Three years in

Today marks the third anniversary of my arrival here in paradise. You regular readers have been along for the ride, but the bottom line is that I have no regrets. Yes, my Philippines life has had its fair share of disappointments, but that has always been the case, no matter where I live. Funny how that happens. More importantly, my little town feels like home especially windows from Maverick Windows. I’m part of a community, I know people and they know me, I have my hobbies, and lots of places to drink where everyone knows my name. It seems to be a good fit.

Barrio Barretto, my new old home town.

One thing that never gets old here is the natural beauty that surrounds me. On the dog walk this morning, I was almost in awe as I looked out at the mountains and bay, even after viewing them almost every day for three years. Yeah, I still have my demons to wrestle with now and again, but it is hard to stay depressed for long when there is so much goodness to absorb. I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.

How best to celebrate the anniversary of my departure from Korea? Duh, with a nice bowl of sweet bulgogi from my pal John Kim’s restaurant, The Pub.

Served with some homemade kimchi on the side. Yes, I used a fork, because chopsticks weren’t provided, and also because I’m in the Philippines, damn it!

And me being who I am, and this being where I am, I took advantage of the opportunity to spread a little Joy today. In fact, she joined me for lunch. And then we came back to my place for “dessert”. She just sent me a message to say she has paid her water and electric, and will soon be off to the grocery store to restock her shelves. Glad we could help each other out!

In other news, I finally got a response from my landlord:

Hi John,

Your lease agreement expires at the end of June so you will need to vacate the premises by June 30, 2021.

Upon vacating the premises on time, you will have a total of 3 months advance deposit and advance rent payment. This amount or a portion thereof shall be returned to you within 90 days after you have vacated the premises.

We would like an opportunity to inspect the premises with you at your earliest convenience. Let me know when you can be available for this inspection.


Jeff Ocampo GP Homes Management

“Or a portion thereof…” Hmm. Well, I really don’t have an issue with my lease going through the end of June. I’ll still take the new place on June 1, and I’ll make a leisurely transition from here to there. I reckon I’ll break the news about the appliances and air con units that will be moving with me during the inspection. If I get any shit, I have receipts. I might also mention that the ceiling fans, hot water heaters, and window shades, are all items I purchased but planned on leaving. Unless they want to get nasty with me. Anyway, perhaps we will have an amicable separation.

Yesterday’s Hash, in which I participated as a Hare, seemed to go well. The trail was only 5K, but it included two moderate climbs. It’s been crazy hot as well, so I was bushed when we finished marking the path. Generally positive reviews from the Hashers, the naysayers complained it was too short, which I heard as “just right”. No one said they got lost or couldn’t follow the intended trail, and that’s always my goal as a Hare. Here are some pictures from the day:

The way we walked.
Pubic Head beseeching Mother Mary for her blessings as we set about our work.
Beginning that first up on the day…
A Hare and his powder…
A couple of months ago this was a field of thatch grass over my head. I knew this day of revenge would come eventually…
So many choices, so little time…
The mountain family burning leaves and brush until the air quality improves.
Pausing for a cookie stop…
Hello, children!
The lonely life of a Hare.
That smile seems to be saying “best trail ever!”
Don’t just stand there, march!
Mountain life.
Ain’t that the shits?
Hello again old friend.
On-Home was at Derelick’s house.
Hare’s on ice…
Gash on a wall…
Your humble correspondent in a completely unposed photo contemplating about the future and reminiscing about the past. Or something.

No way to know how many years I have left, so I intend to make the most of each day I’m blessed with living. Thanks for joining me!

That sinking feeling

Spent a couple of hours out on the Kokomo’s floating bar yesterday. The brown knees there seemed to enjoy the brownies I shared with them. There was a big spender aboard who bought all the girls a drink for Mother’s Day. That made me happy because I didn’t have to! As people came and went, I couldn’t help but notice a large percentage of the guests were Filipinos. You almost never saw that in the past. Things are changing around here as the Subic area becomes a destination for folks fleeing the big city lockdowns. That’s good for business, and keeping the bars viable is good for me. Win-win!

Regarding the title of this post, no, the floating bar was not sinking. But the sun was.

