Mad Men

Well, I’ve blown through all four seasons of Mad Men now, with the exception of the season finale which I’ll get to as soon as I find it available for download.  Quite the show, especially for someone like me who enjoys time travel.  This is the best piece of writing I’ve seen describing the various levels on which the show touches the viewer.

Speaking of time travel, I watched Hot Tub Time Machine tonight and enjoyed revisiting the 80s.  Sappy in places, but funny too.  Worth a watch if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill.

Oh, I’m also into the first two episodes of season 5 of Dexter.  Episode 3 is on tap for tomorrow.

Does it sound like I’m watching too much TV?  Heh.  Man does not live by darts alone!

Meanwhile in sports news…

I have been, ahem, keeping my eye on the controversy involving sports reporter Ines Sainz and the boys from the NY Jets.  It seems the modestly dressed Ms. Sainz was subjected to demeaning behavior while pursuing her journalistic responsibilities on the gridiron sidelines:


I know the first word that comes to my mind when I see this photo is “professional”. 

So anyway, the aforementioned incident has now sparked a fascinating debate concerning gender and sports.  Specifically, folks are asking the perhaps unanswerable question:  just who is the hottest foreign sports reporter (female division)?  You can peruse the nominees here.

As for me, I think the whole discussion is sexist and disrespectful to women in general and to the sports reporting profession in particular.  I want to go on record as having said that.  I would also like to nominate a Korean reporter for consideration as world’s hottest:


I’m bad, I know.

Multi-tasking behind the wheel

This is taking auto erotica to a whole new level:

A Cincinnati woman was simultaneously masturbating with a sex toy and watching a pornographic video while driving last week, according to cops who arrested her on assorted criminal charges.

Colondra Hamilton, 36, was pulled over last Tuesday evening in a traffic stop triggered when cops noticed she was driving a 2008 Pontiac with overly tinted windows.

That’s when officers noticed that Hamilton’s pants were unbuttoned. And she had a vibrator in her lap. Questioned by cops, Hamilton admitted to engaging in auto erotic manipulation, and revealed that she had also been watching a porno movie that was playing on the laptop of a friend in the passenger seat, according to an Elmwood Place Police Department report.

There’s a time and a place for everything I suppose, but doing the dildo trick, watching porn, AND driving simultaneously?  I mean really, was she on crack or something?

Hamilton was booked into the Hamilton County jail on a misdemeanor count of driving with “impaired alertness.” Hamilton was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia since cops found a “broken piece of crack pipe” in her purse.

Ok then.

It’s all good

No worries, just limited access to the internet here in Subic.  Something is wrong with my wireless on the laptop.  Pain in the ass to come down here and use the computer in the hotel lobby.

Anyway, I am a tad disconcerted right now but I’m going to see it through and wait until I get back home to decide what the hell to do.

But I’m good.


Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, gave a commencement address at Princeton that I found moving.  Perhaps you will too.  The talk was entitled “We are what we choose” and one of the points he makes is that it is easier to be clever than kind. He concluded his remarks with:

I will hazard a prediction. When you are 80 years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection narrating for only yourself the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most compact and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices. Build yourself a great story.

Go read the rest, it is well worth your time.

Hot and Sexy World Cup fans visit Korea

So, I’ve noticed quite a spike in visitors to LTG these past couple of weeks.  According to my sitemeter account, most of these folks are coming from Google searchs for “hot korean worldcup fans” or some variant thereof.  Which is kind of funny, because I’ve only posted one such photo in the history of this humble blog, way back in October as the second woman featured in my popular “Yoja of the Week” series:


Well, I guess I can see how she might both stop and generate traffic.

And as long as I’m whoring for traffic, I might as well post this photo of the North Korean world cup  cheerleading squad, chock full of sexy, hot, Korean women in uniform willing to do whatever it takes to support the homeland.


Hot and Sexy Naked Korean World Cup fans on the march.  Well, almost naked.  Eh, half naked.  Ok, Hot Pants and naked legs. 

Bring it on Google!