About John McCrarey

Born and raised in southern California. My career exodus has taken me to Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington, DC. And as of 23 January 2005, Seoul, Korea. Married with 6 grown children (blended family). First grandchild is in the oven! I created this blog to document my adventures as an expat living and working in Korea. I'm also pretty confident that I will on occasion feel the need to express my views on current events and other matters I find of interest.

A fun in the sun day

Another day in the Philippines life I lived to tell about. A Candy Walk, a party, and a floating bar were the legs on that stool of a Sunday. I’ll let the photos do most of the talking:

Heading out for the Candy Walk. Ain’t we sweet?

I f’d up the video of the Marian Hills portion of our walk. I think the problem is you have to turn the phone horizontally BEFORE hitting the record button. I’ll try to get it right next time. All my efforts at finding a way to flip the video after the upload were also unsuccessful. If anyone has a clue, let me know. I need one. (Warning: watching that mess for three minutes is dizzying.)

I guess burning the garbage is better than just tossing it in the creek bed and leaving it.
Come and get it
Dispensing more sweetness
Moving on to the next neighborhood
At the foot of the mountain
Another 5K Sunday mission completed.

Once our candy chore was complete, it was time to prepare for party mode.

Swan’s sausages
My brownies

Since I was not able to participate in the feeding at Hideaway, I dropped off a bag of goodies and some cash and let the girls feed themselves.

Joy sent a photo of her enjoying the spaghetti meal

The party was across the highway from Hideaway at the rooftop suite Tim is enjoying at the Coffee Shop hotel. It’s the nicest place in town for the money.

The guy’s table
The gal’s hangout
And the kitchen contingent

Typical gathering, guys drinking beer and bullshitting, and the women-folk did whatever it was that they did, which seemed to involve downing shots of alcohol yesterday. I went out for a breath of air and enjoyed the views from the roof.

That Kalaklan Ridge I’ve been climbing a lot lately
And the bay view from the other side of the roof
Swan came out for a looksee, too.

So, we started the party at 1 p.m., and I was nearing capacity when we said our goodbyes and departed at 5:30. Swan wanted to stop at the Arizona floating bar to see the sunset before we went home, and I consented.

The view from the roof said we’d better hurry. Luckily, the Arizona Resort is right across the highway from here.
The view from the beach
You’d better hurry, girl!
Made it! Our floating bar view
One of the better sunsets we’ve seen in a while.
Until next time, then.

We’d both had more than enough to drink by now, so we headed ashore and grabbed a trike for home. Swan was in bed and asleep at 7:30. I was planning to do the next installment of “Squid Game” but didn’t want her to miss out, so I contented myself with some internet surfing. I enjoyed a pudding appetizer before I called it a night.

What overindulgence looks like.

In this installment of The Story of My Life, I recount the events during one of my early weeks in Korea, including attending some required training and an introduction to aspects of Korean culture.

One of the Facebook groups I belong to is “Westminster High School Alumni.” Someone named Brenda from the Class of ’73 asked if anyone remembered her. I didn’t, but I posted my senior picture in response.

Based on the lack of responses, no one there remembers me either.

Meanwhile, I’m still poking fun at my lefty Facebook friends:

For all the good it did the last one.

This is the first time I’ve watched this YouTube vlogger. He covered some aspects of Filipino culture that I’ve also witnessed and did so in only five minutes, which suits my increasingly limited attention span. Worth the watch, IMHO.

Some fun before I go:

Most of the expats I know avoid bars with baklas (transgender). Maybe this is why.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. The more beer, the prettier they get.
The more, the better. Or not.

And now it is time to prepare for another Hash Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

Forest Hump

A quick post about my yesterday because today involves attending a social event at the ungodly hour of 1 p.m. Yesterday was also out of the realm of normalcy for me. I attended a Saturday Hash. Sponsored by the Manila Hash House Harriers. And the event was held on SBMA (the old Navy Base). By way of explanation: It was a special Hash run to honor Hasher Long John’s birthday, a Manila group member who resides in SBMA now. I’m acquainted with Long John because he frequently Hashes with us in Subic. So, it gave me a good excuse to get off my lazy ass and hike in some unfamiliar territory. Here is some of what I saw.

The birthday boy. By my reckoning, he’s ten years older than me. I hope I’m still going as strong as he is in a decade.
Gathering at the community center in Long John’s neighborhood
And of we go on what was deemed to be a forest trail. It was indeed!
There were some ups and downs along the way, but for the most part it was a pleasant hike.
The first of what I counted as five water crossings
Some folks opted to trying hopping across on the rocks
Like these folks, I just went with the freedom of wet feet
You’d think a Swan would be agile in the water
I was beginning to feel bamboo-zeled
But there was room to pass through the jungle
On up on a well-marked trail
Relatively wide-open spaces
This was the first of several fallen tree trunks we had to maneuver over.
Up and over
In the woods
Swan getting back to her roots
More water
Wet feet again
Low bridge ahead
Unless you happen to be short
Still more water
A dry crossing this time
This crossing had the added obstacle of a downed tree to limbo under
The last of the water crossings and the final hill climb
This massive trunk was too much for me to scramble over, so I found a way to walk around it.
And then back to Long John’s neighborhood. The housing here is duplexes from the old Navy base days. Before I made the move to the PI, I looked at some of these options, but decided I didn’t want to live in what felt like an American suburb.
Our walk through the forest was 5K

There was some food, birthday songs, and a Hash Circle after the hike, then it was back to Barretto. I watched the second Season Two episode of “Squid Game” then hit the sack for some well-earned sleep.

Having only five after-hike beers helped.

One year ago I celebrated the grand opening of this venue:

I should go there more often

Today I posted this photo on my Facebook that I found on Kevin Kim’s blog:

And within five minutes, it looked like this:

Fuck you, Zuck. You suck!

Okay, I’m hoping Trump will convince China to back off on it’s dreams of war in the Pacific, but it won’t be pretty if it ever happens. Seeing that China could literally cut the power to the Philippines isn’t all that surprising.

Some humor before I go:

There is beauty in nature
Keep your eyes on the prize!
Sounds like she’s all in

Hike buddy Tim is leaving soon for his journey back to the USA. We’ve all been invited for a farewell gathering at his cool rooftop lodging at the Coffee Shop hotel. I’m not keen on starting my time on the town so early, but sometimes exceptions must be made.

A floored SOB

Here we go again.

I was never really into Kool-Aid as a kid, but nowadays, as a thinking adult, I apparently drink it all the time. Who knew?

The truth will set you free

Speaking of the truth, despite Facebook’s Zuckerfuck claiming a newfound love for freedom of speech, it seems like business as usual on that platform.

Obviously, this was posted in mockery of the claims that Musk did a Nazi salute
Thank goodness for “fact-checkers” adding context

Meanwhile, life goes on, and I don’t give a fuck. Here’s how I filled the hours yesterday:

The Friday group hike participants. We climbed up to the Kalaklan ridgeline, then came back down and walked the beach back to Barretto.
Beginning the uphill portion of our trek
Onward and upward
Leaving Barretto behind
Rolly’s place
Cookie stop
Still climbing
Ridgeline achieved!
The Olongapo side of things

Here’s a one-minute video that didn’t come out quite right:

If there is a way to flip this around, I can’t find it.

My second effort turned out better:

Anyway, I probably need to get a clip-on mobile camera instead of trying to use my phone.

Keep on truckin’!
More cookies dispensed
And some lollipops for this group
Down we go
On the beach
A floating island
Beach huts
Rock block!
Working our way around the obstacle
And the Barretto floating island
The path we took on our 7K journey

Back at the house, Swan comes in and says, “Look what I found.”

She said it reminded her of the paper packet in the “Squid Game” initiation. Hmm, if I disappear, you’ll know what happened.

We went to the SOB at Green Room last night. It had been a month or so since our previous attendance. Nothing much has changed. Here’s a short video clip I took of the host bar’s routine:

I chose gin and soda last night as my beverage of choice and was disciplined enough to limit myself to one every thirty minutes. But I drank from 4:00 until 8:00, which proved to be too much of a good thing.

I was floored when I got back home.

That only happens a couple of times a year, usually when I deviate from beer.

I’m down for this!
Skipping dinner may have been a contributing factor to my inebriation.

Today’s journey through the past is from the early days of LTG back in 2005. Politics and comment reactions from family members were the order of the day. See for yourself.

Today’s YouTube video from the Filipina Pea tries to provide advice to the “nice guys” who always seem to finish last in relationships. I’ve been down that road too many times, but it seems I’ve finally hit my sweet spot with Swan.

Things I found funny:

It stinks when that happens
Be careful what you wish for
Throw away the keys

And that’s all he wrote. For today, anyway.

It went like this

Thursdays come and go, and I go with the flow. It’s just the way I roll.