The sun was doing fine when I first arrived.
But then it was going…
No worries, though. First thing this morning it was coming up again. Just like clockwork!

After departing the floating bar, I walked across the beach and had some dinner at Da’ Kudos.

Just some chicken fingers and a side of Cole slaw, but both were quite good.
I‘m not Buddhist, but this sort of captured my mood these past couple of days.
I guess I’ll just try and walk it off…

Speaking of walking, this is Hash Monday and I’m one of the Hares:

It was really Scott’s trail, me and Jim just did the chalk and powder chores…

We set the trail this morning and it kind of kicked my ass. Two climbs on a hot day wasn’t much fun. Most likely, it will be hotter this afternoon when everyone else does the trail Glad I’m not them! Now I need to shower up and get ready to head out to the VFW to give the Hashers their marching orders.

I’m glad I don’t have this kind of comma problem:

It’s all a matter of perspective.

Crawling around

I wasn’t having the best of days yesterday, so I decided to do something about it. My preferred method was to drown my sorrows. It seemed to work just fine. I was starting out much earlier than normal, leaving the house at 1:30. I had the bright idea of doing an old-fashioned bar crawl–I’d start at the first bar on my side of town, and then go bar-to-bar until I reached the last one or couldn’t go any further. That plan got stymied immediately when the first bar–Outback–hadn’t opened yet (most bars here open no earlier than 2:00). Well, why not do it in reverse? I’d walk to the other side of town, then make my way back. I knew Dive In opened early so that would be my first stop.

The front door was unlocked, so enter I did.

A traditional bar crawl usually entails one beer then moving on to the next bar. I threw tradition out the window. For one thing, my friend Jessa came and sat with me. Of course, I bought her a drink. Gerlie was also at the bar with her boyfriend, and she bought me a beer in memory of her beating me at darts Friday night. Then a customer who remembered me from somewhere, but I didn’t remember him, sent over another beer. Jessa suggested we play a game of pool, so we did that. It was also another bar employee’s birthday (19, yikes!) and pizza and chicken were delivered for the celebration. Naturally, I bought the birthday girl a drink. By now I had been in Dive In for several beers and I knew the bar crawl idea wasn’t going to happen.

It was nice spending time with Jessa. She can hold up her end of a conversation and has a good sense of humor. Too bad things didn’t work out for us.

I decided to start making my way back to my side of town. Along the way, I came upon Cheap Charlies and decided to have a quick cold one upstairs. I was surprised that I was the only customer.

The gals were thirsty and hungry, so I bought them a little dinner too.

Just a couple of beers there, and I moved on up the highway. And then I came to Beach Please, and thought “why not?”.

I love the name and its double entendre implications.

I was also the only customer here. I’m pretty sure Beach Please is targeting the locals market–no girls at all.

So, I had the view all to myself. That’s nice too.

A couple more beers, then I walked on the beach for a bit until I reached Mango’s.

Where I perched on my regular beachside stool and took in the view.

This was my last stop of the day. I know I took a trike home from there, but this morning I couldn’t remember if I had paid my bar tab before leaving. I may have been a little inebriated by then.

It’s Mother’s Day today, so naturally I’m remembering my sweet mom.

The look I’m giving my older brother seems to say “mom loves me best.”
Gone but not forgotten.

In other news, I signed the lease for my new place today. I received no response from the current landlord to the email I sent. The message I sent asking if he’d received the email was also ignored. I’m probably going to have a fight on my hands. My move-in date for the apartment is June 1. This current residence is paid for through the end of July. Absent a refund, it looks like I’m going to be maintaining two places. It’s nice to be rich!

I snapped some photos of the apartment this afternoon:

The front entrance as seen from my carport. I don’t have a car, but I might park my grill next to that wall. The stairs to the right lead to the upstairs apartment.
Hey, I can see Easter mountain from my front yard!
Looking through the front door…
The CR near the entrance, That will be handy for those rare nights when I overindulge and really, really need to pee when I get home.
No bed in the guest room. That’s actually okay because I have a bed I purchased when I moved into my current place.
A nice CR with shower in the guest room…
The kitchen.
A small pantry…
The dining and living areas…
The master bedroom.
A large master bath…
…with a walk-in shower…
The balcony…
A view from the balcony (also from the MBR). So, I still get to see the bay from my house.

