No, not THAT kind! Buddy Fucker, the Hasher I rode with to La Union, had transmission issues with his vehicle, and the repair took longer than anticipated. So, our noon departure from Barretto was delayed until 3 p.m. We arrived at the Hash registration desk to sign in and pick up our goodie bags just a few minutes before they shut down at 7 p.m. With our Thursday mission accomplished, we retired to our hotel, the Go Resort, checked in (I have the same room as my last time here), had dinner and beer (only two, believe it or not), and called it a night.
The sky on the driveOn the two-lane blacktopStill on the road when the sun went down
The items in the goodie bag that comes with Hash registration included TWO shirts:
The front of the green one…And the back of the shirt with the typical list of sponsorsThe blue one has a collar, a rare thing on a Hash shirt. We’ve been advised to wear it to the Saturday dinner party. I will do so proudly.
The other items in the gift bag:
The blue bag everything came in, a water bottle, a necklace with a whistle and bottle opener attached, a commemorative patch, hydration powder, and a scarf.
For dinner, I stepped out of my comfort zone and ordered off the Filipino menu.
It wasn’t bad, although some of the meat pieces had bone fragments which was a tad disconcerting. It’s all part of the adventure, I suppose.
I’m taking vacation this weekend. From the diet, I mean. Not going to bother counting calories. And I kicked things off with a dessert I’ve been missing:
Nice to see you again, Mr. Split!
Yeah, yeah, I’m a bad boy. But at least I didn’t get drunk. Yet. Today’s Nash Hash itinerary may make maintaining sobriety difficult.
That “Full Moon Hash” should be interesting
Today’s Hash run begins at 10:30 and the beer flows at 11:30. That’s early for me. My plan is to return to my room for a nap after lunch. And to slow down my beer consumption rate in the absence of my preferred low-alcohol brew. We’ll see how that works out for me.
And that’s where things stand. It’s weird blogging so early in the morning, but it’s pretty much a now or never situation. I didn’t bring my new keyboard along (it wouldn’t fit in my computer bag) so I am having to deal with no “c v x z” letters (I had the foresight to send myself a message with those letters so I could paste them in as needed). The things I do for my loyal reader(s)!
Today’s YouTube video is from the Filipina Pea; she is always a good watch. Say what you will about Filipinos, but from my observations, they are anything but lazy.
Some humor before I go:
Buy her a razor I’ll drink to that!A joke like that on my blog got me in trouble when I was working for my Uncle Sam. They can’t fire me now!
It should be an interesting first day here at the Nash Hash. I’ll tell you all about it when time permits. Stay tuned!
Enjoyed an amazing hike up to Tralala at the top of Kalaklan Ridge with the Wednesday Walkers group. We started at the Gordon Heights barangay in Olongapo City and did the 200+ meter climb from there. It’s been four years since we last took this route, and it’s an ass-kicker. But that effort pays off in some fantastic views. I don’t know what it is about Tralala that impresses me so much. Still, there’s just something about a community without motor vehicle access that makes me respect the harsh life the locals live.
Our jaunt also included a visit to the “Golden Girls,” a mountaintop residence inhabited by an elderly couple. The years of harsh living have taken a toll. The old man told us they could no longer endure the hike down the mountain, and their offspring brought them a monthly food supply. That left me shaking my head in sadness. A lonely life in isolation inevitably drawing to its conclusion. I don’t expect they’ll be around if we should ever find our way up here again.
Where it startedFour hardy souls (plus me) ready for adventureAnd so the climbing beginsWill the steps ever end?They steps ended but that didn’t make things any easierStill a ways to goStill climbingLooking back down on OlongapoSwan adding perspectiveWaiting for the slowpokesI thought the writing on the rock was funnyLeaving the steepness behindThat solar farm is like a blister on a beautiful faceIt’s massive and uglyThese guys passed us on their way down. They are teachers at the school in Tralala. So, what we do every four years they hike M-F as a work commuteThe tower of powerSome Aeta childrenA Tralala family shotThey asked us to buy some bananas so they could purchase rice. We did.Coming into downtown TralalaHow in the fuck this now-deserted church was built up here with no road access is a mystery to me, but an impressive feat nevertheless.A portion of the church downstairs is used as classroomsThe view from TralalaLet’s go visit the “Golden Girls”A view along the way. Yep, that’s Easter Mountain in the middle.A life of isolation on the mountain topThe old man stayed in his hammock, and the wife stayed indoors during our brief visitScott took this picture of the couple fourteen years agoSwan shared the bananas and some cookies for the couple to enjoyIt must be an unimaginably difficult lifeBut at least they can enjoy their viewTime to head backTaz loved the journeyWhat’s not to love?We took a different path downResting after a steep descentThe requisite rickety bridge crossingAnd then back to where we startedThe way we wentThe stats of our trek according to the MapMyWalk app
I hope I live to make that journey again one day.
Not much to say about the Wednesday evening events. Our “seldom-visited bar” for the night was Sloppy Joe’s. The big news there is that they’ve put up a wall in the back of the bar and are building a stage to add dancing girls to the mix. Good luck with that, but I’ll still sit up front and watch the passersby on the street when I’m here. We visited Green Room next, then finished the night at Wet Spot. We are done with Barretto now until next week.
I’m starting to see a trend. And now I’m going into vacation mode for the weekend.
A couple of Facebook memories from this day in the past:
The way I looked after climbing Namsan to the Seoul Tower nine years ago. Yesterday’s climb was much harder. The mustache, glasses, skintags, and nose boogers are gone now.
Six years ago, I was visiting Manila and found this disconcerting signage in the men’s room:
Sadly, I did bring a girl (a REAL one) from the street to my room. I had hidden all my valuables, but she did manage to steal my vape pen.
Speaking of which, Musk has overreached with this one:
It’s a joke I stole from Facebook, so don’t blame me for all the grammatical/punctuation mistakes in this.
In today’s YouTube video, Reekay tells the story of a dumbass causing drama.
Shall we share a laugh or two?
At least you didn’t take take the backdoor route!That’s why I can’t be a doctor–no patients.She’s out there, just don’t settle for less
Okay then, I’m all packed up and ready to go on my journey to Bauang, La Union. It’s going to be a long weekend at the Nash Hash (a gathering of Hash Kennels from throughout the Philippines), with trails on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They are all morning runs with Circle events taking place afterward. I’ll do my best to blog as I go, but given the starting time and lack of San Mig Zero, I’m making no promises. Anyway, you’ll get the full lowdown when I return.
We were never meant to worry The way that people do And I don't need to hurry As long as I'm with you We'll take it nice and easy And use my simple plan You'll be my lovin' woman I'll be your lovin' man We'll take the most from living Have pleasure while we can
That would be me. Just another poser at the grocery store.
Other than shopping, all I did yesterday was entertain some guests at The Rite Spot.
Open for businessThe Rite Spot for this viewChili con carne y frijoles on the menuSwan’s kimbapMy satanic neighbor brought these deviled eggsBrownies for dessertOur guests. That’s Matt in the black T-shirt. The gathering was to welcome him back from a visit to the USA.The sun went down and the lights came onThen, that horse-racing game Jeff loves so much took over the entertainment
A good night filled with too many beers and too little discretion on food intake.
I call my cheat days “I don’t give a shit”
Some photos from long ago in my Facebook memories today:
Walking my grandmother Pernie down the aisle at my older brother Keith’s wedding in Westminster, California, circa 1972A family man in Prescott, Arizona, in 1978. With wife #1, Bridget, younger brother Greg, my mom, and my two kids.Life on the farm in Monroe, Oklahoma, in 1982 My first gig as a Human Resources Director in Roanoke, Virginia, in 1988
And now I’ve become this guy:
The proverbial grumpy old man
Today’s YouTube talks about a scammer in the Philippines. I learned about most of these the hard way. It all seems so obvious now.
Humor time:
I’m gwapoYou gotta do what you gotta do!Lifting those beer bottles is good exercise!
That’s all I’ve got for today. I’ll be spending the next four days in La Union for the Nash Hash event. I’m looking forward to the change of scenery.
So, about that Hash run yesterday. The Hare was Keep The Change, and I’d never done one of his trails before. I’d seen his posts on Facebook about Hash trails he’s done in Angeles City, so when I discovered he would be our Hare, I figured I would be in trouble. He makes Vienna Sausage, the most notorious Hare in Subic, look like a lightweight. I only did a portion of the ass-kicker, and then our “sane” group made our own way. So, it was a steep climb halfway up Kalaklan Ridge, and then we bailed and took a different path back down. I hiked the 2K to the start, so I managed a healthy six kilometers for the day.
Gathering at trailhead at Barretto High SchoolAnd we are On-On and on upA long steep road to start things off. You can see BF’s Wet Spot is already struggling behind me.The road ended and things got worseAt least this obstacle was easily overcomeShit like this was more challenging. I was glad for the branches to hold on to so I wouldn’t fallSteep it wasPlugging awayWe waited quite a while for BF’s Wet Spot to catch up. She said she was dizzy and needed to stop and rest frequently. We were worried for her and decided not to continue the climb.A view on the way downAnother abandoned dreamBack to civilizationIt was a steep descent as wellShoes on a wire. Haven’t seen that in a while.On Home at Red Bar. Over fifty Hashers in attendance
We initiated a virgin Hasher. I don’t think she understood what was going on, but I made a video of the cringe anyway.