As I’ve been scrolling through my old blog posts, trying to remember some stories from my life in those long ago days, I’ve noticed that I wrote about politics quite a bit. I don’t bother with that too much now because I’ve come to realize it’s pointless. We all believe what we choose to believe, and only rarely will anyone’s mind be changed by contrary arguments. There has been some recent back and forth in the comments concerning the Trump pardons that illustrate that point. So, for what it is worth, my take on the January 6 riots is this:

  • The protesters who entered the Capitol building were trespassing, and that was a crime.
  • Nancy Pelosi declined to activate the National Guard to defend the Capitol
  • The vast majority of protesters did not engage in violence. The only fatality was a protester.
  • The FBI played a role (agents were on the scene), and the extent of their instigation will eventually be revealed.
  • The DOJ’s pursuit of felony charges against even the peaceful trespassers was excessive and unprecedented. Compare and contrast to the violent BLM protests.
  • The kangaroo court of the J6 House investigation was criminal. Biden’s pardons for uncharged crimes against the Committee members are quite revealing.
  • The criminal court proceedings and treatment of those arrested have made a mockery of our justice system. Many people have been denied the right to a speedy and fair trial, and this is but one example.
  • One of Trump’s campaign promises was to commute the sentences and pardon the non-violent protesters. He has now kept his word, and that was appropriate.
  • There is much more yet to be uncovered about the January 6, 2021 events, and I expect a full and fair investigation under Trump.

Enough said? Okay, let me tell you about my day:

I took a solo walk, and as I departed home, I thought I would walk the back roads to Waltermart and then take a Jeepney back to Barretto. But once I hit Naugsol, I didn’t feel like continuing on to Mangan-Vaca, so I circled around the Naugsol area on the new bypass road instead.

At 1.6K I snapped the Easter Mountain shot
3.2K found me on the streets of “downtown” Naugsol
Crossing the river at 4.8K
And calling it quits at 6K. (Google Maps are not to be trusted. That’s Naugsol, not San Isidro)

For my Thursday evening fun, I attended a gathering at a fellow Hasher’s house.

Beer on ice is always a wheel good time and a barrow of fun.
The menfolk are doing what we do best. The gals were inside doing karaoke.
Our host, John, skillfully manning the grill.
Baby back ribs were the main course
Dinner is served! Everything was great. The beans were so damn good I had to go back for seconds, even though I knew it wasn’t a wise move.
And sure enough, they put me over the top. Not by much, though.
  • Today’s weigh-in: 233.5
  • Last week: 235.0
  • November 1: 267.1
  • Net loss: 33.6 pounds

Getting there, little by little.

Today’s installment in The Story of My Life demonstrates that I was posting boring drivel about my day even twenty years ago. Still, it was in Korea, and everything was new about the experience.

To the memories we shall go:

Eleven years ago, I threw three double bullseyes, the hardest shot in darts. Alas, I was throwing alone at home.
According to the caption on this Facebook post from seven years ago, it was -13, and the wind was blowing. I was debating whether to go into town for a beer or stay home. I bet you know which option I chose.

Today’s YouTube video discusses three morning habits that can prove fatal to older folks like me. Well, maybe. I usually eat something before heading out for a hike, but that’s just me. If you are doing one of those intermittent fasting programs or don’t want to eat the high-carb foods the narrator suggests, this is advice you may not want to take. I do usually sit up for a few seconds before stumbling to the bathroom for a nighttime piss. And I don’t have to strain much when it is time to poop, so that’s not a problem for me. I did have an elderly neighbor die on the toilet one morning, so it does happen. Anyway, here it is, take it or leave it:

Live to laugh:

I have a stack of shorts in the closet that I’m hoping to shrink down to again. It’s such a waist!
I’m avoiding Temptations
Sharing is caring!

Another day, another post. Same old, same old. But then again, so am I. Let’s see what happens next.

A climb it change

Just to keep things in perspective

There is some back-and-forth in the comments regarding Trump’s pardoning of the J6 protesters. To be clear, I do not condone the behavior of those who illegally breached the Capitol grounds in a challenge to the fraudulent 2020 election results. That said, the government’s response has been over the top, including holding individuals in jail for months and years awaiting trial. And the crimes committed were nowhere near as violent as what the BLM protesters did during their summer of burning cities and destroying lives. I’m glad Trump issued the promised pardons. I mean, it’s not like they were corrupt relatives of his or anything like that.

This guy is responsible for more deaths than any living American, so don’t cry to me about Trump’s pardons.

Okay, let’s get back to the daily drivel, shall we? The Wednesday Walkers did an up, over, and down the other side hike across the Kalaklan Ridge and finished with an urban stroll on the streets of Olongapo City. Our up was a rarely taken route and the down was a first for me. I don’t particularly like walking in the city, but the streets were unfamiliar, and noting the differences in vibe between Olongapo and the Barretto ‘burbs was interesting.

Off we go on the long uphill stretch of Banaba Street
And then the climb to the ridgeline
Here I come! (I’m notoriously slow on the climbs)
On up!
There’s an Easter Mountain view
Barrio Barretto
And the Subic Bay
Ridgeline achieved!
And now we head down the other side
There were a couple of steep spots, but overall, it was not a bad down.
Living the dream
Our flower-lined path
A litter-free hike wasn’t in the cards
Steppin’ on down
It is better to be going down seemingly endless steps than climbing them
Looking down on Olongapo City
The road to Olongapo
On the road in Olongapo
A river runs through it
Our trail ended at the Victory Bus terminal. We caught a Jeepney back to Barretto from here.
Scott’s map shows the up and over
And my map provides a different perspective on the 6K hike.

My chelation treatment with Dr. Jo went without a hitch, and with that out of the way, we headed to the Outback to begin the fun part of our evening.

Waiting for her wine
Swan’s friend Bill was walking his dogs on the beach, so she went out to say hello and get her toes in the sand.
The sun was doing its thing
And so were we

I made a short video of our Outback views if you care to have a look:

We moved up the beach for a grilled porkchop dinner at Mango’s.

The sun departed as we did

These days, we might visit Mango’s for dinner once a month or so, so it was funny that as soon as we sat down, the waitress greeted us with: “Red wine, San Miguel Zero, one order of pork chops with an extra plate, and sides of mashed potato and veggies.” Yes, ma’am. You know us too well. And the meal was good, as always.

We went to Whiskey Girl for our nightcap. We hadn’t been there for several months, so it fit my Wednesday agenda of stopping by a seldom-visited bar. We had an additional motive for going to Whiskey Girl. One of the waitresses lives on our Candy Walk route, and Swan felt bad that the kids weren’t around last week. So, we delivered a bag of Bingo cookies and some lollipops for Kim to take home after work. We also brought sweets for the rest of the crew to enjoy during our time there. My old friends Jenn and Josie are no longer working at Whiskey, so that saved me some lady drink cash. I was impressed that the dancers kept moving on stage in a dance-like mode despite us being the only customers during our visit. I thought about tipping them, but decided my doing that in Alaska is more than enough. They got cookies and lollipops instead!

As soon as we walked out the door to head home, a trike pulled up to take us. I took a break from “Squid Game” and hit the hay early.

I’m still on a roll!

Twenty years ago, my world changed forever in ways I never anticipated.

I got on that plane and left my American life behind.

I wrote about the journey to Korea here.

For today’s YouTube video, I’ll share another vlogger’s perspective on my hometown of Barretto. I agree with him about the litter but disagree that the bars are the only reason to come here. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my favorite drinking establishments, but that’s a small portion of my day.

The daily dose of smiles:

Seems easy enough to me
Tea, Good and Ever-Refreshing. Eh, never mind.
Almost as bad as one of my blog posts

Maybe twenty years have been enough. We’ll see.

Simple pleasures

For a simple man. Tuesday is my blah day, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad; it’s just a tad duller than my regular boring days. The highlight of my new dual grocery store shopping excursion was the discovery that the YBC supermarket has lower prices than Royal, at least on some of the items I purchase. My Bingo cookies cost me 58.50 pesos at YBC, and they cost 59 pesos at Royal. Not a big difference, but still good to know that I’m on the right track getting everything I can at YBC and filling in the gaps at Royal.

On the way to the grocery stores, I saw something up ahead as we left the neighborhood.
Mama got her muffins and 100 pesos as a reward for knowing my schedule. It occurred to me that I first saw Mama when I was a tourist back in 2017. She appears to be holding up well in her life as a homeless person.

When we got back home from the shopping adventure, I headed out for my lazy Tuesday neighborhood walk.

It is rare to see a house for rent in Alta Vista, but this one is now available. Swan called for more info, and it is “only” 55,000 pesos a month. I like my place better, and it is a bargain at 38,000.

Walked by the first house I rented in Alta Visa back in 2018.

Well, the back of the house
My second Alta Vista residence was the downstairs unit in this duplex.
And my current home sweet home
The best view during my stroll
I hit almost all the streets in the subdivision during my 5K walk.
And a steak salad for my post-walk nourishment

Exciting shit, eh? But wait, there’s more! It’s a Tuesday tradition to hit Baloy Beach and visit the Kokomo’s floating bar. And getting there is some of the fun.

Here’s the map

And here’s the video replay of our beach walk:

Yeah, I need to learn to edit. Just watch it at 2X speed to ease the pain.

We had the usual fun on the floater.

Our chariot awaits
Here we come!
We’ll be keeping an eye on you!
A kayak built for two
Just a handful of customers, but they were spending big on lady drinks.
Sully, a fellow Hasher, and his dog came for a visit
Here we go
Never gets old
Thanks for the show!
Back on the beach and heading for Treasure Island
Cordon bleu for Swan
Hamburger steak for me

We treated the hardworking Treasure Island waitresses to a pizza with lollipops for dessert. They seemed happy with their bounty.

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I was wearing my Trump attire as I went about my day. A couple of Filipinos asked about it, but otherwise, no one else had anything to say—until the guy sitting next to me at Treasure Island made a comment—something along the lines of “Go Trump!” I turned to see who it was, and this guy gave me the thumbs up.

Shit! Here I am all loud and proud wearing a Trump shirt and cap, and this guy went all in with a tattoo.