Anyway, it’s smaller than what I have now, but it will suffice. Too bad my current landlord thought raping me for a hundred bucks a month was a good idea. Glad that I had this option.

So that’s where things stand as of the moment. Going to make a run out to the floating bar this afternoon. Yes, I made some brownies for the brown knees there. But before I go, let me leave you with this:

My sentiments exactly.

Looking for a Tibag

A second place finish in darts last night. No complaints, really. We threw well, our opponents threw weller…er, better I mean. That’s the way the darts fly sometimes.

Our Friday hiking group journeyed out past Naugsol to begin a planned hike to Tibag and back. On a previous visit, we walked the highway, this time we were planning to take a riverside path. Of course, things don’t always go according to plan. Our trail led us up to the top of a small mountain, then abruptly dead-ended. I hate backtracking, but we had no choice. We eventually took a little-used trail down the mountain, and near the bottom, we ran into the trail we thought would lead us to Tibag. Alas, a couple of kilometers later it also came to a dead-end. Another retreat, then we said “fuck it” and made our way up to the highway. It was too late at this point to continue on to Tibag, so we just hiked the highway back to our vehicle. Enjoy the photos from our ill-fated adventure:

Our drop off point.
Across the river over bridge #6.
Let’s go to Tibag!
New vistas to enjoy along the way…
Our hardy band of hikers.
A tree I fancied…
A river with a carabao.
You’ve got rocks in your head if you think THAT will stop us.
I rather like the outdoor sitting area.
Onward and upward.
Larger than usual turnout…practically a platoon.
The natives were resting.
There’s bound to be a trail around here someplace…
When you’ve been lost in the woods and then come upon some litter (from Jollibee, no less!), it’s a good sign that civilization is near.
The ol’ swimming hole…
Doing a little river dancing…on the rocks!
Kids at the store…
Not a bad little sari-sari store…
Loaded up and ready to roll on home.

Ah, well. Tibag will be there next time. Maybe we’ll actually find a way to get there!

In the meantime, I’m considering starting a chapter of the People Encouraging Niceness In Society here in Barretto. How hard can it be?

Not to be a dick about it, but you’d want to be stiff on membership requirements.

And life goes on.


Or maybe recovered is the better word. Either way, I overcame whatever it was that ailed me yesterday, and have now rejoined the land of the living. It’s good to be here!

Obviously, I wasn’t all that sick. It just seemed that my get up and go, got up and left. I baked brownies in anticipation of visiting the floating bar, but when it came time to shower, I just didn’t have the energy to make the effort. So I sat on my lazy ass and watched some TV. I was surprised to find Lonesome Dove, the Larry McMurtry Western series, available on YouTube (I’ve canceled Netflix and Amazon Prime). Been years since I’ve watched that program and I enjoyed seeing the first part of Part One again.

It was the first night in a very long time that I hadn’t gone out to enjoy a beer at one of the many fine venues available in my sweet little retirement town. Here’s to hoping it’s a long time before that ever happens again. I’ll be doing Friday night darts at Alley Cats today, so that will hopefully get me back in my groove.

What else have I got for you?

This pretty much sums up why I decline to argue with my Facebook “friends.” What’s the point? I posted this today with the admonition to not take my silence for acquiescence of their bullshit arguments. As I am wont to say, “all I know is that everything you know, is wrong.” Once I thought that I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
This one was posted on a friend’s timeline. Not sure why I had a “you talking to me?” reaction. Yeah, it sounds a bit like my “friends with benefits” charity program. But I still believe that people helping each other is its own kind of charity. And it is certainly better than nothing.

Here are just a couple of photos from my Wednesday Walkers group hike I was too lazy didn’t have the energy to post yesterday:

Hey, maybe that’s why I was so tired!
It’s burning season. Here they took out the whole side of the hill. Won’t miss the thatch grass, that’s for sure. Still have no idea how they avoid creating those California-type wildfires I grew up with.
Harvesting bamboo looks like hard work to me…
And so does doing laundry in a creek bed.
We don’t have autumn here, but I did take a fall down this hillside. Luckily, I came down on my ass and didn’t hit anything hard or painful on the way to the bottom.
And no, I didn’t forget to get a shot of Easter mountain. You’re welcome!
After the hike, I did some lunch at Sit-n-Bull. Sorry, I took a couple of bites before remembering to take a photo. The ribs were good, the sides were excellent.

