Coming apart at every nail

Or so it seems.

Not the best way to start a day

In the wee hours of yesterday morning, I woke up feeling breathless. I got up and slapped the oximeter onto my finger and got a reading of 85%. Normal is 95 and above.  The experts say to call 911 if you are below 90%. Given that I have COPD, a “normal” reading for me is in the 93% range.

I can feel the difference when I’m below 90%, but I’m not going to the ER every time that happens.

I instituted my standard procedures: a couple of squirts from my inhaler and firing up the nebulizer. That only brought me up to 91%, and so I opened the valve on my oxygen tank and sucked in some pure air.

I have rarely need to resort to this lately

It took a while, but I eventually got my blood oxygen levels back up to an acceptable 95%, so I went back to bed. A couple of hours later, I woke up again, and the oximeter said I had dropped back to an 89 level. So, I repeated the steps as described above, and this time, I slept through the remainder of the night.

The only thing good about my morning dog walk was the views

I experienced shortness of breath during the dog walk, even though it was mostly flat. The Wednesday Walkers group was planning an excursion to SBMA (the old Navy base) for an 8K hike. I had been looking forward to the trek, but given my breathing issues, prudence dictated that I bail out.

Being isolated in an area I’m unfamiliar with and unable to shortcut as needed, plus what appears to be a pretty significant hill climb seemed too risky in my current circumstances.

Only two other hikers showed up, and Scott messaged that they would save the SBMA hike for another day. He invited me to join them for a flat walk, and I agreed.

So, we did this 8K valley walk instead. It worked out well for me.
My morning walk mates
Dispensing cookies along the way
Mattress vendors
On the road again
Down in the valley
Goat milk
Valley view
A river runs through it
Friendly locals
Cookie kids
In the shadow of Easter Mountain
Gimme cookie!
Over bridge #2
Hanging out in the ‘hood
Goats waiting for the store to open?
Room for one more?
On Sawmill Road in Santo Tomas
The market area
There is something fishy about this place
After hike refreshments at Snackbar

I was glad to have gotten some steps in after all.

I got home and baked two batches of brownies, one for each party I was attending. My first stop was my old darts bar, Alley Cats.

Happy Birthday Flor and Billy

Back in the day, Alley Cats was my regular hangout, and I played darts there four times a week. Yesterday was my first visit in several months. There has been a large turnover in staff, but I still knew most of the other dart regulars. I sat in my old seat at Kevin’s table and felt right at home. Speaking of Kevin, I was surprised to learn he had suffered a heart attack back in April. I am glad he lived to tell me about it!

After a couple of hours at Alley Cats, we grabbed a trike and headed across town to Dave and Jo’s place. In typical Filipina fashion, the girls congregated downstairs, with the menfolk delegated to space on the second-floor patio.

Hanging with the guys and drinking beer
A view from our perch

So, basically, Jo’s birthday party was with her girlfriends. The consensus of the fellas seemed to be better up here away from the craziness and off-key videoke singing. Those gals are also notorious for downing shots of the hard stuff and getting sloppy drunk. Around eight o’clock, Swan sent me a message asking to be “rescued.” I told the guys goodnight and headed downstairs. I guess the peer pressure was too much for Swan, and she had over-indulged in the whiskey-drinking festivities. She took a last shot with the birthday girl, and we found a trike to take us home.

I’d never seen poor Swan so drunk before. The room was spinning for her when she lay on the bed, so I had her move to the floor. Regular readers will recall that there have been occasions when my excess drinking led to me being floored. Swan rejoined me back in bed a couple of hours later and doesn’t appear to be suffering any ill effects today.

I had another tough night breathing-wise, but this time, I never got below a 91% oxygen level, so I didn’t have to resort to using my air tank. I wussed out of walking today and have been resting at home. Maybe that’s what I needed; just now, I’m at 95%. I’m going to seek out a good pulmonary specialist for some advice on how to deal with my lung issues.

The land of over 7000 islands I call home
I didn’t realize the different styles of huts and shacks had names. I’ve seen most of these types on my walks over the years.

Facebook memories included this post from three years ago:

Hopefully, we’ve developed natural immunity from being exposed to this type bullshit in the future.

A brief YouTube video featuring Baloy Beach for your viewing pleasure today:

I’ll go easy on the humor this time:

It’s nice to have an honest friend you can turn to.
Yes, there are exceptions to The Golden Rule

Okay, here’s hoping for a better tomorrow. See you then.

Jacked up

But not jacked off. Here’s the story of my Tuesday.

As usual, the first order of business was grocery shopping. And someone knows my schedule, because like clockwork she’s waiting for me on the corner almost every Tuesday morning as I head for the highway.

Who’s that up ahead?
Nice to see you again, mama! Here’s some lunch money.

