It was one of the nicer group hikes we’ve done in a while. It started with a Jeepney ride three kilometers out of town. Then we climbed to Kalaklan Ridge once again, and we all agreed that this was one of the easier (but not easy) ways to get up there. Next, we had a very pleasant walk along the ridgeline path before beginning our downward journey to the beach via the Olongapo hillside graveyard. I haven’t ventured through all those above-ground tombs in ages, but the views are to die for (sorry!). I checked out some of the gravestones as we passed and was a little surprised that the majority I saw were born after me, and it made me feel both lucky and old. When we reached the beach, I was relieved that the tide was relatively low. The last time I attempted this beach walk I reached a dead end when the waves were crashing into the rocky shoreline blocking my path. We still had to do some wading yesterday, but we found a way around and walked the beach all the way back to Barretto. Good times!
On our way to the meet-upFriday’s hike participantsLet the climbing beginThe fat guy is bringing up the rear, as usualOnward and upwardLooking back down from whence we startedBurn those calories!Almost to the topEnjoying the relative flatness of walking the ridgelinePeople do live up here. It appears to be a hard life.First cookie delivery of the dayAt the upper reaches of the graveyardThe view from hereFelt like I was auditioning for a part in The Walking DeadI’ve never seen a cemetery like this oneNo one is really buried hereSadly, none of the residents can enjoy the view as much as we did.This is the oldest birth date I saw here. A plaque said he served in the US Navy during World War I. So, he lived under Spanish, American, and Japanese rule and lived to see the Philippines gain its independence. What a life!The whole family is together hereAcross the highway and down to the beachWith a brief stop to see the lighthouseCookie delivery on the beach!There’s a way aroundThey say no man is an island, but a fisherMAN can be…Flower powerI tried not to step on anyThis is where I got blocked last time…Gary is descending rocks the hard wayIt wasn’t the last time we got our feet wet yesterdayTold ya!Another deliveryIn the village of Bantay Bayan. Thinking of owning this place and living an isolated lifestyle is a fun fantasy. I’d call it “The Rite Spot On The Beach.”I can see Easter Mountain from hereFilipino graffitiAnd now an interlude on some wide-open beachesA brief rest stop at Kon-TikiThen on with the beach walkUntil the sand turns to rockThere were two options: over the rocks or in the water.You can see how people voted with their feet.I did bothScott chose the wet routeBack in Barretto and passing the The Floating Island ResortThe final delivery of the hikeFinishing our hike on the highwayJust shy of 7K beginning to end
But I wasn’t done with the beach yet. After some rest and recovery at home, Swan and I headed for Baloy.
The beach that is BaloyAnd there’s that toes in the sand smileWhere else are we gonna go?Rock me on the waterGood times!Not much of a sunset with the cloud cover, so this will have to do.
Kokomo’s owner, Steve, is back from his brief visit to his Australian motherland, and we had a pleasant visit. There were only a couple of other customers this time, but the girls occasionally got up and danced anyway.
The Kokomo’s crew strutting their stuff. Sorry for the crappy photo.
I had initially planned to grab a bite to eat somewhere other than Treasure Island for a change, but once we were back on the sand, I went with the easy option.
It really is the best place on Baloy overall.
Neither of us was in the mood for a big meal, so we went with one order of chicken wings.
That’s the sixteen-piece serving. I had three, Swan had four, and the rest came home for the helpers to enjoy.And I’m back on track and staying under budgetNot a bad day’s work.
I’ll just leave this here:
About damn time!
Today’s YouTube video comes from the Pea, and it’s a good one. It discusses the differences between women of the West and the East. I voted with my feet long ago. Give it a watch and see what you think.
Humor time:
For the record, I have no such secrets. And I’ve been to Thailand.I don’t know about that. And I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.That pun is of Biblical proportions.
Okay, there is a birthday celebration for the wife of the Kokomo’s owner later today, so we’ll be heading back to Baloy Beach again. Life is good.
You can’t taste the goodness of the Thanksgiving gathering at The Rite Spot, but at least you can see how it looked.
The meats: ham, chicken, and turkey, before being chopped up and moved to the roof. There are also mashed potatoes, candied yams, bread, as well as a lasagna that one of the guests provided.Turkey ready for eatingSliced hamChopped up chickenSwan’s green bean casseroleMashed potatoesCarrots and potatoA cake provided by a guest. We also had pumpkin, pecan, and apple pies
I apparently neglected to photograph the fruit salad and candied yams. There was also dressing and gravy.
I wasn’t sure how many to expect. I put the word out; some acknowledged it, while others kept their options open. A couple I was expecting messaged later that they couldn’t attend. I told folks we’d start drinking at three and eating around four, but not many people were present when we kicked off the feast. I figured we’d have plenty of leftovers, but some members of Swan’s family showed up later (that’s how Filipino time works), and we filled the seats.
Time to eatThe chow lineMy plate with a little bit of everything and some fruit salad on the side. I enjoyed gnawing on a drumstick for the first time in years. Hey, I wouldn’t have moved to the Philippines if I didn’t like dark meat!As usual, the gals sat at their own table.The mom’s and kids gathered hereTime passed, and the sun faded awayIt should come as no surprise that karaoke broke outSwan worked her ass off in the kitchen and did a great job. She was having fun on the roof with friends and familyA couple of Swan’s niecesRockin’ on into the nightChecking the status of the food tablesThe meats and lasagna took big hitsAnd so did the sidesPeople all over the world love my Aunt Pat’s recipe fruit saladThe candied yams had a few fans, tooMercy loved the yams so much that she wanted to bring some home.
We had bought some takeout containers to give away whatever leftovers remained. Quite a few folks brought the sides and desserts home with them when the party ended. My one-day reprieve from the diet was over and I didn’t need any temptations hanging around the house.
During the festivities, I downed a record-setting fourteen bottles of San Miguel Zero beer.The leftovers won’t be much of a temptation because I rarely drink at home unless I have guests to entertain.
And now for the damage done:
Good thing I didn’t go back for seconds. Except for the pecan pie.
Back on track today. No breakfast and a 7K hike that included another climb up to the Kalaklan Ridge. I weighed myself just now, and I’m at 246.6, DOWN one pound from yesterday. Go figure.
Anyway, it turned out to be a nice gathering, and I enjoyed hanging out with the guys and downing lots of beers. I’m thankful for that opportunity.
Facebook memories presented a video I posted twelve years ago of me playing in the finals of a dart tournament: “Finals of 11/17/2012 KDF tourney in Seoul featuring Alister “All-Star” Tarbett (Scotland) versus John “The Walrus” McCrarey (USA). Best of 5 501 legs. John took the first two legs, Alister came back to take the next two, setting up a classic showdown in the final leg.”
Spoiler alert: I won
Today’s YouTube video advises avoiding ten common mistakes retired expats make. I’ve made some of these, but after more than six years here, I’ve learned to avoid most self-inflicted problems.
Today’s dose of humor:
My body, my choiceThe other guy appears to be stone cold soberWhen I want to engage in self-reflection, I look in the mirror
Okay, what’s next? I’m skipping the SOB this week in favor of a relaxing evening on Baloy Beach. I guess I’m just In The Mood.
May your blessings on this day of giving thanks be plentiful.
Busy morning getting ready for the Thanksgiving gathering on the rooftop. My last portion of the feast to prepare is the candied yams, but I’m waiting for the oven to free up. Turkey is done, but now it’s the chicken’s turn to get roasted.
Turkey basted Gordon Ramsey-style with Swan’s loving touch and into the oven.Three hours later, the thermometer says the turkey is done Looks ready to eat to meIt ought to go good with these berries that I bought
Meanwhile, up on the roof:
The new Rite Spot banner is hungTables are arrangedBeer is waiting for ice (there’s another cooler with wine, soju, and liquor for the gals)And there is always The Rite Spot view
Three more hours until guests start arriving, so I’ll share some of my yesterday. The Wednesday Walkers took a two Jeepney (blue and red) ride out to Olongapo City’s Gordon Heights barangay. There’s a road to the top of Kalaklan Ridge (half paved, half dirt), and we took it. It was a 1.6K uphill trek to the ridgeline. I don’t know why, but road climbs, especially straight ones, kick my ass more than trails. Once at the top, we had the usual amazing views that made the struggle worth it. Getting down was a bit of a challenge, too, because the grass was thick and high, making it hard to stay on the trail. We fought our way through and had an overall enjoyable hike.
First, the blue Jeepney from Barretto into Olongapo, then this red ride up to Gordon HeightsWe have arrivedThis week’s iteration of the Wednesday Walkers (plus Scott, the cameraman)And so it beginsHadn’t been by here in quite some time. Back when I was a tourist, and then the first year after I moved here, this was my primary charity recipient. In time, I became convinced that my efforts were better directed elsewhere.On upAnd up some moreThe pavement ended but we still had a ways to goRidgeline achieved, It’s time for a rest, right, Scott?Hello down there, BarrettoThe blue waters of the bay. The old Hanjin shipyard will soon be reopened under new ownership. I didn’t forget you, Easter MountainLollipops for the mountain childrenBraver than I amView findersAnother vantage pointThe view from hereAnd now, the struggle to get back down beginsI’ve walked this way many times, but never experienced the grass being this thickMade for some tough going, but we made it throughRolly’s place. One of our regular stops on the way down from the ridgeSee you next time, Rolly!On down!Through the hillside village above Abra StreetBack on the pavement in BarrettoUp, over, and down the other side
I told Swan I was treating her to dinner at Sit-n-Bull (I had a 15% discount coupon I needed to use) and asked if she wanted to have a drink before dinner. She said she did. So, Outback, BarCelona, or Sloppy Joe’s to start? As I expected, she answered “Outback” without hesitation. It has beach views.
We don’t come here often, but it is a nice viewCheers!The Outback pool barTime passages
And then off to dinner.
Kare-Kare, a Filipino dish Swan enjoyed.I did the Salisbury steak with mushroom gravy, but I f’d up on the baked beans side dish. It had way more calories than I imagined. Oh well, it’s a warm-up for today’s coming ingestion.
A nightcap at Wet Spot, then home for a good night’s sleep before the big day.
Despite the beans fiasco, I managed to come in under my daily budget
Speaking of which, I weighed in a day early so I could assess the damage of the Thanksgiving cheat.
Today’s weight: 247.6
Last week: 248.6
November 1: 267.1
Net loss: 19.5 pounds
Belly is still 49″ circumference. Waist is down to 43.