Damn, that was painful to watch. Sorry!
Always Wet got the Hashit this week.Part of the after-Hash crowd at It Doesn’t MatterThe change I kept
After consuming my fill of Zeros, I grabbed Swan and we headed for home. My resistance was weak and I couldn’t say no to the dessert I was offered.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
My Facebook memories took me on an interesting journey through the past today.
A high school graduate in 1973
I hired on as a letter carrier with the Postal Service in 1976.
And in 1985, I received my first promotion to management as a safety specialist
My next promotion as a labor relations representative took me to Columbia, SC.
I enrolled in the University of South Carolina and made the honor roll. Apparently, grammar didn’t count.Two years later, it was the Dean’s List
Despite those accomplishments, I did not graduate from USC.
Instead, I finished my studies at Central Wesleyan College (now Southern Wesleyan University) and earned my degree in 1991, eighteen years after graduating high school.
This life of mine has been quite a ride. In February 2017, I wrote a post about resolving a dilemma and its painful results. It is a sad but worthy entry in The Story of My Life. All these years later, I still can’t bear to watch the video I included in that post.
Today’s YouTube video discusses plans to upgrade the former American Navy base in Subic to serve as a deterrent to Chinese aggression. Good luck with that. I’ve long felt that China is the biggest threat to freedom in the world today. Whether Trump can convince China to back off remains to be seen. Being killed during a Chinese invasion of the Philippines remains in the top ten ways I might die here.
Your daily dose of humor:
You might have better luck just looking in the window and watching what brand they use.Just tell them to stick it up their ass, Anus.At least she doesn’t have to go to her knees to please
That’s just about enough for one day, doncha think? Heading up to The Rite Spot later for a gathering with some of the neighbors. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it tomorrow. Y’all come back now.
Or should I say “was”? I can’t, because I’ve already used that as a post title, and I don’t want to repeat myself. Regardless, this post is just a quick recap of what went down around here yesterday. I’ll make it as quick and painless as possible, I promise.
Regular readers know my Sundays begin with Swan’s weekly Candy Walk.
Finding a new angle on an old target is always challenging, but here you go, Easter Mountain.Taking care of the sweet tooth of both young and old.What the duck?
So, I’ve been doing a video of different streets we visit during the Candy Walk. Here’s this week’s episode:
Come and get it!Life at the foot of the mountainAnother week’s work is doneThe same 5K we always do
So, there’s a ship in port this weekend. A big one. The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.
And the sailors had weekend liberty in BarrettoYoungish men packing the bars is not the norm these days
I asked Joy at Hideaway if any Frenchies had shown up there this weekend, but apparently, the bar is too hidden away. Also, it closes at 7:00, which isn’t much of a nightlife. During my feeding visit yesterday, two Korean gents were at the bar. I taught one of the girls how to say “handsome man” to them (pajee boseyo). The guys took the compliment well and bought her a lady drink. Oh, the literal translation is, “Take off your pants.”
Miel (the one I taught to speak a little Korean) and bartender Ace ready to dive into dinner.Joyful Joy
And then, it was time for me to hit the beach.
Another busy day on the beachAnd there was a group of young white guys renting jet skis; you don’t see that every day. The floating bar was packed with French sailors
What was really strange was seeing several white women among them. You almost never see a Western woman in Barretto. I assume they were also part of the carrier crew.
No, thank you……I’ll stick with my FilipinaBusy with beachgoers and boatsI’ve never seen this happen before. A Banka boat crossed over the lines used to pull the transport raft to the floating bar. I was worried the lines would be cut and we’d be trapped. Luckily, the boat eventually moved out of the way, and the lines were intact.What we came to seeGoing……going……gone! The sunsets are usually better on the Arizona floater than the Kokomo’s because the position on the bay gives a better line of sight.Swan created this as a Facebook post
UPDATE: I just spoke with my Hasher friend who works at Wet Spot, and she told me the French sailors don’t buy lady drinks, at least not like the American seamen who occasionally come to town. Cheap Charlies or smarter, you decide.
Next on our agenda was dinner at John’s place. Those newly hired waitresses from our previous visit are all gone now. Swan says it is because the pay is only 250 pesos for a twelve-hour shift. That’s insanely low. They’d do better to hire one good one at 500 pesos. Anyway, rather than go upstairs to the third floor we prefer, we stayed on the second floorto ensure prompt service.
Where we satThe view wasn’t up to parBut the deliciousness of the bulgogi made up for itIt’s official, Swan is addicted to birria
We did a brief nightcap at Green Room, then called it a night. Swan revealed that she had a stash of ice cream in the freezer and made me a dish with fresh strawberries on top. It was so good I snuck a second scoop.
Close enough for (retired) governmentwork
Another trip to those high school daze via Facebook memories:
My high school sweetheart, KarenAnd a poem I wrote for her. Pardon the punctuation.
And then, from ten years ago, was a treat I only ever had in Korea:
Jee Yeun’s “egga burger”Eight years ago, I was still on vacation in Barretto and was a judge at the SOB competition for the first time. What is so strange to see now is that of those nine bars, only three remain open (Alaska, Hot Zone, and Wet Spot). Hot Zone stopped competing in the SOB a couple of years ago.
For today’s YouTube video, the Filipina Pea interviews a lawyer and talks about laws that foreigners might violate through ignorance, which of course, is no excuse. Especially now that I’ve posted her video.
Things I found funny enough to post:
Yeah, it’s just like finding an interesting post here at LTG–better luck tomorrow!Yeah, I named my bathroom “Jim” and I go there everydayI remember seeing those guys on TV as a kid, and even then, I knew it was bullshit. My grandma was a true believer, though, and made us watch.
And now it is time for Hash Monday prep. I’ve been advised that a climb up Kalaklan Ridge is in my immediate future. I’ll share a survivor’s tale tomorrow. Hopefully.
I call it what passes for adventure around here. Another day filled with the ordinary, but with some small tweaks to the routines that serve to pass the hours.
We kicked off our Saturday with the usual stroll, which has now devolved into a variant of the Candy Walk, just in different neighborhoods. But that’s okay; I get my steps in, and Swan loves dispensing her sweetness to the children we encounter. Here’s a taste:
A new addition to the neighborhood. Who sits there and why, I cannot say.Hey! Wait for me!Taking care of businessFinished with business. Missed her 54th birthday by six days. A busy morningThe simple life
I made a five-minute video of the uphill portion of our hike.
This time, I held the phone vertically to facilitate my ability to climb the steps. I still need to work on improving the angle I capture. Part of the problem is that I’m always looking down when I walk.
I’m coming!What the Hail, Mary?
So, what goes up must come down. And I did a video of that, too.
That was excruciating. I’ll try to do better in the future.
Our Saturday Stroll route
I still wasn’t feeling like doing the same old Saturday night in Barretto thing, so we did it on Baloy instead. And we changed things up there by visiting two new venues.
A place called Drunken Sailor was our first stop.
It is located at the Baywatch Resort on the second floor. It was empty when we arrived, and no one else came in during our brief visit. This has the potential to be a nice place to hang out, but the owner will have to work harder to find a way to attract customers. I understand they joined the dart league but wound up dropping out because they didn’t have enough players to field a team. They played good music, even some country songs I like, but otherwise, the vibe was non-existent.
A Drunken Sailor’s view
While we were there, I caught this guy checking out Swan, so I confronted him:
I’m your Kryptonite, mother fucker!One last look before we departed
Swan was ready for her toes in the sand time.
A busy Saturday on Baloy BeachI was impressed with the table and seats this group carved out of the sand.Volleyball on the beach is more fun to watch when bikini-clad girls are playing
So, the beach bar Laharnyz, which used to be a popular expat hangout, is no more. It is now called Cherryz, but it was not open when we stopped to check it out. The story I heard is that the expat owner of Laharnyz and his girl split up, the girl took over the bar, and now no one goes there anymore.
As we walked the beach, we saw a new place had opened, and some of those former Laharnyz customers were drinking there. We decided to drop in and check it out.
The place is a bit rustic but niceThe beach view from our table
The owner came to our table and introduced himself. He calls the venue “Kim’s Place,” and it is pretty much a one-man operation. In an odd twist, he’s a Filipino, and his name is John Kim. If I understood him correctly, he said his father was Dutch. Anyway, a nice guy and we will definitely be back to enjoy the beach vibe and sample some of the food snacks he serves.
Those prices are amazingly low.
As we chatted, I asked if he might be interested in hosting a Hash On-Home. He was familiar with the Hash from other venues he’s worked at and was willing to have us come for a beach Hash in the future. I’ll discuss that possibility with the Hash powers that be tomorrow.
While we were at Kim’s Place, I got a message from Michael and Taz asking where we’d be later. Our next stop was Treasure Island, so they met up with us there.
The view from our table at Treasure Island
Saturday is live music night at TI, so we had a rockin’ good time. The place was as crowded as I’ve ever seen it.
Good times!
Taz has her own YouTube channel and is a much better videographer than I’ll ever be. She showed me the video short she made of the goat rescue on our Friday hike.
Damn, music and captions, too! I may have to hire her to tutor me!
