Go your own way

That’s what I do. Especially when the Hare is Vienna Sausage, the trail is 9K, and it is raining. Now, I understand there was a shorter version of the trail, but since the Hare couldn’t be bothered to come to the starting point to give guidance and answer questions, I wasn’t sure. And, to be frank, I don’t trust this Hare with my personal safety.

I intended to follow the trail as far as it made sense to do so, then find my own way from there. I was surprised that NONE of the usual “sane” group of Hashers were there at the start. Since I’m slow and stop to take photos, I was soon bringing up the rear. Well, there was one other guy behind me. I intended to keep within shouting distance of the group in front of me, but that proved impossible because the guy behind me kept asking me to wait for him. Alright, I wasn’t going to leave him alone out there; I hate that when it happens to me. Once we came down from the first hill climb, I decided to make a flat walk back to the On-Home at Blue Butterfly.

My short version was 5.2K, including about 2K of the Hare’s trail.
We are On-On!
A light rain was falling for most of the trek
It had been a while since I’d taken this route.
The part of the Hare’s trail I did wasn’t bad.
The first hill involved some fallen bamboo to navigate through
A nice Easter mountain view on the way back down

Once we hit the valley, the Hare’s trail went right, and I turned left. The slowpoke came with me.

There he is.
Some flowers in the rain
We walked past my hoped-for future house.
I plopped my ass down at the On-Home and stayed there. Yep, I just wasn’t in the mood to participate in the Hash circle when it started inside.
One of the Blue Butterfly waitresses kept me company. Once again, she knew my name, and I didn’t know hers. That happens everywhere I go, it seems.

I didn’t socialize with the Hashers much after the Hash, either. I got some takeout grub from Sit-n-Bull and was home by 7:30. Just one of those nights, I guess.

Pretty much, at least since I retired and moved here.
But I’m still alive and making the best of it.

Tonight I’m meeting Mary and hoping for the best. I’ll let y’all know how it goes tomorrow.

You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way

6 thoughts on “Go your own way

  1. Your “slowpoke” looks a bit like a hobbit. Is he really that short, or is that just an optical illusion caused by his sitting down?

    That reminds me: the dude (was he English?) who was out of shape and unprepared for that one walk—have you heard from him again, or did he disappear? I have high hopes that he’ll get in slightly better shape and start accompanying you guys on more walks. There’s a potential success story hiding in there somewhere.

    re: Mary

    You were with that one young, nubile chick who broke your heart a while back, so please proceed with caution. Remember: the young are flighty and don’t know what they want, so frankly, I don’t see this lasting. (From what I’ve seen, the old also don’t know what they want.) But, hey—if you get a little fun out of the experience, maybe that’s all a man needs. Who am I to say?

  2. Your “slowpoke” looks a bit like a hobbit.”

    That’s funny! Yes, he is indeed short and has a strong British accent. Not sure why I didn’t pick up on the similarity.

    No, I’ve not seen the out-of-shape dude around town at all, so I’m guessing he ain’t walking much. Rumor has it he’s been busy pursuing romance with various brown beauties online–at least, that’s what his girlfriend told me in a message last night. Not my business, though.

    I had my first meet-up with Mary yesterday, and I’ll blog some about that today. The 50-year age gap is a record for me (and her). I don’t have any illusions or real expectations about the potential for a romantic relationship. Still, she is one of the most interesting Filipinas I’ve met, and we might find a special niche that will be mutually beneficial. I don’t think my heart is in any danger with this one, at least.

  3. Glad someone else is slow too. Haha..,and you’re sporting a Vikings jersey? I thought you didn’t like football? 🙂

  4. “Rumor has it he’s been busy pursuing romance with various brown beauties online–at least, that’s what his girlfriend told me in a message last night. ”

    I thought this was funny. They must have an open relationship. LOL

  5. Brian, Well, last I heard from her, she was packing up and moving out. I think an “open relationship” implies mutual consent. She was surprised and hurt by his actions. I wish her well.

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