What a party!

Let the good times roll! It’s good to have a change of scenery now and again, and what motivation for getting out of town is better than a party? I didn’t know what to expect and had no idea who else was on the guest list, but these doctor pals of mine know how to do it right. I was actually surprised that I knew as many of my fellow attendees as I did. Quite a few of us were patients of our hosts, and the rest were friends and acquaintances. Good food, cold beer, fun people, and beautiful beaches. We had it all yesterday.

The birthday girl, Dr. Jo
Jo’s hubby and partner, Chris, was also celebrating a January birthday.

The venue was Mope Beach Resort in San Narcisco, about an hour’s drive from Barretto. I’d been there once before with the Hash, but that was the day many of us were detained by the Philippine Navy, and so we didn’t get much time to, um, Mope. Really enjoyed soaking up the ambiance at this out-of-the-way venue.

Now, the entrance wasn’t too awe-inspiring, but then again, I spent less than five seconds walking through.
I’m a big fan of beach bars, and this one is outstanding
This pavilion was also a nice touch, although I didn’t get to hang out up there much as the party was in the main bar.
The view from upstairs
Me enjoying that view
The only problem with upstairs is that you eventually have to come down them. These were a little tricky when sober; I can imagine some painful scenarios occurring when inebriated.
Some beach-side seating
A view of said beach
And a view in the opposite direction
This isn’t on the Mope property, but I thought it’s coolness worthy of a photo.
They call it a “surf bar” for a reason. Boards are available for anyone inclined to ride the waves. In fact, several of the guests and the host Chris, spent a couple of hours on the water.
Dr. Jo performed surgery on the lunch meat and cheese appetizers plates
One of the guests I was surprised to see was John Brant. He doesn’t get out much these days because of advanced Parkinson’s disease, so it was great to spend some time with him. I first met John when I was a tourist who was a fan of his YouTube channel showing what life in Barretto was really like. He’s the one who also got me interested in the Hash.
A couple of female Hashers. The one on the right, JoAnn, is also my upstairs neighbor.
John “Wales,” JoAnn’s husband, was also there to enjoy the festivities.
My first plate of food. I went back for a hamburger patty and a second helping of that coleslaw.
Time was passing as the party rolled on.
A beautiful sunset
And then the sun was done.

And pretty much so was I. Said my thank yous and goodbyes and headed back to Barretto. On impulse, I had my driver drop me off at Snackbar so I could have a nightcap before heading home. That turned out to be a mistake. Lydell was there and completely ignored me, not even making eye contact. I mean, that’s okay, she made her feelings toward me quite clear, but I’m still a customer and deserve to be treated like one.

Now I wind up staring at an empty glass ’cause it’s so easy to say you’ll forget your past…

My pal Ron showed up, and the third waitress got around to serving us. Then we said, “fuck this,” and left. Looks like I’ve crossed another watering hole off my list of places to frequent.

Hasta la vista!

I didn’t let that ruin my day, though. It was a good one.

“Where are you hiding my love?
Each day without you will never come again.
Even today you missed a sunset on the ocean,
A silver shadow on yellow rocks I saved for you,
A squirrel that ran across the road,
A duck diving for dinner.
My God! There may be nothing left to show you
Save wounds and weariness
And hopes grown dead,
And wilted flowers I picked for you a lifetime ago,
Or feeble steps that cannot run to hold you,
Arms too tired to offer you to a roaring wind,
A face too wrinkled to feel the ocean's spray.”

--James Kavanaugh

4 thoughts on “What a party!

  1. Nice pics of the sunset, and great party pics—food, people, dangerous stairs, and everything. Sorry to hear about inspirational John with the Parkinson’s. A friend of mine here is afflicted with that, too. A sincere Happy Birthday to Dr. Jo. Will there be another party for her hubby since he’s a January baby as well?

  2. Actually, the celebration Sunday was in honor of BOTH birthdays.

    It’s sad to see someone diminished by a progressive disease, but John seems to be making the best of a bad situation. Props to him! Puts my health issues in perspective, that’s for sure.

  3. Pingback: A visit to San Narcisco | Long Time Gone

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