Sorry I was unable to post here yesterday. Sometimes life intrudes and not always in a bad way. More on yesterday tomorrow. For now, let me recap the events of Monday’s 27th Anniversary of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.
I guess a good place to start is with what I got at the finish–the traditional anniversary Hash shirt:
The front. Actually, this is something of a fuck-up. I don’t like sleeveless shirts, but I did specify a v-neck. Apparently, the only way to get a v-neck is to go sleeveless. Oh well, I ordered another one better suited to my desires.Hey, wait a minute. What has it got in its pocketses?And the clever design on the back. Fuck you, COVID!The path we took. The long trail had an additional 3K at the start.
We had 75 in attendance which is about triple our usual pandemic numbers. We took two truckloads out to the starting points, one for the long 8K and the other for the 5K trail.
We were packed in like sardines for the ride out to our trailhead. So much for social distancing, eh?And we are On-On!I’d been here once before. There is poor and then there is dirt poor. This is the poorest village I’ve seen in our area for sure.See what I mean?And then we commenced our long, LONG climb to the top. It wasn’t always steep but it took us an hour to get to the top.One of the things that slowed us down was the jungle-like terrain.What I disliked the most was frequently having to do a limbo dance to get under low branches.But we prevailed and made our way onward.And the scenery was nice.You can almost feel that jungle vibe, right?By the time we reached the top, Moaning For Boner looked as tired as I felt.My favorite view from the hike.“Yes son, that is indeed the ass of the famous Easter Mountain!”Either the Hares are liars or they have a sick sense of humor. Or both. We still had a long, steep, and slippery descent ahead of us. I fell hard on my ass about halfway down and have the bruises to prove it (sorry, no pic available).But I eventually did make it back down to civilization on the other side of the mountain. It was my pleasure to give this pretty mama a bag of cookies for her kiddies…And yes, I did find my daily ration of mask litter to photograph.On-Home was at Hunter’s Jo Inn and we overwhelmed the place with our volume of bodies.Circle up!I’m the one in blue.On the ice for my Hash crash.7/11 Sucker celebrated his 69th run with the Subic Bay Hash in the traditional manner.
And that’s pretty much how the day went. I was snockered by the end and triked directly home at the conclusion of the circle.
So, that made two Hash runs in a row and it turns out that yesterday I did an unanticipated third–a Bundok run. That’s the “men only” Hash. I’ll tell some of that story tomorrow and some can simply not be disclosed due to the “what happens at the Bundok, stays at the Bundok” rule.
See you there!
1 thought on “Happy Hashaversary!”
Looks to have been a good run! I look forward to whatever parts of the next story are revealable.
Looks to have been a good run! I look forward to whatever parts of the next story are revealable.