Don’t close your eyes

I just returned from this morning’s charity hike in Olongapo and have a doctor’s appointment in a couple of hours. And I really need a nap. So, today’s post will be brief.

Swan joined me for dinner last night. When she accepted my invitation a few days ago, she told me she would spend the night. That got me excited! She had a tutoring client in the early evening, so she didn’t arrive until almost seven p.m. Still, my preparation timing was on point, and the meal came together shortly after her arrival.

Steaks off the grill and onto the plate. Due to Swan’s late arrival, I was grilling in the dart, with only my phone “torch” to see by. So, an almost blind man can cook a steak if he is lucky!
Dinner is served. Ribeye steak, baked potato, broccoli-cauliflower, corn-on-the-cob, and garlic bread. I had a San Miguel Light to wash it down; Swan drank water.

After dinner, we sat in the living room, and I played music from my YouTube playlists on the TV. Swan was finalizing orders for her meat distribution business, so she had her eye on the phone a lot. I asked if she wanted to watch something on Netflix, and she responded that she was enjoying the music. Good enough for me. One of the songs that played was “Don’t Close Your Eyes” by Keith Whitley. It resonated with me, but I couldn’t tell how closely Swan was listening. Naturally, I was looking forward to bedtime until Swan casually mentioned she was on her menstruation. Damn, that was disappointing news. I asked her later if she knew she’d be having her period when she volunteered to spend the night with me. She denied it. Oh well, I teased her some about other orifices, but I wasn’t serious. And honestly, the way I’ve been feeling lately, it may have been a blessing that I didn’t exert myself with lovemaking. But damn, I would have been glad to give it a go. Oh, well.

We did have a nice night of cuddling and that’s something I miss almost as much as sex, so I’m grateful for that. Swan left early this morning to get her niece ready for school and I set about preparing for my charity hike and presentation ceremony in Olongapo.

The school our group of hikers helped out.
The setting for the event
The recipients of the school supplies and their benefactors.
Recognition for the donors
It was my honor and privilege to participate in this effort.

All told, our group donated around 35,000 pesos ($700) so the impoverished students would have needed school supplies. It’s nice to help make a difference!

I’ve got to hit the shower and the sheets now, so I’ll post pictures from today’s hike here tomorrow, along with an update on what lies ahead for me health-wise.

I know you loved him
A long time ago
Even now in my arms
You still want him I know
But darling this time
Let your memories die
When you hold me tonight
Don't close your eyes

Don't close your eyes
Let it be me
Don't pretend it's him
In some fantasy
Darling just once
Let yesterday go
You'll find more love
Than you've ever known
Just hold me tight
When you love me tonight
And don't close your eyes

Maybe I've been a fool
Holding on all this time
Lyin' here in your arms
Knowing he's in your mind
But I keep hoping some day
That you'll see the light
Let it be me tonight
Don't close your eyes

Don't close your eyes
Let it be me
Don't pretend it's him
In some fantasy
Darling just once
Let yesterday go
You'll find more love
Than you've ever known
Just hold me tight
When you love me tonight
And don't close your eyes

I’ve had better days…

…but it can always be worse. As long as I’m alive, I can bitch about life here, so there’s that.

Yesterday began and ended in pain. Last night was actually a little scary. I started coughing in Alley Cats, and with whatever it is that ails me, a cough feels like being stabbed in the side. I caught a trike for home (at 7:30!), and it took a nebulizer session, a saltwater gargle, and two cups of green tea with honey to put the cough to rest so that I could. I went to bed early and slept through the night, which was a blessing.

I visited my doctor yesterday afternoon, and she took some blood to check on my liver and gall bladder. She also referred me for an ultrasound session to get a peek at what’s going on inside of me. Nothing was enlarged or abnormal in appearance from my review of the results, but we’ll see what Dr. Jo has to say on Friday when the lab results are back.

Yesterday also brought another kind of pain, this time in the ass. Once again, it seems the casual acquaintances in my life expect me to bail them out of their financial difficulties. One of them really pissed me off because she continued to beg after I said no. Part of my anger was at myself for feeling a little guilty. This gal is one of my regular waitresses at It Doesn’t Matter. I gladly helped her out recently when she needed medicine for an illness. This time, she wanted money to buy school supplies for her three kids. I’m a regular customer (or was) at the bar where she works; how does that make me responsible for her children’s needs? My guilt derived from the fact that I recently donated a whole lot more money than she wanted for tomorrow’s charity hike–money that will be used to buy school supplies for complete strangers. If I willingly gave for them, why not her? So, I resolved that dissonance like this: When I walked by IDM on my way to Hideaway, I stopped and handed the waitress in question an envelope with most of the amount she requested. I didn’t say a word; I just turned and walked away. I don’t intend to return to IDM, so she lost a customer. I also blocked her on Facebook, so I guess that means she lost a “friend” as well. I’m not sure if this was a total violation of Rule #1 (don’t be a sucker), but it felt close enough, and now I’m confident it won’t happen again. At least with her.

The Wednesday feeding of the Hideaway girls cheered me up some. I sent Joy out for some roast chicken to go with the banana-nut muffins I baked for the crew. As usual, they all seemed to enjoy their dinner treat.

There’s Joy munchin’ her muffin…

After Hideaway, I decided to pay a visit to Blue Butterfly after a long hiatus. The waitress who served me left me alone, and I appreciated that I could just enjoy my beer and watch the world pass by on the highway (I was in the outdoor section). But before I’d finished my beer, two gals that I’ve seen in the past came out and hovered around my table. Well, me being me, I told some jokes and engaged in some banter. Then, I ordered a second beer. And oddly enough, when I didn’t offer any lady drinks, the girls both got busy and disappeared back inside. That works for me and my new, more frugal attitude.

I finished my second beer and departed, but I’ll be back on Monday since the Hash On-Home is there this week. As I was walking on the highway, I saw “Mama” (the umbrella lady I support) up ahead. As I caught up with her, I saw her walk to the entrance of the Annex Bar and look inside. When she turned around, she was surprised to see me and exclaimed, “Papa! I was looking for you!” I gave her a smile and the usual 100 pesos.

I crossed the highway and went inside The Green Room. It was way too busy for my tastes, so I I walked on through to Wet Spot. I’d just been there the night before and wasn’t feeling it, so I headed back out onto the highway. I figured I’d check out the other side of town for something different. Then I saw Jim up ahead and followed him until we reached Sloppy Joe’s. It’s officially closed and moved to the new location now. I asked Jim where he was headed next, and he said Alley Cats. Ah, my old darts home. I went with him and said hello to lots of old familiar faces I hadn’t seen for a while. While enjoying my second beer, the coughing fit started, so I bailed for home.

After the visit to the clinic that did my ultrasound, I treated my driver, my helper, and Swan to breakfast at a nice little restaurant on SBMA called Extremely Expresso.

I can’t imagine what an $18. hamburger must look like, but I doubt I could finish one.

My guests all ordered a Filipino-style breakfast. I went with French toast. They were served first, and when the waitress saw my perplexed look, she assured me my food would be ready soon; the cook was “cutting the bread.” That was surprising. How do you cut French toast?

Oh, now I see. Never seen it served that way before. It was good, though.
And a close-up of my coffee mug.

After breakfast, we went to the mall. I was hoping for an eye examination, but the optometrist was not in yet. Dr. Jo had recommended some compression stockings to relieve some swelling in my legs, so we picked up a pair of those while there.

Support ho’s? Well, I do buy lady drinks…

I’m staying home tonight, but Swan is coming over later for dinner. I plan to grill some steaks and serve them with a baked potato, corn-on-the-cob, broccoli, and garlic bread.

I’ll leave you with some wisdom I found while trolling the internet:

Sorry ’bout that, Mr. Kim. Truly sorry.
It sucks when that happens.
Math never was my strong suit. I’m better at grammar and punctuation.
So many of my favorite musicians are dumbass lefties (but I repeat myself). Still, I choose to like the songs while disliking the politics of the person singing them. Yeah, I’m talking to you, too, Neil Young.

Old and new

I’m old, and that’s not news, but the elderly need love too. Meanwhile, the adventure continues. Such as it is.

Grocery shopping day at Royal, and I spent too much as usual. Still, spending the money there is better value than in the bars. Starting next month, I’m going to set a budget for each of my spending categories and do my best to keep it balanced.

Another area where I’ve been overspending is in my charity budget, but again, that’s for some hopefully good causes. If I have to cut back on lady drinks to give more here, that’s a sacrifice the bargirls will have to live with.

