Then onward and upward
A view from here
The climbing didn’t get easier
A nice shot of Barretto Beach. Not sure who took it.
And I really like this zoom shot of Baloy Beach. I’ll be there later today to visit the blue-roofed floating bar.
Nearing the top and glad to see it.
This section of the ridge path is still an incline, but gentle and comparatively easy.
Time for a break
A nice spot to rest
My little town
Living the high life on the ridge
The Easter Mountain shot you’ve been waiting for.
And now to get down
I might pass this way every six months or so, but the kids always remember me. Or my cookies, anyway.
The final push down
And back on the pavement at last
On-Home at It Doesn’t Matter and the Harriettes spend some well-earned time on the ice.
The path I walked, at least half of it was the “official” trail.
My stats from the hike
And my stats for the day. You can tell how hard the climb was by those Zone Minutes. My daily goal is 150, so I almost doubled that. Oh, my achin’ heart.

Speaking of which, my friend Kevin Kim, a frequent reader and commenter here at LTG, reports he has been hospitalized in Seoul. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Kevin.

Just in case anyone missed the Eclips yesterday, I found this picture for your viewing pleasure:

Not sure what all the fuss was about

And now for that Quora Q&A thing:

Q: Have you ever been treated differently because of the car you were driving?

A: Back in the early 1970s, I was a recent high school graduate living in Orange County, California. My high school sweetheart had moved to San Diego. I’d go down to see her a couple of times a month. There was an immigration checkpoint in San Onofre, and every time I’d get stopped for a search. I was a long-haired hippie type back then, and I figured I was being singled out because of the way I looked. One day, in frustration, I confronted the immigration officer and said you are harassing me because of the way I look, right? He laughed and said, “No, it’s your car. It fits the smuggler’s profile.” Who knew a ’64 Chevy Impala was so popular for bringing in folks from Mexico? Well, it did have a big trunk.

Yeah, back in those days, our nation actually defended its borders.

What’s so funny?

You can look it up.
What goes around comes around

Okay then, time to get ready for my visit with Dr. Jo. Back tomorrow with a full report.

A fool’s Hash

Another week, another Hash, and another ass-kicking. I’m not complaining, mind you; I love to Hash and live to tell about it. And my group only did half the trail, bypassing Easter Mountain and doing the Black Rock climb. We did leave from Alta Vista which added a couple of flat kilometers to the trek.

Black Rock Ridge was a tougher up than I remember, and the down was challenging as well. Adding to the suffering was the heat being on full blast, and there wasn’t much wind or shade on the trail. But all’s well that ends well, and the beer at our On-Home was cold and plentiful. The pictures tell the story better than I can, so here goes:

I didn’t take this shot (and neither did Scott), but it captures the feeling we experienced while climbing in the heat.
Flat and easy in the beginning
Across Bridge #3
Let the climbing begin!
On up!
On the rocks
The fat guy is bringing up the rear as usual
Achieving the ridgeline wasn’t the end of the climb
The mountain we didn’t climb yesterday, thank goodness!
And this young lady (sorry, I don’t remember her Hash name) was the first of the long trail hikers to pass us. And she was jogging when she did. Impressive!
From one ridge to another (Kalaklan is higher)
I can see Alta Vista from here.
And here’s the zoom-in on my house.
A down and then another up, ridgelines can be such bitches!
Almost done with the second up.
Demented Dickhead taking it all in.
The view from here
And it is *almost* all downhill from here
Steepish but doable
But this section was a real challenge
I took it slow and managed to keep my feet
A final up
And then the final down
They actually cheered when I handed off the cookies
We nailed it, didn’t we, Jesus?
On-Home at Smokes and Bottles
This is one of my favorite Hash venues
I wouldn’t mind bellying up to the bar on some non-Hash occasion, but it is about 2K in the wrong direction from Barretto
Dressed for the occasion
Virgin initiation
And three birthday boys yesterday
Crazy traffic on the highway during my lonely walk back to town.
The trail as laid by the Hares
The shortcut trail my group hiked was right at 5K.
Some stats from the hike. It was slow going with one big up.
And my stats for the day were much better than what I did on Hangover Sunday. I believe those Zone Minutes are a new record for me.

I bitch and moan a lot, but I am very thankful I am still about to push myself and make these hikes. When the day comes that I can’t, I’m going to miss it.

While I was Hashing, Swan went shopping in Olongapo.

And we are stocked up for this week’s candy walk.

When I returned home in my semi-inebriated state last night, I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I figured I would try a YouTube video to help me sleep. Now, I watch very few vloggers in the Philippines and have never heard of this guy (he’s an Aussie), but he held my attention for the 40+ minutes of his video. Most of it takes place in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Manila (Tondo, but popularly known as Happy Land). My foodie readers might find what poor people eat in the slums of interest (the vlogger enjoyed what he ate). And the craftsmen making swords out of scrap metal was good, too. You see a lot of crabs being sold, even here in Olongapo, and this video tells the fascinating story of where they come from. Hey, this is practically a review! Here it is:

Facebook memories took me back to Istanbul in December 2004:

A local cultural dancer. I wrote about the trip here. I was a rookie blogger back then, and for some reason, I posted the photos from the trip separately. If you want, you can go to my archives for December 2004 and scroll down to December 13 to see them.

I reckon that brings us to today’s Quora Q&A:

Q: Why do people treat their fellow human beings as illiterate?

A: I don’t understand the question.

I also don’t understand why I’m not more popular on Quora. Not that I care.

Alright, let’s do this:

Thank God for the widow next door!
Apparently, I fart in my sleep. Swan tells me about it every morning. And keeps a can of air freshener on her nightstand.

And that’s all I’ve got for today.

No can do

Well, I did what I could and the rest I didn’t. I walked to the start of yesterday’s Hash on Rizal Extension by taking the My Bitch trail. From my house to the trailhead was right at an hour’s walk. The last portion of Guenter’s trail followed My Bitch in the opposite direction, so I did do SOME of his trail at least. It was hot yesterday, and the two small climbs I undertook to get to the start left me feeling tuckered out. I knew then the hard-ass climb up to Kalalkan Ridge was not in the cards for me.

Starting at Court 4 on Rizal and going straight to the top of Kalaklan. The long trail went down the other side to Olongapo and then back up again. The short trail bypassed that section and went back down to My Bitch.

My alternative was doing a one-hour street walk leading back to the On-Home at Red Bar.

I got my steps in.

Those 249 Zone Minutes came as a surprise. That’s over four hours, and I didn’t walk that long. So, I just did a quick search, and this is how Fitbit counts it:

Work out smarter. With Active Zone Minutes, the harder you work, the more credit you get. 1 minute in the fat burn zone earns 1 Active Zone Minute, and 1 minute in the cardio or peak zone earns 2 Active Zone Minutes. You put in the work, and we’ll do the math!

