Milli Vanilli

Welp, another milestone in my Hashing career–my first-ever journey with the Manila Hash House Harriers. They were here in Barretto for an outstation run, and several of us Subic Hashers joined in the fun. In fact, the Hare was none other than Leech My Nuggets, who, unbeknownst to me, used to Hash in Manila back in the day. There were two trail options, long and short, and being the old fat fucker that I am, I opted for the short. A tad over 3K all in and covering a familiar portion of the My Bitch trail.

The path I took began at the Outback Resort and ended at the On-Home venue–Johansson’s.
The view from the Outback
And we are On-On!
Up this narrow alley way
And into Alta Vista
As you can maybe see, I’ve fallen pretty far behind the group in front of me…

But there are still some stragglers behind me
Back on the Bitch. I’ve let it be known that when my time comes, I want to be cremated and spread on the Bitch trail during a Hash run.
A shady spot
Upsy daisy
The Hare (shirtless) was waiting at the Four Corners junction–long trail to the left, short trail to the right.
That’s Jay, owner of the Hot Zone bar and former Grandmaster of the Subic Hash. He quit our group a couple of years ago, so it was good to see him out on trail again.
My Easter Mountain shot
Jay had his dog with him
A view of the Kalaklan Ridgeline. Those houses are at the far end of Rizal Extension
The view from here
Barrio Barretto
The tall building in the center is the Capitol Reef Hotel. The other side of that little peninsula is Baloy Beach.
Some new construction, all by hand–there is no vehicle access up here.
One more bay view
Then down we go
Back on the pavement
And On-Home. Let the beer-drinking begin!

You can Relive the hike here if you are so inclined:

So, one interesting aspect of Hashing with an out-of-town group is observing their Hash circle rituals. Manila doesn’t do the ice thing but has other tools of humiliation to impose punishment. Some of the things they did struck me as a tad gay (not that there is anything wrong with it):

I’m not exactly sure just what the heck is going on here.
I’ll take sitting on the ice over this any day!

It was a good Hash, though, and I enjoyed the experience. Plus, I got a nifty new Hash shirt!

The front
I *think* this is referring to a change in Hash leadership that took place at the end of the circle.

One more Hash to add to my participation list:

  • Subic Bay H3 (my mother Hash)
  • Humphreys Hangover H3 (the Hash that named me in Pyeongtaek)
  • Angeles City H3
  • Corona H3 (also in Angeles City)
  • La Union H3 (I’ve done several with them, including the Valentine’s Hash in Baguio)
  • Pattaya H3
  • Pattaya Jungle H3
  • Manila H3

I titled this post Milli Vanilli as a kind of play on the Manila name and some of the Hash group’s effeminate rituals (oh, I forgot to mention, this is an exclusively male group, no women allowed). I was never a fan of the Milli Vanilli singing duo and had actually forgotten about their lip-synching scandal, and it’s tragic outcome for one of the singers. No offense intended!

Doing the short trail meant I started drinking early (in Subic, the free beer doesn’t flow until 3:30) and the Manila Hash circle seemed inordinately long, which of course, required additional beers to pass the time. I was buzzing when it was finally over, but that didn’t stop me from paying a visit to Cheap Charlies. Hey, it wasn’t even six o’clock yet on a Saturday night!

My regular crew seemed happy to see me again.

A couple more beers (and lady drinks, of course) later, I crossed the highway for a nightcap at Wet Spot. I stayed longer than I intended because the owner Daddy Dave was there, and we had some catching up to do. It turned out to be a nice evening on the town.

In other news, I looked at a potential house rental yesterday. It’s actually where Swan was living with her significant other, but she needs to move out now that he’s gone.

It needs some work, including a gate across the front so my dogs have a yard to play in.
The inside needs some work as well, including kitchen cabinets and aircon.
But the view is acceptable as is
I could get used to seeing that every morning

Some negotiations are to come with the landlord. I need to pay six months’ advance rent to pay for the work that needs to be done. I’m okay with that as long as I have a good lease agreement to protect my investment. Hope it all works out.

The Sunday feeding at Hideaway is the next item on my agenda. We’ll see what happens after that.

6 thoughts on “Milli Vanilli

  1. when my time comes, I want to be cremated and spread on the Bitch trail during a Hash run

    Nice to see that Hashing means that much to you.

    The front

    Ah, that tee design. I’m guessing that, without the asterisks, that’s “Poke Her Cunt Ass,” a take on “Pocahontas,” given the (historically accurate?) image on the other side of the tee. Aside from that, though, the English is incomprehensible and probably some sort of inside joke:

    “Poke Her Cunt Ass Entrusts Mr. Whippy”
    —no fuckin’ clue what that means

    I *think* this is referring to a change in Hash leadership that took place at the end of the circle.

    Okay, well, maybe that solves the mystery.

    this is an exclusively male group, no women allowed

    So: a sausage party, then. Why no gash?

    Good luck with the potentially new place. Looks nice, and with the improvements you mentioned, it could be perfect. How would it change your access to the local bars? Could a trike get you up the hill? Any word on the neighbors?

  2. Daeguowl, ah, the blue house of my dreams fell through. I guess the owner’s plans changed, and she decided not to rent the place after moving to the UK. Or maybe she found a tenant she likes better. Anyway, all of her promises proved to be for naught.

  3. Kev, well, I enjoy the Hash, but it’s not something I would die for. I have it on good authority that someday in the unforeseeable future, I will leave this world behind, so the question becomes what to do with what remains of me? I’ve seen the hassle and expense people go through to return their bodies to their homeland after death. The easiest thing to do is cremation, and to make it easy on everyone, just chuck my ashes on my favorite walking path. I ain’t gonna care anyway.

    Manila H3 is the first Hash group I’ve participated with that is all male, but that is pretty common throughout the Hash world. Most kennels have a separate female group or another mixed group. Having some hot girls around is a big attraction (ahem) to me, and I’d not enjoy regularly Hashing without them. I’m still trying to figure out what the reasoning is for exclusion; I’d say the majority of Subic H3 females can outperform me on the trail.

    As for the Hash shirt, I’m pretty sure the undecipherable English is Hash names, and I guess you need to be a Manila Hasher to grasp the concept they are describing fully. A strange but friendly and interesting group, for sure.

    Getting to the new place will actually be much easier, both on foot and by trike. That’s one of the attractions for me. I asked Swan about the neighbors; she said they are mostly quiet foreigners. Best of all, no barking dogs! I’m meeting with the landlord tomorrow, and if things go well, I’ll pull the trigger and hope for the best.

  4. Good luck on the (potential) new digs. Looks pretty decent from the pics.

    Are the shirts provided as part of the Hash dues or are these an extra purchase? Might be just me, but outside of a Hash event, I am not sure I would walk around wearing a shirt like that. LOL

  5. Brian, I should know tomorrow if we can make a deal.

    Nope, typically, the shirts have to be purchased separately. I usually only wear them to Hash events, but I wore my new Manila shirt last night when I went out. The bargirls seemed to like it for some reason.

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