Black Friday

Damn, I did it again. Or more accurately, I didn’t do it. Yeah, I’m still trying to adapt to the new fullness of my life and I’ve been dropping the ball on keeping up with my daily posts here at LTG. The blog is still a priority for me, I just need to get better at demonstrating that.

Spent Thursday evening hanging out at the girlfriend’s resto-bar. It seems to be one of the most popular drinking venues with expats these days.

Some of the crowd.

See that woman sitting at the table? She came in with the guy next to her, turns out he’s German and doesn’t speak much English. What was interesting was that after she sat down, she said, “you’re a Hasher, right?”. I answered, “yes, how did you know?”. She told me she remembered me from the Valentine’s Hash in Baguio back in 2020. Turns out she is a member of the La Union Hash House Harriers. Small world, huh? I was mostly surprised that I had somehow made enough of an impression on her to be remembered. I had no recollection of ever interacting with her previously. Seemed weird but nice.

Friday morning is usually a group hike day, but my gal didn’t want to make the trip out to Olongapo, so we decided to do our own trek. She’d never been on Black Rock mountain before, so that’s where I took her.

On top of Black Rock.

Turns out my girl has a fear of heights. It really manifested itself when we made this climb. She is seated in the photo above because she wouldn’t (or couldn’t) stand up. She did enjoy the views though.

There was a burn going on nearby which was a bit of a concern. I was a little nervous it might come in our direction and block the way back down. It did get closer, but not close enough to be a danger.
Keeping an eye out. Did get hit with some ashes in the breeze, but nothing more.
Hello down there!

Getting back down is steep, but not slippery. At least on the rockface.

The girlfriend decided to play it safe and come down on her behind anyway.

Anyway, it was a nice hike and I especially enjoyed the one-on-one time with her.

Darts last night and I managed to go undefeated.

I threw some good darts and I needed them. I’ve been impressed with how much some of the other players have upped their game recently.

Yesterday afternoon when I should have been blogging I instead watch a movie on Netflix. Maybe you’ve heard of it–Forrest Gump. The GF hadn’t seen it and it has been years since my last viewing, so we both rather enjoyed the experience. Looks like my television will be getting more regular use. She’s got me watching a series called Cobra Kai now. Seems to be about the Karate Kid guys all grown up.

Anyway, that’s how my life is going. I know it probably sounds more boring than usual (is that even possible?) but there you have it. I will try to find something more interesting to share. One of these days. For now, I’ll close with pictures of the boys.

Buddy boy…
…and my Lucky boy.

I shall return.

5 thoughts on “Black Friday

  1. I’ve reviewed Seasons 1 and 2 of “Cobra Kai,” so you can look for those reviews on my blog via the search window. The series started off on YouTube, but then it got moved to Netflix, which I don’t have, so I’ve missed Seasons 3 and 4. Them’s the breaks.

    As long as you’re not being kept from your exercise time, I guess the new schedule is okay. Maybe blogging just has to become an every-other-day thing from now on. Stay sane!

  2. Perfect

    You’re finally living your life and not having the need to write about it all the time.
    My prayer, even as your dedicated reader, is that you get so busy with life that you don’t update your blog for a whole week.
    I understand that the writing is part of your life, the thinking and connecting, but I have always believed that it’s better to be out there living life. Not going out seeking a thrill to share with your readers, but just because.
    You know what I mean? Writers have a tendency to go out looking for material and inspiration for their writing ✍ 🙌

    Anyway, clearly the gf has a debilitating fear of heights. In your third hike with her you had to hold her hand to cross a bridge or a walk across a ledge. Am I the only one paying attention 🤔 here ?

    Get it together Mac

    Thanks for the writing ✍ as usual

  3. What James said. We faithful readers will be happy to pick up an occasional tidbit once in a while. If you are otherwise occupied, hey – that’s a good thing.

  4. Kev, yeah, I was never a big fan of the Karate Kid genre so I didn’t really pay attention to this Cobra Kai series. The GF is into it and I’m into her, so… Started reading your season 1 review, but stopped before the spoilers. I’ll go back when I’ve finished all the episodes. And yeah, I’m going to keep exercise at the top of my list, so TV is only something to fill in the gaps.

    James, thanks for your support. I do enjoy maintaining this journal of my so-called life, but living life is a higher priority. Hopefully, I’m going to find a way to stay regular here. Yeah, I remembered the bridge, but the mountain was a total freakout. Couldn’t stand, screamed when I touched her, shaking like a leaf. Still impressed that she even made the effort.

    As always, I really appreciate y’all joining me on these journeys!

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