Shopping came with the usual frustrations. This week, there was no Coke Zero or Diet Coke in stock. Seriously, how does that happen? There is a Coca-Cola distributor right up the highway. Being out of a popular item like this is just poor store management. Anyway, we stopped at a local market on the way home, where I was able to purchase my weekly ration of soft drinks.

In the afternoon, Swan and I ventured out to the Subiza Resort on Baloy. We will hold our annual anniversary Hash celebration there in October, and I met with the manager to discuss menu options and pricing. The plan is to have a set price buffet and the meal cost will be included in the Hash fee for that run. Maryjoy at Subiza will send me the food options and pricing for 100-125 guests for the Subic Bay Hash House Harrier’s forty-first-anniversary celebration in the next week or two. We anticipate lots of out-of-town Hashers will be attending, and she is offering a special Hash discount for lodging at the resort.

We also got our waterfront view fix satiated during our Subiza visit.

Looking right. I love that big yellow house next door.
Looking left towards Barretto
Looking straight ahead at the Kalaklan Ridge
Looking at my sweetheart

When we finished our business at Subiza, we walked next door to Harley’s for dinner. As you might imagine, the views are very similar. What’s different about Harley’s is that it has a nice pub vibe. The place was busy with other diners and drinkers, but next door, it was only us. It just goes to prove that it is not all about location; you have to create an atmosphere that attracts customers.

That’s Subiza’s ass-side next door. It is much nicer inside.
We were facing the wrong direction for a sunset, but a break in the rainy skies had a nice look.

There’s a “fun” option on my phone camera that I’d never tried, so we played with that while waiting for our food.

I guess it was nice
Ain’t she sweet?

Dinner is served:

A shrimp cocktail for Swan
And I went with the fish and chips. I wasn’t that impressed, to be honest.
A sign at Harley’s I found amusing

When we finished our food, we headed home. It was still early, even by my low standards, but I had a plan. Earlier in the day, I came across this clip from an old movie that made me laugh:

Less than a minute long, so enjoy!

That’s from the movie Billy Jack. It’s hard for me to believe, but it was released FIFTY-THREE fucking years ago. I know I watched it back in the day, and I watched it again last night. It was filmed in Prescott, Arizona, a town I lived in from 1978-1983. Some of the buildings and scenery brought back old memories that reminded me of the life I once lived. Other than a couple of the fight scenes, I didn’t remember much from the actual movie. Truthfully, it wasn’t as good as I expected it to be. I mean, I did get a kick out of seeing those ’70s fashions and haircuts, and the hippy vibes were pretty far out, man. But the story seemed off somehow to me. Oh, it had some religious overtones and Native American philosophies, but it just didn’t seem to all come together somehow. The reviews I read in the Wikipedia link above were also decidedly mixed. It was apparently one of the first movies featuring kung-fu fighting, and if I read the credits right, it was the Korean variety. Kevin Kim, why don’t you do the film justice with one of your famous reviews? You can watch it on YouTube for free.

I did drink some more beers while I watched the film, but it was still a different way to end my day. One of these nights, I may give the forerunner, The Born Losers, and the sequel, The Trial Of Billy Jack, neither of which I’ve seen, a watch.

No Facebook memories to share today, but I did come across this post of mine from 2016 sharing my religious viewpoints. I think I wrote it after I got in trouble at work for calling Mohammed a pedophile. My motivation was to establish a basis to claim religious discrimination if I was disciplined for telling the truth about the guy who married a twelve-year-old. Turns out I didn’t get in trouble, so I didn’t have to defend myself.

Today’s YouTube video is from Reekay discussing an issue I’m sure most of us have experienced–a twenty-year-old virgin. Well, believe it or not, cherry girls have never been attractive to me. Some guys pay a hefty premium to barfine them, though. I guess they really want to be the best the girl has ever had. Dating the eighteen-year-old mother was kinky enough for me, thank you.

To the humor, then.

It’s good that she brought him up to speed.
It takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin
That’s why it’s best to lay on your back
Been there, done that.

Alrighty then, I have two birthday parties to attend today, so I’d best hit the shower and get on with it. More to come tomorrow.

Listen children to a story
That was written long ago
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley folk below
On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone
And the valley people swore
They'd have it for their very own

So go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You'll be justified in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away

So the people from the valley
Sent a message up the hill
Asking for the buried treasure
Tons of gold for which they'd kill
Came an answer from the kingdom
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain
All the riches buried there"

Now the valley cried with anger
"Mount your horses, draw your sword"
And they killed the mountain people
So they won their just reward
Now they stood beside the treasure
On the mountain, dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it
"Peace on earth" was all it said

So go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You'll be justified in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away

So it goes

Another Monday, another Hash. This week, some of the Gash were the Hares, and they laid a pretty nice trail that was well-marked and a little different. It wasn’t all that difficult, but I wound up shortcutting anyway. My “sane” group didn’t wait for me this week, which was disappointing but understandable. I’ve got so slow going uphill that it takes the fun out of hiking with me. Swan and some others were with me, so it’s not like I was alone on the trail. The problem was we got into an area that was unfamiliar to me, and it appeared there was a second climb in store, and I just didn’t have it in me. Since I didn’t know an alternative path, I retreated back to the highway and rejoined the trail down the road. My shortcut was longer distance-wise, but I assumed it was flatter. Turns out, what I perceived as a pending climb would have led me back down to the valley. Still, better safe than sorry.

