My last night

I won’t have another night out in Barretto for over a week, assuming I survive Thailand. I’m a little paranoid about my breathing issues and being alone in a strange land surrounded by strangers. Welp, I guess that’s why they call it an adventure. My bags are packed, and I’m ready to go!

Mary came by my place for lunch, her allowance, and some groceries I picked up for her on my last trip to Royal. We had some dessert, and I walked her down to the highway so she could catch a Jeepney home. She’s working at John’s place now, so she needed to drop her things off, change clothes, then head back into town for her 5 p.m. shift.

It was only 3:30 when she got on the Jeep, but I figured I’d get to work on my Saturday night since I was in town already. I started out at Sloppy Joe’s and ran into my hiking mates, Scott and Steve.

Oh, yeah, Chris was there, too. They were refreshing themselves after a golf outing in San Antonio.
That’s my Sloppy Joe’s waitress standing beside the lady drink I bought her. How special is she? Well, that’s a double drink (250 pesos), something I very rarely purchase. I made an exception in her case because when I asked her if she preferred two single drinks or one double, she wanted the double. And it wasn’t about the drink commission; she said she wanted to get her favorite beverage (I think that’s cranberry). So, one double saved me money and made her happy. Win-win!

After a couple of beers (maybe three), I wanted to get something to eat, and where better to dine than John’s place? It was a few minutes before five, and Mary was going through the door as I approached. I followed her in and surprised her. I was headed up to the third-floor bar area and saw John in the second-floor restaurant. He told me he had some changes coming upstairs, starting this weekend. The bar, which has a pool table and not much else other than a nice open-air view, is going to be made into a “real bar” vibe, whatever that means. Maybe he’s going to have GROs and sexy waitresses thirsty for lady drinks? I guess I’ll find out when I get back from Thailand.

The third-floor bar at John’s. I was the only customer up there at first (a couple joined me later and played pool). I usually sit up front for the view, but it was raining and windy, and that area was getting drenched.
The bar seating
I felt like something out of the ordinary (for me), so I went with the chicken enchiladas. They were delicious but had a spicy bite to them. Luckily I had a cold beer to soothe my tongue.

While I was eating I got a message from Joy. She was lamenting that there were no customers (and no lady drinks) in the bar. Given the rain outside, I wasn’t surprised. So, I ordered some Korean-style chicken wings for take-out and paid her a surprise visit.

I was indeed the only customer, so I rang the bell, and all the girls (5 of them) and the bartender got a drink on my tab to help wash down those wings.
If wings could fly, I still think this one would have landed in Joy’s hungry mouth.

With the hunger and thirst satiated at Hideaway, it was time to move on. After some internal debate as I walked, I decided to pay a visit to Cheap Charlies. I was surprised it was so crowded, but my regular crew was available to serve me some company in exchange for the coveted lady drink.

There was Nerissa…
My back rubber, Tina

Alma was on my other side, but she deleted the photo I took of her (she has an out-of-town foreigner “boyfriend,” I hear).

While I was enjoying my time at Cheap Charlies, I got a message from Angie asking if I would be visiting her at Green Room. I’d just seen her the day before at the SOB, but Green Room is right across the highway, so why not. At first, things weren’t too busy, but then a group of high rollers came in and brought most of the girls from Wet Spot with them.

My Green Room tablemates
And the gals that came with the big spender. You really do get what you pay for…
That’s Saya, a Wet Spot dancer who really trips all my triggers. She’s also a friend of Mary (a former classmate), although she is a couple of years older. I’m not sure if you can tell, but I have it on good authority that she wasn’t wearing panties last night.

And that was just about all the fun I could handle for one night. I did pop into Sit-n-Bull hoping for a pecan pie dessert, but alas, they were sold out. So, I settled for a big oatmeal-raisin cookie instead, took it home, and put some vanilla ice cream on top. Not as good as a Krispy Kreme donut, but good enough.

Oh, and I’ve been meaning to share this tidbit that I found hilarious. I have an app on my phone called WhatsApp that I almost never use. A few days ago, I got a message there saying, “Hope I didn’t bother you; how are you today?” I should have known better but answered, “I’m sorry. Who is this?” And this was the response:

I’m sorry for bothering you. I’m Miss Kate, HR Assistant of WPP Company. We are pleased to inform you that we will like to offer you the opportunity to join our team and work with us remotely which can help you earn money every day. Can I tell you more details about it?

Yep, I triggered the spam. Still, I figured I could have some fun with it and answered this way: Nope. I’m rich. I don’t need to work. I’m hoping I can find a girlfriend. Miss Kate didn’t miss a beat:

If you are rich, let me know.

I left it at that but enjoyed the laugh.

It’s raining like mad again today (’tis the season), and I’m meeting my ride to the airport across town. I’ve got a trike driver scheduled to pick me up at the house at 2:00; let’s hope he remembers where I live. Damn, I better pack an umbrella; it might be raining in Thailand too.

Assuming everything goes well, my next post will be from the Land of Smiles. See you on the other side!

The answer is obviously, Yes!

Navy daze

The Wednesday Walkers changed things up and took a rare trip out to SBMA (aka The old Navy base) for our adventure. With our smaller turnout lately, we have more transportation options. Scott’s car carried the four of us comfortably and allowed us to explore some new terrain. The skies were threatening, but the rain held off throughout our 7K pavement hike.

Yesterday’s route. We need to get out here more often. Lots to see and explore.
Our group: Sheila, Todd, Scott, and yours truly
Off we go!
Pipe dreams
Let’s get something straight between us!
Heading up the road (there was a slight elevation gain)
Roadside vendors
That gal has a lot of balls!
Our path took us parallel to a golf course
Who’s idea was this?
A creek
Posing by the creek
There is an Aeta (native people) camp here
The Aeta locals offer tours of the forest trails nearby. It’s on my bucket list now.
See you next time!
Onward we march
Wait a minute! Were we somehow transported back to the USA?
It certainly has the look and feel of an American suburban neighborhood.
Ah, yeah. I looked at places here back in 2010 when I was first preparing for my post-retirement life. These duplexes were officer housing quarters back in the Navy base days. They are actually quite nice, with large American-style kitchens and roomy bedrooms upstairs. I decided not to live here because it was too much like home–I wanted to live in the Philippines, damn it!
Hell, I could have been living on Easy Street all this time!
A famous and popular international school right in the neighborhood
Taking time to smell the flowers…
No gloves on this hike, but I did find these…
The home stretch
And finally, back where we started. We loaded into the car and headed to a famous place for lunch–Vasco’s
The menu
Ships in the dock of the bay, watchin’ the tide roll away…
Anchors away!
Having a blast
At the table
The view from the table
My chef salad on the table

A good day on base!

I went home to rest and refresh; then, I was off to the Wednesday feeding at Hideaway. I sent Joy out to get whatever she and the girls wanted. She came back with chicken, pork on a stick, and pancit.

Pork skewer
As you can see, pancit is a noodley dish. I don’t particularly care for it. Filipinas seem crazy about it, though.
Everything seemed to go down okay.

After leaving Hideaway, I stopped at Blue Butterfly and shared a drink with my favorite there, Tanya. There was a lady walking the streets selling food from a basket. I asked the girls if they were hungry and got an affirmative response. Tanya spoke to the vendor in Tagalog; then I paid for 270 pesos worth of food (not sure what, some kind of burger-like thing). The vendor went on her way. Later I noticed that most of the food was uneaten, and Tanya told me it was not fresh. Apparently, the vendor had assured her otherwise. It’s the first time I’ve seen that happen, and obviously, it is the last time I’ll make a purchase from this woman (I’ve made several in the past, but now she has lost my trust).

I finished my night at Wet Spot and enjoyed some time with the big shots at the back slapper’s table. Later, I noticed Saja was back to work (she’s a schoolmate of Mary), so I invited her over for a drink. Her boyfriend has returned to his homeland, Germany, I think she said, for work, and she has come back to Wet Spot, at least for now.

I would if I could, but I can’t, so I won’t

And so ended another night in the Bars of Barretto. At least there was no trouble of this kind:

I never walk home. That’s what trikes are for!

Days that end in “y”

For quite some time now, I’ve confined my drinking to only on days that end in a “y.” I’m considering cutting back further and only drinking on two occasions–when I’m alone or when I’m with someone. We’ll see how that works out for me.

Speaking of being with someone, it’s been an unusual week in that regard. I had Joy’s companionship on Thursday, and last night Mary joined me. And as I write this, Lyn is on her way from Angeles for a weekend visit. Remember her? It’s been a little over a year now since our first and last meeting. We’ve occasionally exchanged messages since her departure, but this visit came out of the blue. I think she just needs a break from the stress of her current life, and hey, I don’t mind being a shelter in her storm. I rather liked her.