Our hiking group is participating in a fundraiser for school supplies for needy students this Friday.
A donation for the cause
And what that donation bought. Every little bit helps.

Looking forward to a good time come Friday.

I mapped my walk to my future home and coffee with Swan.

.63 kilometers door-to-door.

And then I took a different route home (the way Swan comes) to see if it was a better way to go.

.66 kilometers, so not much different. This way feels longer with more backtracking to me.

And I didn’t forget commenter Soju’s request for a “vagina” hike.

That’s the best I could come up with, but it looks more like a limp dick than a pussy. Sorry!

Kevin Kim had a post called “Give yourself to the dark side” that included this link to a Myers-Briggs personality test. I’d done several of those over the years but couldn’t remember the results. I had some time to kill, so I waded into the questions and scoring, and it turns out I’m an INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving). It sounds about right. Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it.

The big news from the bar scene was that last night was slated to be the opening night for the newly revamped Maze.

Six bars, a restaurant, and a hotel all under one roof.

As you can see from the arrows above, the bars are mostly interconnected, so you can do a bar hop without ever leaving the building. So, naturally, my plan for the evening beer ingestion was to do just that.

Things don’t always go as planned. I had noticed coming home from the grocery store that Sloppy Joe’s was still open at the old location. I decided to stop by there on the way to the Maze to see what was happening.

Yep, still open. The waitress thought it would be a couple more days before the move to the Maze was completed.
So I decided to stay for a “goodbye” beer…
Then Chris and his gal Sheiryl showed up. They are always entertaining and Chris bought me a beer, so I wound up staying a while longer than planned.

So, as I made my way to the Maze, I intended to start on the third floor at Barcelona, then work my way back down with stops at La Oficina and Alaska. Upon arrival, I saw that the stairs to BarCelona were dark. Then I realized it was Tuesday, and BarCelona and La Oficina are closed on Tuesday. It seems Daddy Dave’s big announcement about the grand opening was a bit premature.

The soon-to-be new home of Sloppy Joe’s
And the entrance to the new Alaska

Now, the old Alaska opened at five p.m. When I arrived at the new venue yesterday, it was a bit before six. And when I looked inside there were busy construction workers but no customers. Hmm, time to retreat and rethink my plans. I crossed the highway and climbed the stairs to Cheap Charlies.

I had a good view of the Maze from my CC vantage point, and after about thirty minutes I noticed what appeared to be customers visiting Alaska. So, I headed back across the highway to check it out. Sure enough, they were open. When I walked through the entrance I heard one of the dancers calling my name. Ah, it was Joy. Come on down for a drink then.

The stage at the new Alaska Club.

So, I went over to where owner Jerry was sitting and said, “Hey, I noticed they spelled Alaska wrong.” He seemed surprised and turned around to see the writing on the wall. I laughed and told him, “made you look!” He admitted I’d got him and later sent me over a free beer. Good times.

When I’d had my fill, I walked through the new door connecting Alaska to Wet Spot and finished my night there, drinking with Daddy Dave and, of course, Aine. So, I didn’t do the bar crawl I had imagined, but things turned out okay. The Maze will be there when I’m ready to try again.

Rough night last night after I went to bed. That pain in my side is back and worse than ever. I had a coughing fit, and each cough felt like being stabbed. Rolling over in bed was also painful. This morning I sneezed, and jeezus, that hurt. I decided to forego the Wednesday Walkers group hike and have an appointment with Dr. Jo this afternoon. I’m pretty sure it is some muscle issue, but I want to get confirmation it is not something more serious.

And that’s what’s new with this old guy.


And no pep.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me these past couple of days. No energy and just feeling lethargic all the time. I couldn’t even convince my tired old body to do a short Sunday walk. Not feeling much better this morning, which doesn’t bode well for the Hash later today.

I did manage to drag my ass over to Swan’s for our morning coffee ritual. Work on the house continues, and hopefully, it will be ready for my forthcoming move-in on October 1.

Soon I’ll have a CR on the rooftop, so no going up and down the stairs to take a piss.
The view from the roof.
And just for the hell of it, I did a zoom shot of the shipyard formerly known as Hanjin.

I had intended to do my morning walk when I left Swan’s. Instead, I dragged my lazy ass home and took a nap. And another nap a couple of hours after that. I hate feeling this way.

I did make it into town later in the day to do the Hideaway feeding.

Two thousand pesos worth of food from Jewel Café.

When it came time for me to depart Hideaway, I paid my tab and headed for the door. And that’s when I discovered that it was pouring down rain. Totally unexpected, and I was without an umbrella. I sent Joy to buy one for me and had another beer while waiting. With the new umbrella in hand, I ventured out into the driving rain. Even with the umbrella, I was still getting wet below my head and shoulders. And the flooded streets soaked my feet. Places where I might have sought refuge, like Blue Butterfly, were closed, so I kept going until I reached The Annex bar. And that’s where I stayed until time to go home.

It could have been worse, I suppose. The Annex plays nice music with videos on large screen TVs. Just a bartender and a waitress, so no lady drink pressure. I may need to spend more time there in the future.

When I got home, I had a coughing fit which was accompanied by a stabbing pain in my side. Based on my internet sleuthing, it’s probably just a muscle strain, but I’ll continue to monitor it for signs of possible appendicitis.

When it rains, it pours.

Hopefully, I’ll be back tomorrow with more positive news. Surviving the Hash will be a good first step!

Big Shot

Wanna see what my Saturday was like? Here you go:

The morning started with a rainbow, as seen from my current residence…
And from my future home.

After completing the coffee ritual with Swan, I headed out on a quest to retrieve some cash from the BPI ATM in Subic town. I wasn’t feeling up for a long highway trek, so caught a Jeepney to my destination.

I was appropriately attired for the occasion in one of my “I’m not your goddamn ATM” t-shirts.

With my wallet now creating an attractive bulge in my pants, it was time to find my way home. I needed to get in some steps, so I decided to take the roundabout way back–through Magnam-Vacca barangay to the Govic Highway, then a walk through Naugsol village and onto Sawmill Road to complete the journey to Barretto. I estimated it would be a 10K jaunt, and off I went.

Over the river in Subic town
Past the Waltermart shopping center
The basketball court in Magnan-Vacca
The Fiesta Homes subdivision
And onto Govic Highway
Then I turned onto the long road to Naugsol
And I encountered this old friend along the way
Hard at work in the rice fields
Passing the river and Bridge #4 on Sawmill Road
This bridge has been rebuilt since the last time I passed this way. It is a bridge I hope never to cross.
Arriving in “downtown” San Isidro

It was here that I wimped out. I was 7K into my journey and feeling tired and hungry. I asked a trike driver how much to Barretto, and he said 70 pesos. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

Where the journey began and ended.

You can Relive the walk here if you are so inclined:

I grabbed a ham and cheese sandwich and an apple pie at Angel’s bakery, then headed home.

I had an afternoon looky-loo come to view my apartment. This was the third potential renter and the first who didn’t outright reject the place. This guy was a Brit who currently lives in Baloy with his girlfriend, so there is plenty of room here for them. I think it will come down to whether he can negotiate an acceptable rent amount with the landlord. I’m gone in October, with or without a replacement tenant, but I’m hopeful things will work out.

I left the house an hour later than usual for my nightly Barretto adventure. I was hoping to hear from Swan with a better offer, but it never came. I sent a check-in message to her, and she said she was on the way to her sister’s house. Alrighty then, I’m on my own again.

On my way into town I passed by a basketball game in progress at the neighborhood court on La Union Street.

I didn’t have any particular destination in mind, but ultimately decided to have a couple of beers at It Doesn’t Matter, then maybe grab some dinner at Mylene’s. When I arrived at IDM, the traveling waitress from Sit-n-Bull was there in search of orders. We’ve become friendly acquaintances lately, so I teased her some, then decided to take a look at the menu. I figured I could have my beers and dinner right there at IDM to start off my Saturday night. I went with the chicken quesadilla. I wasn’t going to rudely eat in front of my bargirl friends, so I ordered chicken wings and lumpia for them to share.

The gals chowing down.

Now, I do tend to overspend on lady drinks, but this made two days in a row that I bought food for the bargirls (tonight will make three with the standard Sunday Hideaway feeding). I’m sure there was some disappointment, but I only bought two lady drinks total during my visit. It’s time I start respecting my budget.