And that’s all I’ve got for today. I joined the Friday hiking group for a trip out to Tibag this morning. I’ll post about that tomorrow.

It’s a matter of degree

I just watched a documentary on Bangladesh. Pretty shocking really. I mean, on a very basic level I was aware that it was a poor and poverty-stricken nation. I remember that concert George Harrison hosted back in 1971 (damn, I’m old!), but I just haven’t paid much attention since then. Wow. I apologize for calling the Philippines a third-world country. That’s an insult to the genuine third-world status of Bangladesh. Don’t take my word for it, you can see what I saw on YouTube.

So, you may be asking what in the hell am I doing watching TV on a perfectly fine Thursday afternoon? Truth is, I’m feeling poorly today. No fever, no cough, no energy. Yeah, that again. Took the dogs for an abbreviated walk, came home, and took a two-hour nap. Woke up and moved onto the couch, then turned on my little-used television. Scrolled through some YouTube recommendations and clicked on the one above. I don’t know why. Anyway, it remains to be seen whether I’ll find the strength to venture out later today or not.

Yesterday, I changed things up a bit and started my beer drinking at the Dive In bar. It’s on the far end of town and there is nothing really special about the place. Well, other than the fact that my ex-crush Jessa works there as a bartender. Naturally, I bought her some lady drinks, she sat with me at the bar, and we had a very pleasant chat for an hour or so. I was reminded of why I was attracted to her in the first place. No, I don’t expect I’ll be attempting to resurrect that relationship, but I’m glad we are still on friendly terms. As I was leaving, Jessa told me not to be such a stranger. I responded there are so many bars to visit and so little time. But I may try to find a way to add Dive In to my rotation.

Next, I had a couple of more beers at It Doesn’t Matter. The place was pretty packed for a Wednesday evening. Glad it is going well for the new owners. My regular waitress there, Roan, is a hoot. She’d been out sick for a few days and I mentioned the waitress who served me in her absence. Roan asked if had told her any jokes. I told her no and asked why she wanted to know. She said, “I’m going to use them, but don’t want to tell a joke they’ve heard already.” I was impressed that she even remembered my jokes, let alone found them funny! So, of course, I felt obligated to tell her another one:

A friend’s wife has been ill for quite some time and the doctor has been running tests to find out what is wrong. Finally, the doc told my friend he’d narrowed it down to two possible causes–AIDS or Alzheimer’s. My friend was like “oh my God! What should I do?” The doctor replied, “well if it were me I’d drive her ten miles out of town. If she comes back home, don’t fuck her!”

Yeah, not my best work, but Roan laughed politely. Oh, coincidentally, Roan used to work at Dive In and is friends with Jessa. Life in a small town, eh?

I departed shortly thereafter and headed out to The Pub for my weekly fix of Korean-style chicken wings. I’m usually only in there once a week, but I’m greeted like a regular: “Welcome, John. San Miguel Zero and sixteen chicken wings to go, right?” Yep, thanks! That’s my kind of service and the wings were excellent as usual.

Ah, I’ve become a predictable man of routines it seems. Monday I Hash. Tuesday is darts at Alley Cats. Wednesday has become It Doesn’t Matter night (and wing night, of course). Thursday I hit up the Kokomo’s floating bar on Baloy Beach, Friday and Saturday more darts at Alley Cats, and on Sunday I like to visit my friends at Cheap Charlies. I was not kidding when I told Jessa that I wasn’t sure how to fit Dive In into my schedule.

I don’t know if I’m feeling better or not, but I just popped some brownies into the oven. I don’t want to disappoint the brown knees on the floating bar should I decide to venture out later.

Yesterday, I sent this email to my landlord:

Hello, this is John McCrarey, your tenant in Casa Rosenda.