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen:
Swan’s sister arrived early to help outChickens are doneMy first attempt at candied yams. I’ll withhold judgment until I see how they taste.
Looking back to ten years ago, I was alone in Columbia, South Carolina for Thanksgiving. That didn’t stop me from preparing a feast:
You gotta do what you gotta do…
Today’s YouTube video carries us back to the first Thanksgiving and dispels the so-called myths surrounding this American tradition.
And give thanks for these jokes:
You are such a turkey sometimes, Gump!I hate when that happens!Holiday cheer to cum!
Anyway, time to get ready to greet the guests who will be arriving soon. Oh, I almost forgot, we had an earthquake this morning.
I was up and around but never felt a thing. Another Thanksgiving blessing!
Okay, Happy Thanksgiving to both of my readers. I will give you a full report on the celebration and feast tomorrow.
And surely you knew this would be the song of the day:
A busy day ahead as I make final preparations for tomorrow’s feast. It’s been seven years since I last attempted to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner, and I’m thankful Swan is here to assist. One of my chores today will be trying a dry brine recipe helpfully provided by a commenter. Thank you, Mr. Kim! I’m also attempting a candied yams recipe I found online. I hope it tastes as good as the one Mom used to make. I’ve already got my Aunt Pat’s recipe fruit salad chillin’ in the fridge. An apple pie is in the oven, so while that’s baking, I’ll share a little about my yesterday.
As usual, I start my Tuesday by baking up a batch of muffins. I don’t get to partake these days, but my housemates, driver, and “mama” enjoy them.
Cranberry-Orange this time
Next up was a trip to Royal for the weekly grocery shopping adventure. This time, the cart was overflowing with the extra goodies I purchased for the upcoming big meal.
We definitely ain’t going hungry, diet or not.Spend it if you got itThis meat thermometer set me back $7.50. I’ve never used one before, but it’s recommended when baking a turkey.I’m also excited to report that I found cranberry sauce in a can! And it is the whole berry style I prefer. I’m so Thankful!
In keeping with my No! vember objectives, I engaged in my newest Tuesday routine–a neighborhood walk after shopping.
For you Easter Mountain fansAnother view from the ‘hoodA 4K stroll. And this time, I turned RIGHT.
Renewing an old Tuesday tradition, Swan and I took a walk out to Baloy Beach late in the afternoon.
The view on arrival at BaloyToes in the sand puts a smile on her face every time.Our objective, the Kokomo’s floating bar, is in sightA view of Kalaklan Ridge from the floater. I wound up climbing that MF’er this morning.What the hell, did a plane crash?Why do they call it pair a sailing when there is only one? (sorry!)Another gin nightI prefer beer, but you got to do what you got to doSwan asked why I never smile in our photosIs that better?You knew this was coming. Actually, it’s goingAnd now it’s goneIt’s cloud illusions I recallThe bright spot on the beach is our dinner destination–Treasure Island Resort
A nice evening on the floating bar. Not as crowded as Saturday was, but still a good crowd for a Tuesday. Certainly better than the Kokomo’s beach bar ever does.
See you next week!You win this time, SantaWith that girl what lives in my house (that’s me talkin’ Southern, y’all)A nice ambiance at TIChicken cordon bleu for SwanAnd beef enchiladas for me.
Man does not live by salad alone. I only ate one enchilada last night (350 calories) and one for lunch today. And I’m still skipping breakfast, which is a bit of a surprise; I didn’t think I had the willpower to ignore those morning hunger pangs. I’ve discovered they go away if you ignore them long enough.
Not a bad day, if I do say so myself
Meanwhile, in the kitchen:
Before it was fruit saladAnd afterThe apple pie is safely out of the oven now. Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee. Yes, I baked a frozen pie.
And I had these two beauties delivered:
Pumpkin and pecan. I am so going to blow my diet tomorrow!
And here is the result of my first time trying brine on a turkey:
Brine applied in accordance with this recipe. Swan suggested I add some garlic, and so I did.
I’ll add a butter-based glaze with additional seasonings before I pop the turkey in the oven early tomorrow morning.
Next up on my agenda is the candied yams.
The recipe calls for these ingredients: yams, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and marshmallows. I’m adding the pecans because I’m nuts.
I’ve decided to wait until after the turkey is cooked tomorrow to make the yams. Reheating them seems fraught with peril.
Swan is still busy in the kitchen making a green bean casserole, roast potatoes, and a small ham. We’ve also got roast chicken, dressing, and mashed potatoes with gravy on the menu. Some of our guests will be bringing their favorite sides, so no one is going home hungry. We’ve also purchased some “take out” containers so we can send everyone home with leftovers. I’m only going to cheat one day!
Oh, and the old banner didn’t survive the rainy season, so this new one will be there to greet our guests at the Rite Spot tomorrow:
We’ve enlisted Swan’s sister, Chloe, to manage the assembly line bagging the candies for Sunday’s Candy Walk.
Spreading the joy
Today’s YouTube video discusses hiring a “tour guide with benefits” when visiting the Philippines. Those days are over for me, but as a tourist coming from Korea back in the day, I took this route, and for the most part, it worked well. My mistake was falling in love with my regular guide (Loraine), and that didn’t end well for me. Live and learn.
Today’s dose of humor:
My sleep score has been higher than normal lately, but I’m having some bizarre dreams.You are Royally screwed
And it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if I didn’t post this old gem:
I see, the blind man said as he picked up the hammer and saw.
Okay, my work here is done now. I’m going to shower up and head into town for some Thanksgiving Eve revelry. Tell you about the Wednesday Walkers and my night out tomorrow. I hope you’ll be Thankful for that!
Damn, it’s been awhile since I’ve heard from Sawyer Brown. Still love this classic:
I didn’t really have a plan, but things still didn’t go the way I anticipated for yesterday’s Hash. The first decision I made was to walk to the Hash starting point from my house via the My Bitch trail. Swan and another Hasher, Fuck Buddy’s Wet Spot, joined me on the trek to the start. I gave myself an hour to get here, and that proved to be just shy of enough. While hiking on My Bitch we encountered the official Hash trail at Four Corners. Of course, it was going in the opposite direction, but I figured I’d just follow the trail in reverse until I got to the start. Except when I saw the trail made a turn and was going the same way that last week’s Hash took, I decided fuck that and kept going on the Bitch to Rizal Extension and then down from there to the start at Court Two. This caused me to arrive at the start three minutes late, and everyone was already gone. Well, I could have followed the marks and done the Hare’s trail, but instead, I chose to make my own path on the streets back to the On-Home at Red Bar. Based on the feedback I heard from other Hashers, that proved to be my best decision of the day. The trail had a long and nasty climb to Kalaklan, some of it in a creekbed, and was poorly marked in places, with even experienced Hashers losing the trail. Nope, not for me. We have the same Hare next week, so I have low expectations. Anyway, here are some photos from along my way.
Only one Bitch here, ladies!The Easter Mountain viewCookies and lollipops for Mountain Mama OneliaSee you on Thursday!The view from here. That’s a big burn going up on the mountain.Still following my leadWhen we arrived at the start, no one else was here. That’s what happens when you are three minutes late.So we became street walkersAnd after making a long loop, caught up with the official trail again near the On-Home venue.Almost thereWe have arrived!Who am I to argue?Circle up!And look who got the Hashit this week. (She didn’t sit on the ice because her Aunt Flo from Redlands is visiting)That’s the first time for Cums Alone. Next week, she’ll have the honor of passing the Hashit on.
Then, there was the after-Hash gathering at IDM.
Looks like everyone is having fun.
I was hungry, and the IDM menu offerings didn’t have many low-cal options, so I went with this:
Lemon chicken nuggets. They were quite good, but I only ate half of them to keep the calorie count downmake room for more beer.
So, the stats for my chosen path look like this:
It’s slow going in places on the BitchSorry for the crappy map, for some reason the type I like wouldn’t load.And here is the nightmare I avoided. No regrets!
The Hash is known as a drinking club with a running problem, so I try to honor the tradition. Also, I want to get more than my money’s worth. It was close, but I managed to stay under the daily calorie budget:
The “snacks” were ten San Mig Zeros
And now, it’s time to look back in time:
Ten years ago, I quit smoking for good. And took up vaping. That got me through the transition. I’ve been vape-free for the past couple of years.Seven years ago, my friends Wan Jun and Becky came down from Seoul for a weekend visit to Pyeongtaek. They are still living a happy life together.
And today, Facebook slapped me with the memory of falling in love three years ago. This hiking date in San Antonio convinced me I had found “the one.” There are many photos of us snuggling up, but she has previously asked me not to post her pictures here, and I mostly try to respect her wishes. It was a great day on the mountain; I’ll never forget what might have been. Of course, things turned out alright for me when I met Swan two years later.
The trail began with these stepsAnd this admonishmentWhat the scenery was likeGood advice. But she quit on me a few months later.And there she goes
So, yesterday’s YouTube got a positive reaction from one reader (he even shared it on his blog). Glad you enjoyed it, Kevin. I honestly didn’t know much about the jokester Mikey Bustos, but it turns out he is Filipino-Canadian and is pretty famous in North America. I’m going to be checking out some of his other work, but in the meantime, here’s his parody take on if Michael Jackson was Filipino:
Here’s some motionless humor:
It’s not the meat, it’s the motionOne of my all-time favorites. An amazing man.Finished my Thanksgiving shopping today. Bought some extra foil to dress the turkey.
Later, I’ll be re-instating my Tuesday tradition of visiting the Kokomo’s floating bar. Hard to beat sipping a cold beverage on the water and watching the sun go down. Tell you all about it tomorrow.
Another Sunday Funday. I dropped some coin but dispelled the myth that money can’t buy happiness. We were happy putting smiles on the faces of over 200 children during our weekly Candy Walk, that’s for sure.
All our bags are packed, we’re ready to go…The path to San Isidro is thick with grassOur first stop is always a happy oneEntering the village of Marian HillsWhere are all the kids today?Ah, here they areInstalling a solar light in a tree. That ought to brighten things up!The house on a hillWaiting patiently for our arrivalOver Bridge #3Come and get it!The Easter Mountain shotBesiegedAnd here come lots moreA 5K morning of sweetness
But I wasn’t done spending money on Joy.
This week’s food for the Hideaway feedingJoy feeding
And then it was time to purchase some happiness for me and my girl.