The gathering point was the trike stand at the intersection of the Govic and National highways.
And we are On-On!
The runners take the lead
Let the climbing begin
Nothing uphill comes easy for me these days
Getting to the top of these steps took everything I had in me. So, when I got to the point where I thought I saw a second hill climb ahead, I turned around.
This is much more to my liking
The view from here
The Hares this week
Getting artistic with the trail markings
The path I took rejoined the Hash trail a couple of kilometers down the road
Trekking down Sawmill Road
A Sawmill view
The back way into Magdelena subdivision. Our On-Home was at house of Hasher Dumb Ass
Our hosts provided a nice array of food for our enjoyment
Hash Gash
Hares on ice
I’ve heard of taking the measure of a man, but this is the first time I’ve seen it done.
We had two birthdays to celebrate and two cakes to make
Swan’s initial reaction to Hash cake making
And naturally, Swan joined in the fun!
This week’s trail
My “shortcut” is the blue line. I thought the trail was going up that mountain, but I was wrong. It turned out okay, though.

After the Hash, Swan and I caught a trike to It Doesn’t Matter for the post-Hash gathering. Turns out, I might have had too much to drink. I’ll do better next time.

Speaking of drinking, Facebook carried me back thirteen long years ago to an Itaewon Friday night at Dolce Vita Pub.

Look at me holding court with cigarette in hand.

Eight years ago, I was walking the shady back paths on Namsan in Seoul.

Those were the days.

The looming war with China will be fought on many fronts. The Chinese have already infiltrated even the lowest branches of Filipino government. To what end, who knows? I’m sure the corruption agents can be dual purposed as military assets. And the same things is taking place back home in the USA as well. Shocking how many of the illegal border crossers are Chinese. Today’s YouTube video details some of what is happening here in the Philippines.

Gonna go for a walk on the raunchy side for today’s humor offering.

Be careful what you ask for
Michelle is more of a man than our current President, that’s for sure.

That’s all for now, folks.

Just another Sunday

Some folks disparage routines as boring and indicative of a lack of motivation to try something new. I tend to enjoy mine, though, and us old retired guys appreciate being in the comfort zone. The Sunday routines I follow fill the hours in a manner that satisfices my needs. See for yourself:

Yep, we started things off with the Sunday candy walk
This cracked me up. I assume it is an intentional misspelling.
There is a big drop off there, but I couldn’t capture the depth in a photo. I kept telling Swan, just get a little closer to the edge. She wasn’t having it.
Trading sweets for smiles is what we do
I won’t bore you with a ton of client pics, but it was a busy morning
And when the candy ran out, we squeezed into a trike for the ride back home. Aren’t we cute in our matching shirts?
A trikes-eye view of the ride

I did the blogging, napping, and showering routines, then headed into town for the Hideaway feeding.

One of the four girls I fed.

There had been a pool league match before I arrived, so at least there were a couple of customers this time. The owner of Hideaway is due back from the UK this week. Hopefully, he can turn things around. The future doesn’t look bright for the bar if he can’t. Good luck!

Next up was the best routine of the evening—dinner with Swan at John’s place. I arrived first and was disappointed to learn they were out of red wine. Wine doesn’t spoil, and for a restaurant not to always have a bottle on hand makes no sense. I gave Swan the option of dining elsewhere, but she took it in stride and ordered a San Miguel Apple beer.

The view from John’s place
As we were waiting for our food, we had some entertainment. See that silver car parked across the highway? Well, it was blocking the garage, and the driver trying to depart was frantically looking for the parked car’s owner. She motioned to us, looking down from the third floor, to see if it was our car, and Swan shook her head and shrugged. About ten minutes later, the illegal parker came walking up with some food bags from a nearby restaurant. He didn’t seem to give a shit about the inconvenience he had caused.

Dinner is served:

We shared the beef bulgogi. It comes with rice, but they substituted fries since I don’t eat rice.
And Korean-style chicken wings
Satisfied customers, even without the wine.

We did our nightcap at The Green Room, then headed home for the final routine of our Sunday.