Alright, that explains why my heart was pounding so hard getting to the start. It’s also a pretty good indicator that I made the right call when I didn’t climb the mountain. I got back to the On-Home around three o’clock. My regular group doing the “short” trail didn’t make it back until 4:30. Apparently, both the up and the down were brutal motherfuckers. Glad I missed it!

The end of my first climb was steeper than this photo depicts. Got the heart a-pounding!
Powder pointing the way. I did the opposite direction.
My Rizal Extension destination for the trail start and the ridgeline I declined to climb.
The view from here
Hello again, Easter Mountain
Not going my way this time.
That’s something you rarely see on the pavement.
I also ran into my mountain mama friend, MJ. She and her daughter weren’t feeling well and were en route to the pharmacy. I dispensed some cookies and lollipops.

The On-Home at Red Bar was pleasant enough, although I declined to partake of the food offerings (they looked pretty carby). After the Hash, I joined the group at IDM for a couple of more brews. I grabbed a trike for home and was deep into Alta Vista before realizing I had left my backpack at IDM. I had the driver turn around and take me back to retrieve it and, of course, doubled my usual fare. I wasn’t drunk, so I guess it is another indication that Biden disease is slowly taking root.

Speaking of which:

Scary shit
And ol’ Joe would likely be sniffing her hair.

But enough politics. Here’s a blast from the past via Facebook memories:

Back when I was 21 years old in 1976. I was doing the softball team stats on my calculator. There were no computers or internet in those days. I bought the pink refrigerator second-hand. I wouldn’t mind going back in time and being that guy again for a while.

Get your Quora Q&A while you can, I’m running out of answers (I rarely participate these days).

Q: What kind of changes have you made to your wardrobe now that you are retired?

A: Gave away all my shirts and ties (kept one suit for special occasions). Now I wear shorts every day. Blue jeans when I dress up to go to immigration.

The suit and jeans no longer fit. But I’m working on getting back down to size.

Now for the funny business:

Her cup runneth over.
I haven’t had a dessert for three days now.

And that’s all I’ve got for today.

I like this version better than the original.

Sittin’ on the bay

Sitting here resting my bones

My fellow Hares and I pulled off a successful Hash yesterday. I measure success in terms of no one getting hurt and most of the Hashers professing a liking for the trail. A couple of folks lost the trail, but since the vast majority were able to find their way, I attribute the failure to their individual lack of attention. As I expected, there were some mild complaints about the short length of the route, but just as many found the distance to their liking. Vienna Sausage is the Hare next week, so the masochists can get their fill of hardship then.

Not a lot of Hash pictures to share this week, but here’s what I’ve got:

The Hashers gather at the Barretto High School starting point.
And off they go!

I walked the 3.5K to the starting location, then another 3K back to the On-Home at Subiza Resort on Baloy. My non-hash hike was longer than the actual trail. Flatter though.

A Hasher posted this photo from the trail.
The first Hash gathering at Subiza in the history of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.

I spent most of the pre-circle time sitting on a chair, taking in the bay views (that first photo in this post was captured by a fellow Hasher). Here is some of what I saw:

The peaceful bay
I zoomed in on the lighthouse across the water and decided to make it my destination on my next distance walk.
I was surprised to see that black blob moving and then realized it was a tightly grouped school of minnows swimming. Never seen anything like that before.
Parasailing seems to be growing in popularity (see the top of this photo). You’d never get me up there.
This one appears to have made it down safely.
Hares on the ice!
Gash on the ice!

Most of the group seemed to really enjoy Subiza as a Hash On-Home venue. Very spacious and comfortable with great views. We did run out of beer before the circle was over, which is outrageous. I’m told that was because the Hash Beermeister cut us off at ten cases of beer. I was not a happy camper, but I’m glad it wasn’t Subiza’s fault since I recommended them as a Hash host.

When the beer ran out, so did I. I got home much earlier than usual (and less drunk), so I was able to finish watching the final episodes from Season 1 of Blue Eye Samurai. Now, I have another series to share my thoughts on. I’ll get to them both soon. I promise, said the procrastinator.

My son Kevin celebrated his 46th birthday yesterday.

I reckon that was Kevin’s birthday back in 1983 or so. Damn, where does the time go?

And then Facebook memories reminded me of that time I was on TV:

A dart tourney in Augusta, Georgia, was the occasion.

Today’s Quora Q&A:

Q: When you moved from California, where did you go?

A: I left Orange County, where I was born and raised, in 1978 because I didn’t want to raise my kids in California. We moved to Prescott, Arizona. Best move I ever did make!

And now it appears I was ahead of my time with more people moving from than to California.

Today’s puns are so bad they even made me cringe:

Maybe Worf should razor a ruckus.
Pull your head out of Uranus!

My sincere apologies.

I’m not as good as I once was

But I was good enough yesterday to complete the Hash trail without any breathing difficulties. It’s been too long since I could say that. I did the short trail (around 5K), which included two moderate climbs. The ups are never easy for me, but it is nice not to feel like you are going to die while doing them. So, I am making progress, one step at a time!

The Hash began at the VFW and passed through Alta Vista, so I joined the trail there.

I took the purple path.
There go the runners
And here come the slowpokes
Down we go
Two paths diverged in the woods…
And I took the short one. My regular group continued on the long trail and made their own shortcut later. I wanted to stick with this one, so we parted ways.
What’s that behind me?
Ah, a couple of out-of-towners. I wound up being their guide.
A valley view
Rockin’ it
On the rocks
Hitting a rock wall. I hadn’t done this trail in quite some time, but it led back up to Alta Vista, and then the short trail followed a good portion of the familiar My Bitch route.
On the Bitch
A tree I liked along the way
Mountain Mama Onelia’s place…
Um, anyone up for a lonely picnic?
Where the short and long trails Cum Together again.
Some of the long trail guys catching up with us short trailers.
One of my cookie deliveries…
A bay view
Let’s go thataway
Some sidewalk walkin’
And back on the road. I got my two tourists down safe and sound.
On Home at the Roadhouse (formerly Blue Butterfly)
My route from above

I really enjoyed this trail. It was short, and I didn’t have to take shortcuts (other than the first half-kilometer from the VFW to Alta Vista). Some parts were familiar, some I hadn’t done for a while. But as I said, the best part was hiking again and feeling good while doing so. So much more fun that way!

I also participated in the after Hash at It Doesn’t Matter for the first time in quite a while. The kitchen there has reopened, so I gave their BLT sandwich a try.

Not bad for pub fare.

