
An interesting evening yesterday. The things that were revealed were not of Biblical proportions, but they may have served a beneficial purpose nonetheless. Here’s how it went down.

Pamela had indicated she’d have some free time away from work and I had my sights set on taking her out for a proper dinner at The Pub. She sent me a message around 4:30 that she was heading home to shower and change. Good stuff. I went to Cheap Charlies to do my bar review (see previous post). When that task was complete, I crossed the highway and visited It Doesn’t Matter to score some drugs.

Maybe that last statement requires a bit more explanation. I’d previously encountered a street vendor there selling tadalafil and I needed wanted some. After all, I’m a 66-year-old man with a 28-year-old girlfriend. I’d actually been prescribed this drug back in Korea for my enlarged prostate. Hard to find here though. Anyway, it was the first time in 40-plus years that I’d acquired drugs from a street dealer. Of course, who knows what you are really getting when you make a purchase in this manner. I tried one last night and Pamela had no complaints.

My regular waitress, Roan, wasn’t working yesterday. She was taking the day off after getting the jab. Good luck with that! Another waitress I had met previously when she worked at Dive In, filled in for Roan at keeping me company. We were talking about her old bar and she happened to mention one of the regular customers there, some guy named “Dick”. Small world, eh? I asked her if she liked Dick (excuse the double entendre) and she shook her head no. Why not? I asked. She said he was too “hands-on” and told about the time he’d grabbed one of the girls by her pussy. That was certainly consistent with what I’d been told by others. You know, as friendly and flirty as I might get with the bargirls, I NEVER touch them in an inappropriate manner. Hey, I’m an HR professional (retired) after all.

After a couple of more beers at IDM, I decided to make my way over to Pamela’s place and wait for her there. When I arrived, Dick was inside with a couple of his buddies and Pamela’s mom. I sat outside. I didn’t want to be drunk when Pearl finally arrived, so I ordered a coffee. Pearl finally messaged me at 6:30 that she was on her way. She told me to just go to The Pub and order take out and we’d eat at her place. I didn’t like that idea much, so I just kept my seat and waited to discuss the matter further in person.

About this time, two young women who appeared to be bargirls came in to order some food to go. I don’t know if Dick knew them or not, but he stood up and grabbed the cute one by the arms and attempted to drag her over to his table. She strongly resisted that effort, yanked herself free, and took a seat as far away from Dick as possible. Good for her! Then Dick moves his chair over to her table so he can sit beside her. Now, I’m outside looking in, but she did not look too pleased about it. I didn’t see any interaction between them at all before she left with her friend. Watching Dick do the shit I’d been hearing about was pretty disturbing. He certainly revealed his true nature and character.

I also had an epiphany. Dick is no threat to me or my relationship with Pamela. Pamela is actually quite conservative and I don’t believe she would ever consider dating a loser like Dick. I think she tolerates him because he brings a lot of business to her place but that’s the extent of it. Now, I very well may fuck things up with her, but it won’t be because of him.

Pamela finally arrived and I told her what happened. She didn’t seem surprised. She did ask why I hadn’t gone for the food, and I said it would be nicer if we ate together in the restaurant. She insisted that we do that another time, so I gave up and went to The Pub alone. Pamela wanted barbeque or grilled meat. John Kim had posted on Facebook that he was serving grilled pork ribs. That sounded perfect! Alas, when I arrived John told me they had already sold out. He was very surprised by how popular that item proved to be. Oh well.

As I perused the menu for alternatives, I decided to get creative. I ordered some salmon maki from the sushi bar, a ribeye steak (with steamed veggies and roasted taters), bulgogi and rice, and some Korean-style chicken wings. Carried them back to Pamela and she was very happy with my selections (except the wings, but they were for me anyway). We sat about dining together at the outside table in full view of Dick who was still seated inside. Before we were done eating, Dick departed for a new venue with Pamela’s mother in tow.

Mission accomplished. There can be no doubt in Dick’s twisted mind now that Pamela is indeed my girl. We also headed to my house before Dick returned which clearly underscored the traditional nature of our date–dinner and boom-boom. Yeah, baby! If there is any remaining concern in my mind it is the obvious (to me) attempt to win the mother over and have her try and influence Pamela on his behalf. Pamela’s mom did call her after we were back at my place and told her Dick was crying again. Poor baby! Pamela also reassured me that her mother never attempts to influence her decisions and choices. Okay then, it’s all good.

I’d call that a pretty fine night, wouldn’t you?

5 thoughts on “Revelations

  1. weepy + handsy = crazy

    I think, yes, you can safely write Dick off as yet another headcase expat who’s too much of a loser to survive in his home country. I’d almost pity him if he weren’t such a… Dick.

    This does put a lot of Pearl’s behavior in a more positive light. She may be like many folks who simply don’t know what to do when the crazies come around. I’ve seen folks get frazzled in front of homeless people in DC, not knowing how to respond to their shenanigans. Pearl just needs to learn to develop a thicker skin around such people.

    Some folks with mental problems become benign like “mama”; others become toxic like Dick (imagine that pitiful fucker when he’s fifteen years older… Gawd).

    From everything you’re describing, though, Dick is definitely sounding like a headcase. Maybe gently suggest to Pearl that she can easily cultivate other business than whatever Dick provides. She doesn’t need his money. Or his friends (who, at a guess, are probably also mental). She can afford to give him the cold shoulder.

  2. Dick is “too much of a loser to survive in his home country…”. This.

    Good job, sounds like you had a nice evening.

  3. Dear John,

    Good to read that your pursuit of Pearl is paying off. Well done. But, don’t hide your love for each other under a bushel. Get a portrait painted of you both in a passionate embrace for hanging in her resto bar for all to see and warn off all other suitors

    Speaking of other suitors – I thought you said that he who you dare not speak his name anymore had connections? It’s just that he seems to be just like any other John in town. Nothing wrong with Johns of course. In fact the town’s businesses could do with lots more Johns currently – and I don’t means WCs.

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