And now it is Hash Monday. In a break with the normal routine, Swan has consented to join the Hashers for today’s hike. It is her friend Jo’s birthday Hash, and Jo asked her to attend. Swan asked if she should bring anything, and I told her no, we would make Jo a birthday cake during the circle. Swan said, how do you do that? I told her to wait and see.
I’m looking forward to the look on her face when she sees what making Jo a birthday cake looks like. I’ll try and get a photo or two.

Something interesting is happening in the lot across from my house:

I took this photo of the pretty flowers my neighbor planted when I made my morning dog walk
And here are those same flowers at beer o’clock yesterday. What are they hiding from?

I sometimes think about what life would have been like on the old Navy base. Today’s YouTube video from the days when China didn’t fuck with the Philippines is the closest I’ll get.

I’m not sure why, but the video is queued up at the 18-minute mark. Just rewind back to the start. Sorry!

Puns and more today!

Pump it up!
This one is grate!
Well, the purpose of advertisements is to make you cum and buy

Oh, they get worse:

That’s a hairy situation!
I don’t have time for this…I’ll stop now.

I hope you’ll come back for more tomorrow.

Back at it

Back to my regular routines after a hangover-induced day off, and it was good to be on the road again. For my morning walk, I decided to do the trek out to Waltermart. And since it was a special occasion, or felt like one anyway, I did the photo every 1000 steps thing. Here they are:

Leaving my place behind (the one in the middle)
1000 steps–in the boonies
2000 steps–life in San Isidro
3000 steps–a foresty vibe
4000 steps–on a country road
5000 steps–in the heart of barangay Naugsol
6000 steps–the far side of Easter Mountain
7000 steps–a long stretch of slightly uphill road left me huffing and puffing
8000 steps–life on the side of the Govic Highway
9000 steps–strolling the riverside
10,000 steps–a cute little coffee shop in barangay Magna Vacca
And the end of the walk right at 7K. I got a Jeepney from here back to Barretto.
I went thataway

A good hike overall, except for that heavy breathing portion. Oh, and one of the straps on my backpack broke near the end of the trek, so I carried it on one shoulder the rest of the way.

Not a bad day’s work. Pretty much back to normal now.

Saturday evening, I took Swan to Treasure Island Resort on Baloy so she could enjoy some live music and beach views. It was a good time.

A view from our table
And another view
Us at our table
Three members of Engine band (two singers and the bass player) using the poolside as a stage
The drummer and lead guitar player are on this platform
Looking down Baloy Beach
And looking up the beach
A Swan on the beach
And a Swan at the table
Dinner on the table. The biggest and overall best enchiladas in town.
And some chicken wings to snack on
The evening sky
Mountains and the bay
And a nice sunset on the beach

It was another good time with my sweetie. Swan enjoys live music and Engine is one of the better bar bands around this area. For shits and giggles I made a playlist of the songs they performed during their first set yesterday:

  • Tequila Sunrise (Eagles)
  • A Horse With No Name (America)
  • I Don’t Want To Talk About It (Rod Stewart)
  • Cat’s In The Cradle (Harry Chapin)
  • Have You Ever Seen The Rain (CCR)
  • Bad Moon Rising (CCR)
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
  • Under Pressure (Queen)
  • Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
  • Honky Tonk Woman (Rolling Stones)
  • Brown Sugar (Rolling Stones)
  • Satisfaction (Rolling Stones)
  • Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love (Van Halen)
  • You Really Got Me (Kinks)
  • Jump (Van Halen)
  • Here I Go Again (Whitesnake)
  • Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)
  • Free Bird (Lynard Skynard

They played Free Bird at Swan’s request (and 100 pesos in the tip jar). They play a nice mix of classic songs that an old fart like me can enjoy. It is also nice to be able to see live music performed early in the evening (they start around 4:30). Live music offerings in Barretto begin at 9 p.m. or later in most other venues.

We did have one little bothersome event occur. I had a discount coupon from the SOB for a 10% discount on food and beverages for up to four guests. When the waitress brought our tab, we were not given the total discount to which we were entitled. The bill said I had ten beers, and Swan had two wines. Swan didn’t think I had that many beers, but I didn’t keep count, so I can’t argue with that. What left me shaking my head was that we were only discounted the ten percent for two of the beers and the two wines. According to our waitress, the “four guests” limitation meant that only four drinks would be discounted. Well, that’s a bullshit interpretation, but I’m not going to get too upset over a couple of hundred pesos. I did reduce the amount I intended to tip.

We headed home at seven after another nice date night. And so ended another Saturday in my life. I could do with lots more like it!

You know, back in the day, I could party with the best of them, and classic music from that era went hand-in-hand with that. And yeah, I remember some of my favorites who partied too much and died too soon. I didn’t realize until I came across this today that 27 was an unlucky number.

I was lucky to be born on the 27th instead of dying on that number.

A political meme or three okay with you?