After I’d had my fill of beers, I headed for home. Stopped by Myleen’s for some takeout desserts, then grabbed my trike. I settled onto the couch with my sweetie and some apple pie a la mode. Then watched episode #5 of Blue Eye Samurai. Well, most of it anyway.

I’ll have to rewind and see what I missed.

Facebook memories reminded me that five years ago I was marching strong:

That’s about double my average output this last year or two.

I’m not sure I’ll be replicating that distance regularly, but I have some plans to push myself a little harder, starting with my solo Thursday hike. Stay tuned!

Also, Facebook showed me a picture I’d posted from my glory days back in the early 70s.

If I only knew then what I know now. I’d be a billionaire, for one thing.

I’m still alive and kicking fifty-plus years later, so I reckon I beat the odds and overcame a lot of those bad life choices. I’m going to keep that up for as long as I can!

Quora Q&A time:

Q: Would a millionaire in his 60s get hot girls in their 20s easily?

A: I am not a millionaire. I am 65 years old, and I routinely “get” hot girls in their 20s (although honestly, I prefer women in their 30s) easily. It is simply a matter of helping each other out—they have needs, I have needs. I take care of them; they take care of me. Win-Win.

Not anymore, of course. Live and learn. Or maybe I just got lucky.

How about these?

If Deanna were Filipina, you might be dead now, Riker.
Lots of women in my lifetime have called me a big dick.

Anyway, it’s all good. My Tuesday evening routine of heading to Baloy Beach and the Kokomo floating bar is coming up next. I could get used to normalcy again!

I wound up living longer than you did, Toby. Thanks for the music along the way.

Back in the saddle

I made it through another Hash and lived to tell about it. So that’s just what I will do. I joined the Hash trail in progress 2.5K from my house. My route had some ups and downs, but only one short climb. Once I was with the sane group of Hashers, it was mostly downhill due to our willfully bypassing two of the climbs planned by the Hare. I didn’t push myself too hard, but I still felt like I had made some progress on my 6K road to recovery. I’m taking it slow and trying to keep it fun. Here is some of what I saw along the way:

The only significant climb on the My Bitch trail portion of my hike. Short and sweet but still had me breathing hard at the top. (sorry about the watermarks on the pics; I somehow inadvertently activated that feature on my camera. It’s off again now.)
I said hello and delivered some cookies to my mountain mama friend, Onelia, along the way.
This is the spot where I arranged to meet up with my fellow sane Hashers. I arrived at 2:00 p.m. and the first Hasher to pass by was Leech My Nuggets at 2:15.
My group of slowpokes arrived at 2:30.
Gaining a bit more elevation.
Moving in the direction of that familiar mountain.
The bay view from here.
Here come the Gash.
Nice and flat, just the way I like it.
The up into Alta Vista was more than enough for my tired old lungs.
Heading On-Home via Gabaya Street.
Arriving at Johansson’s.
A post-hike meal of “beef stew.” It tasted fine, but not exactly how I would define stew.
The price you pay for being last to pay.
The punishment for wearing new shoes on the Hash.
Lady Hashers of the SBH3.
Demolition Derby got the Hashit this week.

I opted not to participate in the after-Hash gathering at It Doesn’t Matter this week. I’d had enough to drink and had something sweet waiting for me at home. I’m becoming so domesticated, it seems.

Today’s Quora Q&A:

Q: If you were to choose how and when you would die what would you choose?

A: I’d choose to die like my grandfather did—peacefully in his sleep. Unlike all the screaming passengers in his car when it went over that cliff.

Things that made me smile today:

“A Life of Posting Bad Humor” by M.Y. Destiny
They probably use sheet music.
He sounds full of it to me.

All right, that’s just about enough of this nonsense, don’t ya think? Back with more tomorrow.

One of those rare songs posted here that are older than I am.

Perseverance personified

I made it through an abbreviated Hash trail yesterday, which, given my recent performance, is quite an accomplishment. Under normal circumstances, I’d rate the climb moderately difficult, but these aren’t normal times for my tired old lungs. We started out in Subic town in what was unfamiliar territory for me, so the inevitable urge to give up was checked by the reality of not knowing where I was. I pushed onward, slow as a snail, but eventually made it to the top. The down wasn’t much fun either, with a good portion of it being through a creek bed, one of my least favorite places to walk. There were three other guys in my small group of stragglers, and we took a pretty major shortcut to end our suffering. Here’s how things looked on our journey:

The Hashers gather at the start of the trail.
And off we go!
A little Genesis (In the beginning) on the backstreets of Subic.
Over this bridge
Then a stroll along the riverbank.
I love how they concreted around this tree so it could continue to live and grow.
I wasn’t sorry that our path did not lead across this bridge.
And that was the end of the fun for me as the climbing commenced.
I took it slow and huffed and puffed as best as I was able.
“I think I can, I think I can…”
And then things began to level out.
A view along the way.
And another.
What goes up must come down.
It was challenging in places, but at least my lungs stopped screaming.
As the Eagles sang long ago, Take it Easy!
A fallen tree became a bridge.
Up the creek without a paddle.
Pubic Head only fell once.
Our shortcut trail when we’d had enough of the shit creek.
A cookie delivery
Getting down on these uneven steps was not as easy as it may appear.
We finally arrived at the On-Home venue, the 13 Resort in Calapadayan.
I managed to avoid time on the ice.
A virgin Hasher is initiated. She sucked it all down, heeding the words, “What doesn’t go in you goes on you. Just like a blowjob.”
Another fire on the mountain.
And another Hash came to a close.
Our shortened version of the Hash trail.

Dave, the Wet Spot owner, and a retired physician, heard my cough the other day and suggested I try Carbocisteine to clear the mucus from my lungs. I started taking it last night, and hopefully, it will help me breathe easier in the future. Feeling like I might pass out during a climb takes away whatever joy there might be in the hike. The day may come when I have to accept being a flatlander, but I’d like to delay that as long as possible.

I came home after the Hash and completed viewing the final season of “Shameless.” I’ll share my thoughts on the series soon, but anything that can hold my attention as long as this show did must be pretty damn good. Next up: Blue Eye Samurai.

A couple of items from my Facebook memories:

Two years ago I knew our country was in the soup with this idiot in charge.
I still had a lot to learn back in 2013. I kicked the smoking habit for good two years later.

Today’s Quora Q&A:

Q: Why do Americans call the small room where the toilet is a ‘restroom’ (when there are no chairs or beds in there) or a ‘bathroom’ (when there is no bath in there)?

A: Here in the Philippines, they call it a “comfort room.” And when I’ve got to pee, I take comfort when one is available.

Today’s bad humor:

Let’s get stoned!
She must be from the state of confusion.
Unless he regurgitates…

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that. Back tomorrow with more goodness.

