Life moves on

Things seem really different around here in the absence of mom’s presence.  I’m equally torn between relief that her suffering is over and enormous sadness that the life she loved so much is gone.  But I guess that’s really the way it works out for most people, isn’t it?

She wants to be buried next to her mother in Goltry, Oklahoma.  It’s a tad over 1100 miles from here and I’m in the mood for a road trip.  So I’ll be hitting the Interstate on Friday.

Last night I played darts for the first time since I’ve been “home”.  Found a nice little Irish pub with three boards named The Puddlin’ Duck.  I joined the “league” which amounts to a weekly blind draw double elimination tourney.  There were fourteen of us throwing tonight and I felt warmly welcomed.  So, I’ve got Wednesdays covered at least.

Played so bad though even Jee Yeun was embarrassed for me.  I overheard her telling my new mates that I really wasn’t that bad.  Well, not to make excuses but it has been awhile since I’ve thrown and it being a new venue surrounded by strangers and all it’s understandable I’d be off my game.  Right?  Right?

Anyway, it will be better.  It’s got to get better.

All you need is love

The nearest friends can go
With anyone to death, comes so far short
They might as well not try to go at all.
No, from the time when one is sick to death,
One is alone, and he dies more alone.
Friends make pretense of following to the grave,
But before one is in it, their minds are turned
And making the best of their way back to life
And living people, and things they understand.

–Robert Frost (from Home Burial)

My mother died this morning.  At home, peacefully in her sleep.  These past two weeks had been a struggle for her but she kept on fighting.  It was heartbreaking to watch her fade away each day.  She had stopped eating, drinking, and using her oxygen and become verbally non-communicative.  But until yesterday I could still see her “in there” behind her eyes and there was a spark of recognition when friends and family members came to visit.

The best night occurred last week when her sisters from California were here.  She was surrounded by people who loved her and she seemed to really perk up.  She actually made a little speech about what’s important in life and she said all that matters is love.  Mom told us to always love one another and everyone else we encountered.  When it was done she smiled and said, “well, I guess I gave a sermon”.  Mom was clearly loving having her family with her, that’s for sure.

She deteriorated pretty quickly after that.  She lost the ability to speak, but still would lift her arms and offer hugs to any and all takers.  Later she was reduced to moaning and grunts and all we could do was administer morphine and keep her as comfortable as possible.  She would still make eye contact and I sensed a pleading for help, but there was no help I could provide other than stroking her head.

The last days watching her lie there fighting for breath was heartrending and we could only standby watching her suffering.  This morning we woke to find her at peace at last.

You know, I have always feared dying alone.  So I thought it was a good thing that mom had family around her at the end of her days.  But I also observed that no matter the circumstances, we are all going to die alone.  Mom was physically alive, but she was also already gone to some other unreachable place.  I can only hope it was comfortable and pain free there.

Thanks for all the love you so freely gave me mom.


Aunt Pat’s “World Famous” Fruit Salad

Back when I was a kid in Southern California we used to always visit Uncle Sam and Aunt Pat up in the foothills of La Crescenta.  What I always loved best about Aunt Pat’s spread was her fruit salad.  No, I don’t mean ambrosia or some other facsimile that folks may think of as a fruit salad.  IMHO, honest-to-goodness fruit salad absolutely MUST have a sour cream base. 

Anyway, for the past 30 years or so I’ve incorporated Aunt Pat’s recipe into my own Thanksgiving holiday tradition.  Folks do seem to enjoy it too.  I call it “world famous” now, because I’ve been serving it up here in Korea to friends and co-workers since 2005 and if the empty bowl is any indication it’s a popular treat.  So, without further adieu, I’m going to put the recipe right here on the internet.

For a Family-size serving:

30 oz can of fruit cocktail

15 oz can of mandarin oranges

1 apple (I prefer granny smith)

3 bananas

5 oz of pecan pieces

3/4 cup coconut

1/2 cup baby marshmellows

16 oz sour cream

open and drain fruit cocktail and manadrin oranges.  cut apple into small chunks.  slice bananas into bite-size pieces.  place them all in a bowl and stir in sour cream until fruit is well covered.  mix in pecans.  add coconut and marshmellows and stir until all are well blended.  add additional coconut and/or marshmellow to sweeten to taste.

Best when chilled for two or three hours before serving.

That’s all there is to it.  Enjoy!


Well met indeed

Had a happy reunion with one of my dart mentors last night, Mike “Petro” Petrocelli.  As former President of the Seoul International Dart league he really helped make darts in Itaewon what it is today.  It was great to see him again, even if it was only for a one night stand.   He brought along a pretty good dart game as well, which was to be expected.

We were all happy to welcome Dave New back to Dolce Vita as well.  He’ll be here for the next three weeks or so and we are looking forward to as many nights of darts and beer as can be managed.

Speaking of which, Petro bought a keg for all the darters who turned out to get reacquainted.  And naturally, a blind draw doubles tournament broke out.  Had some interesting pairs drawn.  Alastair and Sammy, two excellent darters from the UK; two more outstanding players in Tom Randolph and Petro; and Dave New had me to carry.

We had some great games, but in the end Dave and I made it through the winners bracket.  Tom and Petro had a hard fought match with Alastair and Sammy for the right to play us for the championship.  And the boys from the mother country prevailed.