My lemon chicken dinner
Michael and Taz live in the Club Morocco subdivision out near Cawag, a pretty good drive from Barretto. I’d looked there during one of my house-hunting trips prior to the move. Loved it, but just too isolated, especially for a non-driver. They dropped us off at our house on their way home. And so ended another day in the life.
Two days in a row! Can I make it a trend?
When I imagine my “do-over” life, I think I’d elect to start again in high school and take it from there. Today, I was reminded of those long-ago times in an old Facebook post sharing memories of my high school journalism exploits.
We changed the name of our high school paper from the boring “Westminster Scroll” to “Harvest.” I was a big Neil Young fan back then.My first experience as the leader of a team. Looking at those names now brings back other memories. Tina Loo, you were such a hottie!My tenure was not without controversy. I wrote an editorial calling for the legalization of marijuana, and the letters to the editor in response were brutal. Forty years later, the California government came around to my way of thinking.
My dream was to become a journalist, but as a poor boy, I couldn’t afford the required college degree. In my do-over life, I’m going to enlist in the Army and get my education paid for.
So, what do you think about this?
I had to think about it, but I think it’s okay. Unless you stutter.Hobbits is a proper noun and should be capitalized. I’ve read the LOTR books several times but remember nothing about the food.
Yes, indeed!I’m sure it was smack dab in the middle of their empty head
I should learn to be nicer; I honestly don’t care what people who disagree with me think. I take comfort in knowing I am right and they are wrong.
Alright, enough of the political nonsense. Let’s move on to something that we can all enjoy. Like Jambo’s video from the swimsuit competition at the Beach Bash:
And now for the smiles:
Hmm, how about a hybrid called “Alice in Oz”Hey, they’re playing my song!Squeeze it out, Spongebob!
It’s been nice changing things up a tad, but today I’m back to the Sunday routines. Nothing wrong with that: a Candy Walk, the Hideaway feeding, sunset on the Arizona floating bar, dinner at John’s place, and a nightcap at Green Room. Life is good.
I was greeted with this view out the window to start my morning. That’s the Black Rock Ridge.
Changed things up some yesterday, or at least tweaked the normal routines a tad. Here’s how that went down:
We did the usual Friday group hike but made an unusual journey to San Marcelino to do it. Once there, we proceeded with a dike walk in the shadow of Mount Pinatubo along a lahar-filled Santo Tomas River. We made this hike several years ago, which is long enough to make it almost feel brand new to me. It was a mostly flat journey, but a longish (for us) ten kilometers. This is some of what we saw along the way:
Our merry band of hikersOff we goThe river quest begins with a long and straight passageThirty-four years after Pinatubo’s eruption, the lahar it blasted is still being harvestedThere appears to be an endless lahar supply in the riverbed.The worst aspect of the hike was the constant procession of dump trucks passing by on the dike road with their loads of lahar, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.The dust was worse than COVID, so I willingly masked up.And yes, I made some jokes about putting a finger in the dike. Boy, I’m a Dutch treat!And then, almost in answer to a prayer, a water truck passed, wetting down the road and reducing the dust.That’s some of those big-ass trucks making their way across the riverbed, which provides some scale to appreciate the massive size of the lahar field.A pitstop for the locals and truck drivers A cookie offering for the kids presentThe apex of our journey. We’ll do Mapanuepe Lake another time.Nope, we are going to turn around and head back from here.On an alternative route than the dusty river roadWe passed through the sleepy village of San Rafael on our return tripKids there like cookies, too.Others die youngThe trees live onAnd the flowers blossomA goat rescue. This one was helplessly tangled in his rope, and Gary freed him.Onward we goSurrounded by agricultureDecorated cropsColor us doneThe way we were
So, a longer-than-usual hike plus the long drive back got me home a couple of hours later than usual. By the time I’d finished my shower and blogging chore, it was already five p.m. And just like on Thursday, I wasn’t feeling like doing the same old, same old, so we changed it up by having dinner at the rarely visited Harley’s Pub and Hotel.
Here’s a quick video look around Harley’s.
We enjoy the view from Harley’s, and the food ain’t bad either. Saw several folks we knew there during our dinner time.
Side one of the Harley’s menuAnd side twoSadly, this delicious looking dish wasn’t among the offeringsThis view from our stools shows the Mangrove pier in the foreground, the Central Park Reef Hotel in the middle, and the high side of the Kalaklan Ridge in the backgroundOff to our right is the lower end of Kalaklan. That’s the part we climbed on Thursday.
Dinner is served:
The grilled meat platter for meAnd surf and turf for Swan
Two of the most expensive menu offerings, but still less than we’d have spent at the SOB. That event was held at Queen Victoria last night, a venue I’ve been boycotting because they didn’t honor the “free drinks” deal at the previous SOB I attended there. (They said Swan’s wine wasn’t a local drink, so it wasn’t included. I countered, fine, I’ll pay the price difference. They said no, and I said we won’t be back.)
Our after-dinner view from Harley’s
Now what do we do? Well, I haven’t been to Whiskey Girl in a while, so let’s start there. Wow! What a difference a few months make. The music was BLASTING (good songs, but damn, it was almost painful). Since there were dancers on stage, I didn’t ask them to reduce the volume, but I wasn’t pleased. We shouted out our order, and when the waitress returned and reported that wine wasn’t available, I was relieved to have a good excuse to pick up and leave. And that’s just what we did.
Since we rarely visit this side of town, all the remaining options were unfamiliar. Let’s see what’s up in Lux. My, everything here has changed since my previous visit as well. The stage has been moved from the center of the room to the front, and while dancers were performing standing around on it, there was also a drum set in the back. Turns out they are doing live music at Lux, but it doesn’t begin until my bedtime (9 p.m.). Another surprise was the drink pricing. A good surprise, wine at 120 pesos a glass and my beer was only 80 pesos. That’s the cheapest I’ve seen for a dancing bar anywhere in town. Then there was the music. It was being played at a pleasant volume, and two large-screen TVs were showing music videos. I like that! What I didn’t like was that all they played during my entire visit was rap crap. Yeah, that doesn’t appeal to this old fucker. I had two beers while Swan finished her glass of wine, and we were out of there.
And now for a nightcap destination. I hadn’t been in Nipsey’s since they first opened (in Alaska Club’s former location) over a year ago. It was just across the highway (which ain’t easy to cross on a Friday evening) but we made it alive.
Nipsey’s is another dancing girl bar, but it is well-lighted and comfortable. They played classic rock at the right volume, and the staff was attentive and friendly. We enjoyed our brief visit, then caught a trike right out front for the ride home and the end of a differently pleasant day.
I even managed to make up for a little lost ground
Found this proof of what I always believed to be the case on Facebook today:
Manila sucks
It was almost twenty years ago that I hiked up Namsan to the Seoul Tower for the first time. That event is worthy of mention in The Story of My Life. And the photos are nice, too!
Some Facebook memories from this day in the past to share as well:
Eight years ago, while on vacation, I played in my first dart tournament in BarrettoAnd I discovered a Monte Cristo sandwich at the Arizona Resort. Alas, the hotel changed ownership shortly after I moved here and the place (and food) have gone to shit.Part of the purpose of that trip was to scout out some housing options for my move the following year. The construction of this place right on BaloyBeach was almost done. I was very interested to see if it would be up for rent, but no one knew who or where the owner was. And that remains the case today. Two great houses on the beach have been vacant for eight years now.It was four years ago that I treated “Mama” to dinner and told her about the room I had rented for her. She enjoyed the meal but declined to give up her life of homelessness. And she remains living on the street to this day.
Here’s the explosive I used on Facebook yesterday:
It worked.
Today’s YouTube video comes from a friend of mine named Jambo. He covered last weekend’s Beach Bash beauty pageant. This is the talent portion of the contest:
To the humor then:
I just hold up three and say read between the linesThat was true for me fifty years agoSounds like whore story in the making
I don’t know how long I can keep this up, but I’m glad to still be in the game. Thanks for joining me here.
Swan’s developing love of hiking is getting a little scary. Will I be able to keep up with her? It seems like the more challenging the trail, the better she likes it. Yesterday, we took a climb up to the Kalaklan Ridge, then down into the Bantay Bayan village, and a long beach walk back to Barretto. There is no easy up to Kalaklan, but the path we took was one I’d taken a couple of years ago, and I remembered it being not so bad. I remembered wrong. It didn’t help that I missed the correct trail to the top, which made things even steeper and more challenging than they should have been. Swan’s response? “I love this hike!”
We started from here. I commented on that big brown house, and Swan told me a friend of hers lives there.Steppin’ on up!The way aheadInto the woodsThe wrong way to goA home in the hillsGetting to the top was a sweet successEasy going on the ridgelineThe view from hereCookie kidsA trashy trail on the way downThe new road to Bantay Bayan is almost doneOn the beach at lastThat’s Barretto on the opposite shoreA lovely day on the bayThis way is not always passable when the tide is highA deserted island. Maybe because of inflation?The hardest part of the beach walk is overcoming some rock obstaclesShe came, she saw, she conqueredNot so long (about 6K) but not so easy
On the way back home, I suggested to Swan that we stay in last night. Alas, I had forgotten my chelation appointment with Dr. Jo. So we headed back into town at the appointed hour. The injection went fine, and I discussed my downward blood pressure trend with the doctor. I’m not at a worrisome level, nor am I experiencing symptoms like dizziness or light-headedness. Dr. Jo suggested I reduce my blood pressure meds dosage by half, and we will see what impact that has. Lower BP is one positive aspect of chelation therapy. After this round is completed, I’ll get updated blood work to see if I’m improving in other areas, like blood sugar.