So, we had a pleasant chat and shared a toast in honor of President Trump.

Nice to meet you, Mike! Hope to see you around again sometime.

Then, it was time to head back home. I made a batch of sugar-free pudding and fired up Netflix for Season Two, Episode One, of “Squid Game.” So, we are two years down the road from where we left off, and the only game last night was some Russian Roulette. It didn’t end well for a couple of folks, but our two main protagonists are still pursuing their quest of discovery. I thought one of them (the cop) had been killed in Season One, so it was a bit of a surprise to see he had survived a gunshot and a fall off a cliff into the ocean. Hey, television makes miracles happen. I’m still in the game for the rest of Season Two, despite my inability to suspend disbelief.

I’m still in the game

Today’s episode in The Story of My Life tells about a wild night in Itaewon in March 2005 at one of my favorite bars, Sweet Caroline’s. One of my favorite parts of these old posts is the comments. In this one, my then-wife Carol and my sweet mother chime in about my over-indulgence in alcoholic beverages. I’ve learned a lot since then–I mostly stick to beer these days and NEVER mix in shots of the hard stuff. I’m sure I’ll discover similar lessons as my journey through the LTG archives continues.

Today’s YouTube video has the Pea conducting on-the-street interviews with Filipinas to discover what they consider attractive about foreign men. Spoiler alert: a handsome man with no money is not so handsome after all.

Some humor before I go:

That’s bat-shit crazy
Or ask her to use her mouth for the handjob.
I have big titties, and I’m a lesbian. (trapped in a man’s body)

An upcoming chelation therapy session with Dr. Jo, and then some Wednesday fun and refreshments on the other side of town.

We’ll be hanging out on the lefthand side of the map. Outback, Mango’s for dinner, and our nightcap at Whiskey Girl.

Check back tomorrow for the latest tales of a simple man.

Welcome back, Mr. President

Dressing for the occasion! Yep, this is what I’m wearing today in honor of the Commander-in-Chief. He’s a felon, doncha know?

He was the last president I served under as a Federal employee. I’m done with work, but Trump has lots of unfinished business to attend to. It’s nice to see he’s getting down to it via Executive Orders.

It wasn’t a surprise to see Biden issue pardons to assholes like Fauci and the members of the J6 committee.

Of course, we always knew they weren’t innocent, just uncharged.
We won’t get fooled again.

Alright, that’s enough politics. Let’s talk about yesterday’s Hash. It was a good one! The Hare had a long and a short trail option. But guess what? My group concocted a medium-length version that hit the sweet spot. How about that–those notorious shortcutters ADDING some distance!

Looks like Swan saw a ghost
On up we go
A pause to refresh
A couple of turkeys
Some sweets for Mountain Mama Onelia
A woodsy stroll
To hell with the short trail!
Walk this way, girls
The view from here
And further down the trail, a valley view
Heading down
Hadn’t been this way for a while; good to be back!
Into the hillside village
Follow me! I can almost smell the beer from here!
The back path to Alta Vista with Easter Mountain in the background
Barretto back alleys
And On-Home at Johansson’s.
After-hike refreshments
It’s nice on ice
And enjoying more post-Hash beverages at IDM
I walked to the start at Columban College, adding 1.6K to the 6K Hash trail

It was a good day to be out and about hiking. The aftermath beers were nice, too.

Twelve cold ones didn’t put me over the top this time.

Looking back on some memories:

Ten years ago, I was doing a part-time contractor gig on K-16 and started my workday with a sausage and egg muffin. Damn, I want one now!
Seven years ago, I took a foggy morning walk in Anjeong-ri.

A commenter mentioned that things have gotten more boring than usual here at LTG since I’ve settled into a drama-free relationship. Well, yeah, I understand that, but I can live without the kind of excitement all those failed couplings created. Coincidentally, I came across this post from September 2020 about my fleeting attraction to a married neighbor. Talk about dodging a bullet! My commenters tried to warn me back then, but I tend to learn things the hard way. Fortunately, I saw the light before things reached the level of consummation.

I’ll be turning 70 later this year, and today’s YouTube video discusses six ways to maintain good health in these golden years. Three flights of stairs? Try climbing the Kalaklan Ridge! Standing on one leg for thirty seconds was harder than I thought it would be, but I managed. I laugh a lot, socialize, and can cook, although Swan handles most of the kitchen work these days. Anyway, I intend to keep on keeping on as long as I am able to breathe.

Into each life, some humor must fall:

Keep your eyes (and hands) to yourself, Kirk!
That’s pretty much how I roll these days. My intentions are good, but my brain refuses to cooperate.
I don’t have any tattoos, but if I ever get one, this would be perfect for my man breasts.

I’m gonna do my Tuesday thing on the Kokomo’s floating bar when beer o’clock rolls around. (Shit, I actually wrote “due” instead of “do” in that sentence. I wasn’t kidding about my brain!)

Taking it as it comes

Rolling along through another blessed Sunday. It may not be much, but it is more than enough to keep me happy. My big accomplishment was booking flights and lodging for a trip to Da Nang, Vietnam in July. We’ll also be doing two nights in Hong Kong, another place I’ve never previously visited. I’m flying budget airlines (Cebu Pacific and HK Express) and I hope I don’t regret it. The actual flights are reasonably priced at around a hundred bucks each way. The crazy thing is that the cost of a checked bag is almost as much as the ticket. Oh well, as long as we have a wheels down landing I won’t complain.

Oh, and here was a rare experience. Usually, it is my first name they spell wrong (Jhon):

Maybe I need more vitamin C

Anyway, we got out of the house and kicked off the morning with another Candy Walk:

Heading out
Heading down
There’s something in the air
Waiting for the candy train to arrive
We ran into Ed and Helen, the Hares for today’s Hash, out marking the trail
A horny goat
And a hardworking carabao. And as a bonus, you get to see Easter Mountain in this shot.
Laundry in the solar dryer

Here’s what the Candy Walk looks like in action:

I had no idea the Everly Brothers were still around, let alone living in the Philippines! (It must be their ghosts)
Our usual 5K route

Part two of the Sunday routine began with the Hideaway feeding:

The hungry crew
A Joyful recipient

Then it was time to hit the beach.

Sand and water
My destination awaits

Here’s what getting there looks like:

As seen from our seats
As seen in our seats
I was impressed with this guy’s stamina as he swam back and forth
And the sun did its thing
Getting down
See you in the morning!

Once the sun is gone, we are ready to head ashore for our Sunday dinner at John’s place.

Our preferred dining view
I had one birria taco
And two Korean-style chicken wings.

After a pleasant dining experience, we headed to Wet Spot for our nightcap. A drink for Irene and Beth, some chitchat, then we were homeward bound. And so ended another Sunday.

Does this make me a greengo?

Today is Martin Luther King Day. His dream of a nation where citizens were judged on their character rather than their skin color has sadly become a nightmare. Despite the blatant racism against white folk that is inherent in “woke” politics, there is still hope for the future.

Because today we begin to Make America Great Again. Good luck with that mission, President Trump.

Let’s go back in time for a moment or two:

That’s me thirty-five years ago, half the age I am now. It appears I am thinking, “I wonder what living in the Philippines would be like as an old man?”

From the LTG archives, here’s a post from 2005 showing my first residence in Korea. I stayed there over five years.

Today’s YouTube video claims that the US is reactivating the Subic Bay Naval Base. Um, that is overstating what I understand to be happening. The video really talks about what the Philippines is doing to utilize those facilities to counter China’s aggression. This is not to say that the Americans won’t be returning at some point. With Trump in charge again, anything is possible. The most likely scenario is American military personnel being deployed to Filipino bases on a rotational basis. Still, the best way to prevent a war is deterrence. Hopefully, China gets the message that starting a fight now will be too costly.

Who is up for a laugh?

The stories I could tell from my seven years as a letter carrier.
All I can do in French is kiss
Keep the change

And now it is time to prepare for another Hash Monday. I’ve seen a map of the trail, and it appears to be one I will enjoy. I’m going to walk to the start via My Bitch, so I should be getting a good step count today. I’ll tell you how it goes tomorrow (assuming I survive).

Slumming it

Nothing much to my Saturday, but I’m okay with that. Filling the hours in a comfortable way suits me just fine, and it makes the occasions where a little more excitement is injected all the more fun. In other words, it’s all good.

Kicked the morning off with a Short Saturday Sweet Slum Street Stroll.

Heading out through Alta Vista
The high view
Getting down to business
Hitting their sweet spot
A regular cookie stop along the way
The next ‘hood to serve
Swan is popular wherever she goes
This guy is always hanging around here
I guess view is to die for…
The way we rolled away 5K

A simple but satisfying Saturday evening in town to round out the day. My first stop was at the salon for a haircut. It always seems to grow back, but I’m not complaining. Coincidentally, whilst scrolling through my archives the other day, I came across a post about my first haircut in Korea. That was quite an experience and a reminder of one more thing I miss about my Korea life.

After the haircut, we visited Jewel Cafe for a light snack (we shared an order of chicken quesadillas). Then we moved on to Green Room for our nightcap. I always enjoy the laid-back ambiance there. I watched a couple of the girls playing some of the worst pool I’ve ever witnessed, but they were so bad it was very entertaining. And then these foreign guys (Chu said they were from Pakistan) took over the table, and I was gobsmacked watching them play what appeared to be a pro-level game. I can’t shoot that well in my dreams!

