
Super Typhoon Maria is passing to the north today and throwing some rain our way. Ought to make this afternoon’s Hash interesting.

Messaging the landlord and his assistant about the promised repairs without response so far. Three weeks living here now and NOTHING has been done. Well, except for the stuff I’m doing.

Like these shelves for the kitchen…

And three ceiling fans (living room, office area, and master bedroom).

There are other things I want and am willing to do (like interior painting) but I need the other stuff fixed before I can proceed. I’m holding onto the remaining four months rent until I some assurance that the promises will be kept. Disappointed to say the least so far.

This afternoon I was laying on my bed trying to catch a nap and Buddy came in whining. I put my hand down and said “what is it boy?” and he playfully attacked. Ha, he was bored and wanted to play! So I got down on the floor and we wrestled some. It was kinda fun for both of us I think.

Buddy still ain’t much for walking on a leash. Marginally better than yesterday, but as the videos I’ve been watching suggest, you have to be patient.

And I’ve got all the time in the world.

It’s snot bad

Another weekend is drawing to a close. Not that there is much distinction between days when you don’t have a job.

Experienced some of the joys of dog ownership first hand today.

Buddy apparently sniffed out the used Kleenex tissues in the trash can beside my bed and went to town on them. He must really, really love me!

While I was out and about Buddy decided he wanted to enjoy the balcony off my master bedroom. So he tore a fucking hole through yet another screen door. For a free dog he’s been costing me a small fortune!

Tried to take Buddy for a walk this afternoon but he was having none of it. Wouldn’t budge and when I applied some pressure on the leash he dug in his paws and pulled back even harder. Strong little guy, I’ll give him that. Hopefully he’ll come around, I’d love to have him join me on some of my walks.

Anyway, I promise this is not going to be all Buddy all the time here at LTG. It’s been a slow day and not much else to blog about is all.

Oh, and Buddy quite often sleeps on his back.

Alright, alright. I finished third in the dart tourneys on Saturday and today. I’m very inconsistent which is frustrating. And Marissa came home with me after today’s darts and helped ease my frustration. I’m a satisfied man.

Like a boss

I spent over 30 years of my federal service as a Human Resources professional, primarily in the area of labor and employee relations. In that capacity, I was the guy who gave advice and guidance on how to deal with wayward employees, including discipline up to and including dismissal. Now, I had the extreme good fortune to never have to discipline anyone who actually worked for me. Until now.

Last night my domestic helper was extremely rude to my guest. Rude to the extent that Marissa was very uncomfortable. She told later that she had planned to spend the night with me, but was unwilling to with the “crazy woman” in the house. That ain’t good obviously. She’s off on weekends and left this morning before I could speak to her. I just don’t get what is going on with her.

The job I’m providing is extremely well compensated by Philippine standards (about twice the going rate) and she performs the actual work up to my expectations. Marissa asked if I was having a relationship with her and of course the answer is absolutely not. Physical or otherwise. But her behavior did somehow reek of jealousy. Anyway, I’m going to have to deal with it and termination is certainly on the table if she cannot provide a reasonable explanation for her behavior and some assurance that it will never be repeated. We shall see.

Here’s some more photos of last night that I lifted from Marissa’s facebook page:

My date likes my dog…that’s a good start!

Grillin’ like a boss…

As I mentioned, the meat was tough. Getting a workout cutting through it. Thanks to the readers who sent me links on tenderizing techniques….


Facebook also reminded me of memories from one year ago today. I was here in Barretto on vacation and my daughter Avery and I managed a brief reunion:

It was good to see her again. I’m planning a brief sojourn to the USA in October to enjoy a reunion with all the kids and grands…

Last year my “employee” Loraine was with me. She’s gone now of course and so is Avery’s partner Annie. And the world keeps on turning….

Buddy seems to be doing well. Still a little skittish, but with each day he seems more comfortable in his new surroundings.

He seemed to be enjoying catching the morning breeze today…

I’ve also been trusting him to be alone in the backyard. This seems to be his favorite spot out there. He does his pooping and peeing there as well which pleases me greatly….

And that gets you fully up-to-date on the mundane absurdities of my life in the Philippines.

“It is not in the world of ideas that life is lived. Life is lived for better or worse in life, and to a man in life, his life can be no more absurd than it can be the opposite of absurd, whatever that opposite may be.”
–Archibald MacLeish

Goal achieved

I’m drunk and tired, but post I must!

Woke up this morning and was greeted by Buddy sleeping outside my bedroom door. I thought, ah ain’t that sweet? And then I came downstairs to this:

Scratch one screen door. Now, I don’t think Buddy was trying to escape. I think he wanted to get outside to poop. Guess we’ll never know.

