Geez, time flies. I have been so into my personal dramas that I have just not been posting like I know I should. I’m still reading my favorite blogs and leaving a pithy comment or two on occasion, but I just haven’t had the inclination to keep my loyal readers (both of you) up to date.
What’s been happening. Hmm, not a lot. Just into my routine. Actually, I have been working on changing my routine. I’m pretty sick and tired of hanging out in bars. So, I have been watching bootleg DVDs (40 year old virgin turned out to be pretty disappointing) and escaping into the fantasy world of CIV III.
I went ahead and had my old car repaired. Also filled up the gas tank and doubled its value. I really don’t drive all that much, but on grocery day I need it. Also, I like to haul my trash to a dumpster at work. Yeah, I’m ashamed of myself for not doing this whole separation of food, bottles and cans, etc. etc. thing. But not so ashamed to change my evil ways. Anyway, hopefully the new tranny will keep me on the road for the remainder of my tour in Korea.
My real news is my visit to the DMZ today. Wow. If you are in Korea and have not gone, you need to see it. I got a kick out of being watched by the NORKs while we visited the Joint Security Area. The Korean soldiers guarding us were also quite impressive. And one who gave a presentation in perfect British English was worth the trip. We also walked through the number 3 infiltration tunnel which was quite a work out. And yeah, I was awed by the history that the DMZ represents. A good day.
Work is going well. Busy enough to ward off boredom, but not busy enough to be overly stressed. I going to be TDY all next week. More on that later.
My pool game still sucks. Although I did pull off another improbale victory last week. My reduced bar time means less practice, but like golf, it seems the more I play the worse I get anyway.
There you have it, my so called life. Nothing real exciting but I am on balance finding this whole Korean expericence interesting.