We bought a large pizza from Sit-n-Bull for the girls, and that put smiles on their faces. Then I gave them something to suck on (I brought along a bag of lollipops). The manager bought me a drink (it was my gin and soda night), and we went home feeling satisfied.

Another day, another goal achieved.

Today’s stroll down memory lane:

Back in 1986, I transported my daughter’s horse from Oklahoma to our new house in Lexington, South Carolina. Damn, that was thirty-nine years ago.

And nine years ago, this happened on one of “those” Itaewon nights:

How do you define stupid? How about the guy who walks home on a freezing cold night only to discover he doesn’t have his phone. So he walks back to the bar in the cold only to discover his phone is not in fact where he thought he left it. Walks all the way back to the house and finds the phone smack dab in the middle of the bathroom floor.

I hate being that guy.

Ten years ago, I posted a YouTube video of Korean girls eating American snacks for the first time. So today it will be both a memory and the daily YouTube. You are welcome!

Let’s do some more humor:

Ah, now I understand what was going on!
That’s one way to get closer to the neighbors

Yeah, I don’t give a fuck. It’s worth the effort to click on the link and watch this video about the most versatile word in the English language:

And here I am on the brink of another Sunday evening. I’m a prisoner to my routines, so that means a Hideaway feeding, some time on the water at the Arizona floating bar, then dinner at John’s place. Nope, I ain’t complaining.

It was a long one

No, that’s not what she said. But what a difference a day makes. For one thing, I got back to walking:

Lots better than the 1600 hundred the day before

The big event that got me up early and kept me out all day was our annual outreach feeding at the Iram Aeta village in Old Cabalan, Olongapo. The Friday hiking group headed out from our Baloy meet-up at 0800 and arrived in Iram a little before nine. The natives were waiting expectingly for the food bag distribution. Swan and her friend Sheryl provided a spaghetti meal with cold drinks and candy for the kids. Meanwhile, the rest of us headed for Tago Falls, a place we had never previously visited. That turned out to be a very satisfying 8K adventure. By the time we got back to the village, the handouts were done, and it was time to feed the hungry hikers. Swan and her crew prepared a lunch of grilled sausages, and we washed them down with cold beers. It was close to 2 p.m. when we finally headed for home, but the fun wasn’t over yet. During the drive, the decision was made to stop at It Doesn’t Matter to celebrate our successful mission.

It was late in the afternoon when I was finally back in my Alta Vista homestead. The first thing we did was take a much-needed nap. Then I dashed out yesterday’s blog post before settling onto the sofa for the concluding Season One episode of “Squid Game.” Man, I’m tired again just telling you about the day. I’ll let the pictures fill in the gaps:

An earlier than usual start to the day
Driver Danny arrived with a larger-than-usual vehicle
Loading the goodies we were bringing. The food bags were being brought by the local who prepared them (we paid).
Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin’…
Arriving at the village
Food bags ready for delivery
Local school teacher Grace did all the hard work; our group did the funding.
The gathering crowd
Learning the concept of “hurry up and wait”
The givers
With the work ready to start, the rest of us headed for the hills
Our first water crossing. I got about halfway across on those rocks, nearly lost my balance, and said, “fuck this.” There is freedom in wet feet!
It was 4K to the falls, almost all of it uphill. Not real step, just a long steady climb.
It almost looked like an episode of “Squid Game” in progress.
One of the biggest power towers I’ve seen.

Thirty seconds of hiking video for your viewing pleasure:

Off the beaten path
And upward
It’s not Easter Mountain, but it will do.
Almost there. We had three guides from the village with us, although none of them had ever done the trek to Tago Falls before either.
Tago Falls. Worth the hike!

I suck with these videos, but take a minute and have a look around:

Steve and Brian enjoying a swim
The brothers Paul
Jens and Guenter on the rocks
Water, water, everywhere
Oldies but goodies
We walked back the way we came, so there was nothing really new to see. I did like this lonely tree with a cloud hat.
And a scenic view I had missed on the way up. Best of all, it was all downhill from here.
On down!
Local folk enjoying the riverside
One more time across the rocks. I waded.
A Iram village scene
Our riverside camp
Driver Danny handling grill duties
Liquid refreshment
Paying our tour guides for their assistance
And posing for a picture. Thanks again for joining us.
And thank you for all of your hard work, Swan
Enjoying the aftermath at IDM

I finished Season One of “Squid Game,” and I’m up for starting Season Two. As an added bonus, I finally allowed myself to read Kevin’s review. I concur with his thoughts for the most part and will delve more into that in a future post. I’m running a tad late this afternoon.

On a winning streak!

There is only one memory to share today. Today is the fourteenth anniversary of my mother’s passing. Here’s what I wrote that day.

Mom died at home. Her two sisters, Pat and Darlene, came to visit a couple of days before her life came to an end.

Miss you, Mama!

Today’s YouTube is features the Filipina Pea responding to questions from her viewers. Regarding the baby making, I got that possibility sliced twenty years ago. It cost me a relationship with a woman I loved here because I couldn’t give her the one thing she wanted most.

And some humor:

I didn’t think you were Serious
But the punctuation looks good, right?
Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting?

Anyway, life goes on until it doesn’t. So, I’m going to take my sweetie into town soon and do some living. Back with more tomorrow.

Here’s the song my nephew Jason sang with his Filipina wife (he met her when she was working as a singer on a cruise ship) at my mother’s funeral gathering:

And that’s all there was to it

Yesterday was a tad too much of nothin’ for my taste, but I was under doctor’s orders not to work up a sweat, and I did as I was instructed.

I don’t recall the last time I was this damn lazy

The day wasn’t a total waste, however. Once the sun was going down, we attended a gathering at the next-door neighbor’s house and filled some hours socializing.

The view from Jeff’s back porch
Vina manning (womaning?) the grill
Meat off the grill and onto the table
I had a burger on a bun but didn’t partake in the tater tots.
The group I had the pleasure to hang with last evening

Back home, I plopped my lazy ass down in front of the television and watched TWO episodes of “Squid Game.” Episode 7 was a tad strange as well as being bloody. The rich VIPs coming to witness the violence was more than the usual over-the-top this series seems to strive for. Episode 8 brought the number of remaining contestants down to two, and sadly, my favorite character isn’t one of them. The season finale is next, and I’ll be watching that as soon as I finish this post.

At least I didn’t overeat to compensate for my boredom

No Facebook memories worthy of note today, but I’ve been working my way through the LTG archives, and I came upon a post from twenty years ago talking about my experience after three months as a little read blogger. What triggered that post was getting my first and only “instalache” (a link from the wildly popular Glenn Reynolds blog, Instapundit). If you are curious, this is the post that got the link.

Politics or humor?

Or maybe I should just embrace the power of “and”…

I came across today’s YouTube video while reading a Philippines expat forum I’m a member of (PIatNight). Another sad tale of a foreigner who can’t afford to pay for the medical care he needs and is soliciting donations from the expat community. He wasn’t getting much sympathy from the folks at PIatNight. It’s true you should have a backup plan in place in case of a medical emergency. My health insurance from the USA isn’t accepted in my hospitals here (I have to pay and then submit for reimbursement), but if need be, I have a credit card I can use to pay for treatment. An interesting thing about the guy featured in this video is that he is a former champion powerlifter and even has his own Wikipedia page. Here’s hoping things work out for Kaz.

To the humor we must go:

I’m funny when you’re drunk!
Funny how that works
I sent this to my nephew and asked him if it was true. He denied it.

Okie dokie, it’s time to fire up Netflix and finish Season One of “Squid Game.” If you are curious as to why today’s post is coming so much later than usual, I had a day today completely opposite of yesterday’s nothingness. I’ll tell you all about that tomorrow!


Seeing is believing, so keeping my eyes healthy and functioning is a worthy objective. My visit to the ophthalmologist yesterday didn’t reveal any negative surprises. I can’t see shit out of my left eye–not even the big top line on the eye chart–it’s all just a blur. So, the infection I’ve been treating with antibiotic eyedrops since last week has cleared up. The left eye exam didn’t show any retina damage. The eye doc said I could schedule a cataract removal surgery at my leisure, but it wasn’t currently something to worry about. I may see about getting some prescription reading glasses to avoid going under the knife laser for as long as possible.

Next up was a visit with Dr. Jo. After receiving my chelation injection, she went to work on removing the skin tabs on and around my eyelids. I wasn’t sure what that would involve, but it was much more unpleasant than I anticipated. She used a local anesthetic, which dulled most of the pain, but it was a slow process, and I have lots of eye boogers. After an hour of discomfort, Dr. Jo finished with my left eye, and I told her we could do the right eye next week. I’d had enough torture for one day and had no secrets to reveal.


I’m not looking forward to the next session. The things I endure to stay gwapo.

When Dr. Jo finished with me, it was after five, and I had skipped lunch, so I was hungry. Time for a visit to Sit-n-Bull. My diet aspirations aren’t all that strict. I try to achieve my goal of fewer than 1800 daily calories and avoid sweets and other unhealthy options most of the time. At least so far, I’ve been losing weight with that approach. Being hungry and having banked the calories I didn’t consume for lunch, I almost convinced myself that I was justified in satisfying my craving for a roast beef dip sandwich. But before ordering, I checked my app to see how many calories that would cost me. The sandwich alone was more than 500, so I nixed that idea and went with this instead:

Some roast beef and gravy, with coleslaw and salad on the side.