Of course, Buddy denies everything…

Today’s big accomplishments include getting my new grill all gassed up. And shopping for the makings of my first grilled meal here in the PI.

I checked every meat shop in Barretto before settling on these Australian ribeyes. The good news I suppose is that I bought four steaks for less than ten dollars. The bad news is you get what you pay for.

Here they are on the grill…

…and on my dinner plate. The steaks were tough. I knew as soon as I cut into one that it was not the tender and juicy meat to which I’d become accustomed. Everything else was fine.

And the company and *ahem* dessert were exquisite.

And before I pigged out as illustrated above, I achieved a long sought after goal…

…breaking the 200 pound barrier! We’ll see how long that lasts!

More to report, but too damn tired to get my mind around it now.



Buddy has been found. Well, captured is a more apt description of the event.

I got a call from Mike, the guy who got me Buddy, that a trike driver said he had found Buddy. I thought that meant he had him in his possession, but that was not the case. As I feared, Buddy had resisted being brought in and ran off into a nearby swamp. Apparently he swam about 100 yards out before getting tangled up and stuck in some tall grass. When I arrived on scene they were just pointing out at the water saying he “was there”. Well, yeah but what good does that do me?

Then a brave soul waded out into the trash filled morass to try and bring him back in. Despite his dire circumstances, Buddy barked and snarled menacingly at his would be rescuer. So then another guy improvised a harness by running some rope through a PVC pipe with a noose on the end. Somehow the wader managed to loop that around Buddy’s neck and dragged him ashore. It was both sad and impressive.

The swamp where Buddy was trapped.

Buddy swam part of the way back to shore….

Once he was on solid but trashy ground he collapsed. I tried to comfort him the best I could…

….but he was having none of it. He went absolutely wild, jumping and biting the rope to try and escape…

I was startled and stumbled backwards, cartwheeling down this trash hillside several times before landing at the fetid waters edge. I was fucking lucky I didn’t hit any of shards of glass in that heap. My pockets emptied during the tumble, but I only lost one vape pen, so…

Buddy was like a wild animal, never seen a “domesticated” pet act like that. We put him in a muzzle and a small cage and transported him to the vet. They got him calmed down but said I need to wait a week or so before getting his shots and de-worming. I’ve got some meds to give him in the meantime.

But he’s back home now and giving me a look that says “you still suck, but this is better than living on the street!”

…”and the food is marginally better too”

So, the original owner asked if they could have Buddy back in exchange for a puppy. Their son apparently really misses the dog. I briefly considered it, only because I wondered if Buddy would be happier there. But then I said no, he’s staying with me. I’ll give him a much better life in the long run. I’m thinking I’ll still go for a puppy though. I think Buddy might be more comfortable with some canine company around the house…

Anyway, this turned out to be a great day!

Thanks for the words of wisdom

My blog buddy Kevin Kim is celebrating the anniversary of 15 years of blogging. Unlike me, his posts usually contain meaning and substance. I’ve been reading him since 2005 when I first moved to Korea. Amongst his thousands of posts over the years, two in particular have resonated with me. I’ve gone back and read them several times when I needed to be reminded of their lessons. And now you too can have the rewarding experience of reading these pearls of wisdom:

Put it down

Arbor Day meditation

And while you are at it, may as well make the Big Hominid a daily read, doncha think?

Thanks for all you have shared over the years Mr. Kim and I will look forward to much more to come!

Independence Day

Yes, they have 4th of July here in the Philippines. I kid you not.

Celebrating BREXIT since 1776!

As days go, this has been a pretty good one all things considered. Started the day with a nice surprise chat with my high school sweetheart. We’d periodically kept in touch over the years, but then she’d unfriended me on Facebook a couple of years ago for reasons I didn’t quite understand. Anyway, it was good to hear from Karen again.

Ain’t we sweet?

Then I had a traditional Independence Day BBQ lunch on the old Navy base at Texas Joe’s.

I’d eaten here on previous visits. It’s definitely got some authenticity going on. Plus the cute waitresses in cowboy hats are a treat.

The ribs, chicken, and sides were pretty damn fine too. God Bless America!

While on base I did some grocery shopping and also brought home this beauty:

I’m going to need to get some gas and a different regulator (US vs Philippine standard), but I’ll be grillin’ and chillin’ soon enough! About damn time!

One of the neighborhood goats was asserting his independence today as well…

So, I posted this on Facebook today:

But in the midst of writing this post, I had a text conversation with Marissa. It seems she has had a change of heart. Or more precisely, we cleared up some misunderstanding about what was in her heart. So I guess we are going to give it a go…

And there goes MY independence!