I have reviewed the lease contract I signed with Gloria Ocampo on May 25, 2018.  The term of the lease was for three years, expiring May 25, 2021.  In accordance with the terms of the lease, this is the formal notice of my intention to NOT renew the lease. 

I have also reviewed my rental receipts which confirm I paid a one-month advance rent and two-month deposit on June 18. 2018.  I trust the two-month deposit will be returned to me promptly.  Please advise if that is not the case.

Also, on December 29, 2020, I paid six months’ rent in advance.  That means my rent is paid through the end of June 2021.  Additionally, I paid one-month advance rent when I signed the lease, so that means the rent is paid through the end of July 2021.  I am prepared to vacate the house by June 1, 2021, provided the rent payments are refunded.  Please advise of your intentions in this regard.

To summarize, as things stand, I am owed two months advance deposit (90,000 pesos) and two months advance rent payments totaling 90,000 pesos, for a total of 180,000 pesos.
Let me know if you have any issues or disagreements with my assessment.

John M. McCrarey

No response yet. I’m in a bit of a box. I don’t want to lose my new apartment, so I’ll need to sign a lease there next month. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to give up this place before my paid rent has either been refunded or expires. I might have two houses for a while. Everyone I talk to says it’s doubtful I will get the security deposit back. If they do go that route, I’ll do my best to make sure every expat in town knows not to rent from them (in addition to my house, they several duplexes they want to rent out). I’ll help Karma out in any way I can!

And that’s the way it is in my neck of the woods. It could always be worse, and it is in Bangladesh.

Sweet 16

Sixteen years ago my granddaughter, Gracyn, came into the world looking like this:

Ain’t she sweet? I was living in Korea at the time, and I thought it was pretty cool that my first grandchild was born on the Korean holiday called Children’s Day.

And here is how she has grown up:

It’s amazing how much she looks like her mother. She is also quite the athlete, excelling at track and volleyball.

Math was never my strong suit, but I’ve been struggling to understand how a 30-year-old man such as myself can be the grandfather of a 16-year-old. It must be some kind of miracle!

She seems to like the gift I sent her. Imagine that. Happy Birthday!

What a day this is–the birthday, Children’s Day, and for those of Mexican heritage:

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Meanwhile, here in my world, yesterday was my “lazy” day. No real walking to speak of, just taking care of chores like grocery shopping. I’ve been very frustrated with the constant “out of stock” refrain at Royal lately. So, I had my driver take me to the SM grocery store in Olongapo City. It was a wasted trip, though, because upon arrival just before nine I discovered the store doesn’t open until 10:00. Back to Royal we went, where disappointment is never out of stock. Anyway, if that’s my biggest bitch, life must be very good, indeed!

After my shopping excursion, I came home hungry.

Browned some ground beef and added seasoning.
Warmed up a tortilla and prepared the innards–lettuce, tomato, green onion, cheese, and salsa.
And a burrito was born! Had one for breakfast this morning too in honor of Cinco de Mayo.

I finished third in last night’s dart tourney, which was actually quite miraculous. After the draw, but before the first dart was thrown, my partner came over and apologized. She said she hadn’t thrown darts for a long time and that she wasn’t very good to begin with. I gave her my standard response of “let’s just have fun.” Turns out, she wasn’t exaggerating–her darts were all over the board. Still, with my “I don’t give a shit, let’s get this over with” attitude kicking in, I played well enough to lead us to victory over Cristy and her partner in the first round. I was as surprised as everyone. We weren’t near good enough to beat the eventual champions, however. Hey, we finished in the money, had some fun, and drank some beers. I’d call that a good night.

And so it goes.

It’s not unusual

A rather pleasant 6K Hash run yesterday. A couple of small climbs; otherwise we covered a mostly flat, urban trail. It was all very familiar territory, in fact, I had unknowingly walked a portion of the trail during my Sunday solo hike. I guess nothing new isn’t surprising given that we do organized hikes three times a week in a relatively small geographic area. I’ll be one of the Hares for next week’s Hash, and I doubt we’ll have anything new to offer either. Well, I’ll be throwing down more powder than I saw on yesterday’s trail, but that’s just the way I roll.

