I didn’t do yesterday’s Hash trail. I wasn’t alone in deciding to go my own way. Seven others joined me for a pleasant hike in the rain, clocking in with a mostly flat 7K walkabout. It was the right call. By the Hare’s own admission, out of 60 Hashers, only five chose to do the entire trail. Granted, twenty+ others did the first hill, then rode the Hashmobile back to our On-Home. Still, you might say that people voted with their feet in making the rational decision that prudence precludes doing insane shit at the behest of the Hare.
I’ve seen the pictures and I definitely made the right call. To begin, the Hashmobile was jammed packed. If my group had shown up there wouldn’t have been room for everyone. I hate riding in the back of that truck anyway, but a long haul out to the trailhead over rough roads was a non-starter for me, notwithstanding the difficulty of the trail itself. The pictures showed some tough rock scaling and wading through water. No thank you!
Some people give me shit about being a wuss and say it is disrespectful to the Hare to take out a group of Hashers on my own trail. Bullshit! I Hash to have fun, not to prove how manly I am by risking life and limb by putting myself in unsafe situations. Been there, done that, and I ain’t doing it no more. I honestly don’t begrudge a Hare like Guenter doing the kind of trail he personally prefers. I just expect the same consideration when I choose to do things my way.
Anyway, no hard feelings really on my part. Last night I was awarded a new Hash patch:

Not many pictures this week since I was not on the official trail, but here’s a few for your perusal:

San Miguel Zero beer was not available, so I was downing San Mig Light (5% alcohol versus my usual 3%). I neglected to moderate my intake accordingly and wound up a little more inebriated than normal. Laid down on the floor for a bit when I got back home and woke up feeling just dandy this morning.

My afternoon today had a bit of twist. I’ll share that story tomorrow.

I don’t know how the Hash works, but if they allow you the option to do what you’re doing, then more power to you. Great pictures, as usual, in spite of the wetness. We’re experiencing a bit of a cool period here in Korea right now; not sure how long it’s going to last. July and August are normally the worst of the summer months, and July is also normally the time of the monsoon. Anyway, good luck weathering the weather!
From what I know of various Hash groups, they are pretty much social clubs. Rules are few and far between for the most part.
If someone is pissed because you did not follow the “official” trail, it seems to me that someone should probably either A) get a life or B) find a Hash group that is more in line with their thinking.
Yeah, there are no rules about doing a trail. We have a core group of “socialites” who just show up for the drinking and Hash circle activities. They are put on the ice and subjected to a rude song for that indiscretion though. I don’t mean to overstate the doing my own thing problem–no official complaints, just talk for a couple of Hashers who don’t like my group starting early and doing it our way. Our “sane” group seems to be growing in number week-to-week as well.
It’s a philosophical thing I suppose. My belief is a Hare should make a trail suitable for the nature of our Kennel and should never put people at risk unnecessarily. Other Hares want to make the trail as challenging as possible. To each his own I suppose. I’ve considered suggesting we have two official trails each week, long and short, but that’s more hassle than it’s worth. My way is working pretty well most of the time.
Yeah, rain or shine I’m out there, “whether” I like it or not!