And it wouldn’t be the 4th without some good old fashioned American politics. So let me just say this:

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

America, Fuck Yeah!

The lonely Hash

A little bit of a change up with yesterday’s Hash. A short trail (2.2 kms) and a long trail (5 kms). Both trails ended with a small bar hop before On-Home at Hot Zone.

Despite being a walker I opted for the long trail which is intended for those who run. When I started out I thought there were several other walkers joining me, but turns out it was just me and one other Hasher hoofing it. About half-way through he picked up speed and left me behind, so I was Hashing alone for the last hour or so. Fortunately, the trail was well-marked so I didn’t get lost. Still makes me nervous to be out in the wild with no backup around given my propensity for slips, trips and falls. Only blood I spilled though was getting my finger in a sticker bush, but that’s no biggie. Walking the long way did result in my being the last person back and missing the first two bars of the bar hop. Ah well, it was still a good day!

No map of the long trail I’m afraid. Luckily I have some photographs!

In a first for me, the Hares actually laid trail through my backyard. That was pretty cool…

But those nasty Hares also made me get my shoes and socks wet by wading through this shit creek. I’m pretty certain shit is amongst it’s slimy contents…

I much preferred taking this bridge on the return portion.

That would be me alone on the trail.

But it sure was pretty out there…and no rain this week! Woot!

People here may live poor lives but they are surrounded by beauty…

Coming down the mountain all by my lonesome. Steeper than it appears and slick with mud, rocks, leaves and grass. I survived!

Got back in time to enjoy a cold brew at the third of three bars on the bar hop…Crazy Horse.

Then we were On-Home at Hot Zone…

And once again I was not charged with any offense that resulted in sitting my bare ass on a block of ice. Thankfully!

In one of those “one door closes, and another opens” scenarios, Pubic Head’s girlfriend, Ice Queen introduced me to her friend Fucking Starfish. Not the cutest girl in town by a long shot, but she was friendly and definitely seemed interested. Perhaps one day we will Cum Together. It would be nice to have a Hash buddy next time so I won’t have to repeat the experience of being alone on the trail. We’ll see.


It seems I’m on a roll these days. Downhill. As usual.

Had my third date with Marissa yesterday. Lunch, then she joined me at the bar for darts. Finished first in the tourney for the second day in a row. And as is my custom, I gave my share of the pot to my “date”. After darts I asked her to join me at Treasure Island. Over the course of dinner and beers there I tried to ascertain if she was interested in taking our “relationship” to the next level. She wasn’t.

Very disappointing, and frankly I’m surprised at just how much her rejection hurts. Of course, that says a whole lot more about me than her. I’m just too fucking desperate to have someone to share my life here. But I still have my pride and I don’t beg and grovel. If someone is not 100% into me then it is best to just let go and move on. So that’s just what I will do.

A potential dog siting on the beach in Barretto. If it was Buddy he ran away when they tried to catch him. That’s going to be a problem I fear. He’s so skittish that even if found I’m not sure it’s going to be possible to collar him. Well, I’ll walk the beach later and see what there is to see.

And it’s raining again.

Caught in my fears
Blinking back the tears
I can’t say you hurt me when you never let me near
And I never drew one response from you
All the while you fell all over guys you never knew
Cause I’ve done everything I know to try and make you mine
And I think it’s gonna hurt me for a long long time

Gone but not forgotten

No news on Buddy. Handed out and posted flyers throughout the vicinity. Posted on Facebook and had my local friends share the post on their feeds. So the word is out on the street and that 2500 peso reward should be a good motivator. If Buddy is still out there surely someone will find him. Two days gone now though so no telling where he is or what has happened to him. I’ve done all I know to do so it’s just a waiting game now while I continue to hope for the best.

Yesterday afternoon I caught some movement in the backyard out of the corner of my eye. For a fleeting moment I thought maybe Buddy had returned on his own. The truth really got my goat.

Grabbed some dinner at Treasure Island before darts yesterday. It’s sort of my place to go when I’m out on Baloy Beach. Check out one of my favorite waitresses there, Angel:

That is without a doubt the longest hair I ever did see. It’s practically a trip hazard.

Speaking of darts, I managed a first place finish which is always nice. Also got to spend some quality time with Marissa which is always a pleasure. She’s such a snuggle bunny.

I’m taking it slow, but so far, so good.

We are going to meet for lunch this afternoon and she will be joining me at the dart tournament afterwards. Marissa told me last night that I was a “blessing” in her life. Now, that could be because of the wad of cash from Friday’s raffle, but perhaps there is more to it than the money. I aim to find out one way or another.

So in regards to both Buddy and Marissa I’m engaging the power of positive thinking. For whatever that is worth.