Still, looking at thirsty faces is no fun, so when I finished my food and beer, I headed out. I tried to pay a rare visit to Voodoo, but for the second time in a row, I was almost floored by the blaring loud music when I walked in, so I turned around and left. I guess God knew where he wanted me to go next because when I was back out on the street, I saw this:

The voice inside my head said, “Go to the rooftop at BarCelona to better enjoy the sunset.” I’m not one to argue with those voices, so I climbed the stairs to the third floor of the Maze to take in the view.
And there you have it, barbed wire at sunset.
The Central Park Reef hotel
Cheap Charlies
And the outdoor seating area at BarCelona. It is one of the nicer bars around, ambiance-wise. I don’t know why I don’t like it better.

My waitress remembered me from her days at Queen Victoria before the scamdemic, so I bought her a drink, and we talked about old times some. I had just finished paying my tab when I got a message from Tom, a Hash acquaintance. He wanted to meet up for a couple of beers if I was out. That was a first for me (I almost always drink alone), and I was glad to accept his offer. We agreed to meet downstairs in the Green Room.

Tom is a very interesting man. I’m going to respect his privacy here, but he also spent a career in government service, and he had a much more exciting time of it working for one of the intelligence agencies. Well, I’ll be damned. I just Googled Tom, and I see that I don’t have to be concerned about his privacy after all. He wrote a book about his service with the CIA. I’m going to have to see about getting a copy.

Anyway, Tom and I are of like minds when it comes to politics, the scamdemic, and the assholes systematically destroying our nation. He shares my relief at being able to live far away from all the woke madness taking place in the USA these days. In fact, he said he is going back “home” soon to dispose of his remaining property there with no intention of ever returning to live again. Me either. Anyway, it was a nice end to the evening sharing his company.

Tom drove me home after our bar time, which was also a pleasant change. I hope we can get together again soon.

And that’s how I saw my Saturday.

And now it’s time to prepare for my Sunday feeding at Hideaway and whatever may follow after that. Nothing like being a big shot.

I’m not an SOB

Or at least I wasn’t yesterday. I had a nice day doing things my way, and it all worked out just fine, even if I didn’t attend the SOB competition.

Started things off with a group hike. There had been some talk about driving out for a waterfall hike, but we had more participants than space in the car, so we went with Plan B, which was no plan at all. Walking about and changing direction on a whim worked out just fine. Let me show you:

Nothing too challenging, but a nice 8K walkabout.
Our group of hardy hikers
Let’s roll!
Passing by my future house
In the ‘hood
Leaving the ‘hood
Just say no to grass!
Coming after my cookies
Up the creek without a paddle
A narrow street in San Isidro
Crossing Bridge #2
Another batch of cookie recipients
Only the second time I’ve ever walked this street
One of those ubiquitous basketball courts I mentioned in an earlier post.
Still in San Isidro, but a different Purok (neighborhood)
Marching by that mountain we call Easter
We did briefly leave the road
And “enjoyed” a bit of a climb.
A brief walk on the Govic Highway
And then a stroll on the road to Calapacuan.
Roadside living
Get ’em while they last!
Ever onward on our quest
Taking care of business
There’s something fishy going on here
The vegan table
Another basketball court
And new Jersey’s for sale. Just like our president.
On the National Highway
It ain’t always pretty.
Let’s do Barangay Matain
A passel of children
Paradise beach
I’m told that back in the 1980s this was a thriving beach resort
Now it feels like a scene from a Stephen King novel.
It hasn’t lost all of its beauty, especially if you try and imagine how it used to look.
The stairs to nowhere
Glad we could pay a visit again.
Here I am. Are you guys ready to go?
See you next time!

It was a good day to get out and about.

When I left the house for my night out on the town, I still wasn’t sure if I was going to attend the SOB or not. As I walked, I decided against it. No real reason other than that I wasn’t in the mood. Where to, then? I figured I might as well surprise Joy by visiting Hideaway on Friday. I didn’t want to come empty-handed, so I went to John’s place first to order some food. I was the one who was surprised when I arrived because the place was packed–not a seat to be had at the bar. I forlornly sat at a table for a few minutes, and then a couple of folks departed, and I had my coveted seat. Joy was without a customer and joined me at the bar.

Beef bulgogi…
…And Korean-style chicken wings were the evening’s treat.

When I’d had my fill of Hideaway fun, I moseyed on up the highway, unsure of the venue I would patronize next. I briefly considered Blue Butterfly as I passed by, but I just wasn’t feeling it for some reason. A light rain started falling, and that was enough to convince me to pay a visit to Mugshots. I chose to give their outside seating a try so I could enjoy watching the world go by. That proved to be a mistake. One girl came out and sat beside me, which was fine. I don’t mind some company. Then another gal appeared and started rubbing my back without asking permission. Soon enough, she was joined by two others, and I was surrounded. I guzzled down my beer, paid, and made a run for it.

I figured I’d be safe at Cheap Charlies, only being accosted by my two long-time favorites there. I was surprised to see Simon (Leech My Nuggets) drinking alone, so I joined him, and we shared some chat. Looking out across the highway I saw this:

Alaska has its signage up at the new location. The move is happening on schedule. I noted that it is now Alaska moose call, where previously it was Alaska Club. Moose call works for me.

After a couple of beers, Troy and Jim arrived and joined the fun. I decided I wanted to pay a final visit to the old Alaska, so I headed out to make that my nightcap venue.

We shared some good times together. Thanks for the memories.

Surprisingly, I was the only customer when I arrived. Then again, the SOB was still in progress, so maybe that’s where everyone was hanging out. Eight dancers were on the stage, and I decided to reward them for their entertainment efforts. No, I didn’t buy them all drinks; I wasn’t THAT drunk. I did have the cashier change some hundreds into fifties so I could gift each dancer a fifty peso note. Yeah, not a lot, but they seemed to appreciate the gesture anyway. After a while, the Alaska dance team returned from the SOB, where they had finished second during the competition. Joy, my second favorite dancer on the team (Karen wasn’t there), came by my table so naturally I rewarded her with a drink.

My last night at Alaska Club with Joy at my side and my waitress, whose name escapes me at the moment.

So, Sunday will be the last night at this location, and the new venue will open on Tuesday. Glad I was able to say my goodbyes here and will look for to saying hello soon at the new Alaska.

So, that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone. I thought I might hear from Swan about getting together this evening, but nothing as of now. I’m in the mode of don’t ask–she’ll ask me if she wants to see me. Otherwise, I’ll spend time with the friend who never lets me down–San Mig Zero.

Yep, they truly do love that bulge in my pants—the one made by my wallet.

And here’s one for you lovers of grammar:

I apologize in advance for all the mistakes I’ve made in this post.

It ain’t much, but it’s all I got

Damn, after writing that post title, it seems almost morbid in an end of days kind of way. Well, I don’t know how much time I have left on Earth, but this post isn’t about that. Instead, I’m going to share how I filled the time while I was alive yesterday. It didn’t seem any more wasted than usual, but there isn’t a lot to say about it either.

The highlight was the morning walk with Swan and her sister. From the beginning of our relationship, Swan has made clear she is not interested in the Hash or any of our group hikes. She has agreed that Thursday mornings will be our day to walk together. I didn’t object when her sister asked to join us this week. Cathy is a big gal, so I kept the hike shorter than usual, about 3.5K, but also mostly off the road and scenic.

This is something new since the last time I passed this way a couple of weeks ago. Not sure what it portends.
Country living at its finest.
Showing the gals what a rural lifestyle looks like.
Finding our way.

We lost the trail for a bit, but eventually, we reconnected and reached our destination.

Swan was actually more tired than sister Cathy at the end

Back at my place, I fixed the girls some scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles. There weren’t any leftovers, so I’ll take that as a sign of satisfaction. After the meal, we parted company to go about the business of our respective days. If napping and blogging on my part can be called business.

And then beer o’clock rolled around, so I made my way into town to help keep the bars in business. I started out at Sloppy Joe’s and shared a table with some friendly acquaintances. I sent Mark, the General Manager of Whiskey Girl, a message, and we agreed to meet up at one of his other bars, La Oficina, later in the evening. When my stomach told me it was feeding time, I paid my tab and headed up the highway.

The famous Sit-n-Bull cheeseburger was on the daily specials menu, so I ordered one with a side of baked beans. I wasn’t disappointed.

After my meal I headed over to La Oficina for my meeting with Mark. We are friends and former dart league teammates, so I felt he deserved to know about my bad Whiskey Girl experience. When I told the story about my 500 peso voucher not being valid for the daily beer special, he immediately said, “That’s wrong…the voucher is just like cash.” Exactly what I thought. So, he promised to address the issue with the Whiskey Girl staff. That’s good enough for me.