Here are some photos from our trek. As usual, these come from multiple sources:

The trail as seen from the eye in the sky.
And so it begins. Black And Dick Her looks tired already! Cum In My Basement just looks hot. As usual. The official start time is 2:30, but our small group of “sane” Hashers left at 2:00. We are slow, and even with a headstart we pretty much always finish last in.
And I thought it was raining rocks. (just kidding, never knew they were up until I saw the photo).
On the familiar streets of Alta Vista. The trail actually went right past the place I expect to be moving into next month.
We didn’t do a lot of elevation, so this was probably the best bay view of the day.
Country living. What else do you need? Water, you say?
Well, there you go! *ahem*
A couple of Hash Gash lovelies, Whatever You Want and Anal Intruder.
She also has a great sense of humor. “Kate, you look better when you don’t wear glasses.” Kate replies, “You look better when I don’t wear glasses, too.”
Living large on the mountain.
Marching onward,,,
Through the backroads of San Isidro…
Crossing the Matain river over what we have dubbed bridge #2.
Show me the way, Pubic Head.
There was a time when I would have just jumped off this wall. Those days are gone for this old man.
I still do alright on flat ground, though.
Looking to the left…
…and looking to the right. Damn, I love this country.
Heading on down to the highway…
Do you smell that, Pubic Head?
Ah, I thought so. I can almost taste it!
We finally arrived at our On-Home venue…
I really do enjoy the outdoors ambiance at Smoke and Bottles.

During the Hash circle I sang a Hash song I wrote a few months ago.

(sung to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic)

His eyes have seen the horror of the steepness of the trail

His ears have heard the bitching of all the ones who fell

His lips have felt the passing of the PI’s finest Ales

This Hasher’s done it all!

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

May you always be ON-ON!

Yeah, I won’t quit my day job.

After the Hash, I didn’t see a trike so I started walking towards home. Then I came upon the Jollibee that opened a few months ago. I don’t really eat fast food these days, but most Filipinos are crazy about their Jollibee, so I figured I’d give it a try.

Ordered up the Champ burger, which on the menu looked a bit like a Quarter Pounder...
This is how it looked on my table. Sorry the photo isn’t better, I’d had a few beers at this point.

My verdict: better than a Quarter Pounder, maybe not as good as a Whopper. But the Champ hit the spot, and that’s what it’s all about.

And that concludes this week’s Hash post.

Losing my mind

Or so, at least, it seems. I’m not in Biden territory quite yet, but I’m making strides in that direction. My memory seems to be fading faster than my eyesight, but I can’t get glasses for my brain. I have to do a mental checklist whenever I leave the house–phone, vapes, wallet, darts–or else I’ll invariably get halfway down the street and have an, “Oh, shit”, moment. I’m notorious for bad grammar and punctuation, but these days, even shit I know, I get wrong. I’m thinking, “their”, but my brain tells my fingers to type “there”. As many mistakes as you readers see published here, you would be surprised to see all that I catch when I proofread. And obviously, all that I miss. But what happened yesterday really left me shaking my head.

These two things are NOT the same.

When I do my solo hikes, I carry my headphones with me so I can listen to music along the way. About 1K into my walk, I reached up to my collar to hit the on-switch. Except it wasn’t there. I removed the headphones from around my neck to see what the problem was, only to discover that I wasn’t wearing headphones. At least I didn’t try to plug the USB charger cable into my ears. Geez.

Even with my impaired mental functioning, I still managed to pull this off:

The hardest thing about making brownies these days is reading the directions on the box, and seeing the temperature settings on the oven. And remembering to take them out of the oven at the appointed time, of course.

Sunday has become to my default day to visit Cheap Charlies bar. I baked the brownies as a treat for the brown knees who work there. I saw a customer help himself to one, which kind of irked me a little, but then I realized I was being a petty jerk. The beer was cold, the company was friendly, the chatter inane. A typical night at the bar.

How’s that for a full moon? Actually larger than I prefer, but the asses aren’t for sale at CC’s anyway.
And like clockwork, the sun went down, which reminded me I had dinner to attend to back at the house.
Pork chops in the crockpot. That’s a cream of mushroom soup base.
Pork chops on the plate. I had added some mushrooms and pineapple chunks to the mix. Still came out a little on the bland side. I’ll need to spice it up more next time.