Rollin’ and rockin’

Yesterday’s Hash was all familiar territory thanks to having participated in a couple of the scouting expeditions last week. The route the Hares ultimately chose for the climb up Kalaklan Ridge is, I believe, the best one I’ve taken. As I’ve said before, there ain’t no easy way to the top, but this trail was fairly direct and not overly steep. A pleasant stroll on the ridgeline and a meandering downhill jaunt, then a street walk back to our On-Home venue. Just a tad over 5K when we finished.

The route we walked.
The Hashers gather at the start of the trail.
Getting uppity
The first cookie delivery of the day
Always on the up and up
Steppin’ up
Halfway there
The final push up
Ridgeline achieved!
Whatever You Want is feeling on top of the world…
…looking down on creation.
This goat herder doesn’t seem to think the view is that big a deal.
A ridgeline stroll
This must be one of Scott’s shots, but I appreciate how it captures what I love about a ridgeline trek–the bay on one side, Olongapo City on the other, with great views of each.
And now for that meandering up and down journey back to Barretto.
We briefly lost the trail here but eventually reconnected.
What’s a hike without a dicey bridge crossing?
Confidence is the key
Although a good sense of balance helps too.
We’re not out of the woods yet!
A fairly well-marked trail
On the rocks
The path wasn’t psycho.
Wash day and cookies for the kiddie.
The last of the down
Our first time having Red Bar as our On-Home host
A bit cramped, but not bad.
This week’s Hashshit recipient.

The Hash ended a little after six, but rather than join the group for the after-Hash at IDM, I took a trike home. Why go out when I have The Rite Spot On The Roof?

Swan and I were rockin’ it in our rocking chairs and enjoying the nighttime view.
And not a dragon in sight!

Speaking of my homebody ways, I grilled some steaks for lunch before the Hash.

It came out looking like this and tasted even better.

Over at Kevin Kim’s blog, The Big Hominid, he has a post confirming the worst about the fraud that took place during the scamdemic. The video is on Rumble because YouTube still censors talk that goes contrary to the preferred narrative. I wanted to share the video with my Facebook “friends” but couldn’t figure out how to upload from Rumble. So, instead I posted the link to Kevin’s blog post.

That’s how it looks on my Facebook post. We’ll see how long before I’m found in violation of FB “community standards.”

Okay, that’s all the substance I have for today. How about some fun stuff?

Just my luck.
Debbie must be a lucky girl!
That’s tit for tat, I suppose.
But I’ll give it a rest for now.

Back tomorrow!

Not as intended

Things didn’t go as planned for yesterday’s Hash. Although disappointing, perhaps it was for the best. The idea was to meet up with Pubic Head at Barretto High School at 1:50 and do a shortcut version of the Hare’s (Almoranus) trail, bypassing the first climb. I left my place at 1 p.m. to give myself ample time to arrive on schedule. But before I was even out of Alta Vista, I was sucking wind for some reason. As I neared the beginning of my intended route (the My Bitch trail) I had second thoughts about the wisdom of making the trek while out of breath, so I paused to send Pubic Head a message to go on without me. But as I stood there typing the message, my breathing returned to normal and I decided to press on as planned.

The section of the My Bitch trail I was hiking only had one short climb, and I took it slow and easy. When I reached the junction we call Four Corners, I messaged Pubic Head my location so he would know I would arrive on schedule. When I got to the high school at 1:47 Pubic Head wasn’t there, so I sent him a photo:

I’m here, where are you?

I waited until 2:00, the official Hash start time and no one showed. I wasn’t going to do a shortcut version of the trail on my own, so I opted to do a street walk instead. But in the end, I did manage to do a portion of the Hash trail after all:

The last two blocks to our On-Home at Blue Butterfly.
Five and a half kilometers is better than nothing, I suppose. Although hiking alone isn’t very Hash-like.

I drank my share of beers during the pre-Circle time. When Pubic Head arrived he explained that he thought I’d gone on to the start of the trail, so he proceeded there without me. Just one of those miscommunications. Shit happens.

I wasn’t feeling very Hashy, so when the Circle began, I stayed outside and continued to drink. When I’d had enough, I moseyed up the highway and decided I’d take a Big Mac and fries home with me. I was a little drunk and not in the best of moods, but damn, the ordering process was frustrating. They have those kiosks where you place your order remotely, and that’s fine. Except they were all occupied, and the woman in front of me seemed clueless when it came to punching in her order. I’m not a patient man normally, and her ignorance frayed the last of my nerves. Anyway, I eventually got the opportunity to push the four buttons I needed–Big Mac, Fries, To Go, and Cash. Then I went to the cash register, paid, and was given a number. There were three numbers ahead of mine, and this being McDonald’s, I figured I’d be out in no time. I figured wrong. Mine was the only takeout, and I saw the paper bag brought to the counter where it sat while the employee fiddled around with the three other orders. I mean, all she had to do was hand me my bag, but I guess they had a first-in, first-out policy. Anyway, when they finally called my number, I tossed my receipt on the counter and rudely said, “It’s about time.” Yeah, I’m not proud of being the ugly American last night. I’ll punish myself by not returning anytime soon. That’ll teach me!

I got home early enough to watch three episodes of “Shameless” last night. I’m halfway through Season 8 now–look at me go!

And I woke up to another beautiful Subic morning.

The view from my bedroom window at a little after six.

Grocery shopping is done, and a doctor’s appointment is coming up at 3 p.m. From there, I’ll head out for my Tuesday routine on Baloy at the Kokomo floating bar. At least, that’s the plan.

I came across a video comparing Subic in the Navy days to how it looks today. I found it interesting; perhaps you will as well.

See y’all here tomorrow, I hope.

California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, Virginia, South Korea, and the Philippines. Not that where I have lived has anything to do with this meme. I always married my side chicks.
Stick with it and see what happens next!

Slogging on

And so it begins

Yesterday’s Hash was a long slog but surprisingly enjoyable. About half of the trail was a path I walk regularly, most recently, Sunday morning. The uphill at the end wasn’t steep, but it was lengthy. I’m not sure which is worse–getting your ass kicked but getting it over with or being ground down until you are a wheezing mess. Regardless, I stuck it out and eventually got my second wind. It had been a couple of years since I last hiked up this hill, and I didn’t remember it being quite as difficult, but I was younger and in better shape back then.

The On-Home was at the Hare’s house way out at the end of Rizal Extension. I had three beers there, then left before the Circle rituals began. I wanted to get back down into town before dark, so I hiked the 3K to IDM and enjoyed a couple of more beers. Got some dinner to go from Myleen’s next door (the Flagstaff burrito) and headed home to dine with Swan at my rooftop table. A pleasant way to end the day.