I stayed for a couple of beers, and we chatted about the happenings in the local bar business. Everyone is excited about the coming additions to the Maze complex, Alaska, and Sloppy Joe’s. They’ll be in the same building as La Oficina, but the consensus of everyone is that all the bars will benefit from the influx of customers to the Maze. I speculated that it could even prove to become a tourist draw and attract folks away from the overpriced Angeles City bars. In my opinion, Subic has so much more to offer.

The other news Mark shared is that his group is opening yet another bar, this one named Oasis–a place to come when you’re thirsty. I’m looking forward to seeing this one; it sounds quite nice and will include an outdoor drinking area that I prefer.

I made Wet Spot my nightcap venue and shared a lady drink with Aine before heading home. And so ended another day in almost paradise.

Started my Friday by sharing coffee with Swan at her/our place.

The view from there

A pleasant hike with the Friday group that I’ll post about tomorrow. Now it is time to prepare for my Friday night. I’m thinking I’m going to forego the SOB this week. I’m just not feeling it for some reason. Then again, it will be the same old same old in all the other bars I frequent, so what else is new? I guess I’ll just play it by ear and see what happens.

Litter rotty

The Wednesday Walkers tackled the Kalaklan Ridge yesterday. It’s one of my favorite hikes, and it’s been a while since we were up that way. The biggest issue is there is no easy way to the top. You can choose between hard and steep on the Barretto side or endless stair steps on the Olongapo side. We choose the compromise climb–long but less steep starting from near the Ocean View Resort. A ten-minute Jeepney ride from our 7/11 meetup spot, and we were ready to start our morning hike.

The path we walked
Passing through a hillside village on the way up to the ridgeline
A slow and steady up at the beginning
And then there was this. Further up, the road has completely washed out, leaving large gullies and the like. Not letting a good opportunity go to, um, waste, the residents have elected to throw their garbage onto the former roadway. Mother Nature being what she is, washes the trash downhill during rainstorms. Walking this portion felt like being in a landfill. Writing about rotting litter makes me part of the litter rotty, right?
First cookie recipients of the day.
On up!
Pausing for a group photo
Leaving the village behind
Nature’s roadblock
All of us opted for the under rather than over, option
Scott’s zoom shot of Olongapo City
And my version
Looking for a romantic getaway literally in the middle of nowhere?
Maybe I should bring Swan here to avoid those prying eyes she always worries about.
Making our way along the ridge
Every so often, you come to a cluster of houses (or, more precisely, shacks) along the way.
They do love their basketball in this country
Lazy dogs didn’t even bark at us as we walked by.
Deciding which way to go back down. We chose the path past Rolly’s place.
Hung out to dry
A cookie kid
On the downhill journey
But sometimes you have to go up to get down
Who’s side are you on? Um, the hill’s side.
Making our way through the bathhouse.
Sorry to intrude!
Everyone made it across
Arriving at Rolly’s place. I’m not sure how Scott got to know the family here so well; I guess passing through over these past twenty years as a hiker will do that.
Shit talky of some kind about those mushrooms
Almost down
The village above Abra Street
The view from whence we came as seen from Abra Street
The view of us on Abra Street

And so ended another gathering of the Wednesday Walkers group.

Come evening time, I had more work to do–feeding the hungry at Hideaway.

Pizza for the crew
And something pizza-like for Joy. I think it’s called chickx or something like that.
I think someone said they miss seeing Joy eating. Here you go.

After Hideaway, I made a special trip to visit Whiskey Girl to use my 500 peso voucher. Things started well, Jenn seemed happy to see me again, and I rewarded that kindness with a lady drink. We were both in for a surprise when my other favorite, Kim, suddenly appeared. It seems she has already quit the Showgirl bar and returned to Whiskey Girl. Sorry, Kim. Jenn saw me first, and I wasn’t in the mood for double company (and the requisite additional lady drinks).

So, I’m enjoying watching the dancers practice for Friday’s SOB event which will be held at Whiskey Girl this week. I was also appreciating the “buy one, get one” happy hour promo being offered. Or so I thought. One of the other waitresses came over to advise that I had now exhausted the 500 peso voucher. How is that possible? Beers are only 110 pesos and I was on my fifth, which means I’d only paid for three. Sorry sir, you don’t get the promo price when you use a voucher. What? Why not? The voucher is just like cash and says, “good for 500 pesos on customer drinks. The bar didn’t see it that way. The manager told me he was powerless and suggested I speak with the general manager. I will and also Daddy Dave who runs the SOB. If you give me a prize of 500 pesos, it should be worth 500 pesos. You can’t unilaterally raise the price of my drinks because I have a voucher. Bullshit.

Anyway. I left an hour earlier than I intended because I was pissed. If this issue isn’t resolved satisfactorily, Whiskey Girl can kiss my future business (and significant lady drink purchases) goodbye. It’s not even about the money–it’s rude and disrespectful to fuck a loyal customer that way.

I did my nightcap at Queen Victoria, then took my sour mood home to sleep it off. A nice walk this morning with Swan and her sister. I made them breakfast afterward. Swan starts a tutoring gig later this afternoon, so it looks like I’ll be out drinking alone again. But not at Whiskey Girl.

Laying down the law

As Tuesdays go, my yesterday was different than usual. I’d prepared a power of attorney for my daughter (her auto loan is in my name) and scanned the document to her, but the credit union wanted the original. Since moving here, this is the first time I had to physically send paper back to the USA. My little town has no FedEx outlet, so I used a similar service called LBC Express. I had to make two trips to their office because they required the recipient’s phone number and email address, neither of which I had on my first visit. The real shock came when it was time to pay–a two-page document weighing less than an ounce was almost 3000 pesos ($60.). Yikes! I hope I won’t need this service in the future.

The other out of the norm experience was doing my Tuesday night drinking with Swan at her place instead of in a bar.

The beer was cold and wet, just the way I like it. I prefer San Mig Zero in a bottle, but San Mig Light in a can will do in a pinch. The company was nice too.

Early in my visit with Swan, her nieces came “home” from school. They’ve been staying with her recently, and Swan had previously asked me if I would allow one of them to stay after I move in. I did a little research and found something called Republic Act No. 7610, “AN ACT PROVIDING FOR STRONGER DETERRENCE AND SPECIAL PROTECTION AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES,” which includes this pertinent provision:

(b) Any person who shall keep or have in his company a minor, twelve (12) years or under or who in ten (10) years or more his junior in any public or private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or other tourist resort or similar places shall suffer the penalty of prison mayor in its maximum period and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000): Provided, That this provision shall not apply to any person who is related within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity or any bond recognized by law, local custom and tradition or acts in the performance of a social, moral or legal duty.

Now, if Swan were the mother or legal guardian, I might have some protection, but a kid I’m not related to staying in my house is a huge red flag. As I understand it, this is a non-bailable offense, and I’d potentially rot in jail for years waiting for a trial. All it takes is someone with an axe to grind calling the authorities and I’m guilty until proven innocent. I posted this issue on one of PI forums I belong to and the consensus opinion was “run, Forrest, run!”

So, I advised Swan last night that her niece would not be permitted to stay at the house once I moved in. To my surprise, she said she understood, and that would be fine. So, issue resolved.

Swan’s sister arrived shortly after our talk (not the mother of the niece in question), so other issues pending discussion had to be tabled for the night. The gals drank wine, I drank beer and spun some tunes from my Spotify playlist for our listening enjoyment.

I also enjoyed watching the sun go down from the living room patio.
I do believe I can get used to this.
Come October this may well be my new favorite bar.

Swan prepared a nice meaty dinner that I failed to take a picture of; I ingested some more beers and enjoyed the company. I’ll be glad when the day comes that I don’t have to make that drunken walk home in the dark. It’s mostly uphill too. Oh well, I made it safe and sound.

Via Facebook memories, I was reminded of my last failed romance in Korea (well, with a Korean, I mean).

Seven years ago, I met Eun Oke, had a wild and partly wonderful time together, and then crazy reared its ugly head. Well, things happen for a reason, and things usually turn out for the best. No hard feelings on my end.

I’m going to feed the girls at Hideaway tonight, then see what happens next. I do have a 500 peso voucher for Whiskey Girl I need to use, so that will definitely be one of my stops. Here’s hoping I don’t do anything stupid.

At least I’m smart enough not to do something dumb enough to put me in jail. I ain’t fighting the law!

Your daily dose

Dose of what I can’t say. But, unlike the vaccine, it won’t kill you. Much.

Anyway, it’s Hash Monday and before I dash, I’ll catch you up on the doings in this so-called life of mine.