John’s gone, but the view remainsLife goes onA pleasing bowl of bulgogi for my dinner
We had our nightcap at Green Room, and the largesse continued. Four of the girls received lady drinks, and everyone else received lollipops. Another gin and soda night, and I am starting to learn my non-beer boundaries. Whether that will stop me remains to be seen.
The last time we called our “regular” trike driver, he failed to show up as scheduled. So, we agreed we’d not bother calling him and just went to grab a ride at the trike stand. As fate would have it, our regular guy was first in line. A happy ending to the night for all!
Skipping breakfast does help with staying on the calorie budget. I skipped again this morning but was hungry, so I had an early lunch. (I woke at 5:30 and ate my first food at 9:30)
Twelve years ago, I was immersed in the best times of my Korea life.
Darts and friendships made for happy memories.
Let’s have some fun with today’s YouTube video. For some reason, I thought of this one during my visit to Hideaway Bar. I requested it be played on the big-screen TV, and everyone had a good laugh—especially the Filipinas.
That’s a good lead-in to more funny shit:
That outta workWe don’t have cougars in the PI–all the white men are too old.Talk about a fingerbang!
Hash Monday has arrived once more. Sadly, the trail start is midway up Rizal Extension, making it a pain in the ass to get to. I have no idea where the trail goes from there, but the Hare isn’t one of my favorites, so I have low expectations. My plan is to hike the My Bitch trail from my house, then down Rizal Ext from there. Once I arrive at the start, I’ll decide whether to do the Hare’s trail or find my own way to the On-Home at Red Bar. Check back tomorrow to see how that works out for me.
Another Saturday has come and gone. We did another hike to the Subic marketplace to stock up on sweets for the upcoming Candy Walk. Nothing special about that anymore. The highlight was visiting the Kokomo’s floating bar on Baloy Beach for this season’s grand re-opening. We followed that event with dinner at Treasure Island and enjoyed listening to a band called Star Network for the first time. All in all, a good day.
The walk to the market is so routine as to be boring, so I wasn’t motivated to take many photos. But I can’t resist those funeral banners for some reason:
Romeo was seven years younger than me when he passed. Sorry to Juliet for her loss.Thelma was four years older. Hope Louise is okay.Mission accomplished—only fifty bucks for this week’s candy supply.The 7.5K route we took to the market
Next up, a walk to the beach!
Saturday on the beachHere comes our rideIt was nice to be back on the water againI remember you!This was by far the busiest I’ve ever seen the floater.Looking up the beachAnd looking down the beachI baked a batch of welcome-back brownies for the brown kneesAnd then it was that time of daySee you next timeThe lights come on……as darkness falls
It was good to enjoy some time on the water again. I assume it was so crowded because it was opening night and also Saturday night. Lots of big spenders were on board, plying the staff with lady drinks. Several of the gals were stumbling around drunk. It was a bit different vibe, but Tuesdays were always my Kokomo’s day, and I expect things will feel more like normal next week.
Then it was dinner time. TI has live music every Saturday, but on previous visits, it was the Engine band playing. Last night’s group featured three female singers and a different sound. I enjoyed hearing them play, which is not always the case with bar bands.
Tuning into Star NetworkAnd the lead guitar player was awesome.It was my gin and soda night, and I sipped my last one (#5) with dinner.I enjoyed my low-calorie chicken breast selection very much.
A trike ride home and some sugar-free pudding to end the evening. Speaking of sugar-free, my order of sugar-free sugar was delivered yesterday:
Swan wants to use it for her cheesecake recipe. We’ll see how that works out.Yesterday was one of my better days, diet-wise. Makes up for my overindulgence on Friday. Skipping breakfast isn’t something I thought I could do because I usually wake up hungry. And now I’ve managed to do so two days in a row!
Some memories:
Eight years ago was the last time I prepared a Thanksgiving feast at home. Had my nephew Justin, a co-worker, and some of the Shenanigans bar staff over to join me. Good times!Seven years ago, I was living the Camp Humphreys lifestyle in Pyeongtaek.Two years ago, I shared a Thanksgiving meal with some friends at Papagayo Resort. Sadly, Bob, the guy on the rightwith the tattoos, died in a motorcycle accident a few months later.
Today’s YouTube video is from a guy I’d never seen before. So many of my fellow expats seem clueless. We all have to find our way in life, and sometimes, that’s the hard way.
How about a taste of some nasty humor today?
You should hear her after a beer!What an asshole!You are what you eat.
Soon, I will be heading out for my usual Sunday routine. I’ll start by feeding the Hideaway girls, and then I’ll have a Sunday dinner with Swan. This was posted on Facebook:
John’s place, minus John, is still going, and as long as it is, I’ll dine there to honor his memory.
The Friday hiking group tackled Black Rock yesterday. The getting up part isn’t so bad, but the coming down can be a bitch. That was the case with yesterday’s descent. It’s always steep and rocky, but add in patches of slick and slippery, and it can be a real pain in the ass. Literally. We all made it down safe and sound, and the remainder of the trek was mostly pleasant–except for a creek crossing and the portion on the highway. But that’s all part of the adventure, I suppose.
Heading out up the highwaySeven brave souls for the journey this weekHeading up through this hillside villageA brief woodsy interludeBack on the pavementAnd then the climb to Black Rock commencesAlmost to the topThe summit of our accomplishmentA view of Barretto and the Kalaklan RidgeCalapacuan and Subic BayThat’s Alta Vista on the hill across the valleyA zoom shot of my house (on the right) from atop Black RockAnd a zoom of Black Rock from my houseStop, you’re killing me!Our next destinationThis was the easy part of the downThis not so muchSometimes discretion is the better part of valorWatch your step!The end of the downThat’s more like itYes, someone lives there. He gave us a friendly greeting as we passed by.A creek crossing ahead. A couple of the guys were able to jump it. A couple of others tried and failed. I just waded across.Taking time to smell the flowersA balloon vendor. That’s something you don’t see every day.Looking up to where we were looking downMinistry of Lectors? Sounds rather cannibalistic to me. Finishing up back on the highway8K, including a climb. Not bad for an old fucker.
The afternoon adventure was attending the SOB dance competition held this week at La Oficina. I do not visit this bar often; in fact, the last time I was there was several months ago, also for an SOB. I arrived a little before the 5 p.m. opening but was allowed to come in, sit down, and order a beer. It always amazes me when the waitress remembers my name in a place I almost never frequent, but mine did. I secured two seats as Swan would be joining me when the show started at six. I entertained myself by watching the La Oficina dancers practice their routines. Not long after five, another customer came in and asked that the four seats next to mine be reserved for him and his friends. The waitress did so, and he departed.
As time went on, the bar rapidly began filling up with SOB attendees. One guy came to sit in the previously reserved but still empty seats and went ballistic when told he couldn’t do so. He screamed at the bar manager, then yelled at Daddy Dave, who runs the SOB, before storming out. I don’t think he got a refund. Shortly thereafter, the four guys came and filled the seats. By the time the show started, there wasn’t an empty seat in the house.
The SOB format includes free local drinks during show hours between six and eight, which are included in the 700 peso price of admission. I take it as a challenge to consume my money’s worth. When Swan arrived, she ordered her usual glass of red wine. When the waitress brought the wine, she said, “That will be 150 pesos.” Swan told her drinks were supposed to be free, and the waitress responded that wine isn’t considered a “local drink.” Swan told her to take it back then. A bit later, the waitress returned looking glum and said that the glass of wine was being deducted from her salary. Shit. I know that would be at least half of her daily pay, so I had her bring the wine back, and I paid for it. I complained (civilly) to Daddy Dave. He went and spoke with the manager, and then the manager came to me and said the next wine would be free. When Swan was ready for a second glass, she told the waitress what the manager had said. When the waitress returned empty-handed, she told Swan it was still not allowed. Apparently, the so-called manager has no real authority in the bar. I offered to pay the difference between the local drink and wine prices, but that wasn’t acceptable either. I shrugged and told her, okay, so you are losing my future business over fifty pesos. Swan got a Gatorade instead. Fuck you, La Oficina. We won’t be back, even for an SOB.
We stopped in downstairs at Wet Spot for a bit of the SOB Aftermath. My raffle ticket wasn’t drawn in the first round, and I’d had more than enough beers, so we grabbed a trike for home.
I had eaten a few chicken fingers during the SOB and was surprised to later see how many calories that cost me. But the real culprit in my missing my calorie goal yesterday was the twelve San Mig Zeros I downed during the evening.
Oh, well. I skipped breakfast this morning to make up for the deficit.You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I’ll make it a gin and soda night next time.
So, how about some memories from the good ol’ days in Korea:
I was steppin’ it up seven years ago.And I didn’t let a little snow stop meHmm, what’s that alien spacecraft-looking thing in the distance?Ah, a Twosome Place coffee house with a view!I was a lonesome onesome guy back then, but I went up for a coffee and the view before continuing my long-ass walk.
Damn, I hope I can recapture some of those glory days in my walking life. Maybe I should just be glad I’m still walking at all. I saw today on Facebook that an old dart buddy in South Carolina died yesterday. He was only 53 and succumbed to cancer. RIP Dennis.
Today’s YouTube vlogger tells us about the five things he doesn’t like about life in the Philippines. Yeah, there are some frustrations that come with the territory, but here we are, and here we will remain.
Humor me this:
Life’s a gasYeah, FAFO.Hope you enjoyed your visit to the Philippines, Gandalf!
The big news today is that the Kokomo’s floating bar is now open. So, I’ll be headed out to Baloy Beach with some “welcome back” brownies for the crew. I’ll share some pictures of the event here tomorrow—maybe even a sunset!
I challenged myself yesterday, something I rarely do anymore. Lately, an 8K walk is long for me and pretty much maxes me out. That notorious distance walker, Kevin Kim, recently posted he was going to test an injured foot with a “short” 10K hike. Hmm. Well, that inspired me to take a “short” walk and see how it feels. My goal was 10K, but I picked a route where I could easily bail if need be after 7K. I was in for quite a surprise. Once I hit the 10K target, I just kept on going to see how far these tired old legs could carry me. I finally said “enough” when I hit 13.5K and was standing in front of a trike stand. So, that was a long walk for this version of me, but as the memory photos I posted yesterday show, it was far from a record performance. My longest walk ever was back in December 2017, when I managed 38K (50,000 steps). At the time, I called that achievement a once-in-a-lifetime event, and that is likely the case. Here’s the post I wrote about the adventure. And seeing all those photos from my Pyeongtaek neighborhood really made me miss a life I never fully appreciated. Anyway, I’m motivated to push myself and see just how much I have left in me. My fantasy is to do a 29K walk to Mope Resort in San Narciso. I almost made it halfway there yesterday. We’ll see what the future brings.