Anyway, it occurs to me that maybe I’ve stumbled upon an answer to my companionship dilemma. Why not have an arrangement where I spend Thursdays with Joy, Fridays with Mary, Mondays with Angie, and then fill in the gaps with random events like Lyn’s visit? That even leaves some time when I can be alone to rest, recuperate, and recharge. Perhaps there is safety in numbers, after all.

Anyway, it is just a thought for now. Lyn will be arriving in a few minutes, so I want to get this post up as I expect I’ll be otherwise occupied for the remainder of the day.

Wish me luck!

Welcome back!

Wade a minute!

Took a walk on the wet side yesterday morning. The Wednesday Walkers group did a beach walk from Barretto to the lighthouse just outside the entrance to the old Navy base. It’s probably been a year since I last ventured out this way, and I was surprised just how much things have changed, and not in a good way.

The Wednesday Walkers who showed up yesterday

The first thing that happened was our normal beach access was blocked by a locked gate. So, we walked through the Outback Hotel pool area to reach the sand, which is uncouth, but I’ll stop in for a beer or two soon to make up for it.

Having achieved our waterside objective, we discovered we had arrived at high tide. I knew that was going to mean wet feet at some point in the hike, and that point turned out to be immediate. The water was higher than where the fence line ended, so I waded on out and around it.

My fellow hikers opted to hop the fence. I didn’t bother because I knew what lay ahead, including two river crossings. Sometimes at low tide, there are ways across that keep you dry, but not on this day.
On the beach
On the water
In the water. Man, it is hard to complain about getting wet feet when you see a man in a wheelchair enjoying being rolled into the bay.
A low-maintenance pier.
A joint US-Philippine military drill is taking place this week—the largest joint exercise ever between the two countries. Hopefully, China gets the message.
The first river crossing. No way over that wall. Welcome to the freedom of having wet feet!
Water wasn’t the only obstacle; there were also rocks to climb over.
A little tricky but doable.
Up and over, and watch out for the burning pile of rubbish!
Enjoying the view
And then there was this. Whether it was intentional or not, it sucked to have to jump into water that luckily ONLY came to just above my knees. I suspected the property owner on the other side didn’t like people walking on “his” beach, so he made passage difficult by destroying the walkway.
Back on the beach
Then back in the water. Some construction had the beach blocked past the waterline.
Looks like someone forgot about high tide
Beachy keeno!
The last time I passed this way, that house was occupied. Things change.
This property is owned by the Gordons, one of Olongapo’s most powerful political families. The caretaker made it very clear we were not welcome.
The end is near.
The end (for him) is here
The lighthouse objective is achieved!
SBMA, aka The old Navy base

And that’s where we ended the hike. Caught a Jeepney back to Barretto and grabbed some lunch at Sit-n-Bull.

When it was time to feed the girls at Hideaway, I stopped at the Andoks chicken store and gathered some foodstuffs.

Roast chicken
Fried chicken
And some pork liempo
With my brownies for dessert, of course.
In Joy

My bar tab at Hideaway was over 2000 pesos. I was a little overly generous on the lady drinks, I suppose. So, the money I fritter away in the bar made me feel a little guilty about the money I’m declining to fritter away on the gals besieging me with their requests for assistance. That’s my excuse for ending my night at Wet Spot and slipping Aine the cash she had requested. But I did make clear to her it would be the last time. And, while the Messenger connection worked for her request for help, it apparently couldn’t transmit a thank you. Good to know.

On a more positive note, I have achieved the level of status at Wet Spot that affords me the benefit of a personalized beer coozy. Hooray for me!

As usual, I was up early this morning and catching up with the blogs I follow. That’s where I saw the news on Kevin Kim’s Big Hominid site that Elon Musk had destroyed a BBC “reporter.” And it didn’t take long for the memes to pop up on my Facebook feed. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Buried alive!

In other news, Nerissa asked if we could get together on her day off, which is today. I figured, sure, why not? It’s my floating bar day on Baloy, so I invited her to join me, and afterward, I’ll treat her to dinner, probably at Da’Kudos. Not to worry, she is completely in the friend zone with me. Not sure what I am to her, nor does it matter.

I’ve also been chatting with a gal I just met on the Date In Asia site. I’m not getting ahead of myself with her, but she checks all the boxes with no red flags so far. I am looking forward to our first date, which will have to be next week since I’ve already made plans for the weekend. Should be fun to see if we have any chemistry when we meet in person.

Hey, maybe things are finally going to get interesting around here!

Not so much since I broke up with Gin.

Some new Goodyears

Not a bad Tuesday as Tuesdays go. Got through the grocery shopping without blowing a gasket over the insane prices and frustrating “out-of-stock” issues. I just don’t understand how a major grocery store like Royal is so inept at ordering products before they sell out. Often, weeks or months go by before the next shipment arrives. Ah, well. If that’s all I have to complain about, I’m living a pretty blessed life.

After loading up the groceries, I paid my driver and walked a couple of blocks to Harbor Pointe Mall.

I arrived a few minutes before the 10 a.m. opening and waited. And waited. Ten o’clock comes and goes, and still, no one comes to open the door. I finally used a different entrance to get inside.

One of the purposes of my visit to the mall was to find out why the data plan I purchased for my phone wasn’t working. I went to the Globe store (my cell phone provider), and they checked the SIM card and settings. After about 30 minutes of fiddling with my phone, they said I had the wrong connection link and fixed it. Okay, I don’t speak technology, but at least it is working now.

Since I was already at the mall, I went upstairs to the Merrell store, hoping to acquire some new hiking shoes (my old ones have worn-down soles, and I like a good grip when doing those ups and downs on the mountain). I’m not sure what is going on with Merrell, but they didn’t have ANY traditional hiking shoes in stock, just like the last time I visited the store a few months ago. Weird. Not wanting to give up without a fight and having nothing better to do, I hoofed on over across the river to the SM Mall in Olongapo City (less than a kilometer away).

The department store shoe section had some good-looking Merrells on display, but when the sales clerk returned from the backroom, he advised that there were no size 11s available. He suggested I look at the Skechers collection. That’s been my fallback shoe for a while now, and they fill the need, even if they are not really designed for the dirty trails I walk.

These are the ones I purchased. How could I resist? It’s been a long time since I’ve had a set of Goodyears on my feet—a lifetime, in fact.
I wore them on my scouting climb up Easter Mountain this morning, and they worked out just fine. Still had some slippage in the soft and leaf-covered soil, but I imagine that would be the case with any shoe, given how steep our trail was.

On my way to the checkout stand, I saw some backpacks on display, so I went for a look.

I wound up buying this one to carry my water and cookies during my hikes. The chest strap on my old daypack has been broken for a while, and I liked the padding on the back of this one. It should be more comfortable.

So, I’d had enough of shopping but worked up an appetite. SM Mall has a Jollibee, and there was a McDonald’s just up the road, but I was craving something else for some reason, and I walked back to Harbor Pointe Mall to get me some.

A double Whopper with cheese and all the fixings.
It definitely filled the void.

I finished my lunch and caught a cab for home.

Did my usual afternoon routines (blogging and napping), then it was once again time to head into town. I started with a visit to the barber and successfully had my ears lowered. It Doesn’t Matter bar is just across the highway from the barbershop, and I had some amends to make there, so that was my next stop. I found the waitress I had been rude to the night before, apologized, and bought her a lady drink. She was gracious and happy that there were no hard feelings.

I only stayed for one beer, then went back across the highway to enjoy the ambiance at the Annex bar.

Giddy up! On my previous visit, I hadn’t noticed the saddle and reins hanging from the ceiling. It really is a clean, comfortable, and well-appointed bar. I’ll definitely be adding it to my regular circuit.

Where to next? It wasn’t 6:00 yet so that limited my options somewhat. Cheap Charlies was packed with RSL guys, so I risked life and limb and crossed the highway again to plop my ass down at The Green Room for a bit. A pool league match was going on, and it was quite entertaining to watch–the players I saw were outstanding. I had some Sit-n-Bull chicken wings with my beer and got my waitress some lumpia to enjoy.

Enough time had elapsed that enabled me to visit Alaska and see Virginia, so that’s just what I did.

Looking cute as ever, ain’t she?

Virginia is easy on the eyes, but I have difficulty understanding her English. That problem was exacerbated last night because the music was so loud I may as well have been deaf. Owner Jerry was doing pool league somewhere else; he would not have been playing those songs at that volume, not his style. Well, Virginia got a couple of lady drink commissions at least, and perhaps we can talk another time.

Sloppy Joe’s is right next door to Alaska, so I popped in there for my nightcap. I was pleasantly surprised to see my pal Chris and his gal were there, so I pulled up a stool and joined them. Chris was controlling the music and videos, so we did a pleasant stroll down memory lane with an emphasis on Bob Seger. Enjoyed the hell out of that.

The view of the highway from my seat at Sloppy Joe’s.
And the happy couple, Chris and Shie.

Oh, the Belgian chocolate guy came by, and I bought five of his 100 peso containers and took them to the girls at Alaska for a special treat. Better than cookies!