That was then, this is now. And by now I mean it’s Hash Monday. I’d put the Hare’s in the “sane” category, although last time they did include a climb that required a rope. We’ll see what’s in store, and you’ll likely hear about it here (at least I got the hear/here right) tomorrow.

Thanks for dropping in!

Imagine that

Reader: Your grammar’s pathetic.

Me: Oh, yeah? Well, your grandpa’s no better, either

Just a little inside humor. See the comments to yesterday’s post for the backstory. All in good fun.

So, a development of sorts in the continuing drama associated with my pending move. Now, I previously mentioned that one of the brothers in the landlord family was unaware that I had been hit with a rent increase. Apparently, he was upset that he had not been consulted. He has not said anything directly to me, choosing instead to relay information through my basement neighbor, who is technically his employee. He told her to tell me that he had talked to his brother and sister and they agreed to reduce the rent increase to 5%. As you may recall, that is the amount originally proposed that I had objected to–their counteroffer was 10%. Anyway, I relayed back through the neighbor that it was too late; I’d already verbally committed to another place. I also had her convey a counteroffer on my behalf–if they would reduce my rent by 10% I would consider staying. Haven’t heard back. Don’t expect I will.

Ah, the art of negotiation. I spent a goodly portion of my career in labor relations where I participated in collective bargaining for labor agreements. At least the union’s proposals had a basis in reality. I still have no idea what the hell my landlords are thinking. Maybe they aren’t.

I also believe I mentioned I know my upstairs neighbors. They are both Hashers, and the husband (also named John) plays darts. As I was leaving for the tournament on Friday, John was walking past my house on his way to Alley Cats as well. So, we walked together. John casually mentioned that his downstairs neighbors were moving out and he was happy about it because they were so noisy. I told him I was planning to move in downstairs. He was a little surprised and said that explains why he got the email from his landlord asking if he objected to allowing two dogs downstairs. He didn’t. I’m actually not noisy at all, and my dogs only bark when there’s a reason–like someone being outside the door. I don’t think we’ll have any issues in that regard. While I’d prefer to have a house to myself, I’m already thinking in terms of being accommodating. For example, I’ll put my grill in the carport in order to avoid sending up smoke from my balcony to his apartment. Hopefully, we will all just get along fine and dandy.

What else have I got for you? Well, John Kim’s The Pub restaurant just published a new menu. I’ll share it here to illustrate that it isn’t hard to find good food in my little town.

Page 1. The current exchange rate is a tad over 48 pesos to the dollar. I just use 50P to the dollar for easy calculations.
Page 2.
Page 3.
Page 4.

Damn, now I’m hungry for some reason.

I believe getting vaccinated against COVID is a personal choice. I probably will at some point, especially if my freedom to travel is contingent upon vaccination. Other folks might choose a different path, and that’s fine with me.

I agree. I will also confess to feeling a bit like a hypocrite because I’ve always believed that kids should be vaccinated for smallpox, measles, polio, and the like in order to attend public schools. Why is COVID different? The best argument I’ve got is that the other diseases are better known and the vaccines are time-tested and proven effective. Also, COVID doesn’t kill or maim like the others I mentioned. If you have a better argument (for or against) I’d love to hear it.

I am SO ready to do some travelling!

I’ve never seen either side in person…

I’ve got pork chops in the crockpot for dinner tonight, and I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (on toast) for lunch. Is there no end to my creativity in the kitchen?

I might give that a try soon!

I’ll close out today’s post with these words of wisdom:

I’m more at peace these days than I have been in a long time.

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.

Oddly enough

Darts can be a funny game sometimes. It is one of the few sports where you are not in direct competition with your opponent, by which I mean, you have no control over or “defense” against what the other player does. Ultimately, it is you against the board. The way you beat someone is to throw better and smarter than they do. And yeah, at least at the amateur level, luck can also be a factor. I have often said that the mental aspects of darts are every bit as important as the physical act of tossing the arrows. When I’m throwing poorly, rather than think about my mechanics, I tell myself to “focus”.