I had a couple more drinks (it was my gin and soda night) at Wet Spot to ease the pain, and then we headed home to watch episode six of “Squid Game.” I was surprised to see so many regular characters killed off this time (my favorite survived). There are three more episodes to go in Season One, and hopefully, it will begin to make more sense to me by then.

I didn’t do the Wednesday group hike, and Dr. Jo told me to avoid sweating today, so I’m suffering from a walkaholic withdrawal right now. We have a special hiking event tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to getting back on the trail.

I’ve booked rooms and paid for two Hash events in La Union next month (Feb 7-9 and Feb 28-Mar 2). And I’m in the early stages of planning a trip to Da Nang, Vietnam, come June. Yep, I am finally getting off my lazy ass and preparing to reengage in the travel portion of my retired life. It helps when you have a girlfriend who likes to get out of town. I’ve promised her a minimum of one excursion each month.

And another journey that is ongoing:

Keep it green!

Today’s installment in The Story of My Life is a post about a weekend in my new Itaewon life. I visited a bar called Sweet Caroline’s, which would become one of my favorites, and began meeting fellow expats. I mentioned that I was avoiding the bars with lady drink pressure, and this exchange with my then-wife in the comments made me smile:

Carol: You could be the loneliest person ever created, and yet I would highly recommend you avoid buying drinks for pretty or even unpretty Korean females! Get my drift?

Me: yes, dear, I get it…

Carol: Sorry baby, it was the hormones talking. Of course, I meant every word of it.

Good times, and it is nice to remember those long-ago days.

Here’s a travel memory for today:

Nine years ago, I visited the infamous Killing Fields in Cambodia. I’d never seen anything like it and hope I never do again.

And keeping with the travel theme, today’s YouTube vlogger takes us along on his visit to Alona Beach in Panglao, Bohol. Bohol has been at the top of my list of places to see in the Philippines. I hope to accomplish that soon, maybe in March.

And now for the daily dose of humor:

You nose what’s coming next
These are all truer than I like to admit
If this is gaslighting, it stinks. Hmm, maybe I should have recorded this on video?

And now I have.

My apologies!

So, I am changing things up and staying close to home today. Neighbors Jeff and Vina are having a gathering at their place, and we will be attending. Thanks for spending some time here at LTG.

A gem of a day

So, I guess that makes it a Ruby Tuesday! Here are some of the shiny moments I experienced. Starting with a new twist to the grocery shopping routine:

This week, we made YBC in Olongapo City our first stop and filled in the gaps afterward at Royal.
During the scamdemic, when I wasn’t allowed on SBMA, I shopped at a couple of off-base supermarkets but never knew this place existed until Swan introduced me a couple of weeks ago.
They didn’t have everything we wanted, but they had things we needed that Royal didn’t carry or keep in stock. It’s nice being able to get our Candy Walk stock here and avoid the hassle of trekking to the Subic Market.
Henceforth, we will be weekly visitors

In the afternoon, I planned to visit Dr. Jo. Meanwhile, Swan would attend the RSL meeting for another chance to win the Joker Jackpot of 90,000 pesos (around $1750). Swan’s event started at 2 p.m., and my appointment was at 3:00. Of course, things don’t always go according to plan. When I arrived at Dr. Jo’s, the door was locked, and the office was dark. WTF? I rattled the door a bit, and she came and opened it. There were some issues with the power company, and the lights had been shut off without warning. Dr. Jo said she could do the chelation injection but couldn’t remove the skin tabs on my eyelids without electricity. Instead, I arranged to come back today after my ophthalmologist appointment in Olongapo.

With nothing better to do, I crossed the highway and joined the RSL meeting in progress at Mango’s. They hadn’t started the raffle drawings yet, so I had to sit there and suffer through an hour and a half of prize giveaways. Neither of us had a ticket drawn this week and the person who got to pick the joker guessed right and won the big jackpot. At least we won’t be motivated to sit through future raffles for a while.

When the RSL concluded, we made our way to Baloy Beach for our weekly visit to the Kokomo’s floating bar.

Our view this week included a Navy MSC ship anchored in the bay. That should make the bargirls happy!
And the view we come for
You happy now?
It’s been a while since we’ve had a decent sunset view

I was even inspired to do a brief video:

When our time on the floater was done, we hit the beach. Neither of us was hungry enough for a big meal, so we shared a couple of tacos.

The red sky was a delight

So, nice that I decided to do another video:

When I’m sitting in a bar or restaurant, I occasionally check my phone to see what is happening on social media. And that’s how I came across this post from MacArthur’s Bar on Facebook:

My initial reaction was a bit of anger. I didn’t appreciate characterizing the girls who freely chose to sell themselves as “slaves,” which seemed more than a little over the top.

Swan told me just to ignore it, but I couldn’t resist leaving this comment:

OMG! I had no idea girls in other bars are slaves who are forced to go on barfines. Who knew?

Then the owner responded to my comment thusly:

John McCrarey please reread the post …. I’m the owner and policy maker . I run a shift with no barfine or early work release . I don’t get money from selling the girl for a bar share of roughly 1500 and I’m not calling out any bar that does this . My girls make their own decisions with their body after their shift . They also choose where they want to work . After their shift they have no fear of being seen with a customer. I can’t say the same from other bars and I’m not calling out other bars as girls choose where to work .

He does make some valid points, but the “pimp girls” and slave thing seems a bit much. If I ran a bar, I wouldn’t permit barfines either. And one of my pet peeves about the bar business here is that some bars will punish the girls who go with customers after work hours, calling them “sneak outs” to avoid paying the barfine. Years ago, I invited a door girl from Hot Zone to join me for lunch on her day off. She said we’d have to leave town to eat because if someone saw her with a customer, she’d have to pay the barfine. On her freakin’ day off! Come to think of it that is a bit like slavery.

Speaking of slavery, we watched episode 5 of “Squid Game” when we returned home last night. I’m trying hard to suspend disbelief that something like this could happen, but I’m sure I’ll learn more about the motivations of those involved as things move forward. I’m committed to getting through Season One so I can read Kevin’s review, spoilers, and all. Maybe it will make more sense then.

I stocked up on sugar-free pudding, so no more brownies!

Every little bit helps

Things I remember today:

Me at eighteen in 1973
And here’s how I looked nine years ago during a visit to Cambodia. I’m the one on the left.
Three years ago, we celebrated Johnny Tango’s birthday at Whiskey Girl. Sadly, it proved to be his final birthday.

Speaking of the departed, I learned that my high school pal Steve Ewing passed away this week in California. I had lost touch with Steve years ago, but my brother Greg and Steve still maintained contact. I was also relieved to discover that my other best friend from that era, Rod Headlee, is still around. He dropped Facebook and disappeared, but Greg says Rod and his wife are doing well.

I’ve still been unable to reach my good friend Dennis McPeters, who moved to Cambodia after retirement. I visited him there a couple of times, and we stayed in touch via email, but I’ve not heard from him in over a year now. He is several years older than me, and I fear the worst.

Today’s YouTube is a bit worrisome, given my current eye issues. I’ll be back to the ophthalmologist today, but given that I’m basically blind in my left eye, I expect cataract surgery is in my near future. He did a good job on the right eye a couple of years ago, so maybe I shouldn’t worry so much. We shall see. *ahem*

Let’s give ’em something to smile about:

Every problem has a solution
I’m on the lamb, but I ain’t no sheep!
Sometimes, a tongue-lashing is in order

That’s how it all went down on Tuesday. Two doctor visits are in my immediate future, and after that, we shall see. Tell you all about it tomorrow.

Up, over, down, and around

Woman: Do you drink beer?
Man: Yes
Woman: How many beers a day?
Man: Usually about 3
Woman: How much do you pay per beer?
Man: $5.00 which includes a tip
Woman: And how long have you been drinking?
Man: About 20 years, I suppose
Woman: So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450. In one year, it would be approximately $5400.. correct?
Man: Correct
Woman: If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation, the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000, correct?
Man: Correct
Woman: Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?
Man: Do you drink beer?
Woman: No
Man: What color is your Ferrari?

Well, only three beers a day is a lightweight! I was going to say I’d have money for a Ferrari in half the time, but then I remember I don’t pay anywhere near five dollars a beer. Luckily, I don’t need a car because I don’t drink and drive.

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you about yesterday’s Hash. As expected, the trail was long and hard. But Leech My Nuggets is one of my favorite Hares because he not only lays a well-marked trail (meaning it’s hard to get lost), but he also provides options to ease the burden for those of us who need them. My group did the first big hill climb but then opted for a walkaround Black Rock and the final up. So, it was a good day on trail for everyone!

Where it all began on the far side of Subic town
A pleasant riverside stroll to kick things off
Life on the river
I’m not Farmer John
Up and at ’em!
A woodsy interlude
That lone palm tree in the distance caught my eye for some reason
It has been years since we’ve done this trail
But I remembered this part for some reason
It seemed like our climb would never end
Until it did.

But the downward part of the trek was whole new experience.

This is a zoom shot from my patio. I’ve been lamenting the rape of that hillside which is visible for miles around. It’s going to be a new subdivision someday, but work is progressing at snails pace.
And looking back at Alta Vista (on the hillside to the left) from the scourged earth
And now here we were walking those roads carved into the hillside. That’s a great view of Easter Mountain with the Kalaklan Ridge in the background.
The future residents up here will have some of the best views around
A pause to take it all in
The hard way down. Leech My Nuggets advised us “sane” folks to take the road instead.
And the hard and easy meet again!
Going around Black Rock instead of over it
The biggest challenge we faced on our “sane” path was crossing this raging creek.
Arriving at our On-Home venue
Greetings Lick and Spit
Circle up!
I joined the Hare on the ice in recognition of his efforts to provide a challenging trail for us all to enjoy

And as is our custom, after the circle some of the Hasher reconvened at It Doesn’t Matter.

