My favorite from 2005

Scrolled through my old posts from 2005.  It was shocking to see just how crappy the crap I posted truly was.  Over the course of 12 months this little ditty about my first haircut in Korea was the best I could come up with…

In the photo essay category I’m going with my commute to work (back when I actually walked).  Oddly enough, I was thinner back then.

It was a pretty sorry year blog posting-wise (who knew it would be a continuing trend, eh?).  Still, it’s kinda cute how jazzed I got when things were all new and different with my life here in Korea.


ok, that was technically taken in December 2004 in Istanbul.  But I posted it in 2005.  So sue me.

Stay tuned for the “best” of 2006.  As soon as I can stomach reading through them….

Speaking of vocative commas…

I am pleased to report a recent sighting of some extremely Hairy Chasms!  That’s right, the Big Hominid himself, Kevin, has started posting again at his old blog BigHominid’s Hairy Chasms.  Welcome back!  You have been missed!

I guarantee that you will not find e-vocative posts like this one anywhere else on the web.  So, go give a shout out to Kevin but mind your P’s and Q’s.  Whatever the hell that means…

Have they no shame?

Or do they really think the electorate is this stupid?

Biden: Iraq victory a great Obama achievement.

Sometimes it feels like I’m living in an Orwell novel.  The war was won because Bush ignored naysayers like Obama and surged troops to quell an escalating insurgency.  And now Obama wants to take credit for Iraq while simultaneously blaming Bush for everything else?  Of course, we have seen plenty of evidence that this administration holds the American people in contempt, but c’mon, any sentient being recognizes this ploy for the pure BS that it is.

As Mudville Gazette notes:

There’s an odd thing about this administration claiming credit for victory in Iraq – half the country knows Biden and Obama had nothing to do with it, and the other half will never admit there is a victory to claim. However, since they think we’re all stupid, I guess the White House wants to give it a shot.

I’m sure the President sees plenty of ignorance–every time he looks in the mirror.  He’s just too ignorant to recognize it.  Which reflects poorly on him, don’t ya think?  Ahem.


(photo lifted from The Conservative Mom)