Good enough

That’s how my day was. See for yourself.

Started with a 7k valley walk
Three hiking companions joined in the fun
Easter mountain, as seen from the valley floor
We went thataway
Farm living

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that Mary wanted to join me when she finished an after-school event. She sent me these photos:

Some sort of pageant for International Women’s Month
It appears to have been well-attended.
One of the participants
And another
Mary paid (well, technically, I did) to have her make-up done for the event
I’d actually never seen Mary in make-up before she sent these photos. And she washed it all off before meeting me in Barretto.
Although she looks fine without it too

I had planned to start my night out at Cheap Charlies. And on a whim, I’d even baked up a batch of brownies to share with the girls there. But as I walked into town, I decided I didn’t want to have any drama around Nerissa, so I set a course for Hideaway instead. I know they like my brownies there. Everyone was surprised to see me come in on a Friday night, especially Joy. So, the brownies were dispensed, some lady drinks were purchased, and I, of course, downed some gin and sodas. And then Mary messaged that she was on her way, so I said farewell to the Hideaway crew and headed out.

I was ready for some food, and since John’s place was in close proximity, I told Mary to meet me there. We headed upstairs together, ordered some drinks (we both do the gin and soda combo now), and perused the menu. Mary professed not to be that hungry, so I ordered the beef bulgogi for us to share and an order of Korean-style chicken wings. The bulgogi comes with rice, and to my surprise, Mary said she doesn’t like rice. She’s the first Asian I’ve met who feels that way. So, I substituted the rice with cole slaw.

The bulgogi. Mary loved it.
And eight chicken wings. They were good, but we had four leftovers, and I gifted them to our waitress.
And the star of the show.

After our meal, I took Mary to Bar Barretto to hear some live music. Alas, the band was not due to start for another hour, so we went next door to Mugshots instead. It’s a cozy little bar I haven’t been to for quite a while. We were the only customers, and Mary and the bartender chatted away in Tagalog. Mary told me later that the bartender mentioned she was only the second woman she had seen me with (the other being my long-ago ex, Marissa). I guess that makes me a part-time player. But it also goes to show that gossip amongst the gals is a really big thing in these parts.

I’d had my fill of alcohol by now, so we took a trike back to my place. I made us a smoothie, and the next thing I remember is waking up next to Mary in the wee hours of the morning. She woke up too, and was feeling frisky. A nice way to start the day!

I baked some banana-walnut muffins to go with our morning coffee; then, it was time to walk the dogs.

The boys seem to enjoy Mary’s company as much as I do, and she also seems rather fond of them.

After the walk, I made us a breakfast burrito (well, it was my regular burrito, I just served it for breakfast). That went down well, too. Mary took the TV remote and started playing some tunes on the YouTube channel. I commented on the fact that the music she was enjoying was older than she was. She agreed, saying that music from her generation was too crude for her taste, and she preferred hearing the songs her grandparents had played.

When it was time to go, I told Mary she could join me at the Savers Appliance store and pick out a refrigerator for her house. She was, of course, pleasantly surprised. One thing that I appreciate about Mary is that she doesn’t ask for or seem to expect cash from me. I don’t give her money after our dates because I don’t like the feeling of our time together being on a quid pro quo basis. I was happy to gift her a fridge I knew she needed, knowing it would make her life a little easier.

While we were shopping at Savers, Mary’s grandmother, who lives nearby, came to the store to see Mary and meet me.

Two things stand out–the grandmother is actually YOUNGER than me! And, of course, her dark skin.

If I recall the story correctly, the grandmother’s father is an African-American Navy vet who was stationed here in the 1960s. It’s a funny world.

The shopping experience at Savers was not very pleasant because everything took forever to process, and none of it made any sense to me. Mary reminded me to remain calm and remember that I was in the Philippines. Of course, yes, I needed to accept the Filipino way. In addition to the refrigerator, I bought Mary a microwave oven. That should make her kitchen time more convenient too.

I will give Savers credit for prompt delivery.
Enjoy your new appliances!

Oh, Mary told me that her grandmother had asked her three times now if I was her boyfriend. Mary told her, “not yet,” which was something of a relief. I told Mary I’m not into labels like “BF/GF and all the baggage and expectations that come with those terms. I said I have enjoyed her company and spending time with her, and that was enough for me. She put a heart emoji on that comment, so hopefully, we are on the same page. Hey, I’m a “player,” after all; I can’t go around calling someone my girlfriend!

2 thoughts on “Good enough

  1. Some sort of pageant for International Women’s Month

    Whoa! What happened to Mary? She really porked up. As my brothers used to say about weight gain: “She increased in velocity.”

    Great pics of the hike.

    Although she looks fine without it too

    Ah, that snaggle-toothed grin.

    Bulgogi and cole slaw. Will wonders never cease?

    Love the food-porn pics. Glistening closeups are always nice.

    Does Mary have a gas stove for non-microwave cooking? Get her a slow cooker as well, then teach her to cook all the meals you know how to cook.

  2. HaHa! She’s always been a bit on the chunky side, which proves my attraction to her is more than physical. And yes, down the road (assuming there is a road), I might gift her some dental work.

    Mary said she has one of those two burner countertop stoves. I’ve never seen her place and don’t know if she has the room for a fully equipped kitchen. I think she enjoys cooking (and eating, obviously), so if she shows any interest in slow cooker recipes, I’ll be glad to help with that too.

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