Here’s some of what I saw along the way during yesterday’s long trek:
The home I left behind at the beginning of my journeyLeaving the ‘hood through the backdoorInto the flatlandsOn a street in San IsidroThe view at 1.6K. Yep, that’s rice drying directly on the pavement.What I call Naugsol FallsA Naugsol valley viewOver the Matain RiverAt 3.2K I was entering the village of NaugsolI don’t know why this sign at a small shop on the road in Naugsol caught my eye, but it gave me a chuckle. “Ukay” is the word for used clothing. Manage your expectations, indeed!The backside of Easter Mountain4.8K found me on this lonely stretch of roadway.On the river that runs through Mangan-VacaStill on the riverside at 6.4KOver the river, I goA Mangan-Vaca street sceneWaltermart is where I usually catch a Jeepney back to Barretto after this hike. Onward!Checking my spelling and hyphenation. Got it right this time!I was strolling down the National Highway in Subic town at 8KThe decorated barangay hall in SubicA fully loaded JeepneyYou were destined to live a L. Ong life, Antonio. I’m hoping for more than 79 years. 9.6K on the highway in CalapandayanBrown people can drive too, you know.Retreating from the highway onto the market street in CalapacuanNo cars! My kinda road.Trading lollipops for smiles11.2K took me to the backstreets of CalapacuanThrough this narrow passageBack on the National Highway in Matain at 12.8KWhat I look like in a trike after a 13.5K walk. I was oozing light.The “short” hike I’ve been longing for. If I’d walked the rest of the way home, I’d have hit 15K. Next time, perhaps.
Anyway, I was tired and a little sore when I got home. Swan made me a lunch of shrimp and asparagus that I very much enjoyed.
I was halfway done before I remembered to take a photo.
After a shower, a nap, and a blog post, it was time to hit the road again. First stop: the Angel’s Touch Salon for a foot spa.
My feet deserved some kindness after what I’d put them throughSwan enjoyed her treatment, too.
I also got a haircut while there. When we left, I was hungry, so we made Myleen’s our dinner destination.
I couldn’t find any low-carb options, so I went with the chicken enchiladas, but I only ate half of them.
Did our nightcap at Green Room. On the way in, we saw the Hash Grandmaster and his gal at Sloppy Joe’s. They joined us in GR later. It was a nice night out and a good day full of what passes for adventure in my life.
The tally for the day after steppin’ things up a notchCalories in, calories out. Came in under my daily goal and burned more than usual.
Speaking of which, today is the weekly weigh-in. How’d I do?
This week’s weight: 246.6
Last week’s weight: 250.2
Weight loss: 3.6 pounds
Weight on November 1: 267.1
Overall reduction: 20.5 pounds
No reduction this week in my belly circumference (49″). My waist is down 1/2 inch to 43.5.
I’ve just got to keep on keepin’ on. I’ll reach my goal or die trying!
Things Facebook reminded me to remember today:
Four years ago, I enjoyed some pecan pie a la mode. That’s an indulgence I can no longer afford. But I’ll give thanks next Thursday for pumpkin pie!Eight years ago, I purchased this book from my friend Choonae Kim, the author.She’s just back from another Cuba tour—sweet woman, by a socialist through and through.
Today’s YouTube video is about people even dumber than I am.
Probably better to laugh at stuff like this:
Sounds racistThat’s something I’m trying. Swan doesn’t seem to appreciate it, though.He’s got a point.
Alright, then. Gonna do the SOB tonight at La Oficina. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.
This week, the mission of the Wednesday Walkers group was to find the portion of the Hash trail I missed on Monday and hike the bastard. My plan was to start at the finish and walk the trail backward. Ed, who hadn’t missed the turn, advised against this, saying it was a steep and long down that would not be much fun to climb. I didn’t argue the point, and after hiking it myself, I was thankful we had followed his wise advice. We weren’t ready to stop once we’d hit bottom, so I led the group on a path I had recently discovered. We finished the hike with a little over 6K behind us, and then some of the group did a bit of R&R at The Rite Spot. It was a good morning on trail!
This week’s edition of the Wednesday WalkersHeading for the hillsA pause to refresh at Four CornersInto the grass we goThankfully, it was a brief interludeThat’s betterThe Easter Mountain viewThe turn I missed. I can’t blame it on the lack of trail marks.In my defense, I’d never come down this way before and didn’t know there was even a trail here.The view from hereMuch better going down than climbing upAt the bottomBack in the familiar territory of Marian HillsNow, it was my turn to show the group a new path.This is the route I discovered when the temporary bridge was gone, and I wanted to avoid wading the river or retreating the way I’d come.Goat block aheadThrough a field of yellow flowersStanding proudly upright, even in deathEd didn’t realize he’d lost a sunglass lens until I pointed it outThe final climb up to my streetGuests at The Rite SpotA Rite Spot viewThe route we walked
When it was time to head into town for some evening entertainment, we kicked things off at It Doesn’t Matter. I was thinking we’d have some liquid refreshments, then head over to Myleen’s for dinner. Oddly enough, when the dinner hour arrived, neither of us felt particularly hungry. So, instead, we paid a visit to Alaska Club. The place was pretty busy with a pool tourney in progress and several other customers. One was a big spender who called all the dancers down from the stage for lady drinks—saved me from my usual fifty peso tip per dancer, so thanks for that! We treated our waitress and the new mamasan (someone Swan knew from years ago) to a lady drink, and I had cookies and lollipops for the other gals. One unique aspect of the Alaska Club experience is they provide a free bowl of freshly popped popcorn at the table. We all snacked on that until it was time to go home, and I was able to successfully skip dinner calories. I did enjoy my pudding dessert, though.
My best day of dieting so far
And now for a stroll down memory lane:
I don’t believe I’ve topped that step count since this day four years ago.This from six years ago remains my unbroken record for steps in the Philippines. I wasn’t sure how I managed that, so I checked the blog archives and saw that I had done a three-hour hike that day with the now-defunct Sausage Walkers.
These two memories are significant based on something that happened today. But that’s a story for tomorrow!
And seven years ago, back when my life had purpose and meaning, I was doing this:
The SOFA negotiations between the US and Korean governmentsWhat’s that say?I represented the Americans dealing with issues related to our Korean workforce at USFK.
It was cold that morning, too:
What a dripping faucet does below freezing.
Good times!
Today’s YouTube video is a little different. It talks about why, after three hundred years of Spanish rule, the Spanish language never took root in the way English did after the Americans took over. It’s less than five minutes long, but it explains something I’ve wondered about since moving here. Spanish is my second language (well, I passed the required courses in college), but it is as useless here as my limited Korean vocabulary. Actually, because of the love of K-dramas/K-pop and the influx of Korean tourists, my “kamsamnida” is recognized more often than a “muchas gracias” is. Oh well, I’ve learned to say “salamat” as well.
And now for some humor:
I guess the jokes on meThey actually have a word in Tagalog for when Filipinas give you the silent treatment: “tampo”Sounds right!
I’m going to take Swan along for a foot spa and a haircut (for me). We’ll have dinner at Myleen’s, and then we’ll see where the beverages are flowing. Come back tomorrow for a report on my solo walk this morning.
I’ll get to that. But let’s start from the beginning, shall we? It wasn’t a bad day for a Tuesday.
Shopping day at Royal. Christmas carols playing and some pretty impressive decorations.
But I’m still thinking of that other holiday…the one we Yanks call Thanksgiving. And I impulsively decided to prepare a feast at home this year.
I bought this frozen 11-pound bird for “only” fifty bucks
I also bought the fixin’s to make candied yams and my Aunt Pat’s recipe fruit salad. I’ll pick up some additional things next week after I’ve finalized the menu planning. It has been over a decade since I prepared a Thanksgiving dinner. Looking forward to it.
My box freezer died, so on the way back from Royal we stopped at the Savers appliance store. I decided a big side-by-side fridge/freezer was a better option than replacing the box-style freezer, and this big beauty was on sale:
Hopefully, that’s seven hundred bucks well spent.
I didn’t use to walk on Tuesdays, but every step counts in my quest to lose weight, so for the second week in a row, I strolled through the neighborhood.
Just a little over 3K, but better than nothing.A warm walk under beautiful skies
We spent our Tuesday evening on Baloy Beach.
We weren’t far from the house when I realized I’d forgotten to bring my phone. Swan waited while I went back and fetched it. This event would become slightly more significant when we returned home after our night out.Swan is happiest with her toes in the sandA nice longish walk on the beachAnd then we arrived at Kokomo’s
No other customers this time, and none of that cursed videoke crap.
We pulled up a seat at the bar and took in the viewYep, the sun was going down in a blaze of gloryIt never gets old for me.It was a gin and soda night for me
So, the bar staff invited me to plug into the Bluetooth speaker and play whatever I liked from my Spotify app. The music was extra special last night! I caught myself singing along with some of my old favorites and noted the hypocrisy of my karaoke complaints. It’s okay when I do it!
Thank you for your service, have a lady drinkGood times!
When it was time for some grub, we took a beach walk back to Treasure Island. I was getting a little tired of ignoring my favorite dishes and settling on salad instead. So, I perused the menu and checked the ‘net for calorie content. I found one item I rarely eat, but it seemed like a bargain at 325 calories.
So I enjoyed me some chicken parmigiana. I gave the fries away.
During our Treasure Island visit, our neighbor Mike came by and joined us at the bar (he ate my fries). We attended the same high school, so we share the commonality of a Westminster, California upbringing. I invited him to join us for the Thanksgiving feast I’m plotting. When it was time to go home, we had a comfortable ride in his automobile.
Once inside the house, I set about making a batch of sugar-free pudding for my dessert. And that’s when Swan discovered the keys to the bedroom were missing and the door was locked.
I always lock the door when we leave the house as an added layer of security for my laptop and hidden-away cash reserves. I always leave the key in a cup on the kitchen counter. Swan emptied the cup, but there were no keys to be found.