It really did turn out to be a fun night out; everything Monday night wasn’t.

There were some interesting discussions regarding alcohol use/abuse in the comments to Sunday’s post. I don’t speculate as to where on the spectrum the medical community might place me but freely admit I imbibe several low-alcohol brews every night. While the “science” had previously said two a day or several a week weren’t bad, I came across this article saying that alcohol in ANY amount isn’t healthy. Well, fine. No need to try and cut down on consumption then–I’m going to die anyway. In all seriousness, I’m doing just fine. The gin was a mistake for sure, but as long as I stay away from the hard liquors, I’ll be okay.

Ah, and those Facebook memories. Today is my wedding anniversary with wife #4.

I thought I had it made. I won’t lie; it still hurts.

And how about this one from eight years ago:

That’s frequent commenter Kevin Kim on the left, looking young and healthy. The guy next to me is Young Chun, a fascinating guy who had just published the book I’m holding about his stint in the Korean Army.

The book is titled “The Accidental Citizen Soldier” and tells the story of a born and raised American getting drafted into the Korean military. Here’s how a Seattle newspaper reported that story.

Alrighty then, another feeding day at Hideaway is coming up. And I’ll have some photos of today’s Easter mountain climb here tomorrow. BLUF: We found a much better way down the mountain today by going up it first. Things are coming together for Easter Monday!

Like sands through an hourglass…

…so are the days of our lives. Not to mention the women.

I had an interesting chat with Nerissa (the Cheap Charlies girl I fancied if you are keeping track) yesterday. Here’s the cut and paste from Messenger:

Nerissa: Haven’t seen u for a while

Me: Well, wasn’t sure I was welcome there anymore…

Nerissa Aragon

Nerissa: It’s fine if u don’t want to go… Just want to say hi to you is fine..haha..maybe your other girl will see u here..haha..not a good move…


Me: I don’t have another girl…and honestly, I had my eyes opened to the fact that I’m better off alone.


Nerissa Aragon

If that’s the best for u, then go for it…

Me: Yeah, I don’t deal well with rejection these days…


Nerissa Aragon

That’s normal, I guess

Me: Especially when you get older. Takes too long to recover.

Nerissa: It depends if a person is serious…If he is not serious, I guess he gives up easily.

Me: Maybe so. In fact, that was the message I received when you unfriended me…

Nerissa: Correct

Me: Thanks; I appreciate your honesty.

So, the joke was on me all along…she was never serious, so blowing me off was easy. But as I said before, she did me a favor. No need to waste time and energy on a drama queen who doesn’t value me. And it led me to begin to learn to embrace the comfort and safety that comes with being a “player.”

How’s that working out for me so far? Well, there’s Mary. I enjoy her company, but one night a week is plenty for me. The age gap is real, but at least she has enough intellectual curiosity to occasionally make for an interesting drinking companion. I did get a chuckle on Friday when our waitress at Thumbstar asked Mary if I was her boyfriend. She responded, not really. The waitress said, “more like a sugar daddy?” and Mary replied, “kinda.” To be clear, we are not in a “pay for play” situation; I don’t think either of us wants that. She doesn’t ask me for money but will tell me when I ask what she needs to make her studies go smoother. This week I sprang for the internet at her house, which facilitates her ability to research for papers and other homework. So far, I’m comfortable with our informal arrangement.

I see Joy at Hideaway on Wednesday and Sunday. I know she’d like to visit me at home on her day off (Thursday), but so far, I’ve resisted. She’s a sweetie, but I just don’t feel the urge to take things further, especially in exchange for money.

Then there’s my mountain momma friend, MJ. I’ve been providing support for her and her kids since her ex-husband died last year. That’s with no strings attached; she’s one of my charity projects. Once a month or so, she wants to give me a massage for extra money. She’s good at it, and it usually ends happily, so I’m receptive. She’d probably be an excellent taking care of you kind of girlfriend, but not much good at conversation.

Another bargirl friend I enjoy spending time with is Jen, a waitress at Whiskey Girl. She’s a natural-born snuggler, and I do enjoy a nice cuddle now and then. Might be the least physically attractive of the gals I drink with, but she’s quick with a laugh and fun to be around.

Lovely, especially on the inside, Jen

And last night, I got a message from Aine telling me she is back to work at Wet Spot after being absent for several months. I plan to drop in to say hello again tonight.

Anyway, it’s not the life I imagined I’d have, but it’s the one I’ve got, and I’m planning to enjoy it as long as possible. Who knew embracing emptiness could be so fulfilling?

Despite the disconnect with Nerissa I described above, I decided to make a return visit to Cheap Charlies to start my evening out. Nerissa sat down on my left, and I politely greeted her. Alma sat on my right and stroked my arm and shoulder. Some other gal sat behind me and rubbed my back. I enjoyed my beer and watched the world go by with only occasional interaction with Alma. I wasn’t inclined to purchase a lady drink for someone who had just admitted I was nothing to them, but so as not to be rude, I didn’t buy anyone a drink. As I suspected, Nerissa and the other gal moved on after I ordered my second beer. Once they were gone, I bought a drink for Alma. I guess I sent a message too.

Proceeding with my bar crawl, I decided to pop into Annex bar for a visit. This is another place I almost never visit, but they’ve recently made a significant change–they opened up the front of the building and made it into an open-air bar–my favorite kind.

It’s across the highway from It Doesn’t Matter. I enjoyed sitting there sipping on a cold San Mig Zero and watching the world go by. I’ll likely be back for more one day soon.

Since I didn’t do the SOB this week, I didn’t have any coupons. But Whiskey Girl is offering a “buy one, get one” promo every day from 5 p.m. until 8:00. That’s a pretty damn good deal, and I decided to take advantage of it and enjoy some snuggle time with Jenn.

As I passed my Mango’s, I had to shake my head at this–it is so Filipino. The motorbikes completely block the entranceway. I *might* have been able to squeeze my fat belly between the parked cars on the other side. Luckily, I didn’t have to try because Mango’s wasn’t my destination. Oh, and see that little white sign in the background? It says, “please don’t block the entrance”

I enjoyed my time at Whiskey Girl. Queen Victoria is right across the street, so I decided to make that my nightcap venue. My old favorite Irish and my new favorite Rein were both in attendance and joined me at the bar. I noted that Rein had not accepted my FB friend request, and she said her account was “blocked.” Whatever. Irish took my phone and sent herself a friend request from me, but as of this morning, she has not accepted it either. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a Facebook fetish about making bargirls friends, but it is a simple indicator of whether they see you as a customer/drink provider or potentially something more. I just like to know where I stand; it doesn’t change anything.

When I got home, I was excited about my post-drinking snack awaiting my arrival in the fridge.

I bought a pricey slice of pumpkin pie at Sit-n-Bull after my morning hike. $2.25!
I popped it in the microwave and prettied it up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum! Slept like a baby last night.

On one of the forums I visit, I came across this post-mortem from someone who saw the bus-jeepney accident scene.

We were stuck in the n/b traffic jam and it took about 20 minutes to reach the accident scene.

From what I saw, It appears that the white van either suddenly stopped in front of, or suddenly pulled out in front of the s/b bus. The bus was most assuredly speeding as usual.

The bus hit the van from behind, knocking it out of the way, and went out of control traveling across the center line and into the n/b jeepney.

The bus struck the jeepney just behind the driver and as you can see from the extreme damage, the poor student sitting directly behind the driver was mortally injured. In one of the video’s going around you can see blood spurting from his carotid with each heartbeat.

It’s a shame there were too many videographers instead of someone to help by applying direct pressure to his carotid. Filipinos are professional bystanders/gawkers… :roll_eyes:

Someone commented that brain matter was visible but I couldn’t tell from the video I watched. In that case, first aid may not have saved this guy if his skull was cracked open but if I was present I would have tried.

It’s a shame, R.I.P.

I mentioned in a recent post a man named Karl who hikes the hills and dales in these parts alone, despite being in his late 70s. Quite the inspiration. Anyway, he posted some cool pictures of Barretto from a webpage he has of Barretto back when it was nothing more than a Navy rifle range.

Barretto before it was Barretto
Everything changes

I survived my scouting expedition to the top of Easter mountain this morning. I’ll tell that story tomorrow with a slew of pictures from the climb. I’ll also feed the girls at Hideaway tonight, so we can see Joy enjoying whatever she puts in her mouth.

Good to have something to look forward to, right?

A little Rein in my day

No real surprises at the ENT doctor visit yesterday. Put the scope up my nose, shook his head with a tsk tsk sound, and said the blockage was stage four–complete. He prescribed some steroid medication which might result in some shrinkage, but surgery to remove the polyps is really the only option.

So, we discussed what was involved in getting the surgical procedure. Dr. Tolentino confirmed that I would have to be completely anesthetized during the operation. I would also have to be admitted to St. Jude’s hospital for an overnight stay after the surgery.

