Or something like that.
Anyway, the price I paid last night for not practicing darts and playing only once a week was pretty much shame and humiliation. Players I used to dominate were making me look like a chump. My partner Espie was throwing like a champ and that actually made me feel worse about my incompetent performance. She was good, but not good enough to carry my sorry ass higher than a third-place finish. Being embarrassed like that will either provide me the needed motivation to start practicing an hour a day or convince me to just give up the game once and for all. We shall see.

A few months back I wrote about, Catherine, the dancer from Wet Spot I ran into on the street. I helped her out with some food money and we eventually became friends on Facebook. I’ve already confessed to engaging in a purely transactional encounter with her on a couple of occasions. Kind of a win-win–I got to be with a hot 25-year-old and she got the pesos she was craving. The problem was she wanted the pesos a lot more often than I wanted her. She had a sad story of desperation for almost every day of the week. I eventually had to block her. Last time I saw her was right after the bars had reopened. She was back in Wet Spot entertaining a customer. I was so relieved to see her doing what she does best.
This morning I was chatting with a mutual friend and she told me that Catherine was arrested and is now in jail on drug charges. I admit I was surprised to hear that but it got me thinking that maybe all those money requests were for something other than food. And I’ll be damned if Catherine didn’t send me a message an hour later begging me for money to buy food in jail (I’m told prisoners only get rice rations). Well, as bad as I feel for her I didn’t respond to her message. There is no way I’m going to associate with someone involved in drugs in this country. That’s serious shit. The cops have the President’s permission to shoot first and ask questions later with drug suspects. I don’t even want my name on the jailhouse log as a visitor. I will talk with the Wet Spot owner and see if he is taking donations on her behalf. Damn, I feel bad for her throwing away her life like that. I guess it is not all that unusual for prostitutes to get involved in drugs, but you do reap what you sow. Or so I’ve heard.
I guess in many ways I’ve been fortunate to avoid the negative consequences that flow from my own sometimes illicit sexual behavior. I just don’t want to push my luck.

Finalized the trail for tomorrow’s Hash with my co-Hare, Blow My Pipe. We added another down and up to get the distance up to a more respectable 5K. The three climbs are all only moderately difficult (I’m no Günter after all) but I think it will be a satisfying hike for most of the Hashers. A lot of the trail is over the familiar My Bitch terrain but the section we added today should be new for most of the kennel. Anyway, I’ll go out again in the morning and re-hike the trail to make sure that all of our trail markings are intact after the anticipated rainfall tonight.
And that’s my story for today. I better shower up, it’s almost beer o’clock!
Good luck to all the people who follow your trail tomorrow! As for Karmic Catherine… I’d like to say that I hope she learns a lesson from all this, but I’m betting she won’t. Few people in this world learn the lessons they’re supposed to learn, yours truly included.