I had unlocked the door when I returned for my phone and locked it again when I left. It didn’t make sense that I wouldn’t leave the keys in the usual place, but maybe in my rush, I left them in the room. Now what? We grabbed a hammer and screwdriver and thought about breaking the lock, but we didn’t really have a clue about how to proceed with doing that. Swan then said she would borrow the neighbor’s ladder and climb in through a bedroom window. Nope, that was way too risky for my thinking (and I’m way too big to crawl through a window to do it myself). So, we fetched my part-time helper’s boyfriend up from the basement. The new plan was for him to climb the ladder to the bedroom patio and then cut through the screen door to unlock it from the outside. Let’s do it!
That’s the view from the patio looking down to the ground. Not much margin for error.The torn screen is evidence that our plan worked!
Once inside the newly unlocked bedroom, the keys were nowhere to be found. Had I put them in my pocket and then lost them somewhere on the beach? The mystery was solved when my helper Teri returned home. She had gone into the bedroom to finish cleaning after we had left and then taken the door keys with her by mistake. Thanks for that, Teri. Well, I now carry a bedroom key on my keychain, so an event like this will never reoccur.
And I also just realized that I have posted online a method for breaking into my house for the world to see. Oh, well, I’ll take my chances.
Progress continues…
In other news, today was the viewing of John Kim’s body before his burial tomorrow. I didn’t attend because I prefer to remember people as they were, not their dead bodies.
I didn’t know he was only fifty-eight. Way too young to go.
Today’s YouTube video tells the story of a guy who got caught with a married woman. I guess I’m in no position to judge. Swan has never been married. I think this guy goes too far in his criticism of dating married women. Many have been abandoned. I met one whose “husband” was working overseas and had started a new family there. But divorce is not legal in the Philippines, so she was stuck. Anyway, unless the spouse files a complaint, you can’t be charged with adultery. So, be aware and do what works for you.
Alright, how about these?
Like me trying to have a conversation with my driver…I wonder if his job is blocking searches that have conservative viewpoints in the results?If at first you don’t succeed, fry, fry again.
Nothing specific in my plans for tonight, but it is likely to involve bars and alcohol. We shall see.
Yesterday’s Hash was a pleasant one, at least, the part of the trail I did was. My intended shortcut was walking up Rizal Extension to avoid the Kalaklan climb and then pick up the trail where it came back down. That went fine. We did the second climb, and it intersected with the My Bitch trail at Mountain Mama Onelia’s place. I must have gotten distracted and missed the turn that went back down into Marian Hills. Instead, I continued on the Bitch back to Alta Vista and the On-Home at Hare Leech My Nuggets house. So, my chosen path was not quite 4K. I enjoyed it, though, and that’s what’s important.
Before departing for the Hash run, Swan served me some lunch.
“What kind of low-calorie delight do you have for me today, dear?”Beef and broccoli stir-fry. Not bad, not bad at all.
Alright, now I’m ready to Hash!
Gathering at the trailhead. Leech My Nuggets called the the short version “the cripple trail” and invited all like-minded cripples to follow me.The cripples are On-On!About a kilometer up the road we re-joined the official Hash trailProud to be a crippleSteppin’ on upNot too steep and not too hard. Just the way I like it!A stroll through the woodsA tree-Trump (it leans right)Nature’s staircase made of rootsIn the distance is the ridgeline we chose not to climbNearing the end of our upward trekA Swan sightingOnward we marchApproaching Mama Onelia’s place. That turkey looks ready for Thanksgiving.A shot of our group with OneliaAnd lo and behold, here comes another group of shortcutters. They weren’t at the trailhead.A group shot before going our separate ways.It turns out they took the turn I missed and followed the Hare’s trail the rest of the way. We should have stayed together, but I thought I was on the right path.Easter Mountain in the hazeThe thatch grass was over our headsWatch your step!The final push up and into Alta Vista.Lost and his mate, And Found, did the whole trail and were the last to arrive (and pay). This was their reward.All the Gash were invited to sit on the ice because the Filipina candidate for Miss Universe failed to win the pageant.And a virgin Hasher was defloweredThe Hare’s trail in orange, and the blue line is the cripple routeCripple’s walked this way
Since we were already in Alta Vista, we opted not to venture out to IDM for the after-Hash gathering. After all, I’m counting calories and I had already enjoyed nine beers for my 300 peso Hash fee.
It looks like I made the right call, stopping when I did.
Eight years ago, I was enjoying the colors of autumn in Korea:
I do sometimes miss the four seasons
Today’s YouTube video vlogger shares his ten biggest fears about living in the Philippines. I agree with his #1 fear of going to jail, which would be a death sentence for me. The others, not so much. I don’t ride a motorbike or drive here, which perhaps was a decision driven by fear, but now I don’t have to worry. I never think about a potential house fire, but maybe I should. A kitchen fire could block escape from my bedroom, forcing me to jump off my patio. That fall would probably kill me (or make me wish I was dead). I don’t worry about crime and rarely feel unsafe. I’m safer from crime here (at least in this part of the PI) than I would be in the USA. I don’t fear bad relationships; I’ve lived them my whole life. Hopefully, Swan will put an end to that. I’m not sure how you can feel lonely in this country–even when I was alone, I always had friends with benefits available. My only money worries are if the USA went bankrupt and stopped paying my pension. The weather is what it is; I don’t waste time fearing it. I’ve sometimes wondered about a Pinatubo volcano eruption, but with any advance notice, I’d just relocate. Yeah, competent medical treatment availability is a legitimate concern, but I’m not going to dwell on it. So far the care I’ve needed has been adequately provided. And finally, as far as I’m concerned, there is no better place to be for assistance in your old age. I’ve often thought of Barretto as a retirement community. And I have a full-time caregiver working for me. Swan is also a certified caregiver. I’m in good hands in that regard.
To the humor, then:
I’m picking up good vibrationsOuch! I’ve used that “sit on my lap” line many times. Thankfully, no gal has made that witty comeback. Yet.Now, there’s a fight I’d like to see!
Here I am, smack dab in the middle of another nothing Tuesday. We’ll see if we can liven things up with a stroll to Baloy Beach later this afternoon. Hope to see you here tomorrow for a full report.
And here I was missing The Four Seasons. Never seen this video before, but damn, that’s pretty wild for 1962. I wonder what she looks like now?
You live until you die and make the best of the time you have. Well, at least you fill the hours, however comfortably and well. I’ve got my routines, and they wouldn’t be routines if I didn’t enjoy them. Perhaps it appears that I am wasting the gift of life, but I’m exercising the right to choose my path unless and until I choose a different one. I guess the recent passing of John Kim triggered these moments of self-reflection. Of course, there is no resolution until the final one that death brings. In the meantime, all we can do is keep moving forward and hope for the best. Way back in those wild and wooly 1970s, I was a big fan and reader of what we called “underground comics.” R. Crumb was one of my favorites. He answered the age-old question of the meaning of life in a way I’ve never forgotten:
Good to know (and remember)!
So, I just had a little adventure as I searched for that comic cover above. One of the images in the search result included a link to an old post here at Long Time Gone:
Wow! That was a first. I’m practically famous!
That link referred to this post from 2010, in which I was doing a similar navel-gazing session. All these years later, here I am, reaching the same conclusion–it don’t mean shit!
On with it, then. My Sunday morning featured the Candy Walk with Swan. Pretty much the same as always, although we carried additional treats this time and serviced a record-setting 250 children. Hmm, maybe “serviced” is the wrong word, but you know what I mean.
There she goes againThe additional candy volume required me to carry a bag and a full backpackThe walk of lifeAnd so it beginsThe Marian Hills groupMore regularsSpecial deliveryThe most popular gal in town. At least on Sunday morning.Crossing the river on Bridge #3An Easter Mountain Sunday shotMuddy roads won’t stop her from her missionCome and get it!5.5 kilometers of sweetness
Typhoon Pepito thankfully proved to be a dud, at least in this neck of the woods. There was a heavy downpour in the afternoon, and that was about it. Nothing I couldn’t resolve by carrying an umbrella when I headed out to Hideaway for the feeding.
Hideaway is decorated for Santa (not me, the other one)The staff was happy with their gift of food. And lady drinks.Down the hatch!
And then, it was time to pay my first visit to John’s place without John being present in this world. I felt the sad vibe that permeated the restaurant when I walked through the door. A “remembrance” with lighted candles and this photo of John was positioned on the counter near where he used to sit in his recliner:
It was sad being there without him
John’s wife, Lin, was not around, which is understandable. John’s memorial service is scheduled for Wednesday in Olongapo. I was hoping to ask Lin whether she needed any assistance, but there was a donation jar set up, so I was able to contribute.
I don’t know how things will be going forward for the restaurant. Rent has to be expensive for two floors on the National Highway. Perhaps a smaller venue can be found to save money. Some potential warning signs that John’s absence doesn’t bode well for the future included being out of gin and discovering that the Korean-style chicken wings I’ve always enjoyed were “unavailable.” Anyway, I understand the focus for now is on mourning, and I’m withholding any judgment and hoping for the best possible outcome.
Swan had the crunchy chicken wingsAnd I did the tenderloin steak, which was delicious as usual. I gave the fries to Swan, of course.
We did our nightcap at the Green Room and had a pleasant enough time. Then, it was home to my sugar-free pudding, and then off to bed.
And I managed to stay under my calorie cap
And now, some memories. I participated in the ill-fated Hash run in San Antonio five years ago.
The last picture I took on the Hash trail that dayThe next thing I knew, we were being captured by the Philippine Navy.After two hours of confinement, our captors decided to set us free. We had mugshots taken and were required to sign a statement that we had not been mistreated.
The area where we were accused of trespassing had no fences or keep-out signs. I wrote about the experience here.
Today’s YouTube video features Reekay advising folks to “keep it simple.” I agree, and as regular readers know, it doesn’t get much simpler than the life I’m living. I also go out of my way to avoid drama. That’s the sweetest part of my relationship with Swan; she doesn’t play those games.
And now those funny things:
I’ve done enough river crossings on my hikes to attest to the truthfulness of this statementYou can’t save those who don’t want to be savedJust follow the Hash trail markings
Speaking of the Hash, it’s that day again. Leech My Nuggets is the Hare, and he is known for both his well-marked trails and their difficulty. I am sure today will not be an exception because I’ve seen the map. I’ve already pre-planned my shortcut! I’ll let you know how that works out for me tomorrow.
