It is better to give than receive, I’m told. So, I made a donation of urine and O+ blood at Baypointe Hospital yesterday. In return for my generosity, I’m being provided a slew of test results that may shed some light on how my soon-to-be 66-year-old body is holding on against my daily over indulgences of walking and drinking. Also got a chest x-ray that might reveal how much longer I’ll be capable of breathing. Sent my helper to pick up the results this afternoon and I’ll schedule a visit with the doctor for her insights into the state of my health.
That hospital visit was pretty much the highlight of my lazy Tuesday. Did some limited grocery shopping with the idea that the less I buy now, the less I’ll have to move later. When that later might be remains unresolved. I’m trying to time the move to coincide with the transfer of my cable TV/internet service. They want me to move first, then schedule a technician. Nope, when the technician calls to say he’s on his way I’ll carry the modem and wifi transmitter with me to the new house. Duh. Oh, and I want to downgrade my television service to basic since I rarely watch TV, and when I do, it’s on the internet. The cable company said there is a 1000 peso fee to change service levels. Bullsht. If push comes to shove, I’ll just cancel altogether and then call to establish service as a new customer. I’d tell them to fuck off completely but they are the only provider here in Alta Vista. We shall see how this plays out.
A typical evening out last night. Started at Cheap Charlies, then moved on to Mango’s.
Some stormy skies left the beach pretty much deserted.I was entertained watching this lass bury her boyfriend in the sand…Not sure why I found her performance so entertaining. Maybe I’m easily aroused amused.Had the Mango’s roast chicken with coleslaw for my dinner. Plenty left over to bring home to the help, too.
That’s about it from here. I’ve got Dive In on my radar for tonight and I’ll report on today’s Wednesday Walkers excursion tomorrow.
See you then! And oh yeah, Fuck You, Fauci!
The chickens are coming home to roost, you fraudulent bastard.
That’s the way the sane group did yesterday’s Hash. We completed a goodly portion of the first climb on the Hare’s trail, but when we reached the part that is aptly named “Motherfucker” we chose to take a different path. Worked out just fine. A challenging, yet enjoyable, 6K hike.
Our Hash circles are getting more and more out of control, and are also getting longer and longer, which makes them less and less enjoyable. At least for me. I’ve taken to giving myself some time-outs when it gets to be too much, but last night when the circle finally concluded I was in a bad mood. That’s no way to finish an otherwise good day. I’m going to need to take a new approach I reckon. I’m not sure what that will be, but I’ll think of something.
To the photos then:
The Subic Bay Sane Hash House Harriers.We are On-On…And the climb begins…Tired yet?On-Up!It’s bound to get easier. Eventually.That’s more like it.ISD takes a tumble. The trail was wet and slick in places.Onward!Our virgin Hasher enjoying the trail. Well, maybe enjoy is too strong a word.A village in the woods.Heading for our On-Home at Derelick’s house.Watch your step!A Preying Mantis drinking water.One more bridge to cross…A bay view.A carabao blocking my path. I went around him.For you Easter mountain fans…The virgin initiation. You have to Down-Down a full beverage without it leaving your lips. As we say, this process is like a blow job because what doesn’t go in you……goes on you!And so concludes another Hash post…
I fool around some on the Quora website. What can I say? I guess I have too much time on my hands. Mostly I’m just a reader, scrolling past the vast majority of questions/answers for which I have no interest. That includes most of the political posts because I learned long ago that arguing with strangers over politics is pointless. Still, occasionally I will answer a question directed my way. Especially when I’m bored. So, a while back the question posed was, “Am I lucky living in the Philippines?”. This was my answer:
There is no place else I’d rather be at this time in my life. No, it is far from perfect, but what place is perfect? I’m an American, but there is no way I’d want to be living there with all that craziness going on. Do I get frustrated sometimes with things that happen here? Of course, I do. But then I take a walk in the mountains or on the beach, and I remember what’s important in life.
