Valentine’s Day message from OBL

Well, I meant to link this earlier but it is technically still V-day in the States, so here it is straight from Osama’s latest video:

“This Feb. 14th on the Western infidels’ calendar, may all Americans receive no valentines from their beloved ones,” bin Laden said. “May the homemade construction-paper mailboxes taped to the desks of the American schoolchildren remain empty, as well. May whomever you ask to ‘bee yours’ tell you to ‘buzz off.'”

Bin Laden called for “romantic humiliation for all Americans of courting and betrothal age.”

“Allah willing, embarrassment and tearful rejection shall rule this day,” bin Laden said. “Paper hearts shall be rent and trod upon, and dreams of love delivered stillborn. Body language shall be misinterpreted, crushes unrequited, and sincere expressions of affection mocked. Invitations to dinner will be rejected, just as Americans have rejected Allah, the one true God.”

There’s more where that came from over at the Onion. It’s all pretty funny.

My Valentine’s Day was yesterday, but it was all very low key. I was in the first day of a mandatory three day “new arrival” orientation, and it was pretty awful for the most part. After work, I did my laundry, ordered bbq ribs from room service, and fell asleep watching “Down with Love” on one of AFN’s movie channels. What can I say, these days my life is just full of romance!