Our trail began right here in Alta Vista
Heading down to the valley
Mostly dirt roads
Been there done that many times.
A valley view
That rickety bridge again.
This begins the section that I infrequently hike.
What more do you need?
If the bamboo won’t come to you, you go to it.
For a first-time Hare, Tiny Cunt did a decent job marking the trail. And getting an arrow and number on this tiny rock was a record-setting accomplishment. I’m not sure how many Hashers actually saw it, but I applaud the effort.
A bypass highway is being constructed so folks can avoid Barretto as they journey to Olongapo. I’m looking forward to less traffic in my little town.
Yesterday was the first time I’d been out this way since construction began. They seem to be making good progress.
Looks to be a solid build.
Perhaps it will even withstand rainy seasons to come.
The new highway will, of necessity, have to go up and over Kalaklan Ridge, but no one seems to know how and where that will be accomplished.
I fear when the highway is completed, the nature of this valley will change from agriculture to suburban sprawl. Presently, the roads here are only suitable for trikes and motorbikes, once cars and trucks have access all bets are off.
Meanwhile, us Hashers have some uphill slogging to do. Let’s get going!
Never really steep, but seemingly endless.
And then, about halfway up, we passed through this old woman’s place. I can’t imagine what it must be like living up here. Well, I can imagine I wouldn’t be able to make it home from the bars at night.
I thanked her for allowing us to trespass with a bag of cookies.
Taking a rest break in the old woman’s yard.
And then it was back to the climbing.
It got a bit rocky in places.
But at last we made it to the top!
Maybe the flat earthers are on to something. A level trail is so much more enjoyable!
I guess this would be ideal if you were looking for a peaceful, easy feeling.
We’d come too far to let nature’s roadblock stop us!
Arriving at Tiny Cunt’s place at last!
A good and hard 6K jaunt that left you with a sense of accomplishment at the end.

And there you have the story of another Hash Monday.

It’s hard to see the humor in this one.
Hmm, that sounds hauntingly familiar.

Alrighty, then. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Slow and steady…

…doesn’t always win the race, but it usually gets you there alive. That’s how it turned out for me yesterday, at least. I made my long-anticipated return to Kalaklan Ridge, and it was every bit as difficult as I remember. I took my time as I struggled to defy gravity, and in the end, I prevailed. More or less.

The Hash begins at 2 p.m. The trailhead was three kilometers out of town, so I left the house a little after one intending to catch a Jeepney to the start. The first two Jeeps to pass by were full, and as I waited for the next, an empty taxi pulled up. That almost never happens in Barretto (two times in six years for me). I gladly took the comfortable airconditioned option, and the driver charged me 100 pesos (the Jeepney would have been 20), and I threw in a 50 peso New Year’s tip. So, I found myself standing at the beginning of the Hash trail alone at 1:30.

Rather than waiting around for thirty minutes, I decided to get a head start. This was a tad risky for me since I don’t like hiking in the hills alone, especially when I don’t have a clue about what I might encounter. But the Hare is known for a consistently well-marked trail, and as slow as I am, I knew the group would catch up with me before long, so I cautiously but confidently headed out.

And so it begins.
Leaving the pavement behind.
A meandering path through the woods.
The requisite dicey bridge.
And then the climbing begins.

I’ve never gone up this way before. It was certainly better than other paths I’ve taken to the top. But there is no easy way, and I was huffing and puffing big time all the way to the ridgeline. It was also a very hot day, which added to the suffering.

A look back down from where I’d been. Still not at the top, though.
Under the barbed wire fence
And then, the dreaded checkpoint symbol.

I hate checkpoints and this was the second one I’d encountered on yesterday’s trail. When the Hare places the circled X at an intersection it is up to the Hasher to find the true trail. This requires checking out every possible direction until you find a trail marker indicating you are On-On. These marks are usually placed within 50 meters or so. I got lucky and guessed right both times, so I didn’t have to backtrack and look in a different direction.

Looking down on Olongapo towards the old Navy base.
And Gordon Heights as seen from Kalaklan.
Walking the ridgeline.
A bay view from the Barretto side of the ridge.
And another from further up the ridgeline.

And then the Hare’s trail took a turn, and I didn’t. I was familiar enough with the area to know that the right turn off the ridge towards Olongapo meant going down and then back up again. Nope, not for me. I still hadn’t recovered from the first climb.

I turned left instead and headed in the direction of Barretto. No one had passed me yet, which meant I would be hiking the rest of the way alone, but thems the breaks.
I guess there could be some advantages to living out in the wild, but damn, the commute would be a bitch.
I’ve hiked this way often enough to know the Rolly family. I always leave the kids with cookies.
And there’s Mr. Rolly. He’s been up here for decades and knows the Hash old timers like Scott by name.
Time to head down. Much easier than going up, but gravity is a bitch in both directions.
Now, there’s something I haven’t seen before. Wonder what the story is.
A hillside village.
A peaceful setting as I pass through to Barretto.
The way I went.
Told you I was taking it slow. Better safe than sorry!

Anyway, I’ll be back for more one day. I do want to do a longer ridgeline trek, but want some company with me.

Hmm, that seems hauntingly familiar.
I’m old enough to remember watching this show as a kid. I wonder if any of my readers get the reference?

I just had to go check. Jerry Mathers was born in 1948 and he’s still alive. Way to go, Beaver!

Time for one more?

I don’t get it. [UPDATE: Ah, it’s a song by the Ramones. Thanks to commenter Joe for the heads-up]

Here’s a song my nephew sang at my mother’s wake. She passed thirteen years ago this month.

So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons are like birds flying always over the mountain

Been there, done that

Yesterday’s Hash was like a stroll down memory lane. I had participated in scouting the trail during the Wednesday and Friday group hikes last week, so there was nothing new for me to see. Of course, I knew what I DIDN’T want to see again and avoided those sections, including the big hill climb to the jungle. I still wound up with a pleasant 4K+ trek and lots of cold beers at the One Three Resort when I was finished. Wanna see the pictures? Okay, here goes:

Instructions from the Hare. I’m setting up my Map My Walk app.
Off we go through the backstreets of Subic town.
Multiple bridge crossings
Over the river
Auditioning for a role in The Walking Dead
Another bridge
Street walkers
That waterside berm was narrow and treacherous in places. As far as I know, no one fell in, though.
Walk this way
I could hear the creaking when I crossed, but it didn’t break
See you on the other side!
Blow My Pipe is heading for the hills
Decision time at the junction–left to go up and over, straight for a mostly flat walk in town. Easy choice for me.
Besides I had cookies to deliver
Sixty pesos to put a smile on a face is a bargain!
Grounded at the abandoned M&M Resort.
Passing through the neighborhood
The last bridge of the day
Getting trashed
Heading On-Home
Nearing the end of the trail
The beer was cold and wet, just the way I like it!
A bay view at One Three Resort
Circle up!
It’s nice on ice!
Four Hash birthdays celebrated yesterday. That’s our Grandmaster, Demolition Derby.
Blow My Pipe
I don’t remember her name.
And Pubic Head
Into the bay to wash off all that cake!
Something’s going down with these girls.
And so ends another Hash.