This just happened today—I watched a documentary on Bangladesh and realized that even the poor people in the Philippines live a much better life than many people do elsewhere in the world.
Yes, I feel lucky to be here.
That’s about as innocuous it gets. Just my personal opinion based on my own experience here. So, I was shocked when the Quora team advised me today that they’d shared my response with two million members. It’s been viewed 142,000 times and received 647 upvotes. Wow, I wish LTG was that popular! It’s also generated a few dozen comments, almost all of them positive. That’s also pretty amazing for the internet. But yesterday this comment came along from someone who calls himself “Hung Lo”:
Yea, they’re so happy there that’s why millions of them are dying to come here to the U.S In fact Philippines makeup the largest if not the largest Asian group living there, but yet we have the poster here and others claiming that the people of the Philippines (or atleast insinuating) are happy and content with life in their native country which can’t be further from the truth.
Stop projecting and assuming that just because life has dealt you a better hand, living in a developed country one with stability and opportunities that there aren’t others such as the natives of the Philippines aren’t yearning for the same.
Let me ask you this. What makes the Philippines so great that a more developed country doesn’t have? If I had to guess I’d bet all my marbles that it has something to do with the very young/youthful and all the pleasures it brings for the old, the forgotten and the perverted. *Sicko
I found this response both ignorant and irksome. I decided to just let it go as unworthy of a response. But then I read it again this morning and didn’t want Mr. Hung Lo to get the impression that my silence was an acknowledgement that he was right in his assessments. So, I wrote this:
Millions you say? In the USA Filipino immigrants represent the fourth-largest origin group after the foreign born from Mexico, India, and China. Of course, like all immigrants (and the USA was founded on immigrants) people here look for opportunities to better themselves and live a more comfortable life. That doesn’t mean they are unhappy. In fact, I’ve not seen any of the violence and hatred here that is occurring in the USA. Nope, not one city burned or looted. Go figure. The happiness of the Filipino people is not about money, it is about the love of family. You have to see it to believe it.
You shouldn’t bet all your marbles on anything, because it appears to me you have already lost them. Your racist and sexist comment assuming that all young Filipino women are whores makes you the “sicko”. Crawl back into your hole now, snake.
Probably shouldn’t have bothered, I know. But I’m glad I did anyway. Here’s another comment that disagreed with me, but I actually respected his viewpoint:
As a Filipino citizen (born and raised here), I wish I could say the same. It’s only ever fun to be here as an outsider/foreigner, from my perspective, since that’s already somewhat of a privilege. The economy is a headache, the extremely conservative mindset of a significant portion of the population is equally frustrating, and I won’t even dare touch the topic of politics and justice.
Being happy in spite of all that’s happening isn’t much of a good thing in my perspective too, going back to my point regarding conservative mindsets and such. Resilience in hardships is praised here a lot, as well as by foreigners I think, but I truly can’t cope with that. Resilience and staying happy isn’t always good, especially in such a fragile and hostile political environment (again, not diving deeper into that but I hope the point gets across). It’s quite defeatist in my eyes and I don’t think I can stomach living the rest of my life seeing this resiliency mindset “thrive” so much.
Again, it’s just a matter of perspective but I really can’t help but post my opinion.
Now that is how you agree to disagree without being disagreeable. He makes a fair point that if people remain accepting of the status quo and resilient in the face of the hardships that result from incompetent and corrupt political leaders, nothing will ever change for the better.
Anyway, putting Quora down for now and moving on, let me tell you about my breakfast. Pizza! Other than leftovers, I can’t recall ever having a pizza so early in the day (or seeing one on the breakfast menu). This one was topped with egg and sausage, so I figured, why not?
It was actually pretty tasty. Don’t think I’ll make it a habit, but a pizza breakfast was a nice change of pace.
It’s another Hash Monday and I’ll be heading out soon to climb a mountain. The “sane” group I Hash with has determined there are better ways to do so than the Hare (Guenter) has planned, so just like the Burger King, we are gonna have it our way. Stay tuned for a full report tomorrow.