And the wheel in the sky keeps on turning. Here’s a look back at yesterday.
The Saturday morning walk with Swan has evolved into another candy-giving excursion. That’s fine by me, but I’m hoping to avoid duplicating the Sunday format, where we walk the same route each week. I mean, it’s nice having the kids waiting for our arrival expectantly, but there is also the pressure of not disappointing them should we desire a change of scenery. So, when we do a Saturday candy walk, we’ll change the location week-to-week. Yesterday’s version took us through four nearby neighborhoods. I had a couple more in mind, but the candy ran out. We’ll try to carry more stock next week.
Let’s roll!Leaving Alta Vista via this footpath to a small village at the top of the hillNeighborhood #1Candy is dandySpreading some sweetnessBe it ever so humbleStairs back down to the highwayAnd on to neighborhood #2Come and get itBack on the highway and look who we ran into…nice to see you again, Mama! Entering neighborhood #3A schoolmate of Swan’s lives hereThe Matain neighborhood was our next walk-through.Dogs on a wallKids in the waterThese two kids were making a pretend snack using mud and water. We were happy to provide the real thing.Another funeral banner. This is the father of an acquaintance of mine. RIP.The candy ran out at just under six kilometers
When we got back home, Swan prepared a delicious salad for my lunch.
It was so good I had another one for breakfast this morning.
My plan for the evening was to surprise Swan with a visit to the Kon-Tiki beach bar at the Samba Resort. As we headed out of the neighborhood, Swan asked where we were going. I said, “Where do you want to go? ” She thought a second, then said, “How about Kon-Tiki?” Sometimes, it feels like she can read my mind!
Arriving at Samba after a 3K trike ride.In a climate like the Philippines, you build snowmen out of tires. Hey, whatever works.Kon-Tike, here we are!
It was our first visit on a Saturday, and a couple of other customers were present. We usually have the place to ourselves. I chatted a bit with the other guy at the bar, a German named Elky. He lives in Castillejos but makes occasional visits out of town when he gets bored. He’s building a house in San Narciso, one of my favorite beach towns. So, perhaps one day we will meet again.
The view from our usual seatsMe and my galWatching the sun say goodbye to those hazy skiesIt was nice seeing you againHasta la vista!I spent some time with this old friendAnd Swan was happy with her wine
We ordered fajitas for dinner:
Shrimp for SwanAnd chicken for me. In deference to my diet, I only had one tortilla. The chicken was still good without the wrap.Stray dogs enjoying some beach time
After dinner, we walked back to the highway in the dark, then caught a trike to Barretto, where we enjoyed our nightcap at Wet Spot.
Wet Spot is ready for Santa
I had good intentions to limit my beer intake to eight last night. Alas, Daddy Dave arrived and bought me a beer. How could I refuse? Later, the head waitress comped me another, and I didn’t want to be rude, so I drank it. Still, I can’t blame the beer for everything. It was that damn strawberry/blueberry smoothie at 320 calories I enjoyed when I got home that put me over the top.
I exceeded my goal slightly, but Fitbit says I burned 3600 calories, so I should be all right.
Six years ago, I was hiking with my best Buddy:
Damn, Buddy is already middle-aged
And also six years ago, I was reading poetry again for some reason. I posted this one on Facebook. Sara Teasdale is still one of my favorites.
A diamond of a morning Waked me an hour too soon; Dawn had taken in the stars And left the faint white moon. O white moon, you are lonely, It is the same with me, But we have the world to roam over, Only the lonely are free. –Sara Teasdale
Today’s YouTube video vlogger is talking about slum life and some unique facets of being poor in the Philippines. I’ve been here going on seven years now, and I’ve grown accustomed to the poverty that surrounds me. Fortunately, it is not on the scale of those big-city neighborhoods he mentions. Never seen any gang activity or violent crime around my neck of the woods. I’m certainly more comfortable here than I would be in most American cities.
And now for some humor, such as it is:
Yes, a one-hour nap early in the afternoon is part of my daily routine.That’s pretty much the extent of my engineering skillsYeah, that’s why I don’t own a car. It’s easier just to hire the driver.
And now it is Sunday—the first since John Kim’s death. Driving by his restaurant yesterday, it appeared to be open for business. My plan is to do the Hideaway feeding as usual and drop by John’s place to see what’s happening. I hope his widow can keep the place going, and I’ll continue to eat there as long as it helps. I will also inquire if she needs anything else for Wednesday’s funeral.
Another day in the life successfully completed. No complaints and no apologies. What passes as a good time for me may not seem that meaningful, but I know I’ll miss these days when they are gone. So, as we used to say back in the day, Keep On Truckin’! The irony that the name of the group that made that saying popular was Grateful Dead just hit me. Jerry Garcia died at age 53, so I’m grateful to be still alive!
The Friday hikers traveled to Castillejos and did a river walk to Balon Falls. We did this hike several months ago, so I was not disappointed to discover that what has been deemed “falls” is basically water running downhill. Still, it was a scenic and pleasant journey and we all agreed it is worth the trip a couple of times a year.
The Friday adventurersIt’s all upriver from hereLooks like a nice place to hangout. Who’s bringing the beer?Passing by a Preda Foundation home, we saw that it was laundry day, and the children were working hard in the river. I made a donation of two cookie bags and some lollipops. Maybe they should offer Preda Tours.Hmm, maybe not.That path ain’t gonna walk itselfThe first of three water crossingsTime for a climbThere’s a story in those steps…just no idea what it might be.And now to figure out how best to get to the other sideThat workedAnd soon enough, it was time cross againDoesn’t look like falls to meA rocky uphill path to traverseEventually, we reached this isolated Aeta (native) villageA tree I rather likedThis scene gave me a peaceful, easy feeling. Didn’t see any Eagles, though.Native children like cookies, tooThere are worse places to live.Starting one more long climbScattered dwellings along the wayThis photo doesn’t do them justice, but those bushes are covered in pretty yellow blossoms.A view from the topPassing through a small village on the way back downI’m not sure what religion this crucified glove representsIt felt longer than 5K but was a very pleasant hike.
When I got back home, Swan served me lunch.
A tasty ribeye with broccoli and brussel sprouts
I’m included in a Facebook Messenger group called “Usual Suspects.” It’s some of the neighborhood folks and other friends. Matt had just returned from a two-week tour of Vietnam, so a welcome home gathering was convened at Thumbstar bar. The fellas and their gals clustered around a large table (guys on one end, girls on the other, of course), and the beer and beverages flowed. We raised a glass in memory of John Kim, talked some politics, and filled the hours until it was time to depart for dinner. A consensus was reached to visit the nearby Hops and Brews, and off we went.
There was a lovely full moon last night. And yeah, the weekend traffic on the National Highway sucks. It’s definitely a game of Frogger trying to cross.We were nestled in our private Karaoke room. This photo was taken before the gals had their wine delivered. The patriarchy dictates that beer be served first!And a little bit later, as everyone satiated their thirst for alcoholic beverages.I had this small serving of pulled pork with a side of cole slaw.The Hops and Brews owner has this HUGE dog. He and Swan became good friends.
Yes, some loud karaoke broke out during our visit. I didn’t participate; perhaps I wasn’t drunk enough. When it was time to go, most of the group headed to Red Bar. I was out of calories, so we hitched a ride home with neighbor, Mike, for the usual early ending of my Friday night.
When I woke up early this morning, I saw thatthe moon had followed me home and was peeping through my bedroom window. Pervert!
For those of you following along, here is yesterday’s report card:
I just made it under budget.
Another day, and another typhoon is headed our way.
It is very late in the year for a large storm like this. It is a good thing the floating bars are not out.We had some rain this afternoon, but tomorrow is supposedly the big day. I do love the name “Pepito” for a typhoon.
And now for the memories:
Seven years ago, I was hiking in Pyeongtaek on a snowy day. Don’t see much of that these days.Six years ago, I opened one of my poetry books to the page bookmarked by this old rose. That’s a Richard Kavanaugh poem. In an interesting twist of fate, Swan enjoys reading poetry. It warms my heart to see her sitting on the couch with a book of poems in her lap. Yes, it took me long enough to find her, didn’t it?
Today’s YouTube video is more news about Pepito. Could be a wet Hash on Monday.
Let’s give ’em something to laugh about:
Nothing beats being tied upI’m not so sure about thatThat’s a shitty barber
Well, the rain stopped, at least for now. I’ll take that as a sign to escape from the house for a bit this evening. Not sure where we will go, but I’m thinking we’re overdue for a visit to Kon-Tiki. Never been there on a Saturday, so it might be interesting to see how different that vibe feels, if at all. We’ll see how it goes as I keep on truckin’ through the day…
Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me Other times I can barely see Lately it occurs to me What a long, strange trip it's been
John Kim, of John’s Sushi and Steak fame, passed away yesterday. He had been dealing with kidney failure and dialysis for the past year. Last Sunday, he suffered a stroke. Word on the street was that he had been comatose ever since, and the end came shortly after they removed him from life support. Tough way to go, but at least his suffering has ended. I’m not sure what the future holds for his restaurant, but I expect it will not survive without him at the helm.
Meanwhile, I’m inspired to continue living my life to the fullest as long as I am able. Swan was getting her driver’s license in Olongapo, so I did a long-neglected solo street stroll through the streets of Barretto. In honor of the event, I took a photo at each milestone:
One mile in, I stood in front of Barretto’s Catholic church.Two miles found me on Abra StreetThree miles took me to the narrow passageway leading to Gomez ExtensionFour miles found me taking the slummy backway into Alta VistaAnd Buddy was there to greet me when I arrived back home7.11 kilometers door-to-door…heh, my own 7-Eleven Hash trail!
I had a 3 p.m. appointment for my first chelation therapy treatment with Dr. Jo. It went fine once she found a vein willing to be poked with a needle. She said the standard is thirty-plus weekly sessions at 2000 a pop. Hey, if it keeps me alive a little longer, it is worth it. I haven’t noticed any adverse side effects thus far. I had been experiencing some body aches and foot pains during sleeping hours, but they weren’t in evidence last night. I’m not saying chelation had anything to do with that, but I hope it is more than a coincidence.
It was still early when my session with Dr. Jo was completed, but there was no point in going back home to wait for beer o’clock. My helper Teri had never visited the Central Park Reef hotel rooftop before, so that is where we started.