That's St. Jude's on the right.  A very small hospital but it has a decent reputation.
That’s St. Judes on the right. Very small for a hospital, but it has a good reputation.

Doctor Tolentino won’t be available for two weeks, and in the interim, I’m supposed to get cleared by a cardiologist that I can safely undergo the procedure. I’m still not comfortable with the idea of being put to sleep, especially with my COPD issues. I’m also not wanting to be confined to a hospital room overnight. I’m considering a third opinion from the highly rated Clark Medical City in Angeles. I’m also toying with the idea of leaving the country for the surgery. Stay tuned.

Like a good ENT, Dr. Tolentino checked my ears and throat during my visit. He removed a clump of wax from my right ear that was as big as a fingernail. Hmm, maybe that was causing my deafness.

Another doctor at the clinic I visited. Based on her name, I imagine amputation is her favorite procedure. I hope she doesn’t lose her head during surgery.

After the doctor’s visit, I took a trip to Seoul. That’s my favorite Korean restaurant in these parts, located on the old Navy base.

My driver, Danny, and my helper, Teri, along with Mary, who had asked to come along for the ride to the doctor, joined me for the meal.
The side dishes.
The meat on the grill
And my bulgogi stew. Yum!

When we got back home, I took a nap, and Mary joined me. That was nice. Later in the afternoon, we walked to Baloy beach and visited the floating bar. I stuck with my beer diet, and Mary experimented with different mixed drinks, gin and soda, and then a margarita.

Some of the crew on the floating bar. Not very many customers yesterday, but lots of girls. Seems they have been doing some hiring since my last visit.

I didn’t actually enjoy this visit to the floater as much as I had previously. They were blaring the music so loud I couldn’t even hear Mary talking right next to me. I asked them to turn it down some, which they did, but I noticed the volume increased little by little as time went on. I had two beers and headed for shore.

Next stop, Johan’s. Mary continued her drink smorgasbord with a Tom Collins and then a Bloody Mary. She said she had never had a Bloody Mary before, and I challenged her, saying she has one monthly. Yeah, I’m a funny guy. Mary was surprised at how spicy it was and needed a bottle of water to stop the burning in her mouth.

When it was time to move on, we took a stroll down the beach to McCoy’s. I ordered her an apple beer while she was in the CR, and she was surprised because it was just what she wanted. Well, it had to be better than the Bloody Mary, and McCoy’s doesn’t serve mixed drinks, so it was an easy call.

We were able to enjoy the sunset from McCoy’s before the dreaded, but inevitable, videoke singing started. That’s always a good sign for me that it is time to go.

I put Mary in a trike for home, but I wasn’t through just yet. That’s one of the benefits of beer consumption; my staying power is elongated. I popped into Snackbar for a couple of drinks with my old bargirl friends, including Lydell. She had seen me walking earlier with Mary but only asked about the floating bar. Yep, I’m proudly flaunting my player reputation these days!

I still wasn’t quite ready to call it a night, and I had a “buy one, get one coupon” to exploit before its expiration, so I made a rare visit to Queen Victoria, the nearest SOB bar to my current location. And that’s where I met Rein. Well, I had met her before. She briefly worked at the old Dive In Bar, which is now Hideaway. She had also been involved in the ill-fated Posiden bar in Calapadayan that was out of business after a few months. Anyway, I had a great time getting reacquainted with her; she’s quite the conversationalist.

Or maybe I was just drunk. It was nice, though. Rein hasn’t accepted my FB friend request, so that might be a good indication of a lack of mutual interest–“I may be your destiny, but you’re not my gonna be.”

Two beers, two lady drinks, then home safe and sound.

Speaking of Facebook, Nerissa from Cheap Charlies sent me a new friend request, and I accepted it. Of course, it’s a little too little and a little too late. Happy to be her friend again and feel comfortable returning to Cheap Charlies occasionally, but she has shown me a side of her character that foretells the drama that would come with a relationship. No, thank you! Or maybe I should thank her for teaching me to embrace being the player she thought I was.

And the Facebook memories feature reminded me just how damn happy I was to be living the Itaewon life back in 2006.

At least I eventually gave up the tobacco. Although the damage was already done.

But things can certainly always be worse.

That car from Wednesday night’s accident was still on the street this morning. Lots of damage. And when I looked inside, I saw the driver’s airbag had deployed. When I returned later from my Friday hike, a tow truck had finally arrived.

Speaking of accidents, there was a bad one this morning on the National Highway in downtown Barretto. I didn’t witness it, but someone sent me a video, and it was pretty gruesome. I understand the bus driver was killed, and many passengers in the Jeepney were severely injured.

So, the stupid bus driver (may he rest in peace) attempted to pass on the wrong side of the busy highway and collided with the Jeepney head-on.
That’s always my nightmare when I’m riding in a Jeepney. I try and turn off my imagination to all that could possibly go wrong.
Here’s the video of the aftermath. Be warned; it’s bloody!

Alright, well, let me leave you with something to cleanse your palate before I go. This is a children’s video, and it is hilarious when viewed in context.

Just over a minute long, but you’ll get the gist in the first 30 seconds or so.

The punchline is the definition of “Pekpek” in Tagalog.

I guess that’s about enough for one day’s reading here at LTG. I’m skipping the SOB tonight and escorting Mary on her continued journey of exploration in the bars of Barretto. We’ll start the night in Sloppy Joe’s and take it from there. Back tomorrow with a full report.

I’m moving

I set up a new hosting service with an outfit called Bluehost. I hope the migration goes well, would hate to lose 18 years of blogging history. The domain should activate within hours; moving the history might take a week.

I checked reviews, and Bluehost is supposed to be good, especially for WordPress blogs like mine. But whatever is wrong with Hostgator these past few days is bad enough, but their non-responsive customer “service” was inexcusable.

My other big thrill this morning was dealing with my Chase credit card account. I had cleaned my cookies in an effort to resolve the blog issues, and Chase no longer recognized my device, so I needed to enter a verification code. No big deal; in the past, they have always emailed the code. This time that was not an option; it had to be by phone. Except they had an old phone number from the USA. So, I had to call them, and that was a nightmare. When I finally got through, the person I was speaking with disconnected. When I got through again, a security question asked me what was my address in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Um, I lived there in 1982, and that’s about all I remember. A follow-up question was, who did my mortgage on a house in South Carolina? Does anyone remember crap like that? I don’t. Like I told the agent, I’m lucky to remember my name these days. Oh well, we finally got it resolved, and I have access to my account again. The first thing I did was update my phone number. They can contact me next time.

Anyway, rant over. For now.

FU Hostgator

I’ve had no luck contacting Hostgator’s alleged 24-hour chat help desk. And the accessing my blog issues continue. I mean, I can eventually get back online, but it takes several tries. No idea what the problem is. Anyway, I’ve decided to move to a new blog host service. Not sure how long the migration takes at this point, but if I’m offline, don’t panic; I’ll be back!

Shouldn’t be down for more than a few hours I’m told.

Searching for The Alamo

I looked all over San Antonio and didn’t find it. We did come across the Philippine Navy base, where we were detained during a Hash run back in 2019, but wisely did not breach the perimeter this time. The purpose of the trip to “not the one in Texas” was to scout potential Hash trails for an outstation run in May.

We did a 6K walk through primarily flat farmland, which will be fine for the easy trail. We’ll go back out in a couple of weeks to add a three or four-kilometer loop to satisfy the die-hard Hashers.
The trail will begin and end at the FRA (Fleet Reserve Association). I really love the bar/restaurant here, especially the sweet and friendly waitresses.
Hitting the road with my fellow invaders from Barretto
The road that leads to the Navy base. Scott golfs here every week. It’s about an hour’s drive from Barretto.
Helen is checking out whatever the hell that is drying in the sun.
We turned left before reaching the gate to the base.
A bridge is under construction, but in the meantime, it’s a question of balance.
I skipped across the stones without a problem (this time).
Scott said, “fuck that,” and waded across. Good to have Scott back up and hiking with us again.
This big ol’ tree looked more amazing than I managed to capture in a photo.
Helen provided some perspective on its size.
We tried to follow the “river” as much as possible, but the path took its own course, and we went with the flow.
I hope the resident won’t mind us hiking through the yard.
I thought about making a corny joke, but that would be too eerie.
Helen found the corn a maizeing (okay, I’ll stop)
A path between the fields
When you overcook the corn…
Cookie time!
Goats on a rope
Friendly locals
Highway walking
At the end of the trail
A Philly cheesesteak sandwich for lunch. A little disappointing, truth be told.
But I love this bar. I’ll be back for the annual FRAlics event next month.

Speaking of bars, the feeding at Hideaway went fine, although I really need to get my spending under control. The pizza was 890 pesos, Joy’s lasagna was 420 pesos, and the fried chicken was 500 pesos…that’s almost $40. My bar tab after a bunch of drinks for the ladies and me was another $50. Oh, well. You can’t take it with you, I suppose.