After leaving Dr. Jo, we decided to visit one of the newer places in town. I’d gone once when they first opened, but Swan had never been. We just don’t spend much time on this side of town when we are out, so we took advantage of being there.
A place we don’t normally hang out.
When we arrived, it was four o’clock, and they had literally just opened the door. We were the first and only customers. The inside hadn’t cooled off yet, so we sat on the outdoor balcony as we imbibed.
A nice enough highway view on the side of town that is closest to home but that we seldom see.
Once Swan had finished her wine, we moved down the highway to the Outback Resort pool bar, where Swan could enjoy some beach views.
As seen from our perch
And for your viewing enjoyment, here’s a three-minute video capturing the Outback vibe.
The dinner hour was fast approaching, so I asked Swan if she was up to cooking a batch of her spaghetti and meatballs at home. She agreed, and off we went. While Swan busied herself in the kitchen, I headed upstairs to The Rite Spot.
I arrived just in time to witness thisI liked what I was seeingNicely done, Mr. SunA sweet finish to the day
After a great plate of pasta and sauce, my sweet tooth cried out, “What about me?” So, I satiated its hunger with some ice cream. It was good—so good that I went back for seconds.
The good news is I’m out of ice cream now.
Facebook took me back in time to this day in history:
Fifteen years ago, I welcomed my nephew Justin on his first visit to Korea. He is still there.Eight years ago, I was a tourist in Barretto, enjoying myself on the double-decked Blue Rock floating bar. It became my favorite after the move, but alas, it got washed ashore and destroyed during a freak storm a couple of years later.One year ago, I was experiencing some severe breathing issues. Thankfully, I have now recovered.
Speaking of breathing, this meme I posted on Facebook yesterday caused some heavy sighs from friends who don’t have clear enough vision to see the world as I do, including the aforementioned nephew.
A bit harsher than I would have said it, but still true.That’s pretty much how I roll
Today’s YouTube video comes from a vlogger I’ve never watched previously. He makes some valid points about living life on your terms and not listening to the naysayers. Yeah, I got a lot of my buckets out of order along the way, and I’d do some things differently if God grants me a do-over, but still, here and now, I am not unhappy with my life. And it ain’t over yet!
(is that ice cream in the background there to tempt me?)
Today’s lame humor attempt:
That’s what I’m talking about: rearranging those buckets!Sometimes the truth hurts, Captain PrickhardAnd what a way to go! (sorry about that “you’de,” which even I found irritating)
And so it goes on and on, and that’s just fine with me. I’ll be back!
The day that was yesterday began for me looking like this. I’ll never grow tired of the view outside my bedroom window.
It being Wednesday, the first order of business was the group hike.
It was a small group, but that didn’t stop us
We took a Jeepney ride to the far side of Subic town and began our trek on Philseco Road.
And so it beginsSomeday, this bypass road will open to make the trip to Cawag and the shipyard easierThe day the music diedA rose among the thorns. Great house, crappy locationThe straight and narrow path aheadI get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me downWhere there’s a pond……you’re likely to see a craneA shady spot somewhereCountry lifeA view along the way
A four-minute video of the next portion of the hike:
Another pondFeeling graveThe day’s rickety bridge crossingA respite from the pavementA cookie delivery on laundry dayThe subdivision that never was. Paved streets, but no houses. I wonder what happened.A peaceful enclaveWatchdogsAnother day, another 7K
I mentioned in my previous post that yesterday was the eight-year anniversary of my discovery of Barretto’s top darts bar, Alley Hideout. Since I’ve retired from darts, I seldom visit this venue these days. But going places I haven’t been for a while is what Wednesdays are for.
Hello againThe bar viewAnd the rest of the bar. It is a tiny place.Thanks to the crew for a very warm welcome back
We had a very nice time during our visit. Swan really enjoyed the vibe and said we ought to visit more often. I rang the bell, which provided all the girls a lady drink. It felt a bit like a homecoming. Maybe I ought to break out the darts the next time I come.
After leaving Alley Hideout, we crossed the highway for dinner at Mango’s.
The view from our tableThe view at our tableAnd the pork chop dinner on our table
We finished the evening with a nightcap at Green Room. The usual joking around with Chu and Sally (lady drinks included, of course), watching some of the other girls play lousy pool (like I’m one to talk), and chillin’ with our beverages.
Barbie stopped by our table to say hello
When the waitress from Sit-n-Bull came around, I was feeling nostalgic and asked if she had any pecan pie available. She did, so I brought a slice home with me. And what’s the point of eating pecan pie without a scoop or two of ice cream on top?
When will I ever learn?Maybe I should listen to Hemingway
I had a thirty-five-year career with the Federal government, and one of the highlights from those years was working with Mr. Kim Yong-tae. The most impressive man I ever had the honor of supervising. I blogged about the occasion when he was recognized for fifty years of service with United States Forces Korea here. Mr. Kim died shortly after I returned to work after my first retirement. Before he passed, he told me he regretted not spending his final healthy years with his family. I thought of him when my team tried to get me to stay on for “just one more year.” Nope, I didn’t want to die at my desk.
You heard of this guy, Kevin Kim?
In today’s YouTube video, Reekay tells the story of the man who found the perfect Filipina and then let her get away. Turns out, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the hill.
Time for a smile:
And now I don’t even eat toastThat sounds a little off, JackUm, do you accept all genders as clients?
Okay, that’s all for now. I was planning to stay home today, but was reminded that I have my weekly chelation treatment this afternoon. And since I’ll be in town anyway, I might as well have a beer or two while I’m there. My blood pressure this month has been lower than I ever remember- in the one-teens over sixties. I’m going to ask Dr. Jo if I can stop taking my blood pressure meds now.
It’s odd the things in life you remember. I took a typing class in high school, and the sentence in today’s post title contains every letter in the English alphabet. We used it to practice our keyboarding skills (it wasn’t called that back then, though).
Remember those? I’ve certainly used those typing skills I learned more than I ever used the algebra.
I won’t say that things were completely off-key, but yesterday was not as rhythmic as most of my Tuesdays. There was a rainbow at the end of the day, so you take the bad with the good and count your blessings.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way to Olongapo City was explained when we came upon this broken-down truck. It was still there a couple of hours later on our way home.
Shopping as usual was the first order of business, but on the way to YBC supermarket, we stopped by the computer repair shop. The parts to repair my computer keyboard have STILL not arrived. I sarcastically asked if they were being shipped from Mars, and the repair guy responded, “China.” I’m starting to wonder if I’m being scammed (I’ve already paid 2000 pesos for the parts), but I’ll give it another week before demanding a refund.
No surprises or issues at YBC or Royal, so the cupboards are stocked for another week.
Loading the bounty at Royal
With the grocery shopping completed, I asked my driver to take me to the nearby Harbor Point Mall. I just couldn’t bear another week trying to blog without the letters z, x, c, and v. I never realized how frequently those letters appear in words I routinely use. So, I headed upstairs to an electronics shop in search of a portable keyboard.
This wireless version was 1100 pesos, but I liked the convenience of not having to plug it into a USB port.All set up and ready to roll, er, type.
I still want my laptop fixed. This new keyboard is a temporary solution and is far from ideal. The layout is different; the keys are smaller and not lighted, making it hard to use in the dark mornings while Swan sleeps. Still, it is Very niCe Having Zero holes left in the words I use.
Exciting shit, eh? But wait, there’s more! When beer o’clock rolled around, it was time for Swan to enjoy some toes in the sand on Baloy Beach.
She’s easy to pleaseA lovely afternoon so farWaiting for the raft ride to the Kokomo’s floating bar
And shortly after boarding the floater, we saw this on the horizon:
Looks like the pot of gold is somewhere in KalaklanMake that two pots of gold
And then we got hit by a rain squall like I’ve never experienced when visiting a floating bar.
Everyone had to retreat to the far side of the floater to avoid being drenched.
Into each life, some rain must fall!
The rain is heading your way, Mr. Sun
The storm passed soon enough, but the clouds dashed our plans to watch the sunset.
That’s as good as it gotNext stop, dinner at Treasure IslandThe hamburger steak hit the spot.
Home a little earlier than usual, but that’s okay. Some internet time, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, then off to bed for this old-timer.
Life can be hard sometimesSo, fewer beers meant that the ice cream didn’t put me over the top. Funny how that works.
Sometimes, a walk down memory lane can be a walk in the park. Like that time almost twenty years ago when I discovered Yeouido for the first time.
Ten years later, I watched this traffic jam from my apartment window.Eight years ago, I was vacationing in Barretto. They took that sign down now. I guess too many of the gals were looking like the one in the foreground.Also, during that vacation trip eight years past, I discovered Alley Hideout, the bar that was destined to become my home bar after the move the following year. I’d spend Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday playing in tournaments there. These days, since retiring from darts, I almost never go back.
Hmm, I think I know what tonight’s “seldom visited bar” will be.