The rooftop bar and restaurant are decorated in the style of the 1950s. I love this ’54 Corvette! The girl is nice, too. And when was the last time you saw a jukebox?At eight stories, Central Park Reef is the tallest building in Barretto. It affords great views like this one looking towards Baloy (that peninsula is part of Baloy, and the actual beach is on the other side).The bay from hereTeri and Swan taking it all in…I hadn’t been up here in over a year, so it was nice to see again.The pool to infinityAnd Barretto Beach. That large white building at the base of Kalaklan Ridge is the hospitalwhere John died. I wondered how he was doing as I sat there, taking in the view. I had a bad feeling this would be the outcome.
We finished our glasses of wine and headed down to the beach.
Swan’s paradise. That’s the Central Park Reef Hotel in the background.
We continued the beach walk until we arrived at the Papagayo Resort and stopped in for dinner.
The view from our table at PapagayoAnd the sundown shot
So, I usually go for the enchiladas when I dine here, but I overcame my urge and explored other options, settling for a grilled chicken breast dish.
I’ve never eaten chicken breast on a stick before, but it tasted okay. I gave Swan the mashed potatoes.
That photo seems to capture my new dietary lifestyle. But fewer calories on my plate make room for more alcoholic beverages. And we made Green Room our next stop. It was my gin and soda night, and I intended to stop at five. But Daddy Dave joined us at our table and bought a round, so I ended up imbibing six for the night.
Oops! I exceeded my daily calorie goal, but not by a lot. I can and will do better!
Commenter Kevin mentioned something called “Intuitive Eating.” I joked that it reminded me of the seafood diet—I see food, and I eat it. I honestly don’t see how eating intuitively would work for me. My hybrid plan (reduce calories and burn more while making healthier low-carb menu choices) forces me to think about what goes in my mouth. Relying on my brain to tell me to eat when I feel like it is the reason I’m fat now.
Speaking of which, today is weigh-in day, and here is where things stand:
Weight on November 15: 250.2 lbs
Last week’s weight: 258.7 lbs
Weekly weight loss: 8.5 lbs
Beginning weight on November 1: 267.1
Overall weight loss: 16.9 pounds
My belly circumference is at 49″, down from 52″ on November 1. My waist remains unchanged at 44″.
I’m surprised at the pounds lost and doubt I will continue to lose weight at that rate. Still, I’m progressing and will continue working towards my goal.
To the memories courtesy of Facebook:
I posted this five years ago, and I am still working hard!One year ago, I was still suffering from pulmonary dysfunction. What made me sad when seeing this today was a comment from John Kim: “Please get a checkup before it’s too late.”
Today’s YouTube video almost brought tears to my eyes. The vlogger is from Manila and is exploring the Barretto nightlife scene. But he starts out with dinner at John’s place. You won’t be forgotten, John. I’ve never watched this guy before, but he drinks Zero and loves Barretto. We have that much in common, at least.
Let’s lighten the load with some humor:
Too soon? Well, I tried to pull this off verbally with Dr. Jo yesterday before I knew about John, not that he would care.The joke’s on you!Hmm, that’s what Swan says when I ask for dessert…
I’m skipping the SOB tonight. Instead, Swan and I will attend a gathering of the neighbors at Thumbstar Bar and take it from there. I hope to be back here tomorrow to share those stories.
I took some steps in a different direction yesterday, and this is where they led me:
Kicked things off with the Wednesday Walkers and the rare trip out to SBMA for a walk around.
This week’s fearless fourUm, if you say so…That’s the Navy supply ship I saw anchored in the bay yesterday. Don’t know if it is loading or offloading at the dockHere we are!Peace be unto youI guess I wasn’t invitedOver the river. Let’s get a closer look at those riverside dwellings in the distanceNow we have departed SBMA. The river here smells like shit, so I’m guessing the sewage from these shanties goes straight into the water.On the backstreets of Olongapo CityThe route we walked. And no, Google, that’s not where Barretto is.And not how you spell it.
When it was time for a walk on the beach, Swan and I walked to Baloy Beach. I planned to start at the new Drunken Sailor bar we visited last week. I messaged my friend Jessa and asked if they had stocked beverages other than beer, and she assured me they did. When we arrived, the waitress said, “Sorry, only beer is available.” Well, it was supposed to be my gin night, so we demurred and departed. I messaged Jessa again, and she was surprised—apparently, there was some miscommunication with the staff.
Well, there are always other options, and Swan was ready for her walk on the beach. Let’s go to Kokomo’s!
Sun in the cloudsSwan in the sandShip in the bay
When we arrived at Kokomo’s, other customers were occupying the bar area. That’s unusual–we are usually the only ones there when we visit. No problem, we could sit at one of the beachside tables. But as we prepared to do so, someone at the bar began singing in some godawful loud karaoke music. No thanks, I wasn’t going to sit and be subjected to that noise.
Now, what? Time for a different path. We continued up the beach to a place called Laharnyz. I’d been there once years ago and didn’t care much for it. I walked by lots of times since and never saw anything to change my mind. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I STILL hadn’t had an adult beverage!
Yeah, it’s a beach bar, so there’s that.The innardsAnd the outards(no offense intended, guys)
Well, I’ll be damned. The place is as dumpy as ever, but something has changed (or I have). A really friendly and laid-back vibe. Good music played at low volume. The Baloy expat scene differs from Barretto’s, so almost everyone there was a stranger, but we all got along just fine. Later, my old dart teammate Mark came in, and it was nice catching up with him. I had a great time at Laharnyz, and we will definitely be back.
When it was time to grab some grub, we walked up the beach to Treasure Island
And encountered a beach bonfire on the way.My fifth and final gin and soda of the nightChicken cordon bleu for SwanAnd a chef salad for me
Things didn’t go the way we planned, but sometimes that results is a pleasant new experience. It made me think of this story from my past life for some reason. Nothing that dramatic, but I did discover a new beach hangout, so there’s that.
A good day on my health journey as well. Got my steps in and kept the calories below my threshold.
It’s weigh-in day tomorrow, so we’ll see if the effort is paying off.
No updates on John Kim posted as yet. I’m worried the news won’t be good.
Eight years ago I was enjoying my first visit to Bangkok. Played some darts while there and got recognized as the tournament MVP. Ah, the glory days.
Hmm, maybe I should consider playing again.
I’ve been seeing posts and comments saying I’m stupid because I support Trump. Well, I love my country, and if that makes me dumb, so be it. Then again, looking at all the red on the election maps, I’m in the majority, so maybe it is stupid to call me stupid.
Or so it seems
Today’s YouTube video features a visitor to the Subic Bay area and his impressions as he explores the area. He spent some time in Barretto and even mentions meeting some Hashers. I don’t recall seeing him (the video is a year old), but you might enjoy watching his experience.
And now the jokes:
Love is grandI killed cereal from my menuI wouldn’t bet on it!
I am in a bit of a rush with today’s post because I have an appointment with Dr. Jo today. I’m going to begin chelation therapy to improve my heart health. The little bit I’ve read on the subject implies that the science of this treatment for this purpose is unsettled. Well, the FDA doesn’t approve it, so that is a good sign that it works. We’ll see how it goes.
Or should I say, seven downed? I report, you decide.
Welp, Tuesdays tend to be a bland day for me, but yesterday was at least bland in a somewhat different way. Did the usual, then added some tweaks. Here’s how it looked:
My Tuesday morning routine is to bake a batch of muffins. Yesterday, it was the blueberry variety. Alas, I can no longer partake (each muffin is worth 385 calories, plus the carbs). My driver, the helpers, Swan, and Mama all enjoyed them, though.On the way to grocery shopping, I spied a Navy ship in the bay. Not a warship, but one of the bigger supply vessels I’ve seen.
I wasn’t in the mood to dodge traffic on the National Highway again this week, so I refrained from walking home from Royal. Instead, when the groceries were unloaded, I took a stroll through the neighborhood.
Along the way, I saw Easter Mountain towering above the rooftopsClouds, mountains, and the bayThat place I call homeOver 4K and I was never far from home!
Tuesday was traditionally the day I don’t hike, but things change when you gotta burn off the calories. 12,000 steps is better than nothing.
Swan was not feeling up to going out last night, so Plan B was invoked. When I departed the house alone, I still didn’t know where I was going. A block or so away, I considered turning around and just hanging out at The Rite Spot, but my forward momentum carried me onward toward town.
I took this as a sign from God I’d made the right decision
I had once again skipped lunch, so I was feeling hungry. Hitting the bars on an empty stomach didn’t seem like a wise course of action, so I made Sit-n-Bull my first stop.
My traditional Sit-n-Bull favorites were too rich in carbs, so I opted for the Salisbury steak. I also passed on the mashed potato side dish,and had slaw and salad instead. And one San Mig Zero to wash it all down.
It had been a while since I’d been out on the town without Swan by my side. I missed her and didn’t feel like visiting our regular haunts alone. So, I changed things up by popping into one of my old hangouts that I seldom visit these days: Cheap Charlies.
The best view from a CR in townAnd the view from my barstoolof some of the bars I visit in The Maze complex.
A really different vibe in CC last evening. Just me and one other customer. Other than the bartender and cashier, there was no one there I knew. All my old regulars being gone, I drank alone and saved on lady drinks. After two Zeros, I was ready to move on.
I headed down the highway to the side of town I rarely visit these days. A bar has just opened in the space previously occupied by Adam’s Bar. So, I decided to pop in and see what it was all about.
Hangout Sports Bar is a second floor venueTwo pool tables, a dart board, and some big screen TVs. Only one other customer when I arrived, but a group of Filipino pool players came in a bit later.
I didn’t find the music to be to my liking, content or volume-wise. So, I moved my ass outside and sat in the smoking area.
Yes, I prefer traffic noise to crappy music
Two more Zeros and I headed out. I don’t think I’ll be making the Hangout bar a place I hang out.
I moved on to my final destination of the evening, Snackbar. I used to be a regular here, but times and circumstances change. The only two waitresses working were both friends from the old days, so it was nice to see them and catch up on things. A lady drink for each, two Zeros for me, and I was ready to call it a night.
It was only about 7 p.m. when I caught the trike for home, and only seven Zeros were consumed. I guess that means it was seven up and seven downed.
I can’t remember if I’ve posted this here before or not
Here’s the stats from yesterday for those following along on my dietary adventure:
Skipping lunch helps me to stay on budget!
