Still not dead

I survived day one of the Haggis Bash Hash here in Pozorrubio, La Union. Day two kicks off soon, so this will be an abbreviated post out of necessity. You are welcome!

Yesterday’s trail was short and sweet, mostly through flat farmland. Some food and beverages at the trail’s end, then on to a local Hasher’s farm for the On-Home festivities. The main event is today, with a longer trail and some competitive events among the various Hash groups in attendance.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:

My two-star lodging.
Quite a few Hashers are camping out at the On-Home farm.
A Haggis is a Scottish delicacy, and this Hash has a Scottish theme.
Yes, I am of Scottish heritage, even if they did spell my name wrong.
A touching scene from the trail of mother and child.
Something’s growing
There are over 150 Hashers at this event, and I wasn’t last on trail this time!
Hope you are enjoying this Hash post
I brought candy instead of cookies for the kiddies (easier to pack).
Sweetness is what it is all about
End of trail food and beverages
For the Hash Circle, we gathered around a fire pit
No need to let a good fire go to waste, especially if you have marshmallows
You can’t have a Scottish event without bagpipes
Scottish stew on the fire
And on my plate

So, we are off to a good start. It’s going to be a LONG day today, but it should be fun. See you tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “Still not dead

  1. Nice pics of yesterday’s events. Good luck with today’s trail! May there be just the right number of hills—no fewer and no more.

    Scottish stew looks good. Was there any haggis, and if there was, did you eat any?

    And forgive me, but I have to ask:

    End of trail food and beverages

    On the wall behind the guys who are sitting there (purple and blue tee shirts), two images are painted. One looks like a dragon’s tail. But the other looks like a giant, brown penis with a ribbon tied around the shaft. Please tell me I’m not seeing what I’m seeing.

  2. Oh, and I thought the “Mac” made you Irish. I realize “Mac” or “Mc” is also used by the Scots (Ewan McGregor = Scottish), but I was sure you’d talked about your Irish heritage before. Maybe I’m misremembering. I do that a lot these days.

  3. Kev, my dad always said we were Scotch-Irish. He would joke that he drank like an Irishman and acted like a Scot if someone wanted money. My older brother researched our family history a while back, and we are descended from Scottish ancestors. According to him, we have some shared bloodlines with Robert the Bruce.

  4. Kevin, yes, I noticed that drawing on the wall and I saw what you see. I’m sure there is a story behind it, but not one I’ve been told.

    We were served haggis last night, and yes, I had a taste. It wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be, but I didn’t go back for seconds.

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