Yeah, you can take that for Grant-ed.
Hard to argue when you put it like that
Am I the only one here old enough to remember The Addams Family on TV?
Hearing the intro song again after all these years gave me a nice laugh

Speaking of memories that made me laugh, I posted this on Facebook nine years ago:

Excuse me, Miss. I can see your, um, oh, never mind…

I can’t recall if I posted this YouTube video here previously, but for those of you curious about the Barretto bar scene, this is a pretty comprehensive exploration:

I pretty much limit myself to my three or four favorites these days

And now for your daily dose of humor:

As much as I love ice cream, I’d have to give this a pass.
Ouch! I don’t even want to contemplate what that would feel like.
It’s always a question of balance

Alright, it is Sunday and that means a feeding at Hideaway and a dinner date with Swan at John’s place are in my immediate future. I shall return tomorrow if I survive another night.

Mucho nada

Yesterday was full of a lot of nothing. Sometimes you just need to take a break, I suppose. Especially after a night of celebrating the birth of a nation by downing numerous beers. These two shots pretty much sum up my Friday achievements:

The only walking I did was into town for the SOB dance competition
Judge not lest ye be judged. The other judges agreed with my assessment this time.

And that, dear readers, was the extent of my activity yesterday. And the weird thing is, I enjoyed being lazy so much that I’ve resolved to give up walking altogether and fill some of those hours by drinking earlier in the day. Relax, I’m kidding. I was back at it this morning with a 7K walk to Waltermart. I’ll share that adventure in tomorrow’s post.

I’m not sure what’s in store for tonight, although I’ll see if Swan wants to listen to the band at Treasure Island.

The polls indicate people are wising up. I don’t expect we will see creepy Joe on the ticket come November.

Fourteen years ago, I was enjoying my first and only trip to Bali.

I was dressing like a native
And enjoying the culture. I do hope to return again one day.

When it comes to Filipino culture as expressed through street foods, I’m notoriously a non-partaker. For those who have an interest in such things, today’s YouTube video will whet your appetite.

I found these worthy of a smile:

But remember, what doesn’t go in you, goes on you.
The truth will set you free!
And don’t you dare dangle any modifiers!

Swan just confirmed we’ll be marching out to Treasure Island soon. Tell you about it tomorrow.

Party fourth!

Yesterday’s rooftop gathering in honor of the declaration of our independence from King George III on July 4, 1776, was a huge success. It was by far the largest party I’ve ever hosted, with upwards of fifty participants over the course of the evening. There was lots of food and plenty of cold beverages, most of them containing alcohol. And naturally, this being the Philippines, karaoke amongst the female attendees broke out early in the event. I did sing “The Battle of New Orleans” to honor my British next-door neighbor. We didn’t have a parade, but that didn’t stop us from getting rained on. I’d been watching the weather forecast, which called for a 20% possibility of “light showers.” We could see the clouds building up throughout the evening hours and saw some rain on the horizon. Around 8 p.m., it was our turn. And it was a heavy, wind-blown downpour. We scurried around, turning off the electronics and ferrying some of the perishable foods downstairs. There wasn’t room under the roof for everyone, and even those fortunates couldn’t escape the wet wind. The women folk retreated downstairs, and some guests called it a night. Luckily, the rain didn’t last long, and the hardy attendees continued to party. I had my first beer at 3:30 and my final just before ten when the last of the guests departed. Here are some photos documenting the good times:

Welcome to the party!
It’s all happening here
All set up and ready to go. As the night went on, we used every available chair and brought up more from the basement
Flags flapping in the breeze
The mostly empty food table
The sky at the start
Me with the first two guests to arrive
The loaded food table.

What’s on it? Well, here you go:

A birthday cake
Grilled baby back ribs
Hamburger patties
Filipino-style ribs
Grilled sausage
Chili con carne
Baked beans. These were the best I’ve ever tasted.
Potato salad
Fruit salad
Cornbread muffins
Let’s eat!
Welcome to the party
Just getting started
And in full swing
The parking lot out front
Looks like trouble on the horizon
Just before the rain
Waterlogged flags
Ashley was a talented singer
Dance to the music

So, it appeared everyone had a good time and enjoyed the celebration. Thanks for coming!

Plenty of leftovers I’ve been enjoying today.

Like these burgers

It was a long day, prepping and partying. I’m feeling it today and haven’t done jack shit other than snacking, napping, and writing this post. I do plan to attend the SOB this evening, though.

The morning after

Facebook memories took me back six years when my runaway Buddy was rescued:

How or why he was lost in this pond is beyond me. I’m just glad a trike driver spotted Buddy and helped rescue him.

Four years ago, this scamdemic idiocy was in full swing:

This is Cheap Charlies. Those plastic curtains are definitely gonna stop a COVID spread. It was stupid then, and given what we’ve since learned, just plain evil.
Yep, it is insane that Orwell fiction has become a “how to” manual. And that people are stupid enough to play along.

