Shooting the bull

Another “lazy” Tuesday in the books. Did my weekly grocery shopping then spent the afternoon puttering about in the kitchen.

There was chili to prepare…
…and cornbread muffins to bake.
Since I already had the oven warm I whipped up the ingredients for a carrot cake. Even grated the carrots myself.
It tasted better than it looks.
I did something a little different this time–sliced the cake in half and applied the cream cheese frosting in the middle. It really wasn’t worth the effort taste-wise or aesthetically. Oh well.

I also play darts on Tuesday evening, so I headed out to Alley Cats. We played doubles, and I drew one of the bargirls as my partner. She’s an experienced player, and I’ve seen her throw decent darts in the past, but she was way off her game last night. Sometimes it felt like I was playing alone or she had never touched a dart before. Or both. But that’s the luck of the draw and I’ve had my share of outstanding partners recently, so thems the breaks.

The situation awkward pairing did make for some interesting situations. For example, in our first cricket game, we were way behind–they had everything closed except bulls and we still had three numbers open and were behind on points. It seemed pretty hopeless, but the only way we could possibly win was to put a shitload of darts in the bullseye. And that’s what I proceeded to do, getting two or three every throw. For some reason, our opponents kept throwing for points instead of trying to close out the bull. That kept us in the game and we eventually closed out our open numbers and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

Crazy night. I was throwing decent enough to carry my partner and defeat some stronger teams. Still, I was very surprised that we made it to the finals. We couldn’t prevail there, but second place was pretty satisfying given the circumstances.

The night ended on a sour note unrelated to darts, but I’ll save that story for another time. I’m still processing what happened and the way I’m going to move forward. That’s life. At least, that’s my life.

4 thoughts on “Shooting the bull

  1. “The situation did make for some interesting situations.”

    Situationally speaking.

    Congrats on second place, at least.

    That sliced-open carrot cake looks like a murder scene, but I bet it does indeed taste awesome. And one of these days, I’ll have to have a bowl of your famous chili.

  2. Damn McCrarey, that third pic scared the crap out of me. For a brief second I thought the carrot was a Dildo and all i could think was that you had finally gone over to the other side(Not that there’s anything wrong with that). When i realized the optical illusion had confounded me and all you were going to eat was a carrot cake I was relieved. Peace Out!

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