Last night’s feeding at Hideaway went according to plan.. Thirteen Jewel Cafe dinners for 2100 pesos, plus tip. I’m charging that to my charity budget this month.

I played those early 60s music videos again last night and it was fun to see the positive response from youngsters to music from this grandfather’s generation. Rock on!

After fulfilling my duties at Hideaway, I made Cheap Charlies my next stop. I always enjoy the view from there.

Like this…
…and this. I hope you’ll indulge my photographing a girl I’m not dating–she’s new and I just wanted to document the event. Her name is Maricel or something like that.

My final stop for the night was Sloppy Joe’s, and then I was homeward bound.

Coffee with Swan this morning and we made plans for a “date” tomorrow evening. I’ll be drinking beer at her/our place instead of a bar. That suits me fine. There are some things I need to address with her, so maybe I’ll get the chance to do so tomorrow.

The morning coffee view from the patio. Coincidentally, I’ll be Hashing in those hills on the horizon this afternoon. This will be our first dry Hash in several weeks.

And that’s where things stand in my neck of the woods. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with the fucked up mess back home, that’s for sure.

Bought and paid for.

I’ll strive for a bit more substance in tomorrow’s post. Promise!

The Wanderer

My Saturday began with a beach stroll and ended with a bar crawl. Is it any wonder?

A lovely morning on Baloy Beach

My evening plans included visiting Hot Zone to wish owner Jay a happy birthday. That bar opens at six and I got the thirst to leave the house around four, so I made my way to Sloppy Joe’s to pass the time. Chris was there as usual, so I had some company. The music is almost always good, but last night was extra special. The selections were all from the early 1960s and included music videos on the big-screen TV.

The view from my stool as the Beatles perform “Twist and Shout.” What’s not to like?

I was familiar with most of the songs, even though they were technically before my time. But seeing them being performed was new to me, and I really enjoyed that aspect. Many of the videos were from the old Ed Sullivan Show and were pretty obvious lip-syncs, but even so, they were good to see. At the risk of sounding like an old man, music was so much better back then. Or maybe I’m just nostalgic for the good ol’ days.

This was one of the songs I remember being played last night. I never liked it much when it was a hit record, but seeing The Seekers “live” made it worth hearing again.

And hearing “Georgy Girl” again after all these years opened my eyes to something I’d totally missed back in the 1960s–the song seems to be encouraging Georgy to embrace her transgender sexuality and finally come out as the woman she identified herself to be. You go, girl!

Hey there, Georgy girl
There's another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there'd be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl

Hey there, Georgy girl
Dreamin' of the someone you could be
Life is a reality
You can't always run away

Don't be so scared of changing
And rearranging yourself
It's time for jumping down from the shelf
A little bit

Hey there, Georgy girl
There's another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there'd be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl

Six o’clock rolled around, so I made my way to Hot Zone. There was already a decent crowd in the bar. Jay was seated with some friends at a table. I said happy birthday, he responded thanks. I sat down at an empty table and ordered a beer. There was a table full of food, including Lechon (a roasted pig, head and all).

Happy Birthday again, Jay.

I had a second beer, and feeling like an outsider, I paid my tab and left.

Where to next? As I walked by Voodoo a gal I didn’t recognize came out and greeted me by name. That happens more often than I care to admit. I started to go inside, but the music was so loud I knew I’d be miserable, so I beat a quick retreat. I decided to visit It Doesn’t Matter instead.

I had baked a batch of brownies that I had originally intended to share with the Hot Zone crew, but after the cold shoulder vibe I received, I never got the chance. I was the only customer at IDM, so I had the opposite problem: all the girls loved me! I got introduced to two new waitresses and the party was on.

I liked their brown knees too!

Anyway, new waitresses meant all my jokes were new again, so I had some fun telling them. And since it would be cruel and unusual to subject them to my sense of humor without a lady drink vaccination, I ordered a round for the four gals at my table. And then the traveling waitress from Sit-n-Bull came in with a menu. I was surprised because I didn’t know IDM was one of the bars they service. Coincidentally, I was hungry so I ordered me a ham sandwich. Not wanting to be rude, I ordered chicken fingers and lumpia for my tablemates. And naturally, when the food arrived, I ordered us all another drink. I was having fun though and it’s fair to say my presence made the girl’s night–hard to top food and commissions! So, win-win!

I made Wet Spot my nightcap venue and ran into some people I know there, so I enjoyed their company for a bit before heading home right at nine p.m.–a late night for me.

Here’s another song from last night I rather enjoyed for some reason:

Oh, well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where pretty girls are, well, you know that I'm around
I kiss 'em and I love 'em 'cause to me they're all the same
I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name

They call me the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around

Oh, well, there's Flo on my left and there's Mary on my right
And Janie is the girl, well, that I'll be with tonight
And when she asks me, which one I love the best?
I tear open my shirt and I show her "Rosie" on my chest

'Cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around

Oh, well, I roam from town to town
I go through life without a care
And I'm as happy as a clown
I with my two fists of iron but I'm going nowhere

I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself fallin' for some girl
Yeah, I hop right into that car of mine, I drive around the world

Yeah I'm a wanderer
Yeah, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around

Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world

'Cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around

Lost at C

I guess they didn’t “C” the error of their ways. Hey, it’s the thought that counts. It looks like I’ll be doing another charity hike on August 25. Woo Hoo!

Speaking of hikes, the Friday group did an easy 6K street stroll yesterday.

We started by heading up the National Highway
Then we proceeded down the Govic Highway

Other than elevation, is there any rhyme or reason to the determination of whether you are going up or down a road? I assume it is up to the writer’s discretion unless direction comes into play–up for north, down for south–but then how do you describe it when going east or west? Not that it matters, my sense of direction is not what it used to be and it never was much to begin with. Hell, I’m lucky to know if I’m coming or going.

Do you see what I see?
Still going on Govic
Nice to see you again
Over the river on Bridge #3
The river we crossed
Kids at play
The way we went

A little boring, but not a bad walk.

The SOB was back in play after a two-week hiatus due to the bad weather. A good crowd at The Green Room for the event. Wet Spot took home the first place money.

And there is some big news in the bar scene to report. Jerry, the owner of Alaska Club, has purchased the building adjoining the Green Room and Wet Spot locations. This building currently houses BarCelona on the third and La Oficina on the second floor. The first floor has two empty bars that didn’t survive the scamdemic–the former Rapscallion and Man Cave. Back in the old days, there were doors allowing you to access all of the bars, collectively known as “The Maze.” And now, Alaska will be moving into the old Rapscallion venue and in a real surprise move, Sloppy Joe’s is taking over the space that was Man Cave. When Daddy Dave (owner of Wet Spot and Green Room) told me this news, I was excited but lamented that I would miss the outdoor ambiance of Sloppy Joe’s. Turns out I won’t–they are taking down the wall in the new location and it will remain an open-air bar. Dave also said he would be reopening the doors from his bars to the new ones and the old Maze complex will be reborn. “That’s amazing! I exclaimed. Dave looked at me, smiled, and said “Thank you!, now we have our new slogan.” He posted this with the announcement on Facebook today:

No pun intended. Six bars under one roof offering a variety of entertainment options really is a big deal. I expect this will help all the bars involved in the long run.

Speaking of Facebook, I was reminded that six years ago I was walking the lonely streets of Anjeong-ri.

My life is far from perfect here, but I am so much happier than I was.

I don’t post much naughty stuff on Facebook; when I do, I post in the “only me” privacy setting. So, I should be okay.

It’s not the photos of me I’m worried about…

I was also relieved to discover that I’m not the only one out there with an abbreviated nighttime schedule.

But I pack a lot good times and beers into that short timeframe.

This is from Thailand, but the translations are remarkable similar to what you hear in the Philippines:

It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; it’s how you play the game.

One of the commenters on yesterday’s post said that while he liked Carly Simon’s music, he didn’t find her attractive. I recalled purchasing one of her albums as a teenager and fantasizing about the parts I couldn’t see on this cover:

Different strokes (ahem) for different folks. I looked Carly up on Wikipedia and was surprised to learn that her father was one of the founders of the Simon and Schuster publishing house.

And here we are for another Saturday night. Swan is busy as usual, so I fill the time on my own. Hot Zone owner Jay is celebrating a birthday, so I reckon I’ll pay my respects there, at least for a bit. After that, we’ll see where my feet carry me.

We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And I wonder if I'm really with you now
Or just chasing after some finer day.

Anticipation, anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting

And I tell you how easy it feels to be with you
How right your arms feel around me.
But I, I rehearsed those words just late last night
When I was thinking about how right tonight might be.