It’s bee a while since I’ve shared the lyrics to one of our Hash songs here, so let me leave you with this:
(sung to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”)
If your girlfriend tastes like shit, roll her over If your girlfriend tastes like shit, roll her over If your girlfriend tastes like shit, It’s her asshole not her clit If your girlfriend tastes like shit, roll her over
And now you know why I infrequently share Hash songs here. Sorry!
I might have mentioned that one of the repercussions associated with my upcoming move involves the folks currently living in my basement room. The mother, who is employed as a caretaker for the property owners, will be moving into the basement of the house next door. I’ve been supplementing her meager wages with a 1000 peso ($20) a week bonus, so she will be losing out on that after I’m gone. The real impact is on her daughter, Inday, who won’t be permitted by the landlord to join her mother when she moves. Inday is in her late 20s and unemployed. Her boyfriend, who has also been staying in my basement, is minimally employed in the construction trades. Inday is also a Hasher (Cum In My Basement) and we are Facebook friends. I’ve seen her increasingly desperate posts asking for leads on affordable housing in the area. Of course, with very little income there ain’t much they can afford. Although it is not my responsibility, I do feel bad about her situation.
I also probably mentioned that my part-time helper, Gina, left my employ a couple of months ago. And when I was checking out my new digs yesterday, including what is actually a pretty nice basement maid’s room, a thought occurred to me: I could offer Inday the part-time job, pay her the P1000 a week I was giving her mother, and let her (and the boyfriend) reside in my basement. I mentioned that possibility to Inday and she seemed grateful (her English isn’t that great). I saw her mom later and she thanked me profusely. So, it looks like I am going to have another helping hand around here.
Otherwise, not much else is going on. The rain has put a, um, damper on my walking activity, or at least provided a handy excuse for my laziness. One of those. I took advantage of a break in the storm yesterday and hustled down to Cheap Charlies.
The view from my stool. Those mountains (the Kalaklan ridge) in the background will be the destination for tomorrow’s Hash. Guenter is the Hare, but to his credit, he posted a map and possible shortcuts for those not up to the challenge of climbing up to the top, then down to Olongapo, then back up and down to Barretto again. I’ll do the first climb, walk the ridgeline, then come back down on a safe and sane trail.
Anyway, it was Saturday night so I played the role of big spender–lots of lady drinks and food for the girls. That’s kind of a once-a-week undertaking for me; I’m not rich, after all. Why all that generosity last night set me back a whopping $60! Yeah, I must be crazy, I know.
This morning on the dog walk I took the boys to see their new place. They didn’t pee on anything, so I’ll take that as a good sign. I’m going to need to rearrange some furniture to get everything to fit. It should be cozy (that’s the nice way to say “cramped”, right?). It’s gonna be a bit of an adjustment, but it will be fine once I’m settled in.
This is another not from my new house view, but I will be living on that street in the foreground. Close enough, right? I just liked the way the clouds looked floating there below the mountain.
I took myself out for a French lunch today at The Pub.
A French Dip sandwich served au jus and French fried potatoes. John Kim only uses quality ingredients and the beef was outstanding. To me, the au jus makes the sandwich, and I was not disappointed in this flavorful concoction. My only quibble was the lack of cheese on the sandwich. I saw you could order a cheese of your choosing for an extra 50P, but I assumed the French Dip would automatically include the cheese. My fault for not asking.
And that’s today’s installment from the story of my life. Thanks for dropping by, and remember, don’t let those masks slip! Right Dr. Fraudci?
The rent-paying saga has now come to an end. But there was one last gut-wrenching episode to that story. In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that Western Union had extracted nearly $3000. from my bank account as I had authorized for my move-in expenses at the new apartment. They also attempted a duplicate withdrawal which my bank rejected for non-sufficient funds and charged me a $29. fee for my failure to let WU rape me. Regardless, the rent money was out of my account and presumably on its way to my landlady’s bank account.
