Jam up and jelly tight

So, on the drive out to Castillejos for the start of our hike to Nagsangong Falls, our driver missed the bypass highway around Subic-town. As we hit the heavy traffic near the Subic marketplace, a song from 1970 that I didn’t like then and hadn’t heard for decades suddenly popped into my head. Hell, I even recalled most of the lyrics. That’s pretty amazing, given how I can barely remember my name some days.

I pulled it up on my phone and played the song for the other occupants in our vehicle. The driver said afterward, “Never play that again!”

Okay, sorry for the detour down memory lane; here’s the report from yesterday’s misadventure. As mentioned above, the plan was to make the relatively easy hike to Nansangong Falls and back, a trek we hadn’t done since early 2021.

That’s how it looked back then

Times change and memories fade, resulting in some initial difficulty in finding our starting point. When we reached the end of the road we were on, some locals helpfully offered to guide us back to where we needed to be.

Backing up for the turnaround and do-over.

A left turn about 1/2K up the road, then a short drive to a shady parking spot, and we were finally ready to walk!

Let’s do this!
The old dirt road
I’m already loving the change of scenery. As much as I like the hiking around Barretto, the same old same old gets, well, old, after a while.
A rickety bridge crossing
And the first of several get-your-feet-wet stream crossings
Heading for the hills

And then we encountered a Robert Frost moment:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

We eventually chose the path to the right, in part because it appeared to have been more heavily trafficked. And what’s out here to see except the falls, right?

Climbing up through whatever that junglely stuff might be.
Through the hills we go, laughing all the way, oh what fun it is too hike on such a sunny day
Okay, maybe I was the only one laughing, but I was enjoying myself.
What’s not to like?
Some rest for the weary
And then we came to a dead end.
Now what do we do?
We eventually found a workaround trail
But it ended at this “farmhouse” in the middle of nowhere
Time to retreat!
Going back the way we came
Google Earth is no help if you can’t get a signal!
Some rest and contemplation about where we went wrong.

Remember that junction where we chose to go right?

Yep, we took the path most traveled by, and that made all the (wrong) difference. Should have gone left. Oh well. Some of the group opted to go on to the falls, some (including me) headed back to where we started.
So, it wasn’t a total misadventure for everyone.
Back across the water
Just another weary traveler on the lonely road of life.
Another successful cookie delivery
Country living
This trike had twelve passengers, including a breast-feeding mother. I gave them cookies AND lollipops!
The view from our “campsite.”
Post-hike refreshments

Anyway, despite not achieving the falls I had a really good time on trail. That’s what matters most. Relive it here if you so desire:

My other Miss Adventure was with the lovely lady accompanying me to last night’s SOB. We arrived early, so we had a drink next door at Sloppy Joe’s while we waited for Alaska to open up. The same waitress who served me last night took care of our order. I smiled to myself, wondering what she was thinking–one day, he is with an 18-year-old girl, the next with a 39-year-old woman. Funny how that works, but I know which one I prefer. WAY too early for that kind of speculation–her partner of seventeen years passed away a few months ago, and she is just starting her road to recovery. My goal is to help her get to where she needs to be, with no expectation that I’ll be her solution. She is fun to be with, and that’s enough for me. She even volunteered to be my Tagalog tutor (yes, she is college educated). I’m trying to respect her privacy, hence the lack of a name, at least for now. Let’s call her Swan (she without a name).

Anyway, Swan had never attended an SOB before and asked me what it was all about. I answered that it was a cultural dance contest among seven Barretto bars. Yeah, they are bar dancers, but several teams usually wear costumes and put on an interesting show with various props. Last night only Alaska did so. The other competitors were doing the booty-shaking thing and sexy dance moves. Swan laughed and asked, “Is that more of “culture” you were talking about?” ‘Yeah, but this is the Philippines, after all, and it is bar culture’ was the best I could come up with in response.

At the end of the show, Swan thanked me and said she had a good time. She agreed to join me somewhere in the future, I suggested the rooftop at our high-rise hotel, the Capital Reef, and she liked the idea. It was a different kind of “date” for me last night, but one I enjoyed more than any others in recent memory. Making a new friend is always a worthwhile endeavor; anything more than that still needs a friendship foundation. One day at a time. I’ve got nothing to lose.

Next up for me is a Hash adventure with the Manila group. They are doing an outstation run here in Barretto today and I’m going to join in. I’m also taking some tentative steps to making a move into a rental house more suited to the needs of me and my dogs. It’s here in Alta Vista, so not that big a change. More on that soon.

Facebook memories reminded me of the way my blog looked when it was Korea-centric:

These days I never link my blog to Facebook. I prefer a certain degree of at least the illusion of anonymity when I post here. People do find me occasionally through the magic of a Google search, and that’s okay. I just need to remember to practice some discretion with what I say about other folks here.

Back with more tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by!

3 thoughts on “Jam up and jelly tight

  1. Nice walk even if it didn’t end where you had hoped.

    I think Swan had a point when she laughed about the idea of the SOB as “culture.” I hope she proves to have the charm to wean you off your diet of 18-year-olds.

  2. Now, now, ONE 18-year-old is more of an appetizer than a diet. Still, someone like Swan could be the catalyst for some lifestyle changes. Sadly, I think she’s got a long road to travel before she might be interested in anything I have to offer. I’ve tried to convey I’m here to assist her in that journey, but my impression is that she is the type who wants to find her own way.

  3. You’re rationalizing it by saying it’s one person, but it’s one person repeatedly.

    So the real question is: who’s sucking whose soul?

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