And some sad news to report. I mentioned that I didn’t see John Kim when we dined at his place last Sunday. Yesterday, his wife posted this on Facebook:
Hello our Dear Friend’s,Customer’s & Followers
My name is Lin and I’m writing this post for my Loving life partner John Kim.
He was admitted last Sunday at Ulticare Medical Center ( ICU department ) here in Barretto. My partner had severe head pain and couldn’t focus and later on became disoriented. Bad condition had CT Scan and found out that he had STROKE BRAIN BLEEDING and need to undergo Brain Surgery as soon as possible. to add with his bad condition he also need a blood transfusion at least 6unit of Blood A+ to stabilize and 6 unit more if he undergoes brain surgery. Again our dear friends, Customer’s & followers. I’m calling for any donation & support I could gather for him to survive. Please Pray for him, Maraming Salamat Po.
The situation sounds dire, especially given John’s other health issues. I’m O+ and so can’t contribute to the needed blood donation. The word has gone out through several other sources in town, so hopefully we have some A+ folks willing to help. I’m hoping for the best.
Today’s YouTube video recites eight qualities that attract women to an older man. Alas, only #7 seems to apply to me, especially after I purchase a lady drink. I remember asking once, what attracted you to me? The girl replied, “To be honest, it was the bulge in your pants. ” I looked down proudly at my crotch, and she said, “No, not that one,” and then pointed at my wallet.
Well, maybe you will find these funny:
Indeed it isWhat he said!That one won’t fly.
And life goes on. An 8K trek on SBMA this morning was nice for a change of scenery. I asked Swan if she was feeling up to going out this evening, and she said she wanted to walk barefoot in the sand. So, Baloy Beach, here we come! I’ll have a full report tomorrow.
Yesterday’s Hash trail was short and sweet, and mine was even sweeter because I made it even shorter. My excuse, not that I need one, is that it started raining, and I didn’t see much sense in doing the final hill climb. Besides, Swan still isn’t feeling 100%, so I wanted her to take it easy. Yeah, that’s the ticket! The portion I completed had two ups and two downs, but they were only moderately difficult. The On-Home was at the Hare Fireman’s house, and he provided free food for all the Hashers. Thanks again!
Fireman giving last minute guidance on what he called a three mile long trail.And we are On-On!I’m gradually assuming my normal position at the back of the packThe first climb of the day beginsOn up we go. This is a familiar path that I’ve done within the last month. But the down and second up I hadn’t traveled for more than a year, so that provided the “new” feel I like.You’ll notice that most of these trail photos feature Swan. That’s because the other Hashers were in front of us. Pubic Head (Scott) didn’t do the trail, so he wasn’t around to contribute his usual photographs.Not that steep or hard, but the up lasted a whileThe view from hereSplendor in the grassI was a bit surprised when the trail took us back down into Alta VistaThe next up was shorter and sweeter and one I hadn’t done in a while. These folks live near the top.Thanks for the warning! Slippery it was indeed!Yeah, I was feeling tiredGasman walking in the rainFood and drinks at Fireman’s On-HomeA gathering of GashIce in the rainAnd another Hash draws to a closeMy version was only 3.5K
I had some more beers at the IDM after-Hash gathering. By my count, I had ten on the night, leading to 600 carby calories. I did skip lunch completely, which is something new for me. I’m not sure I’ll be doing that on a regular basis (although I skipped lunch today, too), but the less, the better when it comes to eating.
As you can see, I exceeded my daily caloric intake goal by 59. I also failed to achieve my desired 15,000 steps. Still, my Fitbit says I burned 3500 calories, so it’s not a total disaster.
My dinner calories came from some chicken fingers and a strawberry smoothie I enjoyed before bedtime. The snack calories are all beer. Still, while not a “cheat day” per se, it’s hard to be calorie/carb responsible at the Hash.
As Facebook reminds me, it was a year ago now that my breathing issues resurfaced:
That 89 blood oxygen level led me to purchase an oxygen tank for breathing emergencies. Thankfully, I’m doing much better these days (high 90s).
Here in the present, the insanity of lefty meltdowns over Trump’s election continue. This is a post from a Facebook “friend”:
If you voted for Trump this election, were you motivated by your stupidity in understanding facts about reality or were you motivated by hatred and bigotry?
It’s stupidity if you don’t think January 6th and the plethora of other documented, indicted, and convicted crimes weren’t a big deal. It’s stupidity if you think Biden caused the global inflation issue since Covid. The U.S. has fared better than any other developed nation. These are facts that are well documented by experts. I’d share sources but only if you’re actually willing to read critically – which most of you clearly don’t.
It’s bigotry if you believed that legal Haitian residents are eating cats and dogs – or that you accept that lie as ok. Its bigotry if you don’t accept the existence of trans people. It’s bigotry if you can’t wait to separate millions of parents from their children or think that there is an “immigrant crime wave”. Its simply not true that immigrants commit more crimes, and don’t forget that when someone tried to do something to fix immigration – Trump blocked it for political gain.
I can accept if someone voted for Trump out of stupidity. I can’t accept it if you voted for Trump because you hate immigrants and the LGBT community.
As I reflect on this election and the sick people who supported someone who attempted a coup. I’m reminded that…
Most Americans supported slavery till a bloody war was fought to end it.
Most Americans supported legal domestic abuse until women and men with a moral compass fought to ban it.
Most Americans thought it was OK to deny gay people rights until a better Supreme Court mandated equal protections of the law.
But there are millions of Americans who are trying to clean up their mess and make the world a better place.
Keep your win, I’ll keep my morality.
I didn’t even bother responding. If his grasp of the facts is this deluded, I see no possibility of overcoming the indoctrination and/or ignorance. I’d be stupid if I thought otherwise.
And while we are on the subject:
Works for me
And I guess you’ve heard about the movement of leftist women who have vowed to not engage in sexual intercourse for the duration of Trump’s time in office:
I’m sure you will not have any trouble achieving your goal.
Enough with politics; let’s do a YouTube video. Today’s vlogger offers some perspectives on living a life without regret. I know as my life draws ever closer to the inevitable end, my regrets are more about the things I didn’t try to do than my failures. Hence, I’m really hoping that God answers my request for a “do-over” afterlife. It’s not so much about fixing past mistakes as it is about taking different paths than the ones I chose in this lifetime.
And now, to lighten the mood:
Well, you filled the cavity…I’d rather go back than be reborn…I’m never up that late. Except to pee.
So, now it is time to overcome the Tuesday blahs. We’ll see if Swan is feeling up to going out. If not, then I’ll make a Plan B. Hmm, to B or not to B? I’ll let you know tomorrow.
For some reason, I thought of this song on election night…
It’s the one day of the year set aside to remember and honor the brave men and women who have served in the military defending our freedoms. Thank you for your service to America!
Swan woke up on Sunday morning not feeling well, but the thought of all those disappointed children provided the impetus to do the Candy Walk anyway. We did it slow and easy and cut it a little shorter than usual, but we still managed to hand out goodies to over 200 children.
Loaded up and walkin’An umbrella to keep the sun off her headThe kids were the motivation to hit the road even when feeling poorlyOne of the regularsLaundry day at the creekSweets for the sweet from the sweetAnother stop along the wayAnd onward she marchesCome and get it!Easter Mountain framed in flowering vinesOn and on, she just keeps on trying, and she smiles when she feels like crying…Crossing Bridge #3 as we near the finishThe abbreviated 3.5K Candy Walk
Swan took some meds and napped when we got back home and was feeling better later in the afternoon.
I carried out my weekly mission to Hideaway Bar for a feeding.
It was a gin and soda night for me.This week’s grubJoy seems pleased
Two gin and sodas later (one every thirty minutes), it was time to cross the highway for my dinner date with Swan at John’s place. I didn’t see John this week, but I did see this:
I wasn’t expecting a late afternoon rainstorm, but we got oneThe clouds and setting sun put on an interesting show for usJust passing the timeAnd the grand finaleI saw this at the sari-sari store across the highway from John’s place. I zoomed in to get a better look. That guy sure does look lonely…
I had a craving for John’s birria tacos, but my calorie counter said that would cost me 750.
That didn’t stop Swan, though. I successfully resisted the urge to eat her leftover taco.
So, what about me? I was thinking about doing pulled pork without the bun, but then I saw an item on the menu I’d never tried before.
I did the chicken version. I was a little confused, because the menu said, “sandwich,” but it looks like a shawarma.And the confusion didn’t end when it was served.
I guess I’m not the only one wanting to know the difference. The link says gyros are usually served on pita bread, but the one I had was on a wrap, hence contributing to my confusion. Regardless, it was quite tasty and worth the 500 calories I expended.
We had our nightcap at Wet Spot, where I enjoyed my final two gin and sodas of the night (six total if you are counting). My neighbor Mike stopped in for a quick beer, and we snatched a ride home with him. Sugar-free butterscotch pudding for dessert was a sweet ending to my Sunday.
I still managed to stay under my 1800-calorie target. However, I didn’t make my daily step goal of at least 15,000. Still, when Swan hugged me this morning, she exclaimed that, for the first time, she could reach all the way around my midsection. That’s one way to measure progress, I suppose. The tape measure says my belly girth is now 49 inches, down from 52 on November 1.
Little by little, I just might get there
On this day in 2017, I was perusing the menu of a bar I frequented in Anjeong-ri, the village I lived in outside the Army base.
As I said when I posted this photo on Facebook back then: “Decisions, decisions. What to drink tonight? Started out with the red-headed slut. Then I had sex on the beach. Next, a blowjob with an orgasm chaser. I’m drunk but strangely satisfied.”
The photo below is also from 2017, the day we shut down our office on Yongsan Garrison and relocated to Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek. Today is Juyoung’s birthday (the gal next to me), and I posted the pic as a greeting to her from the good ol’ days. I am happy with my current life, but I also miss those days in Korea.
Those were the days, my friends, we thought they’d never end…
This also came up in my Facebook feed today:
Well, I guess cattle is a step up from garbage, right?
Today’s YouTube video is a nice street show from Saigon. I really enjoyed my visit to Vietnam a few years ago and this brought back some pleasant memories.
And now for the funny business:
I can’t remember what I was going to say about thisJust like those angry carabao on our hikesI’ll need to be careful I don’t stumble into one of those kind of bars
Another Hash Monday has arrived. The weather outside has been dicey this morning, but hopefully it won’t be too wet this afternoon. We’ll find out soon enough. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.