I guess the brownies were good too.

Hideaway was my first and last stop on the night. As I stumbled down the highway thinking about “where to next?” a trike driver pulled up and said, “Sir John, I’ll take you home now.” I figured my guardian angel must have sent it, so I hopped in and called it a night.

It was a full and fine day.

A Walk On Wednesday

Another day in my life that started with a walk and ended with a drunken stagger.

Time out for a safety tip: When withdrawing funds from an ATM, you should have someone around to watch your back. It’s also a good idea to give your lady friend your PIN just in case you forget it. Now back to our regular post.
A long and flat walk (almost 9K) on the streets of Matain and Calapacuan.
Only three were in attendance this week, including newcomer Gary from Austria (on the right)
If there were a theme to the day’s hike, I’d deem it to be “dirty water.”
A bay view in Matain
And a boat view. I’m not a fisherman, but I’m guessing these boats are for nighttime catches.
Back on the highway and headed for Calapacuan
The locals here were all friendly and shouted out cheerful greetings.
More boats on the bay
That peninsula across the water is where Matain is located and where we were earlier in our hike.
On the other side of the highway, we passed this big ol’ fishing pond.
Still going strong…
We found a place to cross.
Waterside living at its finest
It boggles my brain when I see what people do with their trash
Back on the pavement
And off again
An Easter mountain view
Heading back home on the highway

The walk was all flat, but I was breathing hard for the last couple of kilometers. I hope my lungs won’t take my breath away.

Feeding time at Hideaway rolled around, and I headed out to take care of business. Last night the girls enjoyed pizza (Hawaiian, of course), pork liempo, and a roasted chicken. I baked a dozen apple cinnamon muffins for dessert.

The girls were hungry last night! The chicken and liempo were gone in the blink of an eye. I was able to get a shot of some of the pizza.
The muffins seemed popular as well.
The crew on the far side of the bar
And the gals on my side of the bar (the ones I treated to a lady drink)

When it was time to move on from Hideaway, I hoofed it down the highway to Alaska Club for my nightcap.

And enjoyed the view of Virginia. If I were a player, I’d have fucked her by now. Hmm, maybe it’s time to get in the game.

Made it home alone and safe. And now, I’m ready to face the challenges of a brand new day.

Mary is coming over after school. I’m preparing some pork chops in a cream of mushroom soup sauce in the crockpot. After the meal, I’ll take her to the floating bar for a couple of drinks before she goes back home to Kalaklan.

If I were the asshole Nerissa seems to think I am, I’d bring Mary with me to Cheap Charlies. Hmm, maybe next time.

I hear some people
been talkin' me down,
Bring up my name,
pass it 'round.
They don't mention
happy times
They do their thing,
I'll do mine.

Ooh baby,
that's hard to change
I can't tell them
how to feel.
Some get stoned,
some get strange,
But sooner or later
it all gets real.

Walk on

To play or not to be played…

…is that the question?

Commenter Brian shared these thoughts on a recent post:

Random thoughts that somewhat tie in to her giving you the cold shoulder. I may have said this previously in response to an earlier post of yours, but there definitely is a double standard with the number of girls a guy is with vs. the number of guys a girl is with and thoughts thereof.

Although you probably don’t see yourself this way, I bet that most of the girls you come in contact with in your little burg see you as a player. One girl one night, a different one the next week, etc. As you mentioned, in a small town, everyone knows your business. With that type of reputation, most/all ladies will hesitate to get to know you on anything other than a superficial level

My initial reaction was that visiting different bars and buying your favorite girls a lady drink, then leaving alone, doesn’t really qualify as being a player. I think that paying for company or sex is kind of the opposite of being a player. I see a player as someone who strings more than one woman along emotionally, making promises he doesn’t mean to keep and ultimately breaking hearts. Of course, women can be players, too, and I’d wager there are more female players in this town than there are men making a game of romance.

On the other hand, how you are perceived often overrides whatever the truth might be. That seems to be Brian’s primary point: if the women in my town see me as a player, whether I am or not, they will treat me as someone who can’t be trusted with their heart. That seems to indeed be the case with Nerissa.

I went to see Nerissa in Cheap Charlies last night and wasn’t sure what to expect, seeing as how she had unfriended and blocked me on Facebook without a word. She didn’t decline when I invited her to join me for a drink, so that was a start. However, she ordered a double lady drink, something she hadn’t tried before. Given the circumstances, I didn’t object. I also told the other girls milling about that I wanted one on one time with Nerissa. And then I asked her why she had blocked me.

“Because I saw you at BarCelona with another girl,” she responded. That’s what I expected the issue was, but it still didn’t make much sense to me. I’ve had one date with Nerissa: nothing physical, no promises, no commitments. I pointed out that she hadn’t responded when I had asked her when her next day off would be, intending to take her out for dinner. Nerissa said she hadn’t answered because she didn’t know when she’d be off yet. Fine, why didn’t you say that? I told her that her non-responsiveness led me to believe she wasn’t interested in dating me. Nerissa asked me why I hadn’t told her I was seeing someone else, and I truthfully responded that I didn’t feel that I had a relationship with her or any obligation to do so. I told her that if I were trying to hide that I was meeting someone, I wouldn’t have chosen to sit on the rooftop at BarCelona in full view of everyone sitting in Cheap Charlies. I asked her why she hadn’t raised her concerns with me directly instead of just blocking me without explanation. She acted like it was no big deal to be blocked and explained that she didn’t want to see posts of me with another girl.

And that’s pretty much where we left it. I had three drinks; she had two (doubles). I paid my tab and left. I guess my feeling is I’m glad I found out how she is sooner rather than later. If she got that jealous before we were even in a relationship, I can only imagine the nightmare she would likely be as a jealous girlfriend. And perhaps she feels the same–happy to learn I’m such a “player” early on. And so it goes.

After my departure, I headed up the highway to John’s place for some grub.

I had a craving for the pulled pork sandwich.

I also ordered some Korean-style chicken wings to surprise the Hideaway girls.

It turns out just four girls were working last night. I was the only customer. Sixteen wings may have been a bit much, but I imagine Joy took the leftovers home to her kids.

I only had one drink at Hideaway, knowing I’d be back today for the regular Wednesday feeding. I finished my evening at The Green Room with two more drinks, then caught a trike back home.

More and more, I’m thinking I’m better off going through life alone. Who needs all the drama?

As the hours roll by

I continue to fill my time in the usual ways, walking and drinking being the bookends, with blogging and napping occupying the space in between. I used to feel like I was wasting what was left of my life by not engaging in more meaningful activities during my retirement years, but lately, I’ve come to accept that I’m in my comfort zone, and if this is all there is, then that will be enough. That’s not to say I’m not receptive to any opportunities to change my life that may come along, but in the meantime, I won’t lament the things I don’t have. I’ve actually come to appreciate the value of my solitary life, boring though it may be. There are worse things than being alone, and I’m not convinced that the relationship I’ve craved in my imagination is worth the drama that seems inherent when you open your heart to another.

That’s my initial thinking, anyway. As Joni Mitchell sang all those years ago, “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone…” We’ll see if any of the women currently vying for my attention are able to change my mind.

My 7K morning walk
Enjoying the flowers I encountered

When it was time for my evening entertainment, I took a walk out to Baloy Beach.

And visited my new old friend, the floating bar.
I took this photo from the raft en route to the floater. One of the other riders cautioned me to put my phone away before I dropped it over the side. It was good advice, and I took it.
The raft of which I spoke. Two guys pulling on ropes is how it moves between the floater and the shore.
Some of my fellow customers on board
The view from here
And in the other direction
A zoom view of the old Hanjin shipyard, currently in the process of reopening under new ownership. Thank goodness the Chinese didn’t get their hands on it like they wanted.
It was a nice time relaxing on the water.

In its previous iteration, the food delivered on board the floating bar came from Treasure Island. This year, the menu was from Lagoon. It’s okay, but not one of my favorites. So, instead of eating on the floater, I went to Treasure Island when I disembarked.

I went with the pulled pork sandwich. A little skimpy on the meat, especially compared to John’s place and Sit-n-Bull. But it was tasty enough. I put the side of coleslaw on top.

After my meal, I walked back to the highway and stopped at Snackbar for my nightcap. Haven’t been there in a while; there is too much drama with some of the staff. Last night was fine, though. Even Lydell, the gal I dated a couple of times, was sweet to me. She surprised me by playing “Cotton Eye Joe” and inviting me to do some country swing dancing with her. It was actually quite fun, and she earned herself a couple of lady drinks.

And then, it was time to go home, so I grabbed a trike. Made me a smoothie and then hit the sack. Fitbit says I was asleep at 8:30. That’s the way this old man rolls these days.