Doing what we do
And Tim doing what he does best–keeping the gals happy!

When we’d had more than enough to drink, Swan and I headed for the safety of home and episode 4 of “Squid Game.” Lots more bloodshed, and this one ended with a cliffhanger–who’s at the end of their rope? I’ll find out tonight!

And I pretty much behaved myself diet-wise

I’m just throwing today’s YouTube video out there for whatever it is worth. Why the US vice-president would engage this issue doesn’t make sense to me, but maybe I’m missing something. Anyway, the vlogger gives it a positive spin, regardless of whether it is likely to happen.

To the humor we must go:

Any cock will do
I prefer direct deposit when I donate sperm
Hmm, I’ll be seeing Dr. Jo this afternoon…

That’s pretty much all I’ve got for now. After the doctor visit, we’ll head out to the Kokomo’s floating bar for some rockin’ on the bay. Assuming all goes well, I’ll be back again tomorrow.

Easy like Sunday morning

The afternoon and evening weren’t hard either. The easy sweetness started with the Sunday morning Candy Walk.

And there she goes, loaded up with goodies to exchange for smiles
The kids seem to have a sixth sense about our approach and come running
Happy days are here again
The candy bag is full again
So let’s spread the taste of sweets again
Happy days are here again!
Damn it, what does that sign say? Oh. “Clothes for children and adults” Used clothing here is called ukay-ukay.
Waiting for Easter
The last big group of the morning

We didn’t have much time to prepare for the party after we got back home. I’d put the chili in the crockpot when I woke up at 5 a.m., so it was ready to go. I baked a batch of cornbread muffins, took a shower, then bagged things up and headed out.

Our destination: The Coffee Shop’s rooftop hotel

I’ve eaten at the restaurant a few times but never been inside the hotel. Tim is staying on the rooftop, which only has his room and one other. I think “room” is the wrong word; he’s in a massive three-bedroom luxury suite. It featured a huge, fully-equipped kitchen with top-end appliances. It is undoubtedly the nicest hotel lodging I’ve ever seen anywhere, and I traveled a lot back in the day. Apparently, the Coffee Shop owners used to live here and then started renting it out as part of the hotel when they moved. Only fifty bucks a night! Truth be told, I would love living there, except it wouldn’t work for the dogs. The rooftop is on the hotel’s fourth floor, and the elevator goes as far as the third floor. An easy walk up a flight of stairs gets you to the top.

I have arrived
A rooftop view (that’s the Arizona Resort across the highway)
Another view out front
The view from the back was nice too
The Kalaklan Ridge view. That grey building on the left is the jailhouse. I NEVER want to see the inside of that place! I’ve heard the stories, though, and I wouldn’t survive long in that environment.

The party was taking place inside Tim’s lodging, and he had a massive layout of food (and plenty of cold beer!).

Grilled meat on a stick
My chili
Just because you say it, doesn’t mean it’s true.
What has it gots in its boxes?
Ah, a pig in a poke! It is called lechon in these parts.
My attempt at a low cal lunch
Some of the female attendees
A moment of self-reflection
Enjoying some fresh air on the roof

The party had begun at noon, and by 4:30 things were winding down and Swan and I departed. Downstairs, I asked if she wanted to do anything else before we headed home. She responded, “Floating bar!” And so we crossed the highway and headed for the beach.

On the beach
Waiting for our raft to arrive
The view from our seats
A quiet day on the floater. We were the only customers for quite a while.
Ah, what a cute couple!
So happy together!
All good things must end

A trike home from Arizona and a Swan steak for dinner. Then it was time to flop down on the couch for a bloody episode three of “Squid Game.” I’m still not clear about what’s going on or why, but I’ll keep watching to find out. I’m starting to get to know the main characters and have already identified my favorite. Can you guess who?

I happened to look out the living room window at some point, and this is what I saw:

A nice ending to a sweet Sunday
I blame the early start to the party for this. And those twelve beers probably didn’t help, either. I wasn’t all bad, though. There was some delicious-looking cake on the food table that I managed to resist. Of course, the brownie and ice cream in front of the TV wasn’t wise.

Seven years ago, I enjoyed an adventurous day in Pyeongtaek:

A snowy hill climb in the morning
And until I saw this picture on Facebook memories, I had totally forgotten about a bbq joint called Smoke Town in Anjeong-ri. It was as good as it looks.

We won’t get fooled again. Or at least I won’t, although, I really didn’t get fooled the first time.

I randomly came across today’s YouTube video. I reckon the female vlogger’s advice about “not making it too easy for your Filipina” might make sense in some situations, but it does seem to me a couple should be striving to make things easier for both of you. I’ve got a long history of some monumental relationship fuckups during my almost seven years in country, but I finally hit the jackpot with Swan.

Let’s share a smile or two:

You named your boy poorly, Mrs. Cox
Frankly, that’s a nice way to roast a weenie…
Yep, sounds like he has his hands full.

Not to be a dick about it, but there does seem to be a cocky theme in today’s humor memes.

So, Hash Monday is upon me. Leech My Nuggets is the Hare, and he has a long, hard trail in store for us today. My “sane” group will do the first big hill and then decide where we go from there. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Winding our way through another day

It wasn’t a walk in the park, but it was still enjoyable. For our Saturday hike, we changed things up by taking a Jeepney to Subic town and then walking home from there (we usually do the opposite).

Heading out, I thought for a moment we had wound up in L.A.
On our way to the highway, we passed through the neighborhood just outside the Alta Vista gate.
Swan doing her sweetness gig
Looks like someone had a bad day on the golf course
After exiting the Jeepney in Calapandayan, we left the road behind for a bit.
Not really a Golden Pond. (remember that movie?)
Back on the pavement
It seems I have a secret admirer
Some horny goats
Okay, who is more handsome?
At least she didn’t run away from my kiss
We ran out of candy just shy of 7K, so took a trike back home

My Sunday routines are out of kilter today. We are fixin’ to do the Candy Walk, but at noon, we will be attending a party on the roof of Tim’s hotel. I’ve got some chili in the crockpot to contribute to the festivities. And that’s why you are seeing the rare morning post here at LTG. It’s now or never! Anyhoo, I won’t be doing the feeding at Hideaway, the Arizona floating bar, or the dinner at John’s place today. But all is not lost and forsaken; we went to John’s for dinner last night instead.

Our John’s eye view upon arrival
I’m starting to think Swan is addicted to the birria tacos
I ordered the pulled pork sandwich and told them to hold the bun. I didn’t eat the fries, either.
The end of the meal view.

We started our nightcap at Green Room and finished at Wet Spot. I sponsored a mini-pool tourney between two of the Green Room gals (100 pesos to the winner, best out of three). I gave the loser 50 pesos because I’m such a nice guy. It was fun watching them play; both were very good.

Once we returned home, I fired up the TV and watched Episode Two of “Squid Game.” Not as exciting as the opening, but it moved the story forward. My goal is to watch at least one episode a day. A downside for me was sitting in front of the television, knowing there were leftover brownies in the fridge. I couldn’t resist, so had Swan bring me one. A la mode, of course. And it was so good that I snuck another. Yeah, sometimes I have zero self-control. Of course, when I was single, I could eat the brown knees instead. Don’t worry, I’m not missing those days. Much.

The price you pay for self-indulgence. At least my dinner calories exceeded my drinking cals.

I’ll try and remember to do better, like I was seven years ago.

A winter river walk in Pyeongtaek
Two years ago, I was driving the gals crazy at the mall.

Time to check in with the Pea for today’s YouTube video. She talks about some of the cultural differences in a diverse population of Filipinas. I’ve never met a Waray, but they sound pretty wild!

And now we can smile some:

Never give up hope!
It is more blessed to forget than forgive
As the old song says, hold on loosely, but don’t let go…

Alright, time to head out for the Candy Walk then off to the party. Damn, it’s gonna be another one of those early days I despise, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Tell you all about it tomorrow.

The way I saw it

Days come and go with their ups and downs, and you see what you saw, then the day is over and never seen again. It reminds me of the blind construction worker who picked up a hammer and saw. Here’s a look at what I’m talking about:

As always, the first time I left the house was to walk the dogs. For some reason, this caught my eye:

A rather tall ladder, apparently leading nowhere.

Now, I imagine most people would react with a form of curiosity as to why it was there. I turned to Swan and asked, “Would you rather dig a hole or climb up on a roof?” She preferred the hole, and I told her I’d take the latter. Yep, that’s just the way I see things.

Later, in the dog walk we passed the latest (completed) house in our subdivision.

It is one of my favorites

Back home, and Swan prepared my breakfast:

A tasty chef salad

Then it was time to head out for the Friday group hike.

This week’s iteration of the group
And off we go!
Through the backstreets of Matain
Life is hard
Up the steps
Cookie delivery
Into the great wide open
A peaceful neighborhood passage
The view from here
Hasta la vista
Hola, amigos
Life is sad
I see your hiding place
It’s nice to be able to jump the stream. Last time we had to wade across.
Through the fields we go
A peaceful stroll alongside this scenic river
Back on the highway for a bit
A narrow passage in Calapacuan
On the bayside
Boats on the beach
Hikers on the beach
I’m pretty sure the one in the blue pants is a bakla (ladyboy). I hope Tim doesn’t find out the hard way. *ahem*
Our journey was a tad over 7K

Once I was back home, I stayed there. At beer o’clock, I went upstairs and visited The Rite Spot On The Roof.