Getting back to Barretto from Calapadayan after dark (and after a few beers) can be a bit of an adventure. Two Jeepneys passed me by, already overflowing with passengers. Then a trike pulled up, and I asked how much to Barretto. I was shocked when he said seventy pesos. I told him, “I’ll give you a hundred!” He dropped me at It Doesn’t Matter for the after-Hash gathering.

I ordered some food for take-out from Myleen’s and was pleasantly surprised to see they had pumpkin pie on the menu. How could I say no? I went to sleep with a full belly last night.

It’s pun time:

Hits you from behind!
I’d give her a pearl necklace instead!

That’s it for today folks.

Higher or longer?

Over the hills or around them? That was the choice to be made, and five of us elected to walk a bit further on mostly flat ground rather than go up and over on a steep path. After seeing some photos from the climb, I feel good about my choice.

It was kinda funny when the Hare, Leech My Nuggets, was giving instructions at the start of the run, stated, “There’s only one trail, but if you want to shortcut, just follow Scott or John.” Heh, I’m a famous short cutter, I guess, but the fact of the matter is my chosen path was a LONGcut. Not that it matters.

The Hare’s trail is the orange line. Our longcut is in blue.
Gathering at the start in Subic town
And we are On-On!
Making our way through the backstreets of barangay Magnan-Vaca
A river crossing
And a walk along the banks
A view of the river, such as it is this time of year.
The Hare’s trail turns to the right.
But we non-short cutters are taking the Govic highway.
Yeah, a highway walk isn’t too exciting…
…but at least it avoids this type of insanity on the hill climb.
An Easter Mountain view.
Reconnecting with the Hare’s trail
Things are looking a little shady
Across a dicey bridge
Thankfully, the wall didn’t come tumbling down.
Arriving On-Home at Smokes and Bottles
Two of our oldest Hashers, Fucking Old Man on the left, and Roadwhore on the right, both in their 80s, were in attendance.
The Hashers gather prior to the commencement of the Circle rituals.
I enjoyed an after-hike taco for dinner.
It’s nice on ice.
My stats from the hike. I forgot to turn the app off when I first arrived, so the average pace is wrong. On the trail, I was doing twelve minutes and change kilometers.

I enjoyed the hike, which may be further indication that I have morphed into a flatlander. Well, it beats the alternative of being an underlander, I suppose.

I walked to Snackbar after the Hash but left after one beer because I was unhappy with rap music being played at a high volume. When your customer base is old white guys, you need to do better than that. Did my nightcap at Whiskey Girl, and headed back home.

Here’s one I just know you are going to like:

Okay, maybe not.

Tired of Star Trek joke memes? Here’s a gift for you:

The naughty girls will like them…

That’s all for today. I have some real news to share with y’all tomorrow.

Haggis Bash AAR

As promised, here is a quick after-action report from my weekend in Pozorrubio, participating in the annual Haggis Bash with the La Union Hash House Harriers.

Getting There

The Haggis Bash was held at the farm owned by a La Union Hashers.

I caught a ride to Pozorrubio with my neighbor and fellow Hasher, Simon (Leech My Nuggets). On the trip up, there were seven passengers in Simon’s car, which meant we had a middle rider in the backseat with me, making it cramped and uncomfortable. At a rest stop halfway there, Simon’s wife elected to sit in the rear with two other female passengers, giving me the front seat. Much better!

Arriving at our hotel


Mansion proved to be a bit of an overstatement, but as there are only two hotels in Pozorrubio, I guess I can’t complain. Much.
The interior facilities were nice enough, but there was much room for improvement.

I would rate the MGM at two stars. The sad thing is, it has the potential to be much higher rated with better management. There was one of the nicer pools I’ve seen, but it was empty and unmaintained. An outdoor bar and rooftop disco were also closed. My room was similarly in need of attention. I was shocked to discover there was no showerhead in my bathroom, and the thought of standing under a pipe of running water to bathe wasn’t appealing. I found the showerhead lying next to the sink and re-attached it myself. That problem solved; I then discovered there was no hot water. I hate cold showers. No toilet paper either, but I bring my own wet wipes, so no issue there. Two bath towels but no washcloths or hand towels. No WiFi connection. The hallway outside my room was unlit, and I needed to use my phone flashlight to see the keyhole. And they didn’t have housekeeping between day one and day two. All said it was one of the worst hotel experiences I can recall. The room was 2400 ($48.) a night, which was way too much for what I received in return.

The MGM was 8K away from the On-Home farm venue, but luckily, the hotel provided van transportation for only 60 pesos a head. Given the logistics, that proved to be a Godsend.


For a city with over 70,000 residents, I was shocked at the lack of services and conveniences (oh, did I spell bars wrong?) Seriously though, there were very few options for dining out or having fun in this town. Nothing at all within walking distance of my hotel. The other hotel in town is more centrally located, but according to the Hashers who stayed there, the only place to gather was an outdoor beer garden. Better than nothing, but no help to me from where I was ensconced. Luckily, I drank my fill at the Hash, so I didn’t need to go out, but damn, I can’t imagine living in a place like this. Barretto may be small, but we have many restaurants, hotels, and bars to patronize. Pozorrubio is not a nice place to visit, and I definitely wouldn’t want to live there.

Friday on the farm

After getting checked in and unpacked, we took the hotel van to the CIJ farm, which is apparently a local icon. At least everyone seemed to know where it was located. It was 5K on the highway and another 3K on backstreets to get there.

A fair number of Hashers (there appeared to be 50 tents or so) chose the camping option. Logistically, that’s the way to go, I suppose, but my camping days are done. Now, give me an RV, and I might reconsider.

There was a short 4K Hash trail scheduled to begin at 2:30. It was mostly through farm country and blessedly flat. It was a very pleasant hike and I enjoyed seeing some new vistas.

Guidance from the Hare prior to starting
A Hash bag and some goodies came with the cost of admission
And it included a new Hash shirt.
The back of said shirt
That’s me at the Friday circle
The Subic contingent is recognized and welcomed to the Bash.