Dilly dally in the valley

Yesterday the Wednesday Walkers, all three of us, took a 9K stroll around the Naugsol valley. My lungs are still acting up, so my compadres accommodated me with a mostly flat trail. It was a beautiful day yesterday, and I think we all enjoyed it. I took a shitload of pictures, and here they are:

We circumnavigated that bitch
Charles and Jim joined me in the endeavor
Heading out to the valley via Alta Vista
Over the bridge…yes, the kids are hungry for cookies
A bloomin’ tree
On the back streets of San Isidro
Hello, my friend…
On a valley trail
Through a rice farmer’s yard.
A shanty for resting
A valley view
Simple living
Green acres is the place to be, farm living is the life for me…
…land stretching out so far and wide…
…keep Barretto, just give me that countryside.
Rice is nice, but it does tend to flood the trail…that’s okay; we found some high ground to go around it.
No hay problema
Another farm house
Laundry day
It’s a crap picture, but this tree caught my eye for some reason
I guess I should have zoomed…it’s harvest time in this field, and they were using an actual harvesting tractor…rarely seen in these parts where labor is mainly done by hand.
Saying hello to one of the farm workers
Country livin’
I guess the theme for the day was about valley dwellers
And their dwellings
I can’t imagine living this way
Completing the circle around the valley
Hung out to dry
The Grand Canyon of Naugsol
Heading back to town
Riverside life
The fish market at Santo Tomas
The highway river crossing
Lunch at Harley’s
The view from our table
Is the chicken dead yet? In all my life, I’ve never seen a chicken burger served quite like this.

My evening hours were filled with the feeding at Hideaway (chicken and pork) and some time at Whiskey Girl on the way home.

Facebook shared this memory of Justin’s first visit to Itaewon thirteen years ago.

Joshua wound up having to go to the Cebu consulate to get his visa processed. Apparently, the Korean embassy in Manila is currently backlogged, and he would have had to wait two more weeks. He rented a scooter in Cebu, has been exploring the island, and appears to be enjoying himself.

Rumor has it the floating bar on Baloy has now opened, and I’m going to venture out that way this afternoon to find out for myself. See you here tomorrow.

Go your own way

That’s what I do. Especially when the Hare is Vienna Sausage, the trail is 9K, and it is raining. Now, I understand there was a shorter version of the trail, but since the Hare couldn’t be bothered to come to the starting point to give guidance and answer questions, I wasn’t sure. And, to be frank, I don’t trust this Hare with my personal safety.

I intended to follow the trail as far as it made sense to do so, then find my own way from there. I was surprised that NONE of the usual “sane” group of Hashers were there at the start. Since I’m slow and stop to take photos, I was soon bringing up the rear. Well, there was one other guy behind me. I intended to keep within shouting distance of the group in front of me, but that proved impossible because the guy behind me kept asking me to wait for him. Alright, I wasn’t going to leave him alone out there; I hate that when it happens to me. Once we came down from the first hill climb, I decided to make a flat walk back to the On-Home at Blue Butterfly.

My short version was 5.2K, including about 2K of the Hare’s trail.
We are On-On!
A light rain was falling for most of the trek
It had been a while since I’d taken this route.
The part of the Hare’s trail I did wasn’t bad.
The first hill involved some fallen bamboo to navigate through
A nice Easter mountain view on the way back down

Once we hit the valley, the Hare’s trail went right, and I turned left. The slowpoke came with me.

There he is.
Some flowers in the rain
We walked past my hoped-for future house.
I plopped my ass down at the On-Home and stayed there. Yep, I just wasn’t in the mood to participate in the Hash circle when it started inside.
One of the Blue Butterfly waitresses kept me company. Once again, she knew my name, and I didn’t know hers. That happens everywhere I go, it seems.

I didn’t socialize with the Hashers much after the Hash, either. I got some takeout grub from Sit-n-Bull and was home by 7:30. Just one of those nights, I guess.

Pretty much, at least since I retired and moved here.
But I’m still alive and making the best of it.

Tonight I’m meeting Mary and hoping for the best. I’ll let y’all know how it goes tomorrow.

You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way

My bout with VD

It really wasn’t much of a fight because I don’t give a shit about Valentine’s Day. I actually got an invite from Joy to take her out for VD, and I declined. I do think I’ve gotten so accustomed to solitary life that I prefer it to the whole “dinner for two” routine. This is not to say I spent the day alone, far from it. Here’s how things went down.

As I mentioned yesterday, my mountain friend/masseuse came to the house to give me my monthly rubdown. Just before the massage reached its climax, I had a breathing attack. I reached for the inhaler I keep on the nightstand, but it didn’t seem to help much. So, I stumbled into the living room to fire up my nebulizer. I felt like I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen, but fortunately, after the first couple of puffs, I could breathe again—scary shit.

Annabelle, one of our female Hashers, asked me to come by Alley Cats yesterday to help her celebrate her 40th birthday. It’s been quite some time since my last visit there, so I figured, why not? Plus, one of my old favorites, Jerlyn, has returned to work after spending several months in the province. As is my custom, I baked up a batch of brownies for the birthday girl. When I arrived, Annabelle wasn’t there, and I was told she was visiting family in Bataan. Hmm, must have been a breakdown in communication somewhere. Oh, well. I gave the brownies to Jeryln as a welcome-back gift and enjoyed catching up with her some. Nancy joined us and told me I was missed in the bar and said, “we love you, John.” That was sweet and made me feel so good I bought another round of drinks.

I had the last of my pasalubong to give to my favorites at Alaska Club, including the carton of fresh strawberries Karen had requested, but the bar doesn’t open until six. So, I headed up the highway to Cheap Charlies to kill some time. I did bring along some chocolate candy (Kit Kat minis) and cookies for the girls there. Narissa gave me a smile and a friendly greeting, but she was busy with another customer. My regulars soon surrounded me, and we let the good times roll in the form of lady drinks and gin sodas.

I was looking forward to bringing my gifts to my Alaska friends, so off I went. Alas, when I arrived, my regular waitress informed me that both Karen and Virginia were not working. That was more than a little disappointing. I asked the waitress to store Karen’s strawberries in the fridge and left a Baguio magnet for Virginia. I gave the dancers some chocolates, paid my tab, and left.

Now what?

Yes, and the night was still young enough for me to have a heartfelt conversation with the bottom of my glass.

I decided to drop in at Wet Spot to finish my Valentine’s night. I bought my waitress a drink to start things off. Lyn, the young new dancer, was on stage when I arrived, and when her set was over, she joined me at my table. I handed out my last bags of candy and cookies, and then we all settled back to enjoy our drinks. Lyn snuggled up against me, and it felt so nice that I acted on impulse:

“Do you want to come home with me and snuggle like this all night?” She responded, “yes, but no boom-boom” (sex). I asked her how much, and she answered four thousand pesos. I agreed to her terms, and the deal was done.

I had not done a barfine for a couple of years, but it just felt like there was something special about Lyn. It’s probably because she’s new to the business. Back in my tourist days when I barfined regularly, I found that girls who had less than six months’ experience were more to my liking than the jaded long-term pros. Now, 4000P is way too much for a night with no boom-boom, but I didn’t care. Snuggling and cuddling can be just as satisfying, at least for me. And just in case you don’t know how this whole concept works, a barfine is, in reality, an early work release (EWR). The girl pays the bar a fine of 1000 pesos to leave work early; anything else is between her and the customer. I think most guys negotiate down to 3000 or less, but as I said, I didn’t care. I was just looking for some companionship.

And Lyn delivered. Well, she didn’t like the smoothie I made her when we got to my place, but once we hit the sack, I got what I wanted. Yeah, I’m a man, and I was half-drunk (or more), so I engaged in some petting which she tolerated, but when I started to go too far, she reiterated, “no boom-boom,” and of course, I respected her wishes in accordance with our prior arrangement. But while we slept, she held me close during the night, and it felt wonderful. Once, she rolled over and held my hand as she was sleeping. It was sweet. As is my habit, I woke up early and left the room to scour the internet. A bit later, she joined me and sat on my lap, then kissed me on the lips. Then she got up, washed the dishes, and went back to bed. A few minutes later, I joined her there, but my efforts at seduction were ignored.

Anyway, I didn’t have love or sex for Valentine’s, but I had someone at my side doing the kinds of things I’ve missed. Yeah, I got what I paid for, but if Lyn were feigning her affectionate ways, she qualifies for an Oscar. I’m not foolish enough to think this translates to any genuine feelings she may have for me; indeed, as I walked her out of the neighborhood this morning to catch a trike, I got a distinct impression that she was now off-duty and didn’t have to pretend to like me any longer. That’s just the way it works around here, and you are a fool if you believe otherwise.

I heard this song on my playlist as I hiked later this morning and smiled as I thought it could be sung by almost any bargirl in town:

That's what you get for lovin' me
That's what you get for lovin' me
Everything you had is gone, as you can see
That's what you get for lovin' me.

I ain't the kind to hang around
With any new love that I've found
Movin' is my stock in trade
I'm movin on
I won't think of you when I'm gone.

