Who’ll stop the rain?

I received an alert notice this morning saying the rain level was red. I looked outside but it looked gray to me.

The rain hasn’t let up at all since yesterday, and today is the ninth straight day of wetness. It ain’t pretty down there in the lowlands.

Rizal street…

The Matain river has been overflowing the highway overpass at times...

There was also a landslide that closed a lane on the highway in Calapdayan.

It must suck to live in the Santa Monica subdivision.
Joy sent me this photo from her house in Subic town.

You get the idea, and there is no end in sight. Last year we got off relatively light rainfall-wise. Mother Nature seems to be making up for it this year.

With none of those periodic breaks in the storm, I’ve been confined to quarters up here in the highlands of Alta Vista. No flooding at least. I wasn’t able to go out and do the photoshoot for the next installment in my series on the subdivision. Sorry! I’ll try again tomorrow!

The Wednesday Walkers went ahead and braved the weather yesterday. Actually, I was thinking it would be like the previous few days, a brief rain squall, then a relatively longer period of it being rain-free. Nope, it rained more than it didn’t. Still, once you are soaked you can stop worrying about it. Not a lot of pictures to share as I had my phone in a baggie most of the time. I did steal some from Scott’s page too, so here you go:

We ain’t afraid of no water!
We went mostly flat, but this muddy downhill was a little tricky…
We will not be deterred!
Santa Monica was not nearly as flooded yesterday as it apparently is today.
“Look at the crazy foreigner walking in the rain!”
On the road…
…and on the highway. Once you are wet, you are wet wherever you go.
Not sure I’ve ever seen the bay waters so agitated.
High tide and swollen rivers are a toxic combination.
Not a good day for a boat ride.
Never saw so many people fishing in the river before.

We finished our 7.5K hike at Dynamite Dick’s for lunch and liquid refreshment. Had a nice clam chowder but neglected to take any photos. Sorry!

Wingsday night at The Pub!

Judy braved the rain on her scooter this afternoon to provide me with a special massage. I, in turn, provided her with some grocery money. Win-Win!

I watched an interesting video today with a Filipina’s perspective on relationship differences men have with western women versus Pinays. I thought it was surprising to hear some of my thinking on “transactional relationships” articulated by a woman. Yeah, we all have needs, including the need for companionship, and men and women come together to have those needs met. Maybe not so surprisingly, the Filipina Pea thought men were better off with a Filipina to fulfill those needs. Worth a watch if you have any interest in the subject.

I’ve watched a couple of her videos and she does a good job. There is quite a bit of speculation that she isn’t writing her own script (perhaps a foreigner boyfriend). I agree to the extent that she uses vocabulary that most Filipinos that I’ve met don’t speak. That said, I believe she agrees with the content of her videos, whether she wrote the words or not.

And that is it for this miserable rainy day. And in case you are wondering, no, I will not let this storm deter me from drinking some beers having dinner out tonight. I’m thinking Mango’s pork chops may well be in order.

You poke me, I’ll poke you. Deal?

3 thoughts on “Who’ll stop the rain?

  1. If there’s one thing white women are good for, it’s boobies. At least when they’re young and ripe.

    Sorry to hear it’s still pissing down over there. We haven’t had much of a monsoon season here, and August is now upon us, which means one last, great blast of hot air before things start cooling down in September.

  2. I’m watching that Filipina Pea video, and I have to call bullshit on her claim that Filipinas fundamentally want companionship. In looking at your history with Filipinas, it seems they want money more than anything else, with companionship being very much linked to whether the money-spigot is gushing or dry. She talks about the trade-off that Filipina women are willing to make between youth and “a few more inches of waistline” if that means being with someone mature. On some level, that may be true, but from what I’ve seen through your eyes, money is the driving factor in Filipina-Western relationships. Or maybe she’s right, and you’ve simply been moving from one trashy woman to another and haven’t met a good-quality Filipina yet. Stay away from the bars, man. You’ll never find a good woman there. Unless low quality is your thing, in which case, plow away!

    I do like, though, how what she’s saying would infuriate most modern Western women these days. Western women don’t want to be told they’re living in defiance of nature.

  3. Kev, glad you had a chance to watch the video and give some feedback.

    Perhaps it is just a matter of perspective and how you define “companionship”. Clearly, the dynamic of being seen as a “rich” foreigner by a poor woman plays a big part in the search for a companion. But within that context, Filipinas still want to love and be loved I think.

    I’m a bad example. I’m scared of “love”. Jessa and Iline were flawed but wanted to have a traditional relationship with me. I ran away, not willing to risk getting hurt. I’m getting all the sex I want and need through my “friends with benefits” program. But I do crave the companionship that comes from a more traditional relationship. So, I’m basically screwed I guess, in more ways than one.

    I go to bars to drink, not for the women! Can’t remember the last time I took someone out of a bar. Although to be fair, there are some “good” girls doing their best in tough times by doing bar work.

    Yeah, the Pea did throw some truth bombs on the attitude of western gals though. “Feminist” heads would explode if they heard that and of course, the Pea would be canceled and banned from YouTube for her hate speech!

    Not really relevant I suppose, but for some reason, I remembered a conversation I had with my daughter when she was twelve years old or so. She told me, “Daddy, when I grow up I’m going to marry somebody rich!” I responded, daughter, you should only marry for love!” She thought about it for a minute, then said “Daddy, I’m going to fall in love with someone rich!”

    Maybe she’s got some Filipina in her…

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