Anticipation, anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting

And tomorrow we might not be together
I'm no prophet, no I don't know nature's way
So I'll try to see into your eyes right now
And stay right here, 'cause these are the good old days.

These are the good old days
And stay right here, 'cause these are the good old days
I’d hit that

Nobody does it better

My yesterday began with Swan joining me for a morning hike.

We climbed to the hilltop behind Alta Vista, and I showed Swan the view of Barretto from above.
We hiked down the other side, then on to Sit-n-Bull for breakfast. I had some SOS.

My driver picked up me and Swan, then we fetched her sisters, the birthday girls, and headed for SBMA. We stopped at a cake shop along the way for the requisite cake suitable for the occasion. I told the sisters they could choose their favorite restaurant for dinner, and they went with Texas Joe’s, always an excellent choice!

This is one of my favorite places, and has been too long since my last visit. I first ate here during a house-hunting trip before my move. I elected not to live on SBMA, which makes Texas Joe’s a little inconvenient to visit, but last night reminded me I need to come more often.
A menu page…
And here’s a shot of Swan’s fingers blocking your view of the menu.

There were a couple more pages of goodness, but you get the idea. It’s a little pricey here, but well worth it.

A taste of the interior decor. It is nicely done and on-theme with the Texas vibe. They play country music at a low volume, but it sounds good to me. When I first sat down, the Marty Robbins classic, “Don’t Worry,” was playing. I felt right at home.
And the waitresses dressed up like cowgirls was also a nice touch.

The food last night was outstanding.

The gals had a rack of ribs and pork chops. Sorry the photo sucks.
I went with the chopped pork platter. The menu says they chop rather than pull the pork because that method keeps the meat moist. No matter how you slice it, it was delicious.
And then the cake was served. The restaurant also gave the birthday girls a free scoop of ice cream.

The service at Texas Joe’s was outstanding from beginning to end. Only a couple of other tables were filled when we arrived at five, but the place was packed two hours later. Very impressive for a Thursday night. Obviously, that kind of loyalty is well-earned. I’ve pretty much become a 10% tipper since moving here, but last night I did the full-on American-style tip for the hard-working crew.

After we departed Texas Joe’s, I had my driver take us to The Lighthouse for an after-dinner drink.

We sat next to the pool
That’s the bar. No idea why this place is called The Lighthouse.

Whatever you call the place, I have no intention of every returning. Beers were expensive and service was worse than bad. Too many other options. Still, I had had my fill and wasn’t filling that well. Having done my duty as the birthday dinner sponsor, I had my driver drop me off at home first and I said goodnight.

Oh, on the way back to the car, Swan volunteered to have a photo taken with me for the first time in public.

I still feel obligated to respect her privacy, however. Swan did seem to enjoy herself, and I think I passed the first test in the “meet the family” category.

I played this old Carly Simon song for Swan during our morning coffee today. I was alluding to me, of course, but it also applies to the performance of Texas Joe’s last night. We are the best

Look into my eyes

As good as they look, they feel worse.

As soon as I took my seat in front of Dr. Jo, she saw my problem. Apparently, there is a mini-epidemic of eye infections taking place in our little town. Dr. Jo told me she had seen several other patients suffering from my condition. She also told me she visited a pharmacy nearby to advise they were dispensing the wrong form of eye drops to deal with the outbreak. Anyway, I received my anti-biotic drops directly from her, and she advised I should be fully recovered in three or four days. Today my eyes are better than they were yesterday, but now I’m experiencing some blurred vision issues. Hopefully, this, too, shall pass.

It was too early to go to the Hash On-Home venue, so I popped into Mango’s for a late lunch.

It was raining, so I opted to sit at the bar rather than beachside.
A closer look at said beach. The storm waters are notorious beach litterers.
Too late for lunch, too early for dinner, but not wanting to drink on an empty stomach…seems like the perfect time for a BLT sandwich!

After my meal, it was time to head to Johansson’s for the Hash.

As I walked out on the streets of Barretto…

Along the way, I encountered a vendor selling sunglasses. Hmm, I was a little worried about my scary-looking eyes and wanted to avoid the urge to rub them and potentially spread whatever it was that ailed them, so I bought a pair.

As ridiculous as wearing sunglasses indoors on a rainy day may appear, those zombie-like red eyes looked worse.

When I arrived On-Home, only the Hares were there. I confessed to my shortcutting, having only walked the portion from Alta Vista, less than 1K. Leech My Nuggets, always the fastest among the runners, arrived a few minutes after I did. And then the beer started flowing.

Hanging out before the commencement of the circle.
Let the fun begin!
It’s nice on ice! (Not really, I try to avoid it whenever possible)
Feeling young sitting next to the Fucking Old Man.
Always nice to see a gathering of Hash Gash.

After completing the circle, I made my way up the highway to our traditional post-Hash venue; It Doesn’t Matter. I didn’t need any more beer, but I drank some anyway. Then I caught a trike for home, and things got a little weird.

In rainy weather, the trikes have a covering and door in place to keep the riders dry. That’s all well and good, except you can’t see a damn thing. So, we pass through the gate at Alta Vista, and I tell the driver (one of the few who doesn’t know me), “Take the road to the right, and go all the way up to the top.” Now, shame on me for being drunk, but I couldn’t see that he took the road to the left, and for whatever reason, I didn’t get a sense that we were not heading in the proper direction. When he pulled over and stopped, I sensed the right amount of time had elapsed and got out. I knew immediately that he had missed my house, but I assumed he was in the right vicinity, and I figured I could walk from there. I paid the fare, and the trike departed. Only then did I realize I was fucked.

The blue is where I got dropped; the yellow is where I needed to be. There is no short way to get home from there, unless you can fly like an eagle.

It was pitch black, lightly raining, and I was pissed (both angry and inebriated). Even with my phone’s flashlight, I couldn’t see shit as I walked. I was cussing out loud every step of the way. In the dark, I missed the first turn-up, so I had to continue almost all the way to the gate. Once there, I was faced with a long uphill climb or a shorter flat walk to the highway, where I could catch another trike. I took the easier option.

In five years here, that trike ride was one of the dumbest things I’ve done. Oh well, live and learn, and I survived.

These eyes

Yesterday afternoon my eyes started feeling kind of itchy. When I got to Hideaway Bar for the feeding, Joy noticed they were watering and dabbed them with a napkin. Then she went to the pharmacy and got me some eye drops. They didn’t help much, and as the night progressed, it started feeling like I had some sand-like particles in my eyes, although I didn’t see anything other than redness, some swelling, and the eyelids were sore to the touch. By my last bar, the only relief I could get was sitting there with my eyes closed. Still no improvement after a night’s sleep, so I have an appointment with Dr. Jo this afternoon to try and find out what is going on.

I couldn’t see any reason not to feed the Hideaway girls. I wasn’t blind to their hunger. Watching them enjoy their meals was satisfying. Okay, I’ll stop now.

My big event yesterday, such as it was, was my standard Sunday solo stroll. What made it special was it was the first time I could get out for a backroads valley hike in over two weeks because of the rain. Everything old felt almost new again, and therefore I was inspired to take more photos than usual. Here they are:

Stepping out my gate and onto the street to start my journey.
That mountain we call Easter
The trail leading out of the neighborhood
I was curious to see if this old tree had survived another storm. It did.
It may not have been raining, but there was still fallout from two weeks of wet weather to deal with.
The morning’s first cookie recipients.
Hello there, Marian Hills. It’s been a while.
Decisions, decisions. The wet path or the dicey dirt bags. Hmm, I chose the bags.
A friendly family. Enjoy the cookies!
Fields of green
More cookie lovers.
My lonely path
It looks like I won’t be crossing the bridge again.
No way around the mud and water. Wet feet, here I come!
One of my regular recipients. The woman in the background even knew my name somehow.
I’m always a little nervous crossing this span.
The wide open spaces of Naugsol Valley.
The river junction
The river crossing on Bridge #4.
This massive rock slide was new.
A quiet section of Sawmill Road.
This huge tree was a storm casualty.
Back across the river on Bridge #2.
A look back at #2 and the Matain River.
A San Isidro street scene
Yet another river crossing, this time on Bridge #1.
My future house is next door to that big white one.
A busy Sawmill Road in Santo Tomas.
I tried to get them to smile for the camera, but they wouldn’t bite.
The path I followed. 7K when I was done.
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee…Nothing significant to report from my morning visit with Swan.

Facebook memories carried me back to those long ago days in Prescott, Arizona.