So, I say all of the above as a prelude to recounting what occurred at last night’s dart tournament. It’s a standard “luck of the draw” format–everyone picks a number and gets paired of with the person who drew the corresponding number; one plays with two, three plays with four, etc. Sometimes the results might not appear “fair”, for example, when two top players get paired up to play together. But that’s the luck of the draw. Everyone has a chance to draw a good partner, sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t. I learned early in my darting “career” not to complain about the player you wind up with–what’s the point? I’ll try and mentor a beginner or offer advice on strategy, but I try not to disparage the skills of the person I’m paired with. Now, that’s not to say that I enjoy playing with certain players. Sometimes it’s a personality conflict, other times I find their lack of situational awareness frustrating. Again, my reaction is on me and I don’t fault my partner overtly, it just messes with my head sometimes and throws me off my game.

For example, on Tuesday night I drew Bhae as my partner. I don’t really know her, but I’ve seen her around and I have always thought she’s the ugliest Filipina I’ve ever seen. Yeah, that’s how shallow I can be sometimes. But don’t get me wrong, when the game is on i don’t give a shit what my partner looks like. In fact, a hottie can be distracting, especially if I start thinking about the dart in my pants rather than the ones in my hand. But back to Bhae, I’d say she is an average darter at best. Very inconsistent though in her throws, sometimes even missing the board altogether. She does tend to get lucky more often than others (for example, throwing at a 20 and hitting a triple 18). Anyway, I can deal with a partner like that. You throw, you miss–that’s just part of the game. What drives me crazy with Bhae is that she seems clueless sometimes when it comes to what to aim for. In 501, you have to finish with a double out–so you want to leave your partner an outshot, or at least an even number to work with. Strategy is even more important in cricket and luck is less a factor. When to throw at certain numbers and when to go for points are critical aspects of the game. I have much more success in cricket than in ’01 because I usually have a better understanding of the strategic opportunities than do my opponents.

Bhae oftentimes doesn’t appear to know where, when, and what to throw at. One example–we were down on points in cricket. Our opponents had all of their numbers closed and we still had the15 open. Now, you can’t win if you are behind in points, and the only way we could get points was to throw as many bullseyes as possible. Bhae chose to go for the meaningless 15. After her throw, I asked her in frustration “why do you think the 15 is important in this situation?” She just gave me a blank look. I immediately regretted calling her out that way, reminding myself it was just a game. A game played in a bar where we are supposed to be having fun. It was stupid darts, but who cares? Yeah, we lost the game and lost the tourney and I hate to lose, but so what?

Which (finally) brings us to last night. We picked our numbers and were waiting for the teams to be announced. I’m thinking to myself “anyone but Bhae, please”. Then they called out Billy and Espie as a team. Damn, they are both outstanding (finishing #3 and #4 in the upper division of the singles league), I figured they were going to be a shoo-in for first place. And then came “John and Bhae”. Damn. Well, I figured it was going to be an early night of darts. Started thinking about where I might go after my exit from Alley Cats. Maybe Mango’s for dinner or It Doesn’t Matter for beers. Or both. In the meantime, I had a tournament to lose.

Except it didn’t turn out that way. Surprisingly, we won our first match. And then we won another. Bhae was throwing her usual darts; occasional incompetence, periodic luck, and sometimes hitting what she aimed at. I was having a good night at the line–lots of bulls and even the coveted 180 (best possible score). I’m not saying luck wasn’t a factor as well, it just seemed the stars aligned for us. Well, I knew that we still had to play Billy and Espie, but the idea that we might actually finish in second place seemed attainable. Then came the head-to-head with the strongest team in the bar. I don’t know how, but we managed to beat them two straight. We were in the finals!

Not surprisingly, Billy and Espie came back up from the losers bracket to play us for the championship. And they were out for revenge! They won the first set and I figured it had been a good ride, let’s get this over with. We won 501, they won cricket, so it came down to the third and deciding leg. I won the coin toss and surprised the bar by choosing to play 501 again, despite cricket being my best game. Well, I knew my partner was better suited to 501 and we were a team, after all. Both teams played a great game and in the end, we both had an outshot. They missed theirs. I hit mine. We won the tourney!

Luck of the draw, indeed!

The unlikely champs. Stranger things have happened,. I just can’t remember when.