In the end it came down to a classic well played game of cricket with strategic pointing in a seesaw battle that ulitmately resulted in a win for Dave and me.  Damn, it was like old times, meaning fun times at the oche.

Next up, The Duke and lovely Ji Young are coming to town.  It’s shaping up to be a hot August!

On Marriage

You were born together,
and together you shall be forevermore.

You shall be together when the white wings
of death scatter your days.

Aye, you shall be together even in the
silent memory of God.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between
the shores of your souls.

Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous,
but let each of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone
though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together, yet not too near together.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress
grow not in each other’s shadow.
–Khalil Gibran
Wish I could be there.  Live well, live long, be happy!

Blast from the Past–Walter Lee

In honor of Father’s Day, some snaps of my dad…


This is from Dad’s prospecting days.  He’d drive the ol’ Bullfrog (Jeep) out into the desert and search for precious minerals.  I do believe that would be a Geiger counter on his lap…


Back in those days his day job was managing a fast food joint called The Rite Spot.  He also manned the grill and was a master at cooking and flipping dozens of burgers simultaneously.   I guess he had to be because burgers were like a dime each or 12 for a dollar.   Popular hangout for the local teenagers in Westminster, California until the McDonalds opened up directly across the street.


Dad also always enjoyed doing the yard work.  If he couldn’t find the rake, he’d give a clean sweep with the push broom.


Evening relaxation was a beer, a smoke, and some Marty Robbins on the record player…


During the war Dad served in the merchant marine as a 16 year old and later enlisted in the Army…


And finally, here’s one of Dad (back row, 3rd from left) with his chums in Memphis, Tennessee…
Happy Father’s Day!

I got two shoes…

and one new husband.

Well, since she changed her Facebook status, I guess it is okay to announce to the vast readership of LTG that Jenn of I Got 2 Shoes fame has done gone and got hitched.

Jenn and her man Fahid.

Had a nice visit with the happy couple last weekend while they were in town taking care of business at their respective embassies.  Jenn has finished her contract at the hagwon in Ulsan and will be flying home to Canada later this month.

Good luck and much happiness to you both in the future!

Duke’s girl

Congrats to Duke and Ji Young on the birth of their beautiful baby girl Kyla Kim.



Now, Duke didn’t pass along any vital statistics like date of birth, weight and length, how long Ji Young was in labor etc.  So all I know for sure is that the baby has an amazing head of hair and the good fortune of having her mother’s good looks!

Photographs and memories

So, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my vacation photos had not in fact been lost when I put the memory card in my new camera…


Southbound from Virginia I received a hearty welcome from NC and a place to answer nature’s call.


I was rollin’ down the highway in this fine example of American steel–a retro Chrysler 300.


A fine ride indeed!


Although she did drink the fuel…thankfully Pedro was waiting for me just South of the Border in SC…


Picked my son up from work at the radio network and headed out for dinner in Columbia’s upscale Congaree (river) Vista neighborhood.


Granddaughter Gracyn kept me company at my parent’s house…


The next morning mom and dad and me and Gracie headed out to the ol’ Cracker Barrel for an American-style breakfast.


There’s a knack to doing one of those self portraits…one I obviously lack…


Kevin with the newest addition to the clan, Alexander.  Just turned one year old!


Proof that Kevin was born lucky–sweetheart Lauren…


Lauren, mom and Renee…


Nephew Joshua…


Me and the kids (proof that I’m lucky too!)


Lauren and Renee enjoying Sunday brunch at California Dreaming…


That’s a LG from Korea!


Ain’t he sweet?


I really enjoyed the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum at Dulles…


Ah, give me the days when airlines cared about service…and legroom!


The long trip across the Pacific makes you wish supersonic transport was still available…if not affordable.


That reminds me, I still need to post my photos from Pearl Harbor…


Blackbird singin’ in the dead of night…


The space shuttle Enterprise never left Earth’s atmosphere, but still impressive…


It was really great to see old friends Duke and Dave again and to throw some darts like old times.  Duke’s lovely wife Ji Young seems to have put on a little weight though…


In fact, I do believe she’s even bigger than me these days.  I understand she will be losing the weight in dramatic fashion next week…


Congrats to Duke and Ji Young on the impending birth of their daughter Kyla Kim.

Looking forward to their visit to Korea in August…

Every picture tells a story…

…but I have no pictures.

Sorry about the lack of posts.  I had several written in my head to go along with the photos I took en route and while I was in South Carolina with the family.  Then my camera crashed.  I bought a new one yesterday, but when I installed the memory card from the old camera it erased all my pictures.  I’m beyond irked about that and too irritated to put thoughts to pixels without the accompanying photos.

I will say I had a too short but wonderful visit with the folks, kids and grandkids.  Everyone seems to be doing as well as can be expected.  There seems to be a theme to this trip but I’m going to let those thoughts perculate a little more before I try to articulate them.

Back in NoVA now.  Threw some darts last night with Duke and Dave New.  Always great to see old friends from Korea  adapting well to their new environs.

Blast from the Past–Kevin Lee


You gotta love those 80’s hairstyles, don’t you?

Well, Kevin was quite a bit younger then.  And as of today, he’s older still.

I’ll give him this, he wasn’t late for the first birthday party.  Came into this world early in the morning (a little after 6 a.m.) on his due date.

I got to be in the delivery room for his arrival and it was probably the coolest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Of course,  he’s made his daddy proud ever since.

Happy Birthday Kevin!  I love you.