Here’s more of what makes heads explode on Facebook:
Every problem has a solutionDamn, that’s a shame!Sorry, Justin, but this made me think of you.
Alright, onward to today’s YouTube video. I don’t view this vlogger often, but the gal he interviews is articulate and full of good advice. It was an enjoyable watch. And by the way, I’m not the “John” that gets mentioned.
To the humor, we shall go:
Fixing it is easier said than doneThat reminds me of those old transactional relationships I couldn’t seem to avoid. I guess it made for more interesting blog posts, though.Ha-ha! That’s the flip side. So far, Swan and I just agree to disagree.
Life is good, and I’m not bored or feeling the need to change the way things are. Perhaps that’s a vestige of old age, but I’ve come a long way to reach this stage of my life, and I want to enjoy it. One aspect I want to incorporate more of is travel. Swan is big time into that, and we will do a get-out-of-town once-a-month routine to ensure a periodic change of scenery. And something new to blog about!
Yesterday’s Hash outing was an enjoyable, albeit mostly familiar, trail. The Hares were all female Hashers (Gash), but they still managed to chart a course I found worthy of shortcutting (I didn’t do the Black Rock climb at the end). Even so, it was a good 6.5K journey for me. That’s plenty on a hot day.
The trail began at the Alta Vista clubhouse, a mere two blocks from my house. That’s a nice start!The clubhouse with the ever-watchful Easter Mountain in the backgroundAnd we are On-On!Kicking things off we an Alta Vista hill climbMaking our way through the ‘hoodHeading for the junction with the My Bitch trailOn the BitchEaster Mountain from afarA quick hello and cookies to Mountain Mama OneliaMaking it under the wireDoing what we doThat cabin in the woods I’m fond ofHeading back downBack on flat ground againStreetwalkers and a goatEaster Mountain from anear Heading down the road to On-HomeOur venue this week was Smokes and Bottles
I tried my hand at a video of the Hash Circle opening: Introductions and the Hares on ice. (Don’t worry; it is less than four minutes long).
There was a big turnout (55), with Hashers joining from Angeles, La Union, and Puerto Galera yesterdayThe way we went (green is the shortcuts)
And as usual, we did an after-Hash gathering at It Doesn’t Matter.
Let the good times roll
I tried my best, but sometimes your best just isn’t good enough.
Close, but no cigar
Some Facebook memories from this day in history:
Eight years ago, I was here on vacation and looking for a place to live. I saw this one in Alta Vista, and as fate would have it, I rented it eighteen months later.
Three years ago, a new bar opened in town, and the customers were invited to decorate the walls.
My contribution. The bar (can’t even remember the name) didn’t last six monthsOne year ago, I was at the Beach Bash, and so was Barbie from Green Room.
Anyone up for some political bullshit in the form of memes?
Yep, I’ll let AOC do my thinking for me. Not!As we used to say in Arkansas, “That dog won’t hunt!”Based on my Facebook feed, this seems to be the standard position of lefties.
Enough of that nonsense; let’s hear what Reekay has to say about the advantages of dating an older Filipina. I had to smile thinking about that scenario. The youngest woman I’ve dated here was eighteen years old. These days, I’m with one of those “older” gals, Swan, who is forty. Of course, “old” is a relative term, especially in light of the fact that I’m thirty years her senior. But Reekay’s points are all valid, and in my experience, older is definitely better.
Maybe these will make you smile:
Sounds like a stinky propositionMy dad found a gay porn magazine in my brother’s room, and woo boy, he went ballistic. I don’t recall the circumstances of how the magazine came to be there, but my bro is as straight as they come. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.I think that requires further examination, Doc.
I reckon that’s enough of my nonsense for one day. Come back for another fix if you dare tomorrow.
I survived another wet and wild Sunday. But at least this time, the venue and entertainment were different. I’ll get to that, but first things first, and the first thing was the Candy Walk.
And so it begins in the usual waySmokin’ in Marian Hills
Let’s try another video from a street along the way.
Sorry for the abrupt ending. I thought I had just paused the video, but when I tried to restart it, it had shut down.
Some of the 250 kids we treatedThe lonely life of a solitary palm tree
Swan told me she was making payments on a lot in San Isidro, so I asked to see it.
It’s down at the end of this roadA neighbor’s placeBut you can see Easter Mountain from here.
I intend to help Swan build a small, simple house on her lot. I have thirty years on her, and when I go, at least I’ll know she has a place to stay.
She’s worth itWe ran out of goodies before we ran out of kids this week.A tree grows in San IsidroAnother week is in the books
And now for the different part of my Sunday. Every year, the local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars holds its big fundraising event, the Beach Bash. It’s a weekend extravaganza culminating in the Miss Beach Bash beauty pageant on Sunday evening. This year, we were on the beach at the Outback Resort.
The stage is setI was one of the proud sponsors of the golf tourney and also purchased 1000 pesos worth of raffle tickets. I didn’t win, butwas happy to contribute to a good cause.Swan enjoyed herself with the Gash contingentA Zumba performance to entertain us prior to the pageantI ordered fish and hips from the Outback kitchen—lousy Dory fish. I ate only half and gave the rest to Swan and her group.Eleven contestants this year. I knew two of them–Hershe from It Doesn’t Matter and Barbie from Green Room.
I made a video of each gal’s introductory walkabout. Feel free to speed through the twelve minutes at triple speed.
The event offered beer cards–450 pesos for six beers. I bought two cards, which might explain some of the commentaries in the video above.
Here are a few shots from the swimwear competition:
I swear that shot was not intentional!That’s Hershe from It Doesn’t MatterAnd Barbie from Green RoomBarbie is well known for her tattooed ass. I really don’t like it.And the winner is…I wasn’t a judge, but it is hard to disagree with their ASSessment.
So, the pageant kept me out until the ungodly hour of 9:30 p.m. When we got back home, the vanilla ice cream in the freezer wouldn’t stop calling my name. Turns out, the only way to shut it up was to eat it. And so I did.
I better get my shit together
Today’s episode in The Story of My Life is from my “friends with benefits” chapter. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but looking back is almost painful. Until I happened upon this post from 2020, I’d forgotten all about this Mary (there was another that came after her). I have no idea what happened to this one; she just disappeared when I stopped funding her. Who is using who in this type of situation remains an unanswered question. Mary was a starfish in bed, and I learned later that a lot of what she had told me (i.e., I was her first foreigner) was bola bola (bullshit).
I haven’t posted the political memes here that I share on Facebook in a while, but these achieved the goal of triggering my lefty friends:
That’s a real shame, but when people choose a fascist dictator, that’s what happens.I’m surprised the Facebook goons didn’t flag this oneThe truth will set you free!
Alright, enough of that nonsense. Today on YouTube, we go back in time to a Manila I might have actually enjoyed.
The joke is on me:
Maybe she wants to bite it.Dude, you might want to transition out of that relationship!I have seen all of these reactions to my joke telling. But I know I’m funny when you’re drunk.
And there you have the story of my Sunday. Today is Hash Monday, so a new hiking adventure awaits! And hopefully, tomorrow, I’ll be getting my laptop repaired. See you then!
Some people won’t admit their faults. I would if I had any.
I’m going to try to keep it simple today and not use words with letters that don’t work on my keyboard. To start things off, I took a Saturday stroll with Swan.
The first neighborhood we walked throughAnd naturally, Swan always dispenses sweetness along the wayThe filthy waters of the Matain River are full of Tilapia. It’s a Filipino treat that I prefer not to eat. I used to wear a hat like that 50 years ago.This is a urinal setup for trike operators. It drains into that pond below. Welcome to the Philippines!Easter Mountain from hereThe neighborhood that is going to be upcoming (damn, I’m trying hard not to use those letters that don’t work, but it sure makes for some jilted phrasing)
I did a video of that portion of our walk.
This restaurant has not opened yet, but the name sounds tastySwan under siegeBehind the barbed wireShort and sweet
We are making some alternative plans for today, so I did the Hideaway feeding yesterday.
Filling the holes left by USAID
After finishing with my business at Hideaway, it was time to hit the sand.
Saturday on the beach in BarrettoAnd then I was on the waterHere comes Swan to join meWhat we saw from our tableUs at our tableMoney floatsAnd the sun sinksIt’s time for dinner
We walked on the sand to the Papagayo Resort to eat. Here’s what those five minutes looked like:
Here’s a last look at the sundown:
As seen from Papagayo
They were still doing Valentine’s weekend promo menu, which was disappointing as most of the regular menu items were not being offered, and what was available were couple-sized portions at double the price.
So, it was tacos for SwanAnd fajitas for me
A nightcap at Wet Spot and an early finish to our Saturday night.
I managed to stay on track, although it appears I’m establishing an every-other-day pattern.
This morning, I made breakfast. Or should I say, baked breakfast:
Swan loves my brownies. And caring is sharing, so I had one, two.
A Memory Lane trip, thanks to Facebook:
7 years ago, I was upward bound in Asan, Korea6 years ago, I was upward bound on the steps in Baguio, PhilippinesFour years ago, I didn’t know whether to get the pancakes or the French toast.So I had both.And you probably thought this was a beer belly.
Today’s YouTube video shares some thoughts on nine things that will keep a Filipina’s legs unopened. The woman seems to really mean it.
