I rather enjoyed the Hash trail yesterday. Even though the notorious Gunter (Vienna Sausage) was one of the Hares. Now mind you, it did kick my ass, even though it was only 5K or so. What I liked about it was there was nothing too crazy or dangerous, which is not always the case with this Hare. He even did an “easy” bypass to avoid one of the steep downhills and a climb back up through a rocky creekbed. This old guy appreciates that kind of gesture. What made it so difficult was an almost constant series of ups, then downs, without much respite of flat ground in between to recuperate.
Notwithstanding the relative harshness of the hike, I enjoyed taking some paths I hadn’t been on before. Seeing new sights on such a familiar mountain is another reason to give kudos to the Hares. Hope you enjoy these photographs of the trek:
The way we rolled.The trail started and ended in Alta Vista at Leech My Nuggets’ house. Here are the fellow “sane” Hashers who joined me on the hike.Leaving the neighborhood.The first climb begins. This was the longest of several.Are we having fun yet?Steppin’ on up!Laundry day on the mountain.Keep it up!Captain Prickhard flirting with danger…Still having fun?Getting it done.A junction in the woods. That’s Vienna Sausage in the black shirt offering guidance on which path to choose.What madness is this?Ah, I see! Yep, I’ve got a beer belly. This must be the trail for me!Pecker Checker and Cumslinger looking like I’m feeling.You got this!Easy compared to what?Leech My Nuggets, the other Hare, running his own trail and passing all of us slowpokes despite our 30-minute headstart.We had a virgin Hasher join us on the trail. Definitely a hottie.Still going strong.Damn, this is the longest 5K I’ve ever hiked!Stop being a showoff, Almoranus.What’s Up Doc refilling her water bottle from an iffy-looking pipe. I offered her one of my waters but she said that she was fine with this. I mentioned a bit later that I hoped it didn’t come from the creek I had peed in earlier.Do I look like I’m having fun?The obligatory Easter mountain shot.One of the downs.A simple shelter.Just passing through…Watch your step!It was a very well-marked trail. That’s something I always appreciate.I already have a girlfriend.Still climbing.On and on and on it goes, when it will end, nobody knows!The selfie I took near the end of the hike to capture the way I was feeling.And right about the time you start congratulating yourself on being such a stud on trail, you encounter a kid like this one lugging water up to one of those shacks on the mountain. Shame on me!At last, we made it back to Alta Vista!On-Home at Leech’s place. I’m in the back there ordering food from the Sit-n-Bull waitresses who came out to serve us.And speaking of Leech, it was his birthday on Sunday, so we prepared a traditional Hash cake for him to enjoy.
After the Hash festivities concluded, I caught a ride to the Car Wash. I was the only customer, so I bought drinks and nachos for the staff and my girl. Nice way to end the day.
3 thoughts on “Taking the ups with the downs”
Another adventure in the books, and a more-or-less sane trail from the Hare this time!
Was there a message that went out about wearing orange, and you just missed it?
Or was it some weird coincidence that half of your crew wore orange shirts? LOL
Brian, the orange shirts are the most recently issued Hash attire. So more people have those than any other version. I have several Hash shirts and just rotate through them week to week.
Another adventure in the books, and a more-or-less sane trail from the Hare this time!
Was there a message that went out about wearing orange, and you just missed it?
Or was it some weird coincidence that half of your crew wore orange shirts? LOL
Brian, the orange shirts are the most recently issued Hash attire. So more people have those than any other version. I have several Hash shirts and just rotate through them week to week.