Not so fast! Late in the afternoon I received an email from Western Union advising:
We’re sorry to let you know that we canceled your recent transfer. We needed additional information from you to complete it but were unable to reach you at Not-A-Number(false).
Are you f’n kidding me? They unhelpfully provided a US 1-800 number to call if I had any questions. I was livid and drafted a nasty email response, then noticed that the fine print advised that responses to this email would not be seen and suggested contacting a customer service representative via their webpage. I went to the webpage and no email addresses were provided. You could call, mail a letter (people still do that?) or chat with someone online. So, I tried chat. After waiting a few minutes, I got connected with someone named Adhar. He took my basic information, asked me what the problem was, and after I explained he told me to hold while he looked into the issue. When he returned he told me I would have to call a 1-800 number. I explained that I was in the Philippines and couldn’t call a toll-free number in the USA. He came back and gave me a number that he claimed would work from here. It didn’t. That was thirty minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
Now what? I asked a local techy friend if there was a way to contact a toll-free number from my mobile phone. He said, “just add three zeros before the one”. Seriously? I tried it and it worked! So now I’m “talking” to some AI voice that assures me it will understand my responses. It took my name, my transaction number, and my issue–then told me to hold while I was transferred to an appropriate customer representative. Moments later I’m connected to a young-sounding woman speaking in accented but understandable English. She asked what my problem was and I let her have it–with both barrels. Yeah, a week’s worth of frustration came spewing out. In essence, I said, “you tell me the transfer was canceled because you need more information. And yet, you had enough info to withdraw the funds from my bank and are now refusing to send that money on to its final destination. Then you have the audacity to say I provided a false phone number. I’m talking to you from that non-existent number right now!” I was using my “BIG VOICE” which I’ve been told is both loud and intimating. I actually felt bad about it afterward and semi-apologized. To her credit, the CSR simply said she was sorry for the misunderstanding and proceeded to try and rectify the issues.
First, she said she needed to call me at the number I provided. “You want me to hang up?” I asked incredulously. “No,” she said, “stay on the line. I’ll be right back.” I’m not sure what she did, maybe dialed and go a busy signal. Anyway, when she returned she said that there are many fraudulent transfers to the Philippines and therefore it was necessary that I provide additional information about my transaction. Fine, fire away.
What is the money being sent to be used for? Paying two months rent and two months security deposit.
Who is the recipient? Karen van Scheck, the owner of the property.
Have you ever met her in person? No, I’m dealing with her agent who is a personal friend of mine.
How do you know this person owns the property? Um, because I know other tenants in the same building who have not encountered any issues with her or their wire transfer services. *Ahem*
Hold on, sir. Okay, I’ve submitted your responses and your wire transfer is now approved. When will the money arrive? It is there now, sir.
Thanks. Have a good day. *click*
Anyway, I get what they are trying to do–prevent me from ripped off. I still contend if my transaction was flagged as potentially fraudulent they should never have taken the money from my account. The landlady emailed me this morning saying the money was indeed in her bank account. And oh yeah, my bank responded to my message about the insufficient funds notice and said the $29 fee was being waived. Another victory!
This morning I met with Heidi, the landlady’s rep, and we did an inventory of the house contents. Then she gave me the keys:
I shit you not, these keys are how you access the locks in a two-bedroom (well, three, counting the maid’s room) apartment. One for the outside gate, two for the front door, one for every other door in the house, except the sliding door to the balcony which takes THREE separate keys to open! I’ve never seen anything like it.
I’ll figure it out. I’m going to need to get duplicates made to the essential doors–for the helpers and to hide outside for the inevitable drunken night when I lose mine. Ain’t life grand?
The view as I walked back to my old place from my new place. This is NOT the view I’ll be seeing from my apartment, however.
I’m going to start a slow transition to my new digs. Need to get the internet transferred before I move for one thing. I’m tentatively looking at Thursday next week for using the Hash truck to move my larger items. I don’t like moving, but doing it piecemeal might make it a little less burdensome.