On YouTube today, Reekay compares grocery prices between the Philippines and the USA. Some things are cheaper, and some are a lot more expensive. Some imports are so expensive (like cheese) that I won’t buy them out of principle.

Are these funny?

Keep the change
It’s not the meat, it’s the motion
I’m not your goddamn ATM, and I’ve got the t-shirt to prove it!

Independence Day #248

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

As true now as it ever was. No more Kings attempting to imprison political opponents. Oh wait. There are signs that people are beginning to wake up to the threat of the bureaucratic state (aka BS). Hopefully, it’s not too late. Some of the recent Supreme Court decisions should limit the reach of the BS, but people need to stand up and fight for their freedom, just like our founders did.

We may need another revolution to depose the Deep State. Or maybe electing Trump will accomplish that.

Anyhoo, it’s been a busy morning preparing for this afternoon’s shindig at The Rite Spot. Chili is the crockpot, cornbread muffins, and brownies are baked. I’ll need to head upstairs soon to get the rooftop set up for an as yet undetermined number of guests. I’ll cover how everything goes down in tomorrow’s post.

Another rough night for me in the sleep department

I once again woke up with breathing issues. A scary 85 blood oxygen level reading on the oximeter. I used the nebulizer and my oxygen tank to bring it back to the normal range and went back to bed. A couple of hours later, I again awoke, not feeling quite right. I got an 89 reading this time, so I repeated the process. I had a hard time falling asleep again, but my Fitbit says that happened at 2 a.m., and I slept through until six. It looks like it is time to schedule a consultation with the doctor.

Last night, we did our “me time” thing. Swan went out with a couple of friends to Baloy Beach, and I visited BarCelona. I had a few beers there, and then I finished things off for the night at Wet Spot. I had a Sit-n-Bull discount coupon, so I came home with some food for my girl and the help.

A view from my perch at BarCelona

I did some people-watching as well.

I saw this gal in incredibly high heels come out of the Gentlemen’s Bar across the street from BarCelona. She was taking lots of pictures, so I assume she is new in town and just starting her life as a bargirl. From the looks of things, she’ll do fine.
One of the familiar and pathetic local beggars. I had my waitress bring him 50 pesos.
Another street dweller settling in for a nap
Pretty woman walking down the street (channeling the Roy Orbison song)

Swan was pleased with her surprise lasagna from Sit-n-Bull, which included a pecan pie for dessert. I had a pulled pork sandwich and brought pizza for the rest to share. Swan asked if I had enjoyed my “me time,” and I told her yes. It makes me appreciate the time we spend together all the more. And that’s the truth.

We did share the morning candy walk and visited some different neighborhoods than our regular Sunday version.

Kids lovin’ the candy surprise
It appears the Matain River has the runs
I would follow you, follow you wherever you may go…
My sweetie
This little one was more enamored with that big leaf than she was with the chocolate offering.
Bay view
Through the narrow passage
Just a tad over 3K and I’d had enough. Was breathing hard even on flat ground.

And that was how Independence Day Eve went down.

Reekay speaks about finding a peaceful retired life in today’s YouTube video. He lives in Bohol, which is at the top of my list of places to visit. But I’m satisfied with my decision to settle in Barretto. There is no way I could handle the big city life of Manila or Cebu. A girl I was courting BEFORE I moved here wanted me to come to Samal Island and live. Nope, it’s too small for me. That’s the point, I think. Everyone is different and needs to find the right fit for them.

And for your smiling enjoyment:

Not at MY party!
Ferme la bouche is the only French I know
As a four-time loser, it is hard to argue with this.
If someone eats the frog, he’ll be the turd you intended

Alright, that’s all for now. There’s work to be done. See you here tomorrow!

Good times, bad times, you know I’ve had my share

Yesterday had some of both. We’ll get to that, but first this:

Now that I have your attention…Dave Kair and I are hosting an Independence Day gathering at The Rite Spot On The Roof (my house in Alta Vista) this Thursday, July 4, beginning around 4 p.m. There will be beer and wine and an assortment of what we call food in the USA. All of our friends are welcome, even if you are not a damn Yankee. Let me know in the comments if you plan to attend, or message me if you need directions. Hope to see y’all there!

Yep, tomorrow we will be up on the roof to celebrate the anniversary of America’s Brexit. It’s also Fil-Am Friendship Day, so I’ll be flying the Filipino flag too. So, yesterday’s shopping excursion was focused on getting the items we needed to round out the food and beverage menu. Because Royal is notorious for not having things I need in stock, we hit the Pure Gold supermarket on SBMA first. Between the two, I stocked up on the beer, wine, condiments, snacks, and other items I was seeking. Mission accomplished!

