Minute by minute

My oh my. If I thought my Wednesdays were whacked before, adding a girlfriend into the equation has now filled all the hours of my day. Not in a bad way, mind you. It’s just that with the hike, the darts, and being a loving boyfriend, I don’t have the luxury of taking care of other business. Like my daily ritual of posting here on LTG. Sorry about that! Here’s what you missed:

I attended Martin’s (18 Kilo Ass) birthday party on Tuesday evening. Great guy and a good time.

Some of my fellow attendees…
Most of the womenfolk opted to stay indoors and sing karaoke…

After the party, I wandered on down to the Car Wash and spent the rest of the evening with my gal. She joined me for breakfast on Wednesday morning at Harley’s.

The morning view from Alta Vista.
And the bay view from our table at Harley’s.

The Wednesday walk was especially nice because the girlfriend joined us for the adventure. It’s been a while since she’s done a hike. Since we met the very first time on trail, I have a sentimental attachment when she is out in nature with me again. I think she had a good time too. Pictures of the hike will come later in this post.

Me and her on the trail.

Showered up after the hike, and took my girl for lunch at Da’ Kudos out on Baloy.

The view from our table.

After lunch, I crossed the street to the Lagoon Resort for my dart league match. It turned out to be an ugly afternoon of it. None of us were throwing particularly well, so a team we probably should have dominated was tied with us 6-6 going into the final doubles match. The game was cricket and I was partnered up with Nina to face off with the best two players on our opponent’s team–Liza and Ernesta. My partner and I couldn’t hit shit with our combined first 12 darts and so we fell behind early. We eventually started playing better but it looked pretty hopeless as we were down a significant number of points. I then had some magic happen. I pounded five 17s, good for 85 points, which helped us overcome a goodly portion of our point deficit. Then I threw five 16s, which gave us another 32 points. When my turn came around I pounded some 15s, finally taking a lead on points 272-260. We needed three bulls to win, they had to close 15s and hit 4 bulls for a victory. Yep, the game had turned around in our favor. Then all hell broke loose.

The scorekeeper when he added the points from the 16s and 15s I threw to our total score had mistakenly written 200+ points as 100+. Hey, it happens, but looking at the math, it was obvious we had broken the 200 point barrier. That’s why I had been throwing all those points trying to catch up. A simple fix, just change the 1 to a 2 and go on with the game. Nope, one of the opponents insisted we didn’t have 200-plus points. That was just plain stupid on her part. But then she walked up the scoreboard and erased some of our points. WTF? That’s flat-out cheating. I lost my temper and started yelling at her for trying to cheat. Yeah, I used my big voice. Then she said something like “why don’t you hit me?” I responded, “why would I do that–it’s just a game and I’m calling you out for cheating. I don’t want to hit you, bitch”, or words to that effect. I wasn’t the only one yelling, the other team was too. Finally, the other team’s captain admitted that erasing the score was a gross violation of the rules and agreed to forfeit that game.

The scoreboard in question. You can still see where the mistake occurred, even after the improper erasure. You don’t go from 161 points to 127. That should have been written as 227. When we got 15 more points, we had 242, not 142. Then when I threw for 30 more points, we had 272 points and the lead. The other player wanted to argue that we only had 172. Ignorant and a cheater.

After the match was over, the player I had yelled at said that I had hit her and she was going to file a complaint with the barangay. Well, the CCTV didn’t back up her story and neither did any witness. In fact, the bar staff said it never happened. So, then the story changed to I made a gesture threatening to hit her. Yeah, right. I don’t engage in violence period, but would never hit a woman or threaten to under any circumstance. It’s just not who I am.

Anyway, after things had calmed down, I did offer an apology for losing my temper and yelling at her. We’ll see if that’s enough

I finished the evening at the girlfriend’s new place, still not officially opened, but she was serving a select few customers. It is a very nice venue–small but comfortable. I’m looking forward to spending more time there with her. Hopefully, once this is up and going she’ll have more time to spend outside of work as well. Lots of things on my bucket list I want to share with her. We shall see.

Okay, to the photos of the Wednesday Walkers then:

I led the hike and chose an old favorite–My Bitch, then a descent to the Naugsol valley.
We did one big climb at the beginning, the rest of the way was rolling and meandering.
About as steep as it got.
That’s my baby!
Not quite to the top, but still a nice view.
Whatcha lookin’ at?
Ah, Easter mountain in the distance.
And there’s my little town from on high.
We did have some thatch grass to deal with. I tripped on a stump I didn’t see right after snapping this shot. Wound up on my back but only my pride was hurt.
This week’s Wednesday Walkers.
Good job, baby!
Nice walking behind with you again.
Heading down to the valley.
Down in the valley with a closer view of Easter mountain.

That pretty much brings y’all up to date. Hopefully, I’ll do better at managing my time in the future so as to avoid missing a daily post here. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

4 thoughts on “Minute by minute

  1. I figured when there was no blog yesterday that you were cheating on us readers again with the girl friend.

  2. One of the most debilitating aspects of Filipino culture is that not only do so many people habitually lie and cheat and cut corners, but when they’re caught in the act they instinctively lie some more and attempt to make themselves the victim in the situation. It’s like they can only see themselves as victims, and therefore they’re entitled to lie and cheat as compensation. Perhaps one facet of colonial mentality? Or just childish nonsense and cultural arrested development. I hate to make generalizations but I’ve seen this countless times…

  3. Yeah, I’m a selfish bastard, Terry. I’ll try to do better in the future!

    Drain, interesting perspectives. Luckily, I’ve not seen a lot of this personally, but it has a ring of truth. I’m still waiting to be paid back for a “loan” from anyone here. Ever.

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