In other news, Facebook reminded me of a painful memory from three years ago:
My first Hash crash resulted in stitches. Tripped over some ground level barbed wire.
Speaking of hiking, there was a Friday get-together yesterday. Given the recent heavy rains, we stayed down low and mostly on paved ground. One of the gals with us said the hike was “long and hard, just the way I like it!” You are welcome. Here are a few pictures:
At our meet-up location, the 7/11 on Baloy road.Only six of us braved the threatening weather. Only a few sprinkles during the hike and they were actually quite refreshing.“Watch out for the rocky road!” I scream.Black Rock ridge…Hey, wait for me!That’s better…There they go again. I was definitely the slowest walker in this herd. Plus, I was the only photographer this time.Back into Alta Vista and headed for lunch…Chillaxin’ at the Palm Tree resort.
As I mentioned, we didn’t get much rain during the hike. But right as we finished lunch the sky opened up and rain fell in torrents. I chose to walk home anyway and was soaked to the bone. Damn, I miss those sunny hot days! Kidding, I’ll take the rain for now. Ask me again next month!
Anytime this old fart can log 20K, it’s been a good day!
I am going to miss this view. Things change, life goes on.
A quick epilogue to yesterday’s rent-paying fiasco. I received a notice from my bank that a transaction had been rejected due to insufficient funds in my account. Well, that was my stopgap measure to keep Western Union from double-dipping. Seems to have worked although I was not happy about being gigged for the $29 bounced check fee. Oh well, lesson learned.
I spent yesterday evening at It Doesn’t Matter. It appears I enjoyed myself:
Those are my drink chits. Roan provided some female companionship–in exchange for lady drinks, of course.
I bought from the Yakult vendor and the peanut vendor, but not the ladies’ sportswear vendor. She had an interesting setup though:
I respect the creative ways folks are finding to try and earn a living in these troubled times. If the customers won’t come to your store, bring the store to them! A couple of the bargirls sampled her wares but I didn’t see any purchases…
My doctor’s appointment went about as I expected. She took some history, reviewed my prescriptions, and referred me to Bay Pointe hospital for some lab work. When I get those results she will review them with me and we’ll make a plan from there.
So, that’s that. Keeping this post short and sweet to make up for the torture I put y’all through yesterday.
Oh, has anyone else noticed the whole COVID narrative falling apart like an old building?
Regular readers are well aware of my fondness for going out every night–eating, drinking, and carousing with the ladies like a rich man. Well, those things come with a price and now I find myself in the unenviable position of having difficulty fulfilling my obligation to pay the rent on my new place. It was due on the first and remains unpaid as of now.
Here’s what happened. You may recall that last Sunday I initiated a wire transfer of the first and last month’s rent, plus two month’s security deposit via Western Union. That’s nearly $3000. at current exchange rates. Shortly thereafter I received an email from WU advising that I had failed to supply some required information. I clicked on the link in that email and it took me back to my submission but didn’t specify what was missing. I messed around with it for a while, then inadvertently submitted a SECOND transfer request. When I attempted to cancel the second transfer, I got a message advising it was “too late” to do so. What the hell? So, I went to my bank account and transferred money from checking to savings, leaving only enough for one wire transfer in the amount I owed my new landlady. Then I took a wait and see what happens approach.
Well, as of this morning, nothing happened. I had told my landlady to be on the lookout for funds coming via Western Union. She sent me a message last night saying nothing had arrived and mentioned the previous tenant had paid via Xoom without issues. By the way, my landlady is a Filipina living in the Netherlands, but the rent money goes into her Philippines bank account. That shouldn’t be a problem, just makes the process a little more complicated. Anyway, I told her if the funds had not been transferred from my account by this morning, I’d initiate a new action using the Xoom service. It wasn’t, so I did.