That would have been 1978 with wife #1 and my kids.

I won’t be doing the Hash trail today as I deem my doctor visit more important. I do expect that I’ll attend the On-Home Hash circle at Johansson’s later in the afternoon. I don’t want to break my consecutive days streak.

I’m on a roll!

We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully.

Getting Sloppy at Joe’s

I started my Saturday evening with a haircut, then ventured out to Sloppy Joe’s for some beer drinking. It was Chris’ girlfriend Sheriyl’s birthday, so I brought along some brownies. Because we were having an impromptu party, I stuck around longer than I usually would. It was a good time, though.

The birthday girl, waitress Amy, and me.
Chris and Sheriyl hung out for a couple of hours before heading out to dinner at Texas Joe’s on SBMA.

I offered to get the Sloppy Joe crew some food, and they wanted a pizza. And yes, they preferred the Hawaiian with pineapple. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Filipina order any other flavor.

I had a good time hanging out with my waitress, Amy. She’s upfront about having a boyfriend, but that didn’t stop me from teasing and joking around with her. That’s just my style. I’m also consciously limiting my lady drink purchases, and I’m happy to report that I only bought two during a three-hour visit.

Better drink it slow, Amy. The gravy train has left the station.
Amy was impressed with the size of my hands in comparison to hers. Not that size matters…
The best part of the evening for me was listening to some old tunes from the 1960s. Chris was playing DJ and taking requests, so we got to enjoy many blasts from the past.

I was feeling no pain when it was time to head out. I decided to check to see if Sit-n-Bull had any pecan pies in stock, but alas, they did not. I settled for a cherry cheesecake to go instead. But before catching a trike, I elected to do my nightcap at Wet Spot. One beer led to two, and then Daddy Dave arrived and sent a freebie to my table, so my stay was longer than intended. Still home before nine, though, but just a tad more inebriated than usual.

The weather has been almost rain-free today, so I got in a pleasant 7K hike. I’ll post the photos from that journey tomorrow. I have my usual Sunday feeding at Hideaway to attend to a bit later this afternoon. We’ll see what happens after that.

I’m in a somewhat better frame of mind re: Swan. My thinking now is to back the hell off and leave it all up to her. If she wants to see me, she’ll let me know. Otherwise, I’ll just go on with my life, such as it is.

It pretty much seems that way.

It’s a dog’s life sometimes.

Burritos in Barretto

John’s place (technically John’s Sushi and Steakhouse, but who wants to say all that?) announced a new menu item on their Facebook page:

We’re about to start serving Burritos at John’s Sushi and Steakhouse.

Good burrito must have good beef of course, but restaurants have a few more tricks; good lard when make tortillas, good cheese, and refried beans must taste good itself. Good refried beans mean good bacon lard and bacon.

We cure our own bacon, use fresh pinto beans, and always use good meat with imported Wisconsin cheese.

Coming very soon!!!

Yesterday John announced they were ready and being offered at the introductory price of 395 pesos and posted this picture as further incitement:

How could a burrito lover like me resist?

I had a couple of warm-up beers at IDM, then made my way up the highway to John’s place.

I sat down at my usual window seat, and when the waitress approached, I told her to please give me the burrito special and a San Mig Zero. I enjoyed the view and my beer while I waited.
My first burrito at John’s. It doesn’t look much like the picture he posted, but it is quite tasty. It also came with a small serving of refried beans that arrived a couple of minutes after I took this photo.

After my meal, I hung out in Wet Spot for a bit before calling it a night. I just wasn’t feeling well for some reason. Truth be told, I might be overthinking things with Swan, and it is affecting my mental health. I reckon I’ll figure out what needs to be done in that regard, but I’m going to avoid making any hurried decisions.

When I got up to take a leak during the night, I felt a stabbing pain in my lower back. No idea where that came from; I was fine when I went to bed. I’ve also finished with the prednisolone prescription, and sure enough, the nasal congestion is back in full force with all the incumbent side effects. So, that’s my dilemma–prednisolone is not recommended for long-term use but are its side effects worse than what occurs without it? I will wait a few weeks and see how it goes, then consult Dr. Jo again if need be.

Up this morning to start another day, and sure enough, it was raining again. The sporadic showers have continued throughout the day so far. Feeling inspired by last night’s dinner, I got busy in the kitchen.

Seasoned ground beef and tortilla
The innards
Loaded up and ready to roll!
Time to eat!

My version tastes different than John’s professional creation, but they are both good in their own way.

A couple of views from my dog walk this morning:

The rarely seen sun
And a bay view

I visited Swan for our morning coffee together.

The view from there.

Swan gave me a back massage using some menthol lotion that heated things up. It did seem to relieve some of the pain, and I was able to take an abbreviated walk through the Santa Monica subdivision.

Swan also advised me that she had made other plans for tonight, so it seems I’m on my own again on a Saturday night. Perhaps that’s my destiny. It’s weird, though; I don’t find the bar scene all that enticing when there is someone I’d rather be spending time with. Oh well. Swan has her priorities, and I’m not one of them. Apparently.

Anyway, enough of this self-pity nonsense. Whatever the future brings, I’ll deal with it.

I’ll keep my dirty thoughts to myself.

You never know

This a rare morning post here at LTG before I head out to San Antonio. It looks like I’ll be spending the night there, so this is one of those now-or-never situations.

To be clear, I’m talking about the San Antonio that is about an hour’s drive from here.

Let’s start with last night and go from there.

It was feeding night at Hideaway, and the crew enjoyed the traditional Wednesday roast chicken offering.
And still warm out of the oven banana-walnut muffins for dessert.
Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal.

After departing Hideaway, I paid a rare visit to BarCelona.

From where I sat, I could keep an eye on the bar I didn’t visit, Cheap Charlies. Truth be told, both bars offer similar views, but at BarCelona I don’t have any regulars expecting lady drinks. I want to stay on budget this month!

Two beers later, I went down one flight of steps to the second floor and visited Barretto’s newest bar, La Oficina. I was the only customer (it was just after opening time) and only stayed for one beer (and no lady drinks!).

I finished my night on the town with some beers and highway views at Sloppy Joe’s.

That’s Thumbstar across the highway. And yes, it was raining again last night. Just like it is this morning.

I did splurge and spent 100 pesos on street food and lady drinks for the two waitresses who were taking care of me. Hey, it’s hard to learn to be a cheap Charlie in just one night!

I saw something new on this morning’s dog walk.

No idea how or why it was there; perhaps it ran out of helium and randomly landed on my street. Or maybe it’s a message from the Gods. If so, I’m clueless. Unless it means I need to get out of town this morning.
And here is the coffee view on another rainy morning.

And now for the weirdness. I got an email this morning from the dentist I used when I lived in Seoul. I was quite surprised because outside of several appointments almost ten years ago, we have never had any contact. Ah, but I mentioned her here on the blog.

Hello John,

I am sure you remember me. 😊
I was your dentist, in Yongsan, Seoul.
First of all. I really appreciate for your being a loyal patient when I was in Seoul.

The reason I am contacting you is that my photos in your blog appears on google search and I would you like to kindly remove all of your posts or anything related to me and my previous dental office.

I sincerely hope this request doesn’t offend you.

Our office was permanently closed and is no longer in service. Your posts can confuse some dental patiens seeking a dentist in Korea. Also, I don’t want my photos hang around on google any more especially since my clinic is permanently closed.

I also retired from dentistry and reside in the U.S now.

Once again, I appreciate that you chose and entrusted me as your dentist while I was in Korea.


Now, I would never deny a polite request like this to remove content from my blog. Hell, I deleted Se Hwa’s picture even though she rudely demanded that I do so. Anyway, I did a search for my former dentist’s name and found three posts from 2014. I removed her name and photos from each of them, as she requested. I’m always shocked that people find my blog, especially on things I’d written so long ago that I didn’t even remember doing so. But I guess Google never forgets.

And then just a little bit later I was reading one of the forums I follow and came across a post about a girl from Alaska Club. I’ve mentioned her several times on the blog. The surprise was that poster turns out to be a reader here as well.

Just confirmed that she is definitely an Alaksa girl, from the Bay’s most prominent blogger 

Speaking of which, how come there is no blogger who covers Angeles city? Don’t people like to write a diary-like report that is publicly available?

But there are plenty of vloggers on the streets of Angeles. Not much to read but plenty to see. 

In Barretto there is Subic Bay Johnny, who seems like a friendly guy who would never get into any altercation with the bar managers, Korean or otherwise. And then there is the respected blogger who shares his daily life with his worldwide readership, and provides some nice pictures too.  Though neither the vlogger nor the blogger don’t seem to be the monger types, one can’t avoid the bars of Barreto and the beautiful girls. 

