…of Spring! What’s up with that Al?
Anyway, as they are wont to do this time of year, the storm brought humongous snowflakes…I’d reckon them to be the size of silver dollars, if any of you out still remember silver dollars…
They snowflakes looked like this from the back balcony:

In other news, I took my nephew Justin (an exchange student at Yonsei University) to see Nanta. You know, expose him to real authentic Korean culture and all. Always an enjoyable show…

That would be Justin…

The stage is set….

The audience murmurs in anticipation….
…and photography is not allowed during the show….sorry about that.
So, yesterday caught a little break in the weather and took a stroll along the Han riverside…

Much of Saturday’s yellow dust had dissipated…

…and the bicyclists took full advantage…

…as I walked along the Seven Bridges Road. Er, well kinda sorta.

Youngdonggyo (one of many Hangang crossings). Gyo=Bridge. Gang=River. The Gyo, we’ll build it now, it may take a lot of time….

I do believe this is the International signage meaning “Oh Shit!” Or judging from the eyes, don’t take drugs and work in high places. Or something like that…

After spending an hour and a half on my river hike, I decided to save these steps leading to a little park for another day….
So instead I hopped the #110 bus back to Itaewon and a late lunch at 3 Alley Pub. And I was reminded why I rarely go there anymore. Food is fine, but. See I order a Miller Lite and a menu. They both arrive. The waitress ask if I’m paying now. I say, well I’m gonna order me up some lunchee. She asks for a credit card. I say forget it and give her a cash for the beer. She brings my change. I order my lunch (wings and goulash). She asks me to pay in advance, so I do. She brings the change. I order another beer and so on…
I guess Albert has a reason for this policy, but I hate it and so I’m pretty sure I’ve spent my last money in his establishment…
And thus ends another chapter in the life and times of LTG.