A fan, a music box, a rocking chair, and a cold San Mig Zero. What else do you need?
How about a view?
With dinner in the oven, Swan joined me on the roof
Buddy seemed to be enjoying the view, too
I like watching sundowns better than dancing girls
Beauty in front of me
And beauty beside me
What are you looking at, Buddy?
Oh, the end of the day. Nice!

Daylight was gone, but we weren’t done. Downstairs, dinner awaited.

A tasty roast chicken! A leg and a wing for me, please!

With my belly full, I moved to the couch, fired up Netflix, and began watching my first episode of “Squid Game.” I knew it was a Korean drama but didn’t know what to expect beyond that. I was pleasantly surprised that it was dubbed in English, so I didn’t have to strain my eyes reading subtitles. The end of Episode One was surprising, and it will be interesting to see where things go from here. Yeah, I wasn’t in the mood to binge-watch last night, but I will try and see at least one episode every day.

Staying home has its benefits. I didn’t spend any money, drank only four beers, and had one of my best days overall in terms of calories.

Less is more

I also had my weekly weigh-in:

  • Yesterday: 234.8
  • Last week: 235.5
  • November 1: 267.1
  • Total loss: 32.3 pounds

Slow but steady progress.

Yeah, that’s me sometimes, especially after a few beers. Not with pizza, though. Sweet things are my bane.

One commenter suggested I periodically share what I’ve learned in Tagalog. I don’t have much to say about that. *ahem* But, there is this:

I tried Google Translate and then consulted Swan. I trust her rendition more. So, the guy is saying to the girl, “Let’s do it again tomorrow.” The girl responds: “Can’t, my husband will be home. Wait for my text.”

Shorter version: FAFO.

Is it still a memory if you don’t remember it?

Mom, Dad, me, and my older brother. My younger brother (18 months my junior) must still be in his crib.

In today’s YouTube video, the vlogger argues that the Philippines isn’t as poor as it appears to be. Of course, the people with money are a small percentage of the population, but there is money to be had if you know the right people. My observation is that while most Filipinos I’ve encountered are hard-working, there is a lack of opportunity to find jobs that pay well in this economy. That’s why OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) are the nation’s biggest export. I read somewhere that Filipino nurses have the highest percentage in US hospitals.

Humor me this:

Yeah, welcome to my world
I’ve been called worse
Now do a pair of sneezes

It’s a back-to-the-grind Saturday. Swan promised our friend Beth we’d stop by Wet Spot later (it’s a girl thing; I wouldn’t understand). They don’t open until six, so we’ll start somewhere else and take it from there.

Los Angeles is my city of birth, and I’ve been saddened to see the recent devastation. That it was self-inflicted by ignorant politicians not taking the basic steps needed to prevent wildfires (or keep water in fire hydrants) doesn’t make it less painful to see. They keep electing these idiots, so I guess you could say the voters fucked themselves. I left in 1978 because I didn’t want to raise my kids there, and it has gotten infinitely worse since then. Watching the news brought to mind this Neil Young song from fifty years ago:

In a matter of time,
There'll be a friend of mine
Gonna come to the coast,
You're gonna see him
Up close for a minute or two
While the ground cracks under you.

By the look in your eyes
You'd think that it was a surprise
But you seem to forget
Something somebody said
About the bubbles in the sea
And an ocean full of trees.

And you now, L.A.
city in the smog,
city in the smog.
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?

Well, it's hard to believe
So you get up to leave
And you laugh at the door
That you heard it all before
Oh it's so good to know
That it's all just a show for you.

But when the suppers are planned
And the freeways are crammed
And the mountains erupt
And the valley is sucked
Into cracks in the earth
Will I finally be heard by you.

city in the smog,
city in the smog.
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?
Don't you wish that
you could be here too?

What difference does it make?

Because at the end of the day, It Doesn’t Matter. Here’s how I got from here to there:

A solo street stroll to get some steps in. Because of pending doctor’s appointments, I shortened my path to 5K. Hey, better than nothing!
The view on my walk to see Dr. Jo

My chelation treatment with Dr. Jo went fine once I got in to see her. I had a 2 p.m. appointment, but she wasn’t finished with the patient before me until 2:30. That’s the first time that’s happened on my visits. It wouldn’t have mattered, except I had another appointment in Olongapo at 3:30. The chelation itself only takes a few minutes, but I had to delay getting some skin tabs removed until next week. A commenter asked if the treatment was having any noticeable impact, but I’m only on my second series of injections. Dr. Jo says it usually takes around six before you can tell how well it works. Still, my blood pressure has been lower of late, which may be related to clearing the gunk out of my veins. So, I’m going to continue down this road and see where it leads.

Right as we were crossing the highway after leaving Dr. Jo’s office, a nearly empty Jeepney came by, so we had a comfortable ride to SBMA. A couple of blocks walk to Baypointe Hospital, and we arrived fifteen minutes early for my appointment with the ophthalmologist.

The crowded waiting area had me more than a little concerned that I might not be seen on schedule.

So, with some time to kill, I thought sharing my thoughts on video might be worthwhile. (Sorry about the low volume, I was in a crowded hospital and didn’t want to speak loud)

Anyway, I did get in at the appointed time. The eye exam itself was a bit of an, um, eye opener. My right eye (the one I had cataract surgery on) was still working at 95% efficiency. When it was time to read the chart with my left eye, I couldn’t see it at all. So, I’m basically blind in that eye. Freaked me out some, to say the least. When I got in to see the eye doc, I told him about the fluid leaks I’d been experiencing for the past couple of months. Sometimes, when I get up to pee at night, it feels like my eye is glued shut. Anyway, he took a look, and I indeed have an infection in my eyes. He prescribed antibiotic eye drops. I asked if my vision issue in the left eye was cataract-related, and he said we needed to clear the infection first so he could have a better look. I’ve got a follow-up appointment next Wednesday.

With the medical shit behind me, I was ready to check out the SBMA dining options. Well, by check out, I mean I looked at the different places we walked past on the several-block stroll to where I knew I wanted to eat–Texas Joe’s.

Is that the Alamo?
Nope, it’s the best damn American-style barbeque I’ve found in the Philippines. It had been WAY too long since my last visit.
Hurry up, you two! I’m hungry!
The view from our seat. All the staff wear cowboy hats and jeans, which really creates a Texas vibe.
The menu
I went with the chopped pork. The menu says they don’t pull the pork because that has a negative impact on the flavor of the meat. I honestly like the texture of pulled pork better, but this was still quite tasty.
Swan and my helper Teri shared an order of ribs.

It was good eating! With the meal out of the way, we hoofed it back to the SBMA main gate and grabbed a taxi for the 350 peso ride back to Barretto. (I opted not to try a Jeepney because it was rush hour, and I knew they would be uncomfortably packed with riders, assuming we could even find one we could all fit inside.

The taxi dropped Teri at the pharmacy to get my eye meds, and Swan and I continued on to It Doesn’t Matter for some wine and beers to end our day.

We even experienced a come to Jesus moment during our time at IDM. The Catholic church is right up the street, but I don’t know enough about the rituals to grasp what this parade was all about.

Speaking of miracles, I managed to stay under my calorie cap:

It almost feels like Independence Day!

In today’s installment of The Story of My Life, I write about my first day of work for the Army in Korea. The highlight of that day was meeting the 8th Army Commanding General, Charles Campbell. After a career of working with dipshit postal and federal government executives, I was blown away by how this guy was one of the most capable leaders I’d ever seen in action. Looking at his Wikipedia page just now, I see he died in 2016. A life well lived, and thank you for your service, sir.

Coincidentally, today’s Facebook memory is also from my Army in Korea days.

Seven years ago, the Secretary of the Army visited our Pyeongtaek headquarters. I briefed him about issues involving our Korean civilian workforce. That’s me in the second row.

Today’s YouTube video from George’s All About The Philippines includes some views from the back streets of Barretto that I frequently walk. He visits the Pugon Corner Smoke Yard. When the place first opened, I loved visiting because it was almost as good as Texas Joe’s and much more conveniently located. Also cheaper. Alas, in the ensuing years, it has gone to shit to such an extent that I no longer go there. George also takes you out to the Arizona floating bar so you can enjoy seeing one of my Sunday hangouts.

And now for the humor:

Sounds like a hot topic
Yeah, that bird won’t fly
Two critical measures of attractiveness.

Welp, it’s Friday evening, and you know what that means. But you would be wrong. I’m not going to the SOB because it is at La Oficina, and that’s a venue I no longer patronize. So, that gives me the freedom to try something new tonight. And what could be newer for me than actually staying home? Yep, you read that right. So, how am I gonna fill those hours? I’m going to watch TV. Specifically, a Netflix series called “Squid Game” which was recommended by the esteemed reviewer Kevin Kim. I meant to start watching it before Season Two was released, but I totally forgot about it. Now I need to make up for lost time. I’ll give you my first impressions tomorrow.

Nothing wrong with normal

And it was good to be back at it. Did the morning group hike with the Wednesday Walkers to kick off the day.

