Another day in the life

It’s been made clear to me that regular readers know my routines about as well as I do. I may have to change things up just to keep things interesting. Ha! I’ve failed at that for over seventeen years now, but 200 or so of you keep coming back for more every day! Thanks for that, and here is today’s installment.

I had a nice enough morning walk, but I cut it short at 6K because of some pain in the ball of my right foot. Not sure what that was about, but it was fine on today’s hike.

Fire on the mountain. Well, smoke anyway. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire, right?
Heading out of Alta Vista. Again.
The land of a thousand lakes. At least this time of year.
A river runs through it. As seen from Bridge #3.
Hello again, old friend.
You never know what’s around the next corner. I didn’t find out either because this is where I turned off the highway.
That really gets my goat.
On the market street in Calapacuan.
This has got to be the best name for a tea shop in the history of mankind. It definitely takes the crown. *ahem*

It was just a little further up the road where I caught a trike for home. When I got there, I was hungry, so I went to work in the kitchen.

And I created this beautiful burrito. It tasted great. I forgot to brown the tortilla as reader Kevin had suggested, though. Next time for sure!

This Facebook memory is something I wrote back in 2015:

Sometimes we wait awhile to begin our journey, but in due time we move on towards our destination. Along the way, people come, and people go, but the reality is we are all solitary travelers. And then the ride is over, and it is time to pay the piper. And the damn fare machine won’t accept the only paper money in your wallet. And so goes another morning subway commute.

Ah, I miss those carefree days in Seoul. Although, looking back, I guess they weren’t all that carefree after all. My wife was destined to break my heart a couple of months down the road.

Facebook also took me back to a photo I had posted of me and my first love:

Karen could really rock those bell bottoms! And damn, I envy the flat belly of that handsome young man that’s with her.

I watched a couple of more episodes of Manifest, which puts me up to thirteen now. Still in season 1 and still interested enough to keep watching and see what happens next. Way too much time is spent on the relationship aspects of the characters. The unresolved question for me is who is the bad guy, the Feds or a private corporation? Hell, it could be both, I suppose.

A nap, some ab exercise, a shower, and it was time to head into town.

The view as I left the ‘hood.
My first stop of the night.
The owner’s table. That’s boss Bob by the window.
Here’s a better shot of my IDM drinking buddy, Agnes.
Next stop was Cheap Charlies. It was packed. So busy that all the waitresses were occupied with customers. I left after one drink because none of them could be bothered to bring me a second one. That’s what irks me–when I have a gal drinking with me, they always get up and take care of the customer’s drink order. I don’t have a problem with that, just that, for some reason, they won’t do it for me.

I had a free drink coupon for the Green Room, so I used it, then moved next door to Wet Spot.

And, of course, my regular, Aine, was there to greet me. We shared drinks and a pizza; then I headed on home.

So, that was my day and night. Another SOB is on tap for tonight. I’ve decided to drink San Mig Zero (low alcohol) beer this time to ensure there is no repeat of my drunken behavior last Friday.

Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “Another day in the life

  1. I hope the ball of your foot heals up. Always annoying when random pains hit. For most pains, I just say “Walk it off,” but some pains get worse when you do that. Rest up, enjoy your SOB, and here’s hoping for a better Saturday.

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