Thanks for the kind words, stranger. I am curious if we have actually met, but I guess knowing would destroy the illusion of anonymity for both of us. Honestly, for a blog with such a limited readership, it is amazing to see the frequency of these random encounters.

Ah well, nothing like being a legend in your own mind, I suppose.

I forget what else I wanted to say. Oh yeah, I’ve had amnesia for as long as I can remember! Hey, I’m funny when you’re drunk!

Alright, time to get ready to hit the road. Anyone care for a sweet banana split before I go?

I’ll let y’all know how things are deep in the heart of Zambales in tomorrow’s post.

That’s what I want

July has flown, and August has arrived. A wet end to last month and a wet beginning to this one. And life goes on. Yesterday’s Hash was a street walk in Alta Vista and Barretto, places I walk every day. I bailed about halfway through and retreated to the On-Home venue at It Doesn’t Matter to get a head start on my other hobby–beer drinking. I’ll share some Hash photos at the end of this post.

After the Hash, I participated in a brief bar crawl with a few other Hashers. Voodoo, Thumbstar, and Whiskey Girl were more than enough for me. My Whiskey girls, Jen and Kim, said they had never seen me so drunk. On the other hand, I wasn’t so drunk that I forgot them saying that, so there you go. Woke up on time this morning and set about my usual rituals.

The morning sky as seen during the dog walk. Light rain on and off so far today.
And then my morning coffee with Swan.
And the rainy day view from my soon-to-be patio.

My driver picked me up at Swan’s for the weekly grocery shopping excursion to Royal. Swan and my other helper accompanied me as per usual. And by the way, Swan is now officially on my payroll, giving me a total of four employees. This week’s grocery expenditure was 14,700 pesos.

As previously reported, I tracked my expenses through the month of July just to see where the money goes. Looking at the numbers, there were a couple of surprises:

Budget: 275,000 pesos                 Expenses: 316,000              Balance: -41,000

Once again, I overspent my budget, which is not surprising. The challenge is unraveling the “why” and, more importantly, figuring out what I should do to rectify the problem. Here’s where the money went in July:

Groceries: 71,000 (I’d like to get this down to 60,000. That’s still a lot, but I don’t want to scrimp on my grocery purchases. I’ve earned the right to eat what I want, even at a premium.)

Helpers/Driver: 39,000 (That’s pretty much a fixed expense, and it will be going up some now that I’ve employed Swan)

Lady Drinks: 38,000 (Yowzah! This was one of the surprises. I’d like to cut this spending in half)

Rent: 35,000 (This will rise to 40,000 after the move)

Dining: 29,000 (Given how much I spend on groceries, I shouldn’t spend this much in restaurants. On the other hand, I don’t want to deny myself the pleasure of dining out whenever I feel like it. I think I’ll budget myself 20,000 here)

Beer: 27,000 (Is that all? Damn, that’s showing some self-control! Staying in this range should be fine)

Charity: 24,000 (I’ve got my regular projects–the mountain mama MJ and the schoolboy in Bohol. I think 10% of my monthly budget is a good target in this category)

Utilities/Phone: 11,000 (It is what it is. Gotta keep those lights on!)

Shopping: 10,000 (This is mostly clothes and shoes and the like. That amount each month is probably about right)

Tips: 10,000 (I used to be a bigger tipper. Now, I usually give 10% of the bill, sometimes more to a “special” waitress. Not much room for reductions here)

Prescriptions: 7,000 (Gotta keep the old man alive, whatever the cost)

Gifts: 6,000 (I’m trying to recall what gifts I bought. All I can come up with is money I’ve given Joy to help with her kids. I might track that kind of spending as “charity” in the future)

Transportation: 3,000 (Trikes and Jeepneys…no room for savings here)

Entertainment: 3,000 (I honestly don’t remember being entertained last month)

Hash: 2,000 (Now there’s a bargain!)

This month I’ll establish a budget for the various categories and see how well I do abiding by those limits.

Okay, let’s do those Hash photos from yesterday:

That belly of mine is outrageous. Several people have mentioned to me how much it has grown recently. In part, I believe it is a side effect of the steroid medication I’m taking for my sinus congestion. Dr. Jo warned me to reduce my carb intake, and I have failed.
On the wet streets of Alta Vista
In my neck of the ‘hood. Or it will be soon when I move to the new place.
My Easter Mountain shot
The fat man standeth
The view from here
Steppin’ down
The early bird gets the seat
Hash Gash
The long and short of it…Leech My Nuggets and Tiny Cunt

And that’s all I’ve got about that.

I’ll be doing something different this afternoon. Swan invited me to visit the RSL meeting. That’s an Australian group similar to the VFW, except they are open to everyone. I’ve seen them around town on bar hops, and they are well known for their charity projects. So, we’ll see if I’m a good fit.

The best things in life are free
But you can keep 'em for the birds and bees

Now give me money (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want) yeah
That's what I want

Your loving give me a thrill,
But your loving don't pay my bills

Now give me money (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want) yeah
That's what I want

Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get I can't use

Now give me money (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want)
That's what I want (that's what I want) yeah
That's what I want

Well, now give me money (that's what I want)
Whole lot of money (that's what I want)
Whoah yeah, I wanna be free (that's what I want)
Oh, money (that's what I want)
That's what I want, yeah (that's what I want)
That's what I want


A wet and wild Thursday, while the rain just keeps on keepin’ on. And the fun has just begun, as I understand yet another typhoon is headed this way.

Started out with more of my newest morning ritual of coffee with Swan at 0800. That’s always a pleasure, and yesterday was no exception.

I baked a batch of cranberry-orange muffins to enjoy with our coffee.
I prefer the clear day view with my coffee, but into each life some rain must fall.
I also took a gander off the master bedroom balcony and saw something that didn’t look quite right.
The zoom photo confirmed that the storm had claimed another victim.

When coffee time was over, I decided to take a walk and get a closer look.

A look back up at my future house (on the right) as I passed by on the street below.
A complete roadblock. Those two maintenance workers were whacking away at branches with machetes. Hopefully someone was sent to fetch a chainsaw.
Uprooted. These large trees seem to have very shallow root systems.
And that’s the root of the problem.
A view from the other side of the fallen tree.
What it looks like when nature takes a piss.
The muddy waters of the Matain river.
Another river view

I heard from the agent looking for a replacement tenant in my current digs that she has a couple of interested foreigners. One wants to know if I can move out sooner than October. I checked with my future landlord, who told me the house would be in move-in condition by September first. So, I passed that info along, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that someone will move in when I move out.

Not much else to do on a rainy afternoon but sit around and wait for beer o’clock. Except instead of the bars, I had an invitation for dinner with Swan at her/our place. When she was ready for me, I made the ten-minute walk in the driving rain while the wind rendered my umbrella pretty much worthless.

Oh, Stormy, bring back that sunny day…
They made good progress unblocking the road.
Dinner is served. Chicken cordon bleu. I was very impressed with the effort that went into this and the taste was superb. Swan definitely has better kitchen skills than me.

It was a nice evening for the most part. I did fudge up early on when I played one of my favorite songs by the Alan Parsons Project, Time. It’s the song that I hope will be played at my funeral. My mistake was mentioning that fact to Swan. She got very upset, not in an angry way, but she was quite emotional as she told me not to say that or talk about such things. Yeah, it was insensitive of me given her recent loss to mention my future mortality. I turned the song off, and went back out on the patio. She came out later, asked if I was okay, and gave me a hug.

I don’t want to feel like I have to walk on eggshells around Swan, but I do need to learn to be more in tune with who she is and how she sees things. She’s got a good sense of humor but doesn’t like me using “bad words.” She is also not fond of sexual innuendos. I’m going to have to learn to do better in both regards. Swan tends to take some things too seriously, and I’m one who likes to kid around, so hopefully, we’ll reach an understanding on some middle ground. But like I told her, if those issues are our biggest problem, we are indeed blessed.

More coffee this morning. I hate to be an I toed you so, but there it is.
Flowing like a river
Beckoning me
Who knows when we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river
To the sea

Goodbye my love
Maybe for forever
Goodbye my love
The tide waits for me
Who knows when we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river (on and on)
To the sea
To the sea

Till it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore

Goodbye my friend
Maybe for forever
Goodbye my friend
The stars wait for me
Who knows where we shall meet again
If ever
But time
Keeps flowing like a river (on and on)
To the sea
To the sea

Till it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore