You’ll be sorry

Well, I guess we will all be sorry. I fear for the well-being of my country and I’m very disappointed in my fellow citizens. I think I’ll just leave it at that for now.

Good thing I’m in the Philippines where I won’t see the shit to come up close and personal. I’ll pay for it though. We all will.

I took a good long walk this morning hoping to keep the blues at bay. Can’t say that it worked but nothing to be done but to keep on keepin’ on I suppose. A solitary 12K, mostly on pavement.

One of those streets I marched.
I thought Kevin Kim might have enjoyed this covered shelter featuring a comfortable looking upholstered chair. And the flowers growing on the roof are a nice touch.
A different angle on Easter mountain…
The first of a dozen or so discarded face masks I observed this morning. I guess some things at least never change.

And that’s about it from here. I blew off playing darts this afternoon. Think I’ll get a haircut instead. Maybe I’ll get drunk after that.

Here’s a new place that just opened. Haven’t been yet but I love the name…

Life’s a beach sometimes for sure.

6 thoughts on “You’ll be sorry

  1. Not to despair John. The results were closer than many expected effectively denying Biden/Harris the mandate Democrats were hoping for in order to start moving the country in what many of us would consider an ominous direction. The Senate appears to remain as a GOP majority, although barely, and Trump was able to align the judicial branch/Supreme Court more in line with the Constitution than many “progressives” desire. In other words, I think the uniquely American form of government with it’s system of “checks and balances” has survived and should serve to limit the “damage” some expect. What I do worry about is if Biden should have to resign due to age related issues then we’re stuck with a wild unknown in Harris who shouldn’t even be in such a position but she apparently shrewdly knew who to sleep with (sorry, make that “align with”). I’m looking forward to the emerging battle in 2024 when the Dems push further to the left and “The Squad” begins to emerge while the Republicans will counter with Nikki Haley (or at least should if they’re smart). Time will tell, but I don’t think the tax implications are going to be that significant and at least for today the stock market looked very nice indeed.

  2. “Well, I guess we will all be sorry. I fear for the well-being of my country and I’m very disappointed in my fellow citizens.”

    I know your theory is that the problem lies with much of the American populace, but I think what we’re seeing, in terms of skewed voting numbers, has more to do with the actions of a malicious few who put their vote-harvesting plans in place and then acted on them. It could be that the left as a whole agrees with the actions of the malicious few (like the idea of mainstream Muslims quietly agreeing with the agenda of Islamist extremists), but in terms of the actual bad actors, I’d say they’re in the minority. For what it’s worth. Of course, this is part of a much, much larger discussion that would occupy a lot more than just this comment thread, so I’ll just stop here.

    Keep on a-walkin’.

  3. I too am disappointed. Regardless of who is elected, its going to be a rough ride. God forbide the dumber than a stump, wicked witch of the West, mean bitch becomes president. Sucess without merit. OOPS sucess through Willie Brown. Read that even her father doesn’t like her.

    Now that I got that off my chest. Keep hashing, keep darting, keep healthy, and keep Lucky and Buddy safe and healthy. Your adventures are one the first things I read every morning. Amazing that you are helping me keep my sanity.

  4. Mark, thanks for the encouragement. And yeah, there are at least some shreds of a silver lining. Like you, I’m a big fan of Nikki Haley but she won’t be the first female president. No way Biden makes it through his term. I’m guessing a year at most.

    Kev, that vote harvesting scenario is one I’m really hoping can’t be true. I mean, that makes us no different than third world shitholes. Seriously though, for that to have happened you’d need the FBI and intelligence agencies on board. Oh wait…

    Jerry, glad to be of some use at least and glad you enjoy reading. I agree that Harris would be a disaster but I fear that may have been the plan all along. A sad time for the USA and perhaps the end as we have known it.

  5. Mccrarey, I need a favor. Do you have a spare bedroom at your place in the P.I. I can use for the next four years? I am a non-smoker and clean and quiet around the house. If i do have a flaw it’s that i like to roam around the house naked. You’ll get used to it and after a while come to appreciate it I think. No need to decide today. Take your time and mull it over but I do need a response before Inauguration Day. Thanks Buddy. Peace Out!

  6. Sure, I’ll just wear a blindfold around the house.

    In all seriousness though, my fear is that after Biden ruins the economy my dollars won’t be worth much here.

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