So don't you shed a tear for me
I ain't the love you thought I'd be
I've got a hundred more like you
so don't be blue
I'll have a thousand 'fore I'm through.

Now there you go you're crying again
Now there you go you're crying again
But then someday when your poor heart
is on the mend
I just might pass this way again

That's what you get for lovin' me
That's what you get for lovin' me
Everything you had is gone, as you can see
That's what you get for lovin' me.

A new arrival

I’ll be traveling to Angeles City in the wee hours of the morning to pick up my nephew Joshua, who will be arriving at Clark airport at 0230. The purpose of the visit is to secure a work visa in Korea (he plans to teach English like his brother Justin), which apparently must be applied for at a Korean embassy. Anyway, he’ll be here for a week or two and is looking forward to seeing some of the Philippines during his visit. We’ll see what I can arrange, but I will definitely introduce him to the nightlife here in Barretto. Unfortunately, my current living quarters doesn’t have a guest room. I have rectified that by securing lodging for Josh at the Johansson’s Lodge–a small fan room (no air con) for only 500 pesos a night. One of my buds has already accused me of being a cruel uncle for making such Spartan arrangements, but Josh says it sounds perfect. Besides, the lobby area is open 24 hours and he can hang out there if he gets claustrophobic. Anyway, having another McCrarey in town ought to spice up the daily drivel I post here some. Justin will be joining us later in the visit.

Picking up where I left off in yesterday’s post, the pot roast came out tender and tasty.

It had been a long time since I’d had some cornbread, so I baked up a batch to go with my stew. I’ll be taking the leftovers to the feeding at Hideaway tonight. No need to have delicious carbs hanging around the house tempting me to cheat on my diet.

Joy had messaged me saying she was craving a banana-walnut muffin. I just responded, “sorry.” Actually, there were two left, my helpers having helped themselves to the other eight. Again, fine with me–out of sight, out of mind. I decided to surprise Joy with a special muffin delivery to Hideaway.

The view as I departed the neighborhood

Joy was indeed surprised to see me and especially delighted to see the baggie with muffins in my shirt pocket. She devoured them both before I remembered to get the Joy with her mouth full shot. Sorry to disappoint; I won’t make that mistake again during tonight’s feeding.

I stayed at Hideaway for two or three drinks, which was long enough for me to get bit by the “buy all the girls a drink” bug. Oh well, how do you put a price tag on those smiles?

I had another mission to accomplish last night–what happened at the SOB that I don’t remember? When I got to Wet Spot, I sat down next to the manager, Bret, and asked if I had done anything stupid during my attendance at Friday’s contest. He assured me my behavior was fine, and it appeared I was having a good time with the gal I was sharing drinks with. That was a relief. Then my waitress came over, and I told her I didn’t remember paying my tab last night. She said I had asked to pay early before the contest winners had been announced. Did I give you and the girl I was with a tip? Yes. What’s her name, anyway? Mevelyn. Damn, I’ll never remember that. Anyway, she said she was really surprised when I left; she thought I was just going to the CR. Yeah, it is weird. I’ve never not stayed for the contest results before. And then Mevelyn walked by, and I called her over and bought them both a drink. Mevelyn said I had behaved, and the only touching I did was gently rubbing her leg.

Okay, I still don’t remember anything, but I’m glad I wasn’t a drunken asshole. I really don’t like them and never want to be one.

Here’s the winning performance by the Wet Spot dancers. It feels like I just watched it for the first time. Scary.

Well done, ladies. I’m sure I must have voted you first!

Anal Receptive and I marked the Hash trail this morning, all 8K of it. Took us over four hours to complete the mission. It kicked my ass, but we got it done. I’ll post some pictures from the trail tomorrow.

And here are there results from this week’s weigh-in: 218.6 pounds, down 1.1 from last week and 6.7 since January 1. Little by little, I’m getting there.

Yes, I miss my beer. And the gin seems to be messin’ with my brain. But I’m not giving up until I reach my goal. Or forget about it.

A forgotten SOB

My “let’s go, Brandon” moments are increasing with a distressing regularity (like using road for rode), but I’m not sure I can blame my forgetfulness last night on dementia. Well, let me rephrase that: I can’t remember what happened last night. To be more precise, I can remember up to a certain point, then it goes blank. I can only speculate on why that may be, but I’m pretty sure gin played a role. Here’s what I do remember:

So, it was SOB night at Wet Spot. There was a large group of Vietnam-era Navy veterans in town, and they were going to attend the event. Wet Spot is a large bar, but I knew I’d have to arrive early to secure a good seat. I went to The Green Room next door a little after 4:00 to wait for the 5 p.m. opening of Wet Spot. I ordered a gin and soda to help pass the time. Then the waitress from Sit-n-Bull came by with a menu, so I figured having some food in my belly as a cushion for the alcohol would be a good idea. Meatloaf was one of the daily specials, and it had been quite some time since I’d partaken of that particular delicacy. I enjoyed another gin and soda with my meal. Around 4:45, I peeked (shit, I wrote peaked at first) inside Wet Spot and saw there was a slew of seats reserved for the Vets, and a couple of SOB attendees were already seated. I got another gin and soda to go (Green Room and Wet Spot have the same owner and an inside passageway so customers can move between the bars at their leisure. I just wasn’t sure the bar would be serving before opening time, so I brought a drink with me).

So, I settled into my preferred seat at the VIP table and waited for the show to begin at 6:00 p.m. My favorite waitress didn’t let my drink run dry during the wait. It was wise that I arrived early because it wasn’t long before the bar was packed like I’d never seen before. The Wet Spot dancers provided some entertainment on stage for the crowd to enjoy. That’s when I spotted a young lovely (I believe she is nineteen) that I had noticed several weeks ago on her first night at work. That night she looked distressed and so painfully shy that I thought she would cry. I guess she is adapting to her new job responsibilities because I did not see any similar symptoms as I watched her on stage. I like to have a companion when I watch the SOB, so I brought her down from the stage and bought her a drink.

Yeah, that’s a crappy photo, and she was shy about getting her picture taken. I wish I could remember her name. Maybe this memory loss is my Karma for trashing the Cheap Charlie’s waitress for forgetting my name.

So, at 6 o’clock, the bell was rung, and all customer drinks were “free” until 8 p.m. (the entrance fee is 700 pesos). I kept paying for my company’s drinks. I was once again tasked with being a judge and dutifully completed the scoresheet, but I don’t recall who I chose as the competition winners. Nor do I know who actually won last night. If I was still present when the winning teams were brought up on stage, I have no recollection of that event. In fact, the last thing I remember was having my name called to collect my raffle coupons. They were in my wallet this morning, so there’s that.

When I woke up this morning, I didn’t remember leaving the bar. I was worried I might not have paid my tab or tipped my company. I saw owner Dave at Sit-n-Bull today after my walk and told him I didn’t remember last night. He just laughed and said I had a good time with the young lady next to me. Hmm. Well, I guess if I hadn’t paid, he would have told me. I might stop back at Wet Spot tonight and see if anyone there can restore my memories.

I do remember the Friday group hike, though. And I’ve got the pictures to prove it! Only four of us were in attendance, and we split up into pairs about halfway into our journey–the healthy guys tackled another climb, and I took my tired lungs for a valley walk.

Bhel, Stuart, and Jim
It looks like they are building a new road in Alta Vista.
Off the beaten track
Down to the watering hole
Near the top of my only climb of the day.
Cookie delivery
An Easter mountain view
Bhel joined me for the valley walk
The blue house of my dreams. I talked to the landlord the other day, and she is still waiting for her UK visa.
Life on the riverside
You are welcome
We went thataway

That’s how my Friday went down. As far as I remember.

Speaking of memories, Facebook shared this photo of a dinner I enjoyed six years ago in Seoul.

Now, that’s what samgyeopsal is supposed to look like!

That story of Chinese spying has been floating all over the internet. I think maybe it is being blown all out of proportion:

Or maybe not.

Spent some time in the kitchen this morning.

Banana-walnut muffins
Beef roast with seasoning sauce
And a kaleidoscope of veggies to stew with the beef. I will find out in a couple of hours how it comes out.

I’ll be back with another post tomorrow. Unless I forget.


Well, now I’ve gone and done it. Yesterday I purchased a Yamaha motorbike. And then I gave it away.

The scooter and its happy new owner, Jane

Jane is my friend who lives on the mountain with her two half-American (Fil-Am) children. The father died a couple of years ago, and the support money he had been sending from the states died with him. I adopted Jane as my primary charity project and provided her an allowance of 2000 pesos per week to feed and clothe her kids. On Tuesday, when she came to pick up the money, she said there was something wrong with the engine of her motorbike. I gave her an extra thousand to get it looked at, but I had my doubts. I know nothing about these small scooters, but hers just looked worn out to me. And sure enough, she messaged me later saying they had torn the engine apart and there was so much wrong it didn’t warrant repair.