In keeping with Hash custom, multiple beers were consumed with the added treat of some “Scottish stew” to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Someone called the hotel van and left on the early ride around 7 p.m. A good Day 1 at the Haggis Bash.

Sunday’s marathon

Sunday’s trail began at 9:30 in the morning. I opted for the 6K version, and it was a good fit for me.

I hung with these fellow Subic Hashers during the trek.
Country living
Is it a pond or a lake?
Strolling along on a warm day
Mother nature

Back On-Home for all the after-Hash activities I mentioned in yesterday’s post. I chose not to participate in the games and sat in the shade instead. Had a nice chat with another like-minded Hasher and passed the time with plenty of San Miguel Zeros.

A wet and wild Hash circle followed, then more beers and my first taste of haggis. I was running out of gas by 7 p.m. and asked someone to call the hotel driver. He wasn’t available, so she called for a trike instead. Now, it’s a goodly distance (8K) back to my hotel, and I was prepared to pay 200 pesos for the ride, which is more than fair. Given my lack of options, I could have been talked into 300 pesos, but when the trike driver insisted on 400, I wasn’t willing to pay the skin tax. I told him never mind and walked away. I was pissed but bit my tongue. Nothing good comes from making a Filipino lose face.

We called the hotel again and were told the van would be available at 8:00. Nothing to do but drink more beer and wait it out. Our group exceeded the van’s capacity, but we all squeezed in anyway. All but me and another guy got out at the beer garden in town, but there was no way I was going anywhere but back to my hotel. So, my night ended peacefully with me in one piece.

A Sunday drive

Swan sent this photo of Buddy waiting for my return. I doubt Lucky gave a shit.

The plan was to leave for Barretto at 9:30 in the morning, but I got a knock on the door an hour earlier, saying everyone was ready to go. Luckily, I had packed, so I put my blog post on hold, closed up the laptop, and headed downstairs. Only five of us on the trip back, so much more comfortable. I had the front seat again, which is always nice. Simon took a different route to the expressway, so we were seeing some new sights. And then we went under a bridge that carried the expressway and saw no on-ramps. We kept our northward heading, and I pulled out my map app to show us the way. We wound up taking a 6K detour in each direction through a small town with gridlocked traffic, but we eventually made our way back to the highway home.


We arrived safely just before noon, and I resumed my Barretto life. That included the Sunday feeding at Hideaway. Swan joined me at the new Oasis bar after church, and we spent some quality time imbibing (beer for me, wine for her). We made Sloppy Joe’s our nightcap venue. The Sit-n-Bull waitress came by, and I asked about pecan pie availability, and she said yes. So, two pies to go, please! Came home, had dessert, and then a lovely welcome home from Swan.

And that’s where things stand as of now. I’ll be Hashing again today and likely shortcutting since Leech My Nuggets is the Hare. Still don’t want to push my luck going up into the hills.

And here’s a two-fer in the bad puns of the day offering:

Back tomorrow with the latest happenings!

It’s been a hard day’s night

This year’s Haggis Bash is in the books. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

A very long day yesterday. The trail started at 0930, and we didn’t leave the On-Home until 8 p.m. My ride back to Barretto is leaving in an hour, so I am just going to dump some photos from the Haggis Bash now, and I’ll write up a post-mortem tomorrow. Fair enough?

There were three trail options: An 8K with two hill climbs, a 6K flat hike, and a 4K short trail. I chose the middle ground, as seen above.
With well over 100 Hashers, the start was a tad crowded.
Things thinned out as the group split into their preferred trails.
I was happy to bring some sweetness into their lives.
And then I sawdust.
We had a couple of water crossings. My hike mates took their shoes off; I just plunged in.
I love this tree. But I didn’t get close enough to check for knotholes.
A narrow, rocky bridge. Once again, I just waded across.
On the edge
A wet and horny carabao
The stats from my hike. Gaining distance but still moving slow.

Back at the On-Home a little before noon. Lunch was provided (I had a hamburger with a spoonful of slaw on the side). And the coolers of beer were open for business. Then the games began. I chose not to participate but found a shady spot to sit and observe. It was almost 5 p.m. when we finally gathered for the circle.

Lots of bagpiping. Despite my Scottish heritage, I don’t particularly enjoy the sound, although I respect the talent involved in playing the instrument.
The setting for the Hash Circle. Dig that old school windmill.
Nearly 150 attendees for this year’s Haggis Bash.
As the circle commenced, we were provided an appetizer.
A Scottish egg, you say?
Not bad
The leaders of the Circle. La Union Hash doesn’t do ice. Instead, they have a crew of women who hit you with multiple pails of water. Thankfully, I avoided that trauma.
Another form of La Union Hash punishment.

At the conclusion of the circle, we were ushered into the dining area.

The Haggis ritual begins. Led into the building to a Scottish tune on bagpipes.
My first experience with the Scottish delicacy called haggis. Based on what I knew of the contents, I expected not to like it. Turns out, it tasted okay. I won’t be craving it, but I’m glad I had the experience.
That would be me after the hike but before my first beer. Don’t I look thirsty?

Alright, that’s how the day went. More to say about it as time permits. Thanks for stopping by.

Still not dead

I survived day one of the Haggis Bash Hash here in Pozorrubio, La Union. Day two kicks off soon, so this will be an abbreviated post out of necessity. You are welcome!

Yesterday’s trail was short and sweet, mostly through flat farmland. Some food and beverages at the trail’s end, then on to a local Hasher’s farm for the On-Home festivities. The main event is today, with a longer trail and some competitive events among the various Hash groups in attendance.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:

My two-star lodging.
Quite a few Hashers are camping out at the On-Home farm.
A Haggis is a Scottish delicacy, and this Hash has a Scottish theme.
Yes, I am of Scottish heritage, even if they did spell my name wrong.
A touching scene from the trail of mother and child.
Something’s growing
There are over 150 Hashers at this event, and I wasn’t last on trail this time!
Hope you are enjoying this Hash post
I brought candy instead of cookies for the kiddies (easier to pack).
Sweetness is what it is all about
End of trail food and beverages
For the Hash Circle, we gathered around a fire pit
No need to let a good fire go to waste, especially if you have marshmallows
You can’t have a Scottish event without bagpipes
Scottish stew on the fire
And on my plate

So, we are off to a good start. It’s going to be a LONG day today, but it should be fun. See you tomorrow!

Close encounters of the weird kind

Anyone else remember that movie from 1977? My UFO encounters yesterday were of the Unexpected Freaky Occurrences type, which have heretofore been rather alien to me. I’ll tell the story of yesterday’s Hash and intertwine the bizarre events that took place chronologically.