Tomorrow’s menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and chili. Cole slaw, cornbread muffins, assorted chips and dips, and nuts will also be available for our hungry guests. I anticipate we’ll have the usual twenty to thirty attendees, but we’ll be prepared for all who want to join in the fun (I borrowed extra tables and chairs). I’m looking forward to this event at The Rite Spot!

After leaving Pure Gold, I stopped in an adjoining store to pick up a new belt and some underwear. I would say I got scammed, but I’m to blame for the fuck-up that ensued. The cashier rang up the two items, and the total came to 11,000 pesos. I handed her my credit card, and the transaction was completed. In my mind, I saw 1100 pesos (twenty bucks), not the $200 I was charged. I freaked out when I saw that the belt alone was $180. I don’t even like the damn thing. So, I was going to return the items, but the stamp on the receipt said, “No Refunds. No Returns.” Fuck it. I screwed up, and that is the fine for being stupid. It is painful even now to think about. Hopefully, I’ve learned my lesson and will be more attentive in the future when using my charge card.

My Fitbit tracks my sleep, and Monday night was the best slumber I’ve had in a long time:

My usual sleep score is in the mid-60s, so that 82 was one of the best ever.

Last night was the opposite. I couldn’t shut down my brain telling me what a fool I’d been shopping, and my lungs weren’t cooperating with the keeping me oxygenated either. I woke up at midnight with a reading on my oximeter of 86. The nebulizer got it back to 92, and I used my oxygen tank to regain my comfort level of 96. I still couldn’t get back to sleep, though. I tossed and turned until almost 4 a.m. before escaping to dreamland.

I didn’t sleep long enough to generate a score, but I’m feeling it today.

Between one and four in the afternoon we had the heaviest rainstorm of the season.

That’s how it looked from my patio.

I feared the worst, but when beer o’clock rolled around, the rain ceased, and Swan and I were able to make our way into town without the need for an umbrella. Baloy is notorious for flooded streets after a storm, so we didn’t make our usual Tuesday visit there. Instead, we enjoyed the beach views from Mango’s Resort in Barretto.

The Mango’s view

Beer and wine and some snacks as we took it all in.

Swan had calamari
And I went with the seafood chowder

Swan drinks slow, and I drink fast. I must have been on my fourth beer when the waitress asked about the alcohol content of Zero. Swan showed her the 3% label. I guess she was worried I might get drunk or something.

The main reason I switched to Zero was the lower calories (60 versus 100 per bottle of SM Light). Now when Zero isn’t available and I revert to Light I have to be careful, because the 5% alcohol content difference can be staggering. *ahem*

The sun went down without showing any colors, so we crossed highway for a rare visit to Queen Victoria for our nightcap. I had a 500 peso voucher from the SOB to use, and we finished 480 pesos worth. It helped that the bartender included Swan’s glass of wine on the coupon.

So, that was the good and the bad of my yesterday. Today hasn’t been so great, either. I skipped the Wednesday Walkers group hike because of the breathing issues, but did do an abbreviated 3K candy walk with Swan. Along the way we saw this funeral banner:

I always check the date of birth for comparison purposes, but I actually knew this guy/gal–my bakla (transgender) barber. The story is s/he died of tuberculosis.

Facebook memories reminded me of just how far I’ve fallen in eight years:

I can’t remember the last time I’ve broken the 30,000 step barrier. These days, I’m happy with 15,000 and consider 20,000+ an achievement.
And back in those days I was doing pleasant river walks in Seoul. I didn’t know just how good I had it.

I’m not a subscriber to this YouTube vlogger, but the drone footage of Barretto is worth the watch. I don’t agree with some of his suggestions for transferring money to the PI. I don’t trust it and will not use GCash, for example. Also, while it is true that using ATMs (250 pesos per withdrawal) is expensive, you can take out 20,000 at a time with BPI machines. He paid 110 pesos for 6000. To each his own. The best transfer method is bank-to-bank via a wire service like Wise. I don’t have a Philippines bank account, but I pay my help and rent through transfers from my bank to their accounts. Anyway, enjoy the Barretto scenes and take the advice with a grain of salt.

Ready for some humor (such as it is)?

I’m working on it
And his mom must be really pissed at him now
She might be planning to shove something up his ass

Carrying on

It never seems to get easier, but I’m still in the fight. Barely. We did a pretty massive shortcut on the Hash trail yesterday, eliminating a climb to the top of Kalaklan Ridge. But the climb we did do was almost more than I could handle. Once again, I had a massive struggle in my head to overcome the urge to say “fuck it” and flatland it back to the On-Home. That was half the battle; the other half was actually getting to the top. It was slow going for me and almost painful, but I made it. I’m just not ready to give up the hills and the views you earn by climbing them yet. And to cut myself some slack, I’ll be sixty-nine next month. I reckon I’m blessed to still have the ability to get out there and try. The day will surely come when my get up and go has got up and gone, but until then, I’m going to keep on keeping on as best I can!