Jane was really stressing out, and I can’t say that I blame her. She lives up on the mountain past the end of Rizal Extension, down a dirt road. It’s a long way from anywhere. In fact, I first met Jane when one of the hikers I was with who knew her husband introduced us as we walked by her place. Her biggest concern was not having a way to get her kids to and from school. Getting groceries and other supplies would also be a major pain in the ass. I asked her how much it would cost to replace her scooter, and she estimated it would be 60,000 pesos ($1200.). I was actually surprised because I assumed it would cost a lot more than that. I thought it over, and not seeing any alternatives, I told her to see if she could get a new one, but only if the shop accepted credit cards. My thinking was I could pay down the debt gradually and not bust my budget.

This is a funny country in that credit cards are not accepted in many stores–I only use mine at Royal supermarket each week. The first couple of motorbike shops she checked didn’t accept card payments, but she finally found one that did deep in the heart of Olongapo. I had my driver take Jane and me there yesterday afternoon. The bike she found was 75,000 ($1500.), but it appears to be a quality brand-name scooter. I’d never made a purchase that large on my card before and wasn’t sure it would work, but the transaction went through on the first try—and Jane road rode home on her brand-new motorbike*.

She messaged me later, sending photos, including the one above. One of her pics was from a church where she had stopped to thank the Lord for my generosity. Well, I guess I can take “credit” this time. *ahem* That was a record-breaking charity expenditure for me, but it was also one that will make a huge difference in someone’s life. I don’t know what Jane would have done up there without transportation. I feel blessed that I had the means to assist her, even though I had to charge the gift. Good luck and ride safely, Jane!

In other news, I also performed my feeding project at Hideaway. Spending 1500 on food (pizza, chicken, liempo, and rice) seemed like a pittance after buying a motorbike.

Joy porking out on pork liempo. It’s her birthday on Tuesday, so I’ll be doing my food service a day early next week.

Joy asked if I wanted to play pool, and I didn’t, but I said you play your pal Jen, and I’ll give the winner a hundred pesos. And the game was on.

Jen usually dominates Joy, but they are both excellent players.
Joy impressed me with the quality of her shots.
And Jen didn’t miss much, either.

And in the end, it was Joy who prevailed. I paid off both players, then paid my bar tab and said goodnight. I wasn’t done yet, of course. Next stop, Cheap Charlies!

I bought drinks for two of my regulars and ignored the one who didn’t remember my name. I guess she got the hint because she got up and walked away. Now I actually feel a little bad about my behavior, but one girl on each side of me is plenty. After a couple of more drinks, I crossed the highway and finished my night at Wet Spot.

What else? Well, it’s my little brother’s birthday:

Happy birthday, Greg. That photo is from April 1960, so he was three, and I was four. Older bro Keith was seven back then.

I did the Wednesday Walkers hike, well, as much as I could manage. The old lungs have been acting up–a lot of coughing and shortness of breath. And then we did a steep-ass climb early on, and I was wiped out for the rest of the walk.

Our group for the day
Heading out down the highway
That steep ass hill really kicked my ass.
I took a picture of Easter mountain so I could pause and try and catch my breath.
It was slow going for this old guy, and everyone was waiting when I finally made it to the top.
Through some farmland…corn on the left, rice on the right.
A river crossing
Walking the plank

Shortly afterward, I said my goodbyes to the group and took my sorry ass home. Of course, there was a trip to the motorbike store in my immediate future, but I’ve already told that story.

And that’s how my Wednesday went down. Hope to see you all here tomorrow.

*Fixed the errors. Thanks, Kevin!

Another Tuesday’s gone…

…and so is January. I’ve got big plans for February.

It’s gonna be a challenge, but if I put my mind to it, I think I can pull this off.

A quiet day of shopping and replenishing the cash supply, and then it was time to take myself out on a date. Table for one, please.

A little liquid refreshment to kick things off

Placed my order for dinner, then strolled out onto the beach for a closer look.

I was at Mango’s. That floating island belongs to the Palm Tree Resort next door.
Beaches to the left of me…
…beaches to the right.

And then, dinner is served.

When I’m at Mango’s, the odds are high that I’ll be enjoying the grilled pork chops. They didn’t disappoint.
Actually, that is often what I do. Then I move on to another bar.

After my meal, I was thinking I’d visit Whiskey Girl. It’s nearby and doesn’t require making a highway crossing. Alas, it wasn’t open yet. So, I did risk life and limb and dashed across the highway to Queen Victoria. Another gin and soda and a brief chat with one of my Alta Vista neighbors and his wife. They left, and my glass was empty, but none of the staff seemed to notice or care, so I paid my tab and left.

I wasn’t sure where my next stop would be, but my feet were taking me in the direction of Alaska Club. Sloppy Joe’s is next door, and I knew several of the people sitting at the outside tables, so I joined them. Around the time I finished my first drink, most of the group got up and left to play a pool league match. I ordered another and chatted with an old female friend I hadn’t seen for a while. She’s living with her new boyfriend now, and I was regaled with stories that reminded me of the drama that seems to be part and parcel of most relationships. She’s a good woman, and I hope they have a happy life together.

Still trying to learn to qualify for one of these–practice, practice, practice!

Time for that Alaska visit. Virginia and I made eye contact the minute I walked through the door. Naturally, I invited her to join me as soon as I was seated.

They don’t come much cuter than that, do they? I think she told me she was 23. I don’t do takeout, but she’s definitely tempting.

And we weren’t alone for long. Our waitress and the best dancer on the Alaska SOB squad, Karen, was being so sweet that I wanted to treat her to a lady drink. And another gal I’ve known since I moved here was hovering about in anticipation of participating in the bounty of a free-spending customer. Hey, the more, the merrier!

Not a great photo. I’m thinking about switching back to my old phone. Still, I’d love to be the white meat on a brown bread sandwich of Virginia and Karen. Yum!

When I’d had my fill of fun at Alaska, I crossed the highway again to finish my night out at Whiskey Girl.

I don’t recall my doctor ever saying that.

My favorite waitress, Jen, served me as soon as I was seated at a front-row table. Of course, Jen joined me to enjoy my company her lady drink commission. The dancers were actually putting on the moves enough that I noticed them.

The one on the right caught my eye because it appeared she was cold. At least if her braless nipples were to be believed. Being the gentlemen that I am, I invited her down for a lady drink so she could warm up.

All good times must come to an end, and my time had arrived. I said goodnight to the girls and gave manager Mark a hearty “fuck off, ya cunt!” as I departed. Being a Brit, I am sure he had a witty comeback, but I don’t recall what it was now.

In the non-drinking portion of my day, I spent some quality time with my boys.

Buddy is always by my side.
And Lucky is in the land of sweet dreams.

During my internet cruising, Facebook memories reminded me of just how much things have changed since this post from five years ago:

That’s me on the far right end of the bar at my favorite Itaewon pub, Shenanigans. Not a bargirl in sight!
Eight years ago, I threw my best-ever game of darts. If I could still throw like that, I wouldn’t have quit.

An old friend of mine back in Korea sent me a message with a link to something called Sweatcoin. Apparently, you can earn bitcoin-like currency simply by walking, earning one coin for every 1000 steps you take. You can use these coins to purchase items on their website or donate your earnings to charities supported by the website. I’m not sure what the angle is because I don’t see any potential for profit (I didn’t sign up for the premium plan, so maybe that’s it), but I’ve decided to take the risk and give it a try (the risk is giving them access to things like your email and phone number). We’ll see what happens, but I’m going to walk regardless, so if I can “earn” something by doing so, why not?

I guess I must have been bored, but I decided to mess around with ChatGPT some more. One of the questions I asked was: Why do so many foreign men move to the Philippines?

There are several reasons why many foreign men move to the Philippines:

  1. Cost of Living: The cost of living in the Philippines is lower compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive destination for retirees and budget-conscious individuals.
  2. Friendly people: The Philippines is known for its friendly and hospitable people, which makes it a welcoming place for foreigners.
  3. Beautiful scenery: The country is famous for its stunning beaches, lush jungles, and scenic landscapes, which can be a major draw for people looking to enjoy a tropical lifestyle.
  4. Language: English is widely spoken in the Philippines, which makes it easier for English-speaking foreigners to communicate and integrate into the local community.
  5. Dating and Marriage: The Philippines is also a popular destination for foreign men seeking to date or marry Filipina women, who are known for their beauty, kindness, and traditional values.

These are some of the reasons why many foreign men choose to move to the Philippines. Of course, individual experiences and motivations will vary.

Those are all legit, and I guess you could call what goes on in the bars “dating,” although that’s a stretch. Maybe I’ll go back and explore the prostitution angle more in-depth with my new friend.

And that’s it for now. Got a feeding at Hideaway to prepare for. Back tomorrow, provided I’m still allowed to post.

Naw, it’ll be the same BS when I’m sober.