Looking for a pot of gold

It must be somewhere over the rainbow

It was a nice start to the day to be greeted with that beauty on the bay whilst walking the dogs. And later in the morning, Swan joined me for my daily walk. I kept it flat and easy at her request (hell, that’s my preference, too), and she completed the 6K jaunt without complaint.

The route we walked

Swan’s still calling me “boss,” but otherwise, I’m enjoying the hell out of her company. So, if this is as good as it is gonna get, I’ve still got nothing to complain about.

Last night I did the feeding at Hideaway. On Wednesdays, I let Joy do the ordering, and she had a former co-worker prepare and deliver the food. The girls all seemed to enjoy it.

Joy demonstrates how the locals eat rice–with their fingers.
I baked blueberry muffins for dessert and they seemed to go down easy.
I hate when that happens!

After Hideaway, I walked all the way across town to Snackbar. The owner had messaged me about an issue she wanted to discuss and specifically asked that I arrive sober. Of course, she didn’t say anything about my having to leave that way. So, I stuck around and lightened the load I was carrying in my wallet. The issue was something customer-related, and I gave her my opinion, which was basically just to ignore it. Assholes abound, and it’s best not to take their criticisms personally, especially when they are unfounded like these seem to be.

That should go without saying

I wasn’t quite ready to call it a night when I left Snackbar, so I went back up the highway to Whiskey Girl. Kim wasn’t around when I arrived, but Nikki volunteered to take her place beside me. I didn’t recognize her at first, but Nikki reminded me that I had bought her her first-ever lady drink when she started working several weeks ago. She’s become a pro now, attempting to order a double lady drink (the old bottled beer at 300 pesos trick doesn’t fly with me), but she took it alright when I told her make it a single or nothing. As I was finishing my beer and preparing to leave, Kim arrived. Sorry, hon, I’ll catch you next time.

Once outside, I was surprised that there were no trikes standing by. Hmm. I crossed the highway and visited Queen Victoria for a beer while I waited for transport. Been awhile since I’ve been in there, but at least one of the girls remembered me by name and was buzzing around like a thirsty mosquito. I was out of lady drink mode though, so I ignored her. One beer and out, and this time there was a trike waiting with a shout-out, “Going home, John?” Yep, it’s time.

Damage for the night:

  • Lady drinks: 2340 pesos (yikes, that might be a record!)
  • Food: 1880 pesos
  • Beer: 995 pesos

Spending over a hundred bucks in one night is definitely a budget buster. Especially when I was asleep before 9 p.m.

Anyway, this month is data gathering on where the money goes. Next month I will explore any necessary lifestyle changes based on that information.

In the memories category, fellow Hasher Pubic Head sent this photo of me receiving a Hash vest three years ago to commemorate my 100th run with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.

And now I have 235 runs.

Meanwhile, in news from outer space:

Just about a year ago
I set out on the road
Seeking my fame and fortune
Looking for a pot of gold
Well, things got bad
Then things got worse
I guess you know the tune
Oh Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again.

4 thoughts on “Looking for a pot of gold

  1. Good to have normal, uneventful days now and again. Of course, I’m now all curious about what the problem was (“unfounded criticisms”). But I get that you want to protect the person’s privacy.

    And now I have 235 runs.

    300 seems like a good milestone to celebrate.

  2. We’ve got one guy with over 1000 runs. My pal Scott (Pubic Head) is still active and has over my 900. I wasted too many years to reach those lofty heights, but I’d like to stay healthy enough to achieve 500 runs someday.

  3. Boss, I think I know what you wished for when you saw that rainbow. Your friend calling you Boss brings bag some childhood memories. My folks are deceased but when I was growing up in New Jersey my Dad called my Mom Boss and I always got a kick out of that. Still do. Hey, I’m sure you’ve been called worse. I’ll give that gal Joy some credit, she is consistent. Doesn’t miss a McCrarey feeding. How that gal does not weigh 300 pounds is beyond me. If you can’t find a pot of gold would you settle for a gold pot? Take care Boss. Peace Out!

  4. Soju, hmmm, I considered Swan calling me boss as a way to keep distance between us, but for your father, it was a term of endearment. Maybe there is hope after all!

    Well, I only feed Joy twice a week, so it is on her to fill in the gaps.

    Gold pot, you say? Is that a flavor? I spent that week in Thailand and never partook in the legal weed there, so I’d probably pass on the Gold pot too.

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