Our group plus Scott (taking the photo)
We started with a stroll through Alta Vista
Taking the back way out of Alta Vista
And then we were in the Philippines
The remains of the day. In the PI, the body of the deceased is on display at home prior to being buried.
Didn’t make it to 50. Rest in peace, Grace.
Steve and Tim taking it from the rear. The trail I mean.
Still there.
Sweets for the sweet
Down in the valley
The valley so low
A bridge to crossover, and here we go!
A sturdier crossing on Bridge #4
Rest stop
Back at it
This area was a little shady, but we made it through
It had been several months since I last passed this way, but the kids spotted me and came running.
This made me a little nervous when the children hurried across the highway. Fortunately, there was a lull in the traffic.
The trail wasn’t ALL flat…
Over Bridge #3
The last delivery of the hike
Heading for home
The climb up to Alta Vista
Almost there
Made it! Our trek was doing a loop around Easter Mountain
We finished it off with lunch at The Rite Spot On The Roof
Our journey was a little over 9K long

A nap, a shower, and a blog post later, it was time to head into town. One of my Wednesday objectives is to patronize a seldom-visited bar just to change things up a little and to see what I might be missing. My plan was to start things off at Mugshots, but alas, they were not open. It could be a Wednesday thing, or maybe they open later than 5 p.m. Whatever the case, we made Cheap Charlies our plan B.

Inside Cheap Charlies
Outside Cheap Charlies

It was a gin and soda night, and after I’d downed two, we were ready to move on to another seldom-visited venue–Alaska Club. There was a pool tourney taking place, but otherwise, no other customers. Three dancers were on stage when we arrived; a little bit later, there were six. I wasn’t paying attention to them, but Swan leaned over and said, “They are waiting for you.” Oh yeah, during my rare visits to Alaska, I usually tip the dancers 50 pesos each in recognition of the fact that they are one of the few groups on stage in Barretto that actually dance, especially when there are no customers. Anyway, that’s why the other three went up on stage so that they wouldn’t miss out on the tip. I called the waitress over, gave her three one hundred peso notes, and asked for change. When the 50s arrived, I dutifully handed one to each girl on stage, and they seemed happy with their bounty. When I sat back down, three of the dancers left the stage. Made me smile.

I’d brought along some lollipops and cookies to share with the crew, and they all seemed to appreciate them as well. Here’s an example of why I love Swan. Our waitress is a lesbian. So, when it came time to hand out the goodies, I leaned over and whispered to Swan, “I’m going to tell our waitress that I know she doesn’t like doesn’t like to suck, but I bet she’d like to eat a cookie.” Swan burst out laughing. It’s nice to have a girl who appreciates my sense of humor!

Two more gin and sodas, and it was time to move on to our nightcap venue right next door at The Green Room. Two wines for Swan, four gins for me, and six lady drinks later, we’d had our fill and brought the Wednesday outing to an end. It was a good night out on the town.

A breakfast salad, chicken nuggets lunch, and meatballs for dinner. Plus “snacking” on alcoholic beverages. Still managed to stay on plan somehow.
And a pretty healthy walking day, too.

A couple of Facebook memories from Korea today:

Fourteen years ago, I shared this photo of my then-favorite Itaewon hangout, Dolce Vita. It is no longer in operation.
Seven years ago, I was walking in the snow in Pyeongtaek. We also have four seasons here in the Philippines, though: Hot, Hotter, Hot and Wet, and Rainy.

Today’s YouTube video is about a pretty shocking housing scam. The victim made some dumb mistakes, the most important one being trusting someone he thought was a friend. I made the decision when I moved here to not buy property. I’m wavering a little in that because I would like to make sure Swan is taken care of when my time on Earth is over. Hopefully, I’ll be smarter than these guys if I do.

Now for the funny stuff:

I told Swan I want a 50-50 relationship: She cooks, I eat. 50-50. I make a mess, she cleans. 50-50. She said, that’s fine. I buy, you pay. 50-50.
Say what? I have some nice memories from my days carrying mail.
That’s another reason I don’t like early starts to going out; it interferes with my nap time.

Speaking of which, I have a 2:00 p.m. appointment today with Dr. Jo for my next session of chelation therapy. After that, I have to get my sorry ass to Baypointe Hospital on SBMA to visit my ophthalmologist concerning some eye issues I’ve been experiencing. I may stick around on SBMA for dinner after that appointment. We’ll see.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Here we go again. I’ll try to keep it short and sweet today. I’ve got the grocery shopping quirks, the RSL gathering, a post-meeting visit to the Kokomo’s floating bar, and a stroll on the beach. And that was the extent of my Tuesday. It wasn’t all that exciting, but the day did have its moments.

Shopping at Royal was more frustrating than usual due to the out-of-stock bugaboo. It boggles my brain that a major grocery store can’t seem to keep popular items on the shelf. I’m not even talking about imports that may be subject to shipping delays; the things I couldn’t get yesterday are all made right here in the Philippines–stuff like the Bingo cookies I hand out on my walks and Coke fucking Zero for chrissakes. Okay, okay, I’ll calm down. There was a happy ending to the frustration. We visited a supermarket in Olongapo City called YBC to see if we could fill any of those Royal shortcomings. They had everything we wanted and more. I stocked up on Bingo cookies and found Coke Zero in the 16oz bottles I prefer over cans. Royal hasn’t had the bottles going on a year now. An added bonus was getting all the candy we usually have to purchase at the Subic Market Place. I’ll be making YBC a regular stop on my shopping Tuesdays henceforth.

Candy is dandy!
I didn’t have Coke Zero in bottles on my Bingo card!

Next up was the Return and Services League meeting that began at 2:00 p.m. I hadn’t been for over a year, so I needed to renew the memberships for Swan and me (1050 pesos for both). The gathering was at Mango’s, and we were lucky enough to get there early and find good seats. Beer cards were available for purchase (four beers for only 250 pesos), which was a reasonable discount. I bought two cards during the course of my visit.

Some of my fellow attendees. That’s just a small portion, the place was packed.

So, the RSL meeting (or at least this one) was all about the raffles, of which there were three. We did stand for a moment of silence to honor those who served defending Australia as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The first raffle was for a variety of prizes (mostly liquor and grocery items), but the big items were two tickets for a chance at the Joker jackpot. One of the reasons for the large turnout is that the Joker pool is now over 75,000 pesos ($1500.). Swan and I both contributed 500 pesos for tickets to the drawing, but alas, our numbers were not drawn. The two folks who were selected had to guess where the joker card was on a board. Only ten cards (out of 52) had not as yet been turned over, so the odds were in their favor. Both of them guessed wrong, so next week, the pot is larger, and only eight cards remain. Will I go and try again? Probably not.

We were provided some free food as part of the meeting, so there’s that.

My main gripe about the RSL gathering is the early start, the same reason I retired from dart league. I’ve got my schedule and routines, and heading out before two messes me up. The other thing is I found sitting around waiting for the next raffle to begin excruciatingly boring. Once the Joker drawing was done, the last pot was called the 50-50. You purchase as many separate tickets as you want at 100 pesos each, and if your ticket is drawn, you get half of that pot. We bought 500 pesos worth. They kept going around the room soliciting additional ticket purchases, and I grew increasingly impatient and frustrated because I was ready to go. At last, they did the drawing, and lo and behold, my number was drawn, and I became 6500 pesos richer. That more than covered my expenses for the afternoon.

With my refurbished wallet in pocket, we made our way to Baloy Beach.

Our destination awaits
The view we came for
The floater was not so busy this time
The crew alleviated their boredom with an impromptu dance
The sky was a sailor’s delight

So, with eight beers under my belt at the RSL and four more on the floater, it was time to make our way home.

But we did a beach walk first so Swan could get her toes in the sand addiction satisfied.

My judgement was once again impaired and I finished off the apple strudel leftovers along with the rest of the ice cream. But that’s all I had for dinner, so it balances out, right?

I may not have eaten healthy, but I didn’t overeat.

So, here’s another episode in The Story of My Life. My first dining experience in a traditional Korean restaurant, sitting on the floor and using metal chopsticks, wasn’t a total disaster, and I did learn from it. It was the beginning of my time in Korea and it only got better from there. I will always remember and miss those days.

Going even further down memory lane, forty years ago, I was immersed in another alien world–Oklahoma.

I didn’t know shit about horses, but the kids did and brought home ribbons from the shows consistently.

Twenty years ago, when LTG was still something new, I linked to a post from Althouse about intelligence as a factor in mate selection. The comments on my post made me smile when I re-read it today, with both my wife at the time (Carol) and my high school girlfriend (Cherish) weighing in. What a life I’ve lived! And yes, I did write posts with some substance back in those days.

Today’s YouTube video is evidence of just how low I can go. Hey, I’m trying at least. And this really is just for practice, so bear with me. I’ll get better, I promise.

Yikes! Clear your head with these:

But at least I’m funny when you’re drunk
Yeah, I’m oversized for a Filipino cockfight.
Hey, he’s keeping her satisfied at least.

Okay, here’s how my day started:

As seen on the dog walk this morning. That layer of smoke is from folks down there burning crap.
And here’s a shot of Swan after dropping off some family members who came for a visit.

No idea what’s coming next today, or where it is happening, but I expect it might involve some beer. I’ll let you know about today’s hike and tonight’s debauchery tomorrow.

You still here? Well, if you thought the YouTube video I posted above is bad, get a load of this one I did earlier:

I’ve got a long way to go! But I’ll do better. Starting with holding the phone so the video isn’t sideways. Oh, and my story “when I moved to Korea…” was supposed to be “when I moved to the Philippines.” The only way to go from here is up!