Gathering up at the VFW
And we are On-On!
Let the climbing begin!
We didn’t let a little barbwire stop us
Up, up, and away
Still a ways to go
The view from here
We’re still climbing
Valley view
Now that’s more like it!” screamed my lungs
Going our own way instead of another monster climb
A two-story shanty with a deck…that’s living the high life of squatters
Better down than up
We did a street walk for the final 2K
Counting my blessings
On-Home was at Tongue And Groove’s place on the beach. He provided grilled chicken and hot dogs for the hungry Hashers
Bagoose made his final appearance at the Hash. Well, his ashes did at least.
Last time on the ice for Bagoose. On-On in Hash heaven!
It’s nice on ice. Enjoy life while you have it.
A gathering of Gash
The view from our On-Home venue
And the sun goes down on another Hash Monday
The crazy trail and the sane trail. You can guess which is which.

I walked the beach back to It Doesn’t Matter to partake in the after-Hash comradery. And stopped at Myleen’s before catching a trike home.

I think my efforts warranted a slice of pumpkin pie.

Facebook memories reminded me of a time when climbing came easier for me.

Eight years ago, I was climbing the steps to Seoul Tower. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t all that easy then either.
I miss those Seoul views

In today’s YouTube offering, Reekay speaks to the Filipino mortality culture. All Saints Day here is like something I’d never seen; families and loved ones pack the cemeteries to remember and honor the dearly departed. I’m pretty sure the dead don’t care, but it is another example of how family-centered this culture truly is.

Just cremate me and scatter my ashes on a Hash trail, thank you very much.

Humor time:

A girl with something extra
Beats me
That hits a little too close to home

Tomorrow is another day, and I plan to be here then to tell you about this one. See you then!

A sweet Sunday on the streets of San Isidro

Another Sunday, another candy walk. We started out a little late, and some of our regulars said they thought we weren’t coming. It’s a bit pressuring to think of the disappointment a change of plans would bring to those kids we’ve addicted to chocolate. In the meantime, we’ll just enjoy the mutual satisfaction of trading candy for smiles.

Candy doesn’t grow on trees
First delivery of the day…
Come a runnin!
This village is hard to access and so we don’t visit here every week.
Back on our regular route, the kids were waiting for our arrival
The Marian Hills crowd
This is the earliest we’ve had to refill the bag
Talk about a rickety bridge!
Get your yummies!

My afternoon agenda included the Hideaway feeding. There are still only three girls working there now. During my visit, I was the only customer. Joy said they closed at six on Saturday because they hadn’t had a customer all day. That doesn’t bode well for the future. Honestly, I have a purpose for being there; otherwise, there would be no reason to visit Hideaway. It’s kind of depressing, truth be told. The owner is due back in a couple of weeks; maybe he can turn things around.

Three meals are cheaper than six, so there’s that. I contributed a batch of brownies for dessert.
Joyful gluttony

After the feeding, I dashed across the highway for my dinner date with Swan at John’s place.

The usual view from our upstairs, open-air seating.
I had a hankering for the birria tacos
Swan craved the pulled pork sandwich
That would be us
And a nice sunset for dessert

We did a brief nightcap at Green Room, then headed for home. That’s how we roll these days.

I’ll be rolling along on a Hash trail this afternoon. The dog walk this morning left me breathless again, so I’m hoping the Hare won’t be overly aggressive. I’m fully prepared to shortcut as my needs dictate. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Facebook reminds that eleven years ago, I was at the Grand Ol’ Opry in Itaewon. The bar tradition was to salute the flag with a song (Star Spangled Banner?) at midnight. Yeah, hard to believe I stayed up that late in those days.

The Opry was the oldest bar in Itaewon, but did not survive the closing of the Yongsan Army base.

Speaking of Facebook, yesterday they slapped a “fact-check” cover on a meme I shared featuring clueless Joe.

What was hilarious about the “fact-check” was that it only disputed that Jill Biden had once been a babysitter for Joe’s kids. So, I guess it is a fact that our President is stupid and a pedophile. And, of course, no one denies Hunter is a drug addict.

In today’s YouTube video, Reekay talks about a cultural phenomenon in Filipinas known as “Tampo.” Essentially, you piss off your girl somehow, and she gives you the silent treatment, sometimes for days. I’ve witnessed it in the past, and I have very little tolerance for that kind of drama. I’d much rather have a classic yelling and screaming at each session to get everything out and on the table. I just asked Swan whether she ever goes into Tampo mode, and she said she sometimes does. She mentioned that incident last week where she thought I ignored her as an example. Luckily, that only lasted hours, not days.

The daily dose of humor:

Milk from the jug is always better than wine.
Those fruits are nuts
Me too!