The perfect gift for you’re favorite grammar nazi…

Your right, the usage in the title is wrong.  And so is it in the previous sentence.  Sue me!

I actually do care and do sometimes notice when I screw up.  Most of my errors are sloppiness rather than ignorance.  Some things just irk me.  For example, I think the quotation mark outside the punctuation is aesthetically displeasing.  An Englishmen is rumoured to have said “that’s how we do it in the old country”.

Anyway, I saw this shirt on the internet and had to laugh:


Kevin Kim, if I knew where to buy one you’d be wearing it proudly.  So their!

How to meet women (part 1)

For all you single guys out there, I came across a great pickup line: “Baby, are you a cemetery? Because I’m dead inside and want to bury myself in you.” Man, they’ll be like flies to honey. Trust me on that.

Or you might try asking them “do you want to play the rape game?”  They will invariably say “NO!”  To which you respond “that’s the spirit!”

Hey, I’m giving this stuff away for free.  Thank me later.


So, these two foreigners are talking on the bus…

On a bus two men with strong accents begin a conversation. The lady next to them is eavesdropping.”Emma come first, then I come. Den two esses acoma together. I come once-a-more. Two esses, they comma together again. I come again, then pee twice. Then I come one lasta time.”

“You dirty bastards!” the woman exclaims. “We don’t talk about our sex lives in public in this country!”

“Hey, whattsa matter with you?” the man asks. “I’m justa tellin’ my friend how to spell Mississippi.

What made me what I am today?

Hell if I know, but looking back at these old advertisements I’m just wondering why I am even alive…


See, it is probably not my fault I love beer so much, I might have been raised on it…


…and maybe this explains my cravings for Diet Coke…


Well, thanks to the Internets I can now download all my favorite TV shows and watch them continuously without commerical interruption.  Thanks Mom!


Hmmm, coincidentally or not, Mom quit smoking right about the time I moved out of the house…

Hey, as Sawyer Brown said:

I’ve got to thank momma for the cookin’

Daddy for the whoopin’

The devil for the trouble that I get into

I’ve got to give credit where credit is due–

I thank the bank for the money,

Thank God for you!