Nothing comes easy for an old-timer like me it seems, especially when it involves any kind of technical skills; like reading, writing, and following instructions. Turns out, Xoom is an affiliate of PayPal, so I had to use PayPal to log into Xoom. I didn’t recall having a PayPal account until I tried to create one and was told that my email address was already associated with PayPal. That started me on the process of getting a new password since I had no idea what the old one was. I got the emailed security code, plugged it in, and hooray, was able to change my password! After that, it was no problem getting into Xoom and completing the form required to initiate a wire transfer.
Now, Xoom does things a bit differently than WU. They don’t charge a fee for the transfer itself, they just gouge you on the exchange rate (they are upfront about that). So, with WU the dollar to peso rate was 47.63 or so. With Xoom, it was 45.10. With the amount I was sending that made a significant difference in cost, but what are you going to do? I submitted the transfer, got a notice that it was approved, and the landlady would have her money in a matter of hours. What a relief!
And then I got an email from Xoom. My transfer had been cancelled due to “security concerns”. They gave me a number to call, which doesn’t do me much good from the Philippines (no, I don’t know how to do international calls from my mobile phone either). I sent an email explaining I was trying to pay the rent and asking what steps I could take to resolve their security concerns? Their response was they’d get back to me maybe tomorrow.
Now what? Well, a friend here had mentioned he uses World Remit, so I logged onto their site and registered an account. But when I tried to set up a transfer from my U.S. bank, the Philippines did not appear on the list of countries I could send money to. WTF? I assume the problem may have something to do with my having a Philippines address, but I don’t know why that should matter. I was too frustrated by this point to be bothered with trying to resolve the issue.
A company called Wise (formerly TransferWise) was my last option. I was pretty impressed with the ease with which the submission requirements could be accomplished (or maybe I was just getting good at it by now). In next to no time at all, I was ready to make the transfer. Well, there was one thing that made me cringe. They use a third party to extract the funds from my bank account “for my protection and security.” This third-party app needed my bank account log-in and password. I did a Google search of the third party and Wise and found nothing derogatory. So, I gritted my teeth and supplied the information. I’m going to go to my bank account and change the password, so I should be okay. And just like that, I had the message that the wire transfer was in process. Even got a link to a way to track the progress online. Then a little later an email telling me the transfer was taking longer than normal, but the money should be in the landlady’s account by tomorrow. Alright then, mission accomplished!
I’ve been checking my bank account throughout the day watching to see if and when the money is withdrawn. And finally, just before I sat down to write this post, the three thousand bucks had been removed from my checking account. By WESTERN UNION! Aw, shit. I thought after four days of no contact they were out of the picture. So, now what? I went back to Wise and canceled that transfer. I guess it is safe to assume the money is finally on the way to the landlady. I’m anxiously awaiting her confirmation of receipt.
Next month’s rent ought to go easier at least. I’m an old hand at this now. I do believe I’ll be using Wise next time though, they were the easiest of the lot and I like their tracking feature. Although maybe not since I’d have to change my bank account password every month. It’s getting hard for me to remember my name these days.
Pretty much.
In other news, I made it through last night’s tropical storm unscathed. It didn’t really kick in until after my bedtime, but I was awakened a little after midnight by the sound of the wind’s fury and the rain pounding down on the roof. I was still awake when the power went out. I figured it’s o’dark-thirty and a storm is raging. What are the odds this is going to get fixed anytime soon? Well, fifteen minutes later the fan came back on and I returned to sleep in the relative comfort of its breeze.
My neighbor and fellow Hasher, Simon (Leech My Nuggets), was not as fortunate. When I walked past his house this morning, I saw this:
Simon is currently out of town, so I sent him this photo. He wasn’t happy to see the damage to his new water tank on his new house but thanked me for letting him know.
Kevin Kim posted a funny video of this brothers in uniform–The Grammar Police. I know I could be arrested at any moment for the crappy way I write the crap I post here. The history of the Grammar Cops goes way back to the Egyptian times as this rare drawing demonstrates:
And don’t forget the comma!
Alright, I promised some pics from the Wednesday Walkers hike yesterday. We trekked up Kalaklan ridge again, but took an unfamiliar route. There is no easy way up, but comparatively speaking, this one wasn’t too bad. We did about 7.5K all told. It didn’t start raining until we were down from the mountain at least. Lucky us!
Our up was at the lower end of the ridge (there to the far right side) so, while steep, it wasn’t as long. Of course, once we were on the ridge road, it was a long slog uphill to the top.Thirteen lucky hikers showed up for our trek.The first couple of kilometers were on the highway……but we made the best of it.As usual, our climb began with stairsteps…A narrow passageway……leading to a cluster of houses.This picture is a good reminder…we may call our hikes “hard”, but the locals live hard every day. They are halfway up the mountain, so getting any supplies and staples is a massive hassle. This woman is doing her laundry by hand with well water. We go marching by without a care in the world. It still gets to me sometimes.And now the real climbing begins.Harder than it looks……but not as hard as washing your clothes by hand I reckon.I made it to the ridge road at last!Hello Olongapo CityStill Olongapo, but looking toward the Gordon Heights area of the city.As our faces demonstrate, these hikes are serious business. What dedication!Marching up the ridge road…That diva rocks!I found Waldo!A sure sign we are near the top of the ridge…Our reward at the end of hard climb…The unobstructed view.Time to make our way back down the mountain…I didn’t forget you Easter mountain.Steady as she goes.Now, this kid was amazing. He cut all that wood with his bolo blade, a job in and of itself. I asked if he was going to carry that bundle by himself, he looked at me like “of course, how else am I going to get it home.” Damn, nothing but respect.Keep on keepin’ on!Back towards civilization, such as it is.Almost down and done.
The last of the hike was in the rain, but by then I was so hot and sweaty it was a relief. Still, it was a good day in the Philippines.
This was a rather substantial post, at least by my standards, doncha think?
Yesterday afternoon I’m minding my own business, just walking up the highway to get a haircut from my bakla (transgender) barber. The next thing I know the skies have opened up and water is pouring down on me from above. Luckily, I was right across the street from Cheap Charlies when the deluge began, so I made a dash for the relative safety of the bar.
A wise man once said, “It is far better to be on the inside looking out during a rainstorm.”
Of course, there are other dangers every bit as severe as the rain. I count thirsty bargirls as one of them. With few customers in the bar, I promptly became the target of their attentions in pursuit of the coveted lady drink commission. Alas, my resistance proved futile, and drink they did.
No was not an option it seemed.
Eventually, the rain stopped and I was able to make my escape with a lightened wallet. Back on the street and hungry now, I made my way over to Sit-n-Bull for some dinner. One of the daily specials was Salisbury steak, a dish I hadn’t tried for quite some time. I ordered it up and enjoyed a cold brew while the cook did his work.
Every bit as tasty as it looks. That’s baked beans and coleslaw on the side. Also came with a dinner roll.
With my hunger satiated but still thirsty, I headed over to Palm Tree for beer and beach views. I wasn’t disappointed.
A pretty good crowd for a late in the day Tuesday afternoon.The view towards Baloy.And as the sun went down it was a “sailor’s delight” kind of night.
Finished the night with a couple more at Queen Victoria and then on to the house ahead of my 9:00 p.m. bedtime.
Speaking of the rain, it is raining as I write this. And if the forecasts are to be believed, lots more rain is in my immediate future.
It seems like only yesterday that I was complaining about the heat….
And it looks like tomorrow is really going to blow too.
Our first tropical storm of the season is heading this way.
Oh well, it could always be worse. Oh, shit! It is. Saw this post on Facebook from the Barangay Captain:
We are reminding everyone that there are a lot of jellyfish / guinea fowl in our seaside, all are prohibited from bathing in our sea in Barretto.
What the fuck is a “guinea fowl” anyway? Oh, I guess it’s like a chicken. Not sure why that would preclude you from “bathing in our sea”, but whatever. These would likely keep me out of the water though:
This pic is from the barangay FB post. I remember jellyfish from my days on Huntington Beach as a kid. Getting stung ain’t no fun!