And then he tried to be funny again:
Honestly, I don’t miss it as much as I do other things I deny myselfI’m still paying my own way, thank you!My hearing ain’t so good these days either.
Anyway, it is what it is. Things will get better around here soon. I hope.
Here’s a brief recap of my sweet experience with VD.
It being a Friday, I started off the day by leading the group hike. Things didn’t go as intended because, at the end of a moderate hill climb, we found ourselves locked behind a fence in a gated compound with no apparent escape. So, we retreated back down to the bottom and walked on from there.
This week’s Friday hikersThrough the back streets of San Isidro we goThe Easter Mountain shotvalleyview Another bamboo dwellingUp we goMaking our way to the topWe entered through the back door, but the front door was locked.This worker showed us a path back down. Biscuits and water were his reward.At least it was a different way down for the most partHell, Mary. Where is Grace?Down in the valley again.
We did a walk around back to San Isidro. Here’s a two-minute take from there:
The Rite Spot at the end of the hikeMichael and his gal Tae joined us for a snack on the roof. The route of our 7.5K journey
When the dinner hour rolled around, we headed to John’s place for our holiday meal.
My lovely date for the evening A John’s eye view from John’s placeAn unhappy street dweller. I have given him money sometimes, and he is not in his right mind. He slept there throughout our meal, which was not a pleasant view.We both enjoyed our tenderloin steak special at 745 pesos.And it included a cheesecake dessert
After our meal, we stopped by It Doesn’t Matter. Apparently, there had been a big party before our arrival and most of the waitresses were drunk. I had one beer, and then we moved on to Green Room for our nightcap.
I blame it on VD!
Ten years ago, I spent my Valentine’s weekend in Busan with my wife and my nephew, Justin.
I always enjoyed my time in Busan
Today’s YouTube video talks (in an AI voice) about ways us old farts might extend our life. Most are just common sense, but I think achieving old age is as much about good genes and luck as anything. I know my candle grows shorter with each passing day, but here’s hoping it will be a slow burn.
The joke’s on me:
400 hundred calories versus almost none in pussy (yeah, I looked it up) Hmm, I wonder if I have the balls to try this line when I fly again.Um, I think the engineer would see them before the conductor would.
Man, writing is tough without a properly functioning keyboard. Bear with me.
It occurred to me that there are two days in the week that begin with a “T,” and it just so happens that both of these are the only days with seven letters. Can I substitute Thursday for Tuesday? Well, as a matter of fact, that’s just what I did!
Having spent Tuesday in Manila instead of engaging in my normal routines for that day, some things didn’t get done. So, I filled in those gaps yesterday, starting with a trip to the supermarket in Olongapo. We had stopped at the S&R store in San Fernando on the way home from Manila, but we couldn’t find all that we needed there, so off we went to get what was missing.
(I still haven’t got my laptop repaired; I’m waiting for a part to be delivered. Just now, the “see” and “vee” keys, which had been intermittent, have stopped working altogether. The missing letters you see in this sentence were filled in by spellcheck. Worse, without the control “see,” I cannot insert links to things I want to share. I’m hoping to have the needed repairs done by Tuesday, but until then, I’m handicapped, and blogging is going to be incomplete and difficult.UPDATE: Swan just showed me how to copy and paste using the mouse. Duh!)
The video from S&R was supposed to go here. And here it is now that this old dog has learned a new trick. The video sucks, but the good news is I was able to edit its length on YouTube: baby steps, but progress.
I walked back home from Olongapo. Here is some of what I saw along the highway:
Departing the YBsee supermarket in OlongapoThe entrance to SBMANo shopping for us this week at RoyalCrossing the river formerly known as “shit.”Where the dead dwell
I did a brief video of this portion of the hike that I would have posted here. If the keys start working again, I’ll insert it later. And now here it is thanks to the magi of cut and paste:
Still holding the camera too low, but in my defense, I was trying to watch my footing so as not to trip and fall in front of oncoming traffic.
A bay viewArt on the wallThat may be the stairway to heaven on the right The new road down to the village of Bantay Bayan is almost complete.That’s Barretto on the far shore across the bayHillside living
I made another video as I walked through Barretto:
Hold the camera up, you idiot! Sorry, I need to get off my ass and order a GoPro. I will soon, I promise! If you make it that far, I had a fun encounter with Mama along the way.
The back way to Alta VistaThat other worldIn the ‘hood againAnd home at last7.11 kilometers from start to finish
The other Tuesday activities we did yesterday were putting Swan’s toes in the sand, visiting the floating bar, and having dinner at Treasure Island.
Look at that smile!A banka boat owner acquaintance of Swan Baloy Long BeachOur destination. We arrived during a brief rain shower.The view on arrivalNo sunset because of the see-louds A busy day on the floater. I saw one guy buy all the girls (ten of them) a bottled lady drink at 350 pesos each two times. Good to see the two-week millionaires buying, so I don’t have to.As we arrived we saw someone out swimming in the bay, then he boarded the floater. Turned out to be my hiking buddy, Stephen A ship heading out to seaThe ladies earning those lady drinks
Then it was back ashore for a meal at Treasure Island.
I went with the beef enchiladas. I had one for dinner and brought the other home for breakfastAnd I managed to finish under budgetBy the dawn’s early light
I woke up this morning to the view above and a message from Swan on my desk:
Ain’t she sweet?
And inside, she had written a poem, especially for me:
Roses are red violets are blue Your farts burn my eyes But I still love you
I’m a lucky man!
And Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers, or as I tend to say, Happy VD!
That should be everyone
And now for those Facebook memories:
Nine years ago, I briefly tried courting this lass. She’s happily married these days, and I’m happy for her. Last year, we celebrated VD at John’s place. Little did we know he would not be around this year. That’s him in the background. We will be dining there again this evening.
Today’s YouTube is a new walkthrough of the Barretto nightlife scene. A bar that meets the needs of everyone is there if you look for it.
And to the humor we must go:
I don’t want to jump to conclusionsSoldier on, then!It is always strange to see one of my stolen jokes appear in print. Still funny, though
Damn, this post was really a struggle with my faulty keyboard. I’ll keep posting, but I may limit myself some until the repairs are completed. Or maybe I’ll just leae out the letters that don’t work and let y’all figure out what omes net. Or maybe not.
Damn, that song was so painful I couldn’t finish—too many memories.
The day before today begins with “yes,” and I can affirm it was a good one, no doubts about it.
This was the first thing I saw when I woke up and looked out the window.I couldn’t decide if I liked the zoom shot better or not, so I’m posting both.
The first thing on yesterday’s agenda was the Wednesday Walkers group hike. We had something special planned: the rare journey to Tibag to start our hike. I asked my driver to take us there, but the turnout exceeded his vehicle’s capacity. Unbeknownst to me, Swan recruited a random van driver parked at the 7-Eleven to take us, and he agreed to do so for the same 1000 pesos I was prepared to pay my driver. So, that was a relief.
Offloading at the trailhead and paying the piper, er, driver.This week’s iteration of the Wednesday Walkers. It appears Ed is God’s favorite.Off we go!Bringing up the rearMuch respect for this fella with a big-ass load of bananas on his backOff in the distance is that ridge we call KalaklanTibag shoolgirlsRockin’ it!Leaving the road behindAdding some sweetness to their day
Here’s a six-minute video clip from this portion of the hike:
I’m coming, I’m coming!Our hike had no big hill climbs, just the usual ups and downs. A hilltop dwellingA walk in the forestMountain viewSurrounded by bananasThe first of several water crossings. Steve says, “fuck it,” and wades across. I attempt to dance on the rocks.Decisions, decisionsYet another rocky crossingThis time, Ed built a rocky path acrossIt worked!One of those bamboo dwellings I mentioned previouslyI found this powerful view electrifyingLollipop smilesOur 9K trek ended on the busy streets of Magnan-Vaca at the Waltermart.The way we walked
After the hike, we went back home for some rest and refreshment. Then, it was back into town to take care of some business. First up was finding a way to get that power of attorney shipped back to South Carolina. The LBC Express agent told me they could get it there in five to seven days. Good enough. They lightened my wallet 3000 pesos worth, I filled out the required info, and they placed the POA in an envelope for shipping. As this was going on, some workers were removing furniture from the back room and loading it on a truck. Seeing that was a little disconcerting, so I asked what was happening. The agent said they were closing the Barretto location and moving the business to Subic. Damn, okay. I hope they send my shipment first.
My next order of business was visiting my dentist, Dr. Barrera. My crown fell off while I was flossing a couple of weeks ago, and I needed it reattached. Dr. Barrera got it done, and I left his office feeling like a king again. (Does the title of this post make sense now?)
I was advised to not eat for an hour, but I clarified that liquids were okay to consume, and it just so happened to be beer o’clock. So, it being Wednesday, we headed up the highway in search of the venue for this week’s “seldom visited bar.” I had in mind Mugshots, but they are currently closed for renovation. We got invited inside for a looksee, and a dance stage is under construction. Just what we need, another go-go bar. We continued down the road and as we passed Annex Bar, saw my neighbor and high school mate, Mike, enjoying a beer, so we went in and joined him.
Annex features some of the nicest decorations in town.
