
Buddy has been found. Well, captured is a more apt description of the event.

I got a call from Mike, the guy who got me Buddy, that a trike driver said he had found Buddy. I thought that meant he had him in his possession, but that was not the case. As I feared, Buddy had resisted being brought in and ran off into a nearby swamp. Apparently he swam about 100 yards out before getting tangled up and stuck in some tall grass. When I arrived on scene they were just pointing out at the water saying he “was there”. Well, yeah but what good does that do me?

Then a brave soul waded out into the trash filled morass to try and bring him back in. Despite his dire circumstances, Buddy barked and snarled menacingly at his would be rescuer. So then another guy improvised a harness by running some rope through a PVC pipe with a noose on the end. Somehow the wader managed to loop that around Buddy’s neck and dragged him ashore. It was both sad and impressive.

The swamp where Buddy was trapped.

Buddy swam part of the way back to shore….

Once he was on solid but trashy ground he collapsed. I tried to comfort him the best I could…

….but he was having none of it. He went absolutely wild, jumping and biting the rope to try and escape…

I was startled and stumbled backwards, cartwheeling down this trash hillside several times before landing at the fetid waters edge. I was fucking lucky I didn’t hit any of shards of glass in that heap. My pockets emptied during the tumble, but I only lost one vape pen, so…

Buddy was like a wild animal, never seen a “domesticated” pet act like that. We put him in a muzzle and a small cage and transported him to the vet. They got him calmed down but said I need to wait a week or so before getting his shots and de-worming. I’ve got some meds to give him in the meantime.

But he’s back home now and giving me a look that says “you still suck, but this is better than living on the street!”

…”and the food is marginally better too”

So, the original owner asked if they could have Buddy back in exchange for a puppy. Their son apparently really misses the dog. I briefly considered it, only because I wondered if Buddy would be happier there. But then I said no, he’s staying with me. I’ll give him a much better life in the long run. I’m thinking I’ll still go for a puppy though. I think Buddy might be more comfortable with some canine company around the house…

Anyway, this turned out to be a great day!

9 thoughts on “Rescued!

  1. That is great news! Glad Buddy is home where he belongs. Happy you are keeping him. As i stated before, that poor doggy has been through enough in his life. He needs a stable, loving home. Remind your hired help to watch those doors. The fella that waded in to the muck and mire deserves a medal. Peace out!

  2. In Korea, there’s a Chinese proverb: “Sae ong ji ma,” which translates as “poor old man’s horse,” a reference to this famous Chinese story about the poor farmer, his son, and their lone horse. Koreans often take the proverb to mean “life is ironic,” but I take it to mean “life turns on a dime, so be prepared”: one minute, it’s good fortune; the next minute, it’s bad fortune. If you’re in a bad way, just wait a bit and your luck will change. And vice versa. Welcome to the roller coaster of existence!

    By the way, I second what SojuHoncho says above: “The fella that waded into the muck and mire deserves a medal.”

    Poor Buddy needs calm, stability, consistency, and vigilance, pretty much like an infant. His startling display of wildness is, when you think about it, not surprising at all: he’s incapable of understanding his situation and probably still smarting from the memory of whatever abuse he endured under previous owners. Slipping a noose around any animal’s neck, no matter how seemingly docile the animal, is likely to provoke an extreme reaction: the animal only knows it’s being deprived of freedom. As with emotionally scarred people, animals need a lot of time to heal. Healing is possible, though.

  3. Thanks, Kevin. Rescued your comment from moderation…

    Yes, going to need to be patient with Buddy while he adjusts and adapts. So far, he seems to be doing much better than before. Doesn’t want to walk on a leash, but I’ll give him so time. He saw the downstairs lady through the window just now and he’s growling, so I’m taking that as him kicking into watchdog mode, which I like!

    But yeah, sae ong ji ma seems to be true…I found a girlfriend and a dog in the same week! Should I be worried now?

  4. Fantastic. I was hoping for this outcome. Please keep watch on him. A dog; pet; at this time is life changing. It has been for me.

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