The Hares were Almoranus and Vienna Sausage (Guenther), and I would have avoided their 10K mountain trail under the best of circumstances. Four of us planned an alternative route that would take us from Barretto High School to the end of Rizal Extension, through the hills on the My Bitch trail, then down through Alta Vista to the On-Home at Johansson’s. I figured on leaving the house at 1:45, walking to the highway to catch a trike to Rizal, and meeting up with the others at our agreed-upon 2:30 start time.

The first UFO appeared at 1:00. I heard the dogs barking out front and went to investigate. I was surprised to see Angie standing outside the gate. I had met Angie last year when she worked at Queen Victoria. She had expressed an interest in joining the Hash, and as is my custom, I agreed to sponsor her (i.e., pay the 300 peso entry). She brought a friend along the first time, and some money went missing (she blamed her friend). Anyway, Angie is a certified drama queen, a mother of six, and someone I never had the slightest interest in hooking up with (and regular readers know my standards are low). So, a few months ago, I had lent her some food money and later, she asked if I would sponsor her to join me at a Hash in Angeles. I told her no, that’s not going to happen. Now, this was after a night of drinking at the Hash, but her response of “I hate you!” was uncalled for, in my opinion. I paid my tab and left her sitting there at IDM. I noticed the next day that she had unfriended me on Facebook. She showed up the following week for the Hash, and I paid her entry but didn’t have anything else to do with her that night. She sent me a FB friend request that I have not accepted. It’s been a couple of months now, and I hadn’t seen or heard from her until she showed up at my new place. I’m not sure how she found where I live.

So, I asked Angie what she wanted and she responded she was looking for where the Hash would be. I told her the start of the trail was at Savers (at the far end of Barretto) and that I wouldn’t be doing that trail (and I also didn’t invite her to join the short trail). She asked me if I could give her 20 pesos for Jeepney fare to savers, and I did. Swan was standing there watching all this, but she seemed fine when I explained the situation after Angie departed.

When it came time for me to head out, there was a trike parked in front of my neighbor’s house, and the driver asked me if I wanted a ride. Well, I was going to catch a trike at the highway anyway, so I took it as a sign of God’s grace that I could ride all the way to our meet up.

Where the sane group began the Hash.

Because I had triked all the way, I arrived early and had some time to kill.

So, I captured the beauty of this creek running through the neighborhood.

At the appointed time, we headed up Rizal Extension. It’s about a 2K walk to where the My Bitch trail starts, and it is all uphill. I dislike that walk during the best of times, but after a sleepless night and with low energy, it was especially bad. About a third of the way up, I bailed. I just didn’t want to run out of gas somewhere up in the hills with no avenues for escape. As I made my way back down the road, I questioned my decision, but what was done was done.

Making my way towards Johansson’s on Jolo Street, I encountered my second UFO. As I passed a foreigner, he called out in a German accent, “You are M C, right?” I didn’t understand what he meant, so I said, no, my name is John. He said, yes, you are M C…I read your blog. Okay, well, I’ve never been called that, but it’s always nice to meet a reader. Or should I say, almost always. I stuck out my hand to offer a handshake, and he started telling me what a horrible person I was for destroying his girl’s business and costing her “millions.” I’m thinking, what the fuck are you talking about? It turns out his girl ran the short-lived Finger Monkeys bar. I gave it a good review and ranking at the time. A few months later, after Joy had quit in a salary dispute, I mentioned that I thought she had mistreated her employees and that I would no longer patronize the bar. No big deal; I’m just one person voting with my feet. And, of course, what put Finger Monkey out of business was his gal getting arrested for hiring an underage girl as a waitress. His gal spent some time in jail for that but was recently released. And for the record, I thought that it was an unjust arrest and she didn’t deserve to be incarcerated. I don’t recall blogging about it, but I would not have said anything negative because I thought she was innocent (the employee had apparently provided a false ID). But the man on the street was growing increasingly agitated and saying I was responsible for what happened. I told him I had very few local readers, but he didn’t want to hear that saying that I could be held accountable for my words. Alrighty then, that was over two years ago, and if stating my opinion can get me in trouble, so be it. This kind of confrontation was the first of its kind in eighteen years of blogging.

I arrived at Johansson’s for a much-needed and well-deserved beer. My personal Hash trail was less than 4K, but at least I tried.

That long ass Hares trail kept even the hardiest and fastest Hasher up in the hills much longer than usual. As it was near dusk, I asked some of the late arrivals if they had seen Angie at the start. Yes, she was on the trail. I admit to being a bit worried about her because she is relatively inexperienced at the Hash, and it would be easy to lose the trail. She finally made it back as one of the last arrivals. To her credit, she did the whole damn trail.

The badass Hash trail. The purple line is the sane shortcut. No map available for my wimp trail.
Missionary Grinder (Angie) on the ice as the last female to pay her Hash fee (well, I gave her the cash as her sponsor when she got back)
This is why I never wear new shoes to the Hash…I don’t want to drink out of them!

As I was preparing to leave at the end of the Hash, Angie asked if she could “borrow” 300 pesos and insisted she would pay me back soon. Yeah, right. I “lent” it to her, figuring it was a cheap way never to have to entertain a money request from her in the future. And 300 pesos is less than what I pay for two lady drinks.

I didn’t do the usual after-Hash gathering at IDM–I didn’t want to walk that far out of my way. Instead, I opted for Snackbar, conveniently located on the highway at Baloy Road. Swan had been out with a friend on Baloy, so I messaged her that we could meet at Snackbar on her way home if she wanted. She responded that she didn’t want to drink but could pick me up on her way home. I said my girlfriend wouldn’t like that. That joke response resulted in my third UFO of the day.

When I got home about an hour later, Swan wasn’t there. I went to bed and woke up a couple of hours later. Her side of the bed was empty. I looked into the living room, and she was watching TV on the couch. She didn’t say a word to me, which is the opposite of her usual style. I always get a warm welcome and hugs, but not last night. When I asked her what was going on, she pulled out her phone with the “my girlfriend wouldn’t like it” message. Seriously? Okay, I’ll concede it was a stupid joke, but for her to interpret that I have a girlfriend and was with her is ridiculous. The girlfriend I was talking about was Swan. Anyway, instead of getting all pissy, she could have just said who are you talking about? I guess what really bothered me most was for her to take that joke the wrong way, says that she sees me as the kind of guy who would have a girlfriend on the side. I may be many creepy things, but I’m not a cheater. We are back hugging this morning, but I still feel tension between us. I really despise drama.

Moving on, I know I have at least one reader who is a grammar Nazi.

It makes sense, I suppose. But maybe these grammarians need to check their write privilege.

I reckon I’ll do the floating bar to start things off once beer o’clock gets here. Swan is in Subic, so I won’t be with my girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow.

Hey, they are playing my song!