I hadn’t been to Annex for several months because they did not have wine available for Swan on my previous visit. They did yesterday, and so we were able to sit and enjoy some camaraderie with our tablemates. I’m happy to be able to add Annex back to my list of pleasant open-air venues to visit.
We debated between Sit-n-Bull for dinner or another round of drinks at Cheap Charlies and ultimately decided on the latter. The place was busy, and after we ordered, the bartender came back and said they were out of wine, but she had sent someone to fetch a bottle from the store across the street. Well done! That’s how you keep your customers satisfied.
Our Cheap Charlies view
Downstairs from Cheap Charlies is a restaurant named Foodies. They deliver upstairs, so I asked for a menu. Swan ordered a chicken burger, and I went with the beef stew. Feeling generous, I ordered some chicken fingers for the staff.
It had been a long time since I’d enjoyed a meaty beef stew. It was delicious, although I only ate a couple of the potatoes.
After we had finished our meals and were preparing to leave, I saw something on the horizon out of the corner of my eye.
Fire on the mountain? A UFO?Oh, it’s you again. The day was coming to an end much as it had begun.
We had our nightcap at Wet Spot. I had a nice chat with manager Brett and discovered that he also grew up in Southern California and that we had experienced similar youthful adventures as teenagers in Ensenada, Mexico. I can’t remember the last time I even thought about those wild days, but it was nice to reminisce. I couldn’t recall the name of the bar that was popular there, and neither could Brett, but he thought it began with an “H.” And then it hit me: Hussong’s Cantina! And I’ll be damned; they even have a Wikipedia page. It turns out that the bar was founded in 1892, and it is where the margarita was invented.
Been there, done that. They have been in the same building since their founding
Man, oh man, I sure hope my dream of a heaven where I spend an eternity reliving my life comes true. If so, I’ll definitely be going back to Hussong’s.
Home early and safe as usual, but I did screw things up:
I had not one but TWO servings of vanilla ice cream. What was I thinking? (Obviously, I wasn’t)
No Facebook memories worthy of sharing today, but I came across this blog post from March 2005 that made me smile:
I am in an embarassing slump. I find nothing of interest in my world to report and nothing of interest in the world in general, or at least nothing that inspires me to write.
I know this too shall pass.
My how things have changed! Now, I post every day regardless of whether or not it is interesting. So, is something always better than nothing?
Here’s some random shit I found on the internet today:
This is where the paperwork for my federal pension is stored. And as the DOGE folks discovered, it is only on paper. Welp, I’ve always said that my financial security is as solid as the US government. Save me, Elon!
Stickman Bangkok shared a post he wrote in 2011 about a bargirl he met in Pattaya.
Let’s get something straight, it’s hard to blame him. That’s a girl with something extra. You can read the link or guess what makes her different from most girls.Damn, these Nazi’s are turning up everywhere!
Today’s YouTube video discusses ways to adapt to and become more in tune with Filipino culture. I’m probably 50% on board so far.
Ready for some humor?
I hope it cums together for herWalk it off!Death is the ultimate problem solver
Today, I’ve been doing the Tuesday I missed because of my Manila detour. I’ll fill you in on that tomorrow.
It isn’t even nice to visit, which is why I’ve managed to avoid Manila for the last two years or more. The traffic, the grime and grit, and a big city vibe that I don’t find pleasant are more than enough to keep me away. Sure, there are nice places like Makati, but even there, you can’t escape the gridlock and crowds. But Manila is home to the US Embassy, and I had business to attend to there, so off I went.
My appointment for notary service was at 1:30. I arrived a little after eleven, had my phone and Fitbit confiscated at security, and took a seat in an outdoor waiting area. I got to chatting with another expat also there for notarization who lives out near Boracay. He was a friendly guy and agreed to be one of the witnesses required for my notarized signature. He kept trying to veer the conversation towards politics, but I didn’t take the bait. He was one of the anti-DOGE crowd and clearly indoctrinated in the lefty worldview. Still, talking helped pass the time until 1 p.m., when we were invited to enter the building and continue waiting there. Still, when my turn came, things went relatively smoothly. A notary service was fifty bucks a shot, and I had two POAs notarized, just to be on the safe side in case the one I mail back to the States gets lost. My driver charged 6500 pesos for the round trip drive, but given that he spent a full day in my service, that seems like a fair price. I got what I came for and made it home safe and sound, so that’s a win. Now, I just need to get the Power of Attorney back to my daughter. The service I tried this morning doesn’t do international shipments. I’ll try another this afternoon, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll go into Olongapo and try to find a FedEx.
I dressed up for the occasion just in case the embassy had a dress code. I hadn’t worn pants for a year or more.On the expressway and southbound for ManilaThings weren’t bad until we neared the city limitsDriving in Manila is insane. And so is my driver. He told me he enjoys the challenge.It was different seeing high rises again. The tallest building in Barretto is six storiesThe poorer city dwellers live like thisThings clogged up as we neared the city centerI took this picture as I departed the embassy grounds, and a guard yelled out, “No photography!”The buildings across the road from the embassyI saw a few of these horse-drawn carriages in the downtown areaThe National MuseumWho knew the KKK was a thing here?It’s been a while since I’ve seen a commuter trainA river viewAnd on the way back home we passed through Mexico. No wonder the drive was so long.We hit some rain on the way back but still got to see a nice sunset
So, we left home around 8 a.m. and got back at 6:30. I just stayed home last night and had zero Zeros.
Zero snacks made a big difference.
Facebook memories from this date in history:
Eight years ago, I enjoyed a Han Riverwalk in Seoul. Manila is the complete opposite of Seoul in every way imaginable.Two years ago, I was Hashing in Baguio and enjoying views like this one.Zooming in on those hillside dwellings had a freaky effect
Today’s YouTube video might be AI-narrated, but the images are nice, and the descriptions seem accurate. Despite my frequent criticisms, there is much to love and enjoy here in the PI. It is just easier for me to live in a place like Barretto.
Hmm, it won’t let me embed for some reason. Watch it here if you so desire.
As a bonus, here is a video about the good and bad of Manila. It may be AI-generated, too; I’m not sure, but the content seems consistent with reality.
Humor time:
Maybe someday, but not yetI just tried it and she’s right!Now what do we do?
Anyway, that’s how I spent my Tuesday this week. Of course, the things I usually do on Tuesday weren’t done, so I’ll have to fill in those gaps as best I can as the week goes on.
I made some ill-advised prediction that Monday’s Hash trail could not compare with what I experienced in La Union on Saturday, despite Leech My Nugget’s reputation as one of the toughest Hares in Subic. Well, Leech’s trail wasn’t as long and high as the La Union adventure, but it was an ass-kicker regardless. And to make matters worse, a small group of us made an ill-fated attempt to shortcut that proved more difficult than if we had just suffered through the remainder of the Hare’s trail. For me, the worst part were the ground-level vines that were constantly trying to trip me up. I stumbled several times, but never fell. Hey, shit happens, and you just have to deal. You can always whine about it later on your blog.
I’m tired after my journey to Manila today (I will report on that adventure tomorrow), so I’ll let the Hash photos do most of the talking:
We met up on the far side of Subic town, across the highway from WaltermartThe Hash Gash waiting to begin the trailAnd we are On-On!On the busy main street of Magnan-VacaUp……and over the bridgeWalking the same riverbank I videoed last week, only in the opposite directionBack on the pavementAnd headed for the hillsI got a kick out of this fountain of youthWalking the plankA big ol’ downed treeAnd then we started climbingOn the up and upJesus Christo!The hidden vines that would grab you as you walked made things even harderSwan says she likes the climbsThe view from hereBamboo can be a bitch, tooVines grow on trees as wellSpeaking of trees, here’s one I likedAnd then there was this. I’m not sure I would have made it up without a helping handLuckily, Action Man was there to offer oneIt was a struggleBut we all made it to the topAnd we were rewarded with this view of Easter MountainThose hillside houses across the valley are the Alta Vista subdivisionAnd that’s the one I call homeAnd then the trail headed downAnd of course, back up againBut in due course, we found our way down again. I would love to know the history of abandoned dreams like this one.And at last we arrived at our On-Home venue, the One-Three Resort
I made a two-minute video to celebrate successfully completing the trail.
My cadre didn’t finish until two and a half hours after we started. So, the Circle commenced before I had finished my first beer!
The price you pay for paying the Hash fees lastLeech’s trail is in yellow, the purple is our silly shortcut effort.
My stats upon completion of the trail:
At least according to the MapMyWalk app. No way I had the same elevation gain as I did in La Union. Still, you can see how freakin’ long it took me to walk less than 6K. It was tough going!My heart rate didn’t climb as high as it did on Saturday, but it was pounding regardless.
After the Hash, we triked out to It Doesn’t Matter for some more comradery. And I was fine after ten Zero’s for the day.
And stayed under the calorie budget to boot!
Here’s another installment from The Story of My Life recounting how I spent a day off work in the early days of my Korea adventure.
From Facebook memories comes the reminder that this wasn’t the first time I was a victim of Leech My Nuggets trail setting:
Five years ago, I received my Hash shirt commemorating the consequences of trespassing on a Philippines Navy base. In Leech’s defense, there were no signs warning us that we were not welcome. And yes, I’ve noticed the misspelling of “ungodly.”
