Weight a minute

I mentioned in an earlier post that I’m on a mission to lose 10-15 pounds. Hence my decision to switch from beer to gin during my weight loss journey. This endeavor is nothing compared to what my buddy Kevin Kim is in the midst of accomplishing–he’s already lost 46 pounds and he’s not done yet. Kevin mentioned BMI (body mass index) in his post, and so I went ahead and did the calculation for mine–27.2–firmly in the “overweight” category. Apparently, for me to be of “normal” weight I need to get down to the 140-189 pound range. That’s ridiculous. I’d look like an escapee from Auschwitz at 140. When I did my big 70-pound loss a few years ago, I couldn’t get below 195. Seems my body said, “that’s enough, damn it!”

I intend to reach my goal of under 200 pounds and we’ll see if I have the wherewithal to break the 190 barrier and be “normal”. I doubt it. I like beer and ice cream too much. I usually weigh myself every day right before my shower. The 210.3 I registered last Wednesday was the alarm warning to get my fat ass belly under control. On Thursday, prior to me making any meaningful lifestyle changes, I was at 207.9. Friday found me back up to 208.6. On Saturday I was down to 206.0, and I thought, yeah, going without beer is working! Yesterday I weighed 205.9, which is a minuscule reduction but still progress. So, this morning I didn’t have breakfast and took a sweaty walk before my weigh-in. Imagine my surprise and disappointment to be back at 207.6! I guess these daily roller-coaster fluctuations are normal, which is why it is probably preferable to do a weekly weight check as stated in fat injection procedure in Boston to better monitor progress. Don’t worry, I won’t weigh in on this topic again until I’ve attained my objective.

It’s Hash Monday and this week our On-Home venue is the Alta Vista community center. That means I was busy early this morning preparing the chili con carne y frijoles to feed the hungry Hashers after our hike.

Four hours on “high” should do it…
Doing a taste test. I get a lot of compliments on my chili so I feel some pressure to not make a disappointing batch. As simple as I do things, that really means getting the chili spice right. Today’s bowl left a little tangy taste, but not so much as to be called hot. That seems to be the way folks like it.

I’ve been pushing myself to be a bit less lazy and get more steps into my daily count. That means doing an afternoon walk when I’m not on the group hikes. So yesterday I did an hour-long stroll through the neighborhood and took in the sights:

The bay…
The mountain…
The wildflowers…
Then back to my humble abode…

It’s been raining off and on all morning, so that may bode ill for today’s Hash trail. But we will march on, rain or shine.

A break in the clouds facilitated this morning’s dog walk.
I also managed to get in a walk out to Baloy Beach and back…

I’m sixty-five years old for another month, so this medical advice really resonated with me:

I’m happy to report that I’m doing almost everything the doctor suggests. I’ll be glad to make it to 80!

3 thoughts on “Weight a minute

  1. Well, you’ve lost a couple pounds already, so that’s an excellent start. You don’t really have that much farther to go. The trick, for both of us, will be maintaining our goal weight after reaching it.

    Love the cartoon, but I think the punchline telegraphed itself. Too much buildup.

    Beautiful pics as always.

  2. Yup, great pics as always.

    Just curious, how big is your neighborhood? In terms of acres or number of houses?

    One part of my mind envisions a cozy little “subdivision”, but the other half thinks it is quite large.

  3. Kev, yeah maintenance is the challenge. Initially, after losing all that weight I planned to stay under 200. Then I let 205 become my trigger to action. The 210 was a wake-up call to be more disciplined.

    I had the same thought about the cartoon, could have been done in four panels rather than six.

    Brian, the subdivision is both large and small. It takes me an hour to walk all the streets, but there are only around 35 houses here currently. Lots of construction going on currently though. I’m guessing there are 200 or so vacant lots as well. I like it the way it is more than I’ll like what it will likely become.

    You gave me an idea though. To make my afternoon walks more interesting (to me) I’ll document each street and its houses in a series of posts. You are welcome. Or I’m sorry. One of those.

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