Apparently all those folks I saw on the beach and in the water yesterday didn’t get the message. Or maybe it’s just a bunch of overblown nonsense. There are other reasons I’d avoid the waters of Subic Bay, but that’s just because I’ve been upriver and seen the shit washing downstream. No thanks!
I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Actually, I’ve been feeling better lately. Sleeping better, too. My helper (who is a certified caregiver) procured some hydrochloride tablets that seem to have cured whatever was itching me. Still, I need to get the annual physical I haven’t had for a couple of years now. We’ll see what the doctor has to say about my future.
That’s the report from here. I’ll tell you about the Wednesday Walkers hike tomorrow. Now I have to contend with the rain as I make my weekly journey out to Dive In. Heh, who knows? Maybe I’ll meet a rainy day love.
Rainy day people always seem to know when you’re feeling blue High stepping strutters who land in the gutters sometimes need one too Take it or leave it, or try to believe it If you’ve been down too long Rainy day lovers don’t hide love inside they just pass it on
I survived another Hash yesterday. Barely. I exaggerate, but damn, at the start, it was as hot as I remember it ever being. Later in the day some clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled, but no raindrops fell on my sweaty head. If the weather forecasts are to be believed, we’ll be seeing some monsoon-like rains here by next week. Can hardly wait!
The trail itself was on the short side, around 5K. It featured two moderate climbs, a lot of which consisted of steps. The biggest challenge was the portions that were covered in bamboo leaves, making the path treacherously slippery. Despite my best efforts to be prudent, I did take a fall. It could have been worse, but as I was sliding down the steep side of the mountain on my ass, I managed to reach out and grab a tree trunk. It was tough enough getting back up on the trail from where I wound up–not sure what I would have done had I slid all the way down to the bottom. And to think that just the other day I was complaining about the lack of excitement in my life. Yesterday’s adventure ought to hold me over in that regard for a while, I reckon.
Let’s go to the photos, shall we?
Yesterday’s Hash trail. The detour I took on my ass is not shown.We are called the “sick, lame, and insane” group because we leave early and shortcut as we please. I’d say that makes US the sane Hashers. It seems each week our group grows larger. I expect before long we will be the majority in the Subic Bay Hash.The first climb of the day begins.Looking back from whence we came.When the trail was like this I had no problems.But a lot of it was like this.Shortly after taking this photo is when I fell. My downhill right foot slipped out from under me, spinning me around, and dropping me on my ass. That’s when the ride down the hillside began. I was still gaining speed when I grabbed a tree to stop my momentum.Buddy Fucker encouraging me to hurry my slow ass up.Having reached the top, we began the journey back down.Standing tall in my element–flat ground!What’s a Hash without a rickety bridge crossing where one false step imperils life and limb?You can’t tell in this photo, but there was about an 8-foot drop to the creekbed below.Time for the second climb of the day…And it wasn’t all stairsteps…Rest time.Near the top of the climb up I heard a voice calling, “John, this way!” It was Olivia (on the left), my mountain family friend.The rest of the trail was the familiar and relatively easy “My Bitch.” Here’s the view of Easter mountain from there.
The On-Home was at the Alta Vista community center. Once again, my chili sold out; that’s the best review possible. Hmm, it just occurred to me the review could also mean, “I was so damn hungry I actually ate that shit!”. Well, there were other choices available:
A couple of the Hash Gash put in the time and effort to generate some cash from food sales.Hard at work preparing the kebabs…Our newest named Hasher: Get Your Rocks Off.My Hash crash cost me some time on the ice…We also initiated a virgin Hasher (the girl on the right).And we prepared the traditional Hash birthday cake for Salty Cum and Anal Receptive.
All in all, it was a pretty good day. Got some exercise, didn’t die falling down a mountain, and drank lots of beers. Does it get any better than that?