Today’s YouTube video is from a vlogger I’ve never watched previously, but he tells the story of a foreigner being arrested for being in the company of an unrelated minor. It doesn’t matter if she is your girlfriend’s child or not; without blood or adopted relationship, you are technically in violation of the law, and you can be jailed for what is deemed a non-bailable offense. Some readers may recall that when I first moved into this house with Swan, I told her that her teenage sister could not remain living here. She briefly stayed in one of the basement maid’s rooms, with the understanding that she was not allowed upstairs unless Swan was present. The sister has now departed the basement as well, which is for the best. My number one priority is NEVER to see the inside of a Filipino jail.
Stuff that might be considered funny:
Why, yes! Yes I do!Yeah, that’s some cheesy humorNothing to get pumped up about
And there you have, the almost unheard of two posts in one day here at LTG. You are welcome! Or maybe I should say I’m sorry. One of those.
I’m heading for the embassy in Manila this morning. My appointment to have a power of attorney notarized is at 1:30, but I’m leaving here at 8 a.m. because there is no way to predict how bad the traffic will be in that hellhole of a city. The POA is so my daughter can sell the house that’s in my name in Columbia, SC. Anyway, I don’t expect to have a chance to blog about yesterday’s Hash, so I’ll fill you all in on that tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll slap up some of the photos I took on Sunday to tide you over.
The drive home from Bauang:
That tree that owns the highway from the other directionAnother monster tree. They built a pavilion around this one.The San Miguel brewery erected this monument in honor of my recent experiences with San Mig Light beer.It’s burning season in the Philippines againAnother of several fires we drove pastThe exit for the cleanest town in the Philippines. I understand it is immaculate.
Watching the sunset from the Arizona floating bar:
The busy beach in BarrettoWaiting for our rideThe view as we arrived on boardThat midget we call Kalaklan RidgeBack on the Zero againAnd here we go A downhill journeyNice to see you againAnd the world keeps on spinning roundWe loved the show!
Next up, dinner at John’s place:
Our third floor table view. My only issue since John’s passing has been about service. This week they had some new waitresses and our server did an outstanding job.Swan is addicted to the birria tacos and has ordered them on each of our last several visitsI enjoyed my very tender tenderloin steak. (I traded the potatoes for one of Swan’s tacos)
A nightcap at Green Room, then home safe and mostly sober.
Back on track!
Facebook memories today:
The view from our apartment in Seoul thirteen years ago
Twelve years ago, I made a video about the six months of my Korea life prior to departure for the six months portion of life in the USA (I did half a year in each place for the first three years of my retirement).
Four years ago, I did a solo 12K hike like it was nothing. A sad reminder that I’m not the man I used to be. (Sorry, the video won’t embed, click the link to see it)
Two years ago, during a visit to the mountain city of Baguio, I declined to try this Filipino delicacy. No regrets!
Today’s YouTube video is about ads from the past that would not be allowed today. Yep, I can see why. Still, it’s a good reminder of how far we’ve come as a society.
Humor time:
Add in some dementia and forget about it all.If time Kermit’sSounds like a Filipina bargirl scam. Be careful out there!
Alright, time for me to get my shit together for Manila. I hope it is not a wasted trip (I need two witness signatures, and embassy staff aren’t allowed to provide them. Hopefully, other folks in line will help me out. I’ll let you know how it all goes tomorrow.
As promised, here is the story of Saturday’s Hash in La Union. BLUF, it is the most arduous Hash trail I recall participating in. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience because I have no intention of ever going up that way again. The issue for us old fuckers (there were several who finished long after I did) was a massive climb, one that made the Kalaklan Ridge I also bitch about seem like a foothill by comparison. How high did I go? Well, there seems to be a lack of clarity in that regard. Someone on the La Union Hash Facebook page said 475 meters. My fellow Subic Hasher, Pubic Head (who didn’t participate), sent me a Google Earth map saying it was only 350 meters. My tracker shows I climbed over 500 meters. The part of Kalaklan we climb is 220 meters. Whatever the altitude, it kicked my ass.
Who you gonna believe? Google……or Fitbit?(also owned by Google these days)Now that I look at it, that spike seems highly unlikely.
Well, either way, my heart rate climbed a mountain, too.
I’ve got a ton of photos, many of them stolen from the La Union Hash Facebook page, so I’ll tell the rest of the story with visual aids:
At the meet-up where the Hare informed us there were two trails: long at 9K and a mediumoption at 7K. The third option was to stay in the Jeepney, get dropped off at the end of the trail beer stop, and walk around on your own from there.Oh, and the Hare never mentioned that big-ass climb on both the nine and seven-kilometer trails.Loading up in the Jeepneys (there were four of them) for the 45-minute(!) ride to the start of the trail.A view outside the JeepneyThe view inside the JeepneyOut of the Jeepney at the trailhead. Me and Buddy Fucker discussed staying on the Jeep and doing the beer stop option, but not knowing what lay ahead, we choose to do the medium trail.And off we go! Over 100 Hashers in attendance for the LUH3 2000th RunSo, we started with a slight uphill walk that was easy enough. Except it went on and on that way for a lot longer than expected.A greeting from the Hares who were all female La Union HashersNot exactly a stroll in the park, but it was nice seeing new countrysideAnd of course, Swan sweetened the day of children we encountered along the way.These narrow concrete paths were present much of the way. There were some scattered residences up here, and the only vehicle access was on motorbikes, hence the concrete.A tree I liked“Candy for your kiddie, mama”Occasionally, the trail would flatten out and you’d think, good, the climbing is over. It wasn’t.I took this shot thinking we’d finally reached the top. We hadn’t.
Swan did a three-minute video along the way that I’ll share here because this is one of the portions of the trail it features.
Onward we go!
Another one of those flat spots to sucker you into thinking the worst was over. The worst was yet to come! The final push to the top was very steep and hard to keep your feet.Here we go!Getting thereTaking a breather near the top
I posted this minute long view from the top yesterday, but if you missed it, here you go again:
Seeing is believing
We did a ridgeline walk with the usual ups and downs that come with that, and then finally reached the split for the medium trail.
About damn time!It’s all downhill from here!Mostly.Some of nature’s beautySome moreAnd the best! Swan said she really enjoyed the trail, including the climb.I take my time going downhill too, so I let the faster folks pass me byThe downhill wasn’t as bad as I expected, but there were a couple of tricky spotsReady for this to be over and done withWTF? My tracker said I’d already done 5K. So much for the “7K” we were promised.Nothing to do be keep on keeping on!Swan made their dayWe had to cross this damn creek five or six times as we meandered our way to the finish. Luckily, we could keep our feet dry by dancing across the stones.This bridge was interesting (thankfully we didn’t have to cross it) because there was no water underneath it. I assume this area must flood during rainy season.
Pubic Head sent me a photo from 2008 when he Hashed in this area with the La Union folks.
Looks like there was water under it back then.And at long last, we arrived at the end of the trail.
Cold beers awaited our return. The Jeepneys loaded up the folks that had arrived ahead of us, but we stuck around for the remaining stragglers who finished thirty minutes or so after we did. La Union Hash uses “sweepers” who make sure everyone makes it back before the final Jeepney departs. We took the last Jeep back for the 45-minute ride to the On-Home venue, Tropical Garden Resort in Bauang.
A view from the beer stopWe sat next to this tree at the beer stop and I asked Swan if the green things were edible. She said it’s called bilimbi and Filipinos eat it regularly. It’s also healthy and apparently is a natural diabetes preventative.Loaded up and ready to roll!The “7K” trail turned out to be over eight kilometers long. These stats are from the MapMyWalk app, and I think they are accurate. So, the question posed at the beginning has now been answered: I gained 291 meters in elevation during the Hash.
But wait, the fun wasn’t over yet. We still had a Hash Circle to attend to.
Circle up!
La Union doesn’t do the sitting on ice thing. Instead, they have a “bucket brigade” that douses those charged with an alleged violation in a cascade of water. I can report firsthand that ice is nicer than water. Swan and I got called into the circle for the “crime” of being too cuddly together.
Punishment rendered!
After the circle, we enjoyed a food buffet that came with the price of admission, then had a trike called to transport us back to our hotel. I brought a bag of cookies for the Go Resort bar staff to apologize for my drunken behavior the night before. I was feeling no pain after the Hash on Saturday but didn’t do anything stupid like the night before.
Yeah, it was a good experience, but that kind of climb is better avoided at this stage of my life/physical condition.But I have another Hash shirt in my collection as a reward for my efforts.And best of all, I’m still alive!
Interestingly, Facebook memories reminded me that on this day seven years ago, I climbed another mountain.
Steppin’ on upThe view from where I stoodAnd it was cold that day!
We haven’t checked in with Reekay for a while, and his latest YouTube video delves into some dating issues one might encounter with a Filipina. Honestly, this seems like common sense advice, and it’s universal in all relationships, not just in the Philippines.
Some smiles before I go:
I hope it wasn’t a pubic hair.Shit happensAnother reason to stick with American food!
Okay, it is Monday afternoon and that means I have yet another Hash to attend. Even though Leech my Nuggets is a Hare known for his challenging trails, I don’t expect he can top Saturday’s La Union adventure. Only one way to find out!