Where things stand

A new post from today’s hike. And more!

Things may be getting ready to open up a tad more around here soon. One cause for hope was this:

That’s from SBMA (the old Navy base). It doesn’t apply to Olongapo/Barretto but we are all hoping our mayor follows this plan. What is significant is that SBMA has been about the most strict on quarantine rules since this bullshit all began.

We do have a couple of places opening up here in Barretto under the current rules. On my afternoon walk yesterday I moseyed over to the recentý reopened Arizona Resort to see where things stood. So of course the temperature thing was done as I entered (36.2). Four other customers inside and the waitress recognized me and seemed genuinely happy to see me. That was nice. After such a warm greeting I felt obligated to order up a beer. As I drank it the receptionist handed me an Ipad like thing and asked me to complete some information. Name/address/phone/email/etc. It was a bit of a pain in the ass. I asked if I had to do this EVERY time I visited or if they would maintain the info–sorry every time sir was the response. I couldn’t help but think there was no better way to spread the virus than having everyone touching that Ipad screen. So I doused my hands in cleansing fluid, finished my beer, and left.

Yeah, nothing normal about a formerly 24-hour place being up from 10 to 6.

On the way home I stopped into “Goman’s” (still not legally open) for some more beer. I perched upon my usual chair on the back patio to enjoy the bay and beach views. It really does ease my troubled mind to soak up some of the beauty that surrounds me here.

This gal caught my eye for some reason.

She seemed like a girl with something extra and the waitress confirmed she was in fact bakla…the word the locals use for gay/transgender folk. I can usually tell right away, but this lass was pretty cute. Ah well, just passing the time.

We are having such a good relationship these days…

This morning I had a nice hike with Scott and Jim. Scott drove us out to a new (for me) area and it was a nice change of pace.

Our 6+ kilometer trail as seen from outer space.
This guy was putting the dog in front of the cart. But the ox (carabao) was in the right place.
Some new mountains to look at…
…and streams to cross.
Apparently the barangay had scheduled some delivery of rice provisions for the locals who were waiting in anticipation.
I did my usual cookies and candy handouts…
It probably makes me happier than the recipients…
We passed through one small village where everyone lived in thatched huts…
Laundry day!
Carabao enjoying the old swimmin’ hole.
A fine day for a walk.
Heading on back to the car at the conclusion of the hike…
After the hike, we stopped into Sit-n-Bull for some lunch and beers. I had the fish and chips with the best coleslaw in town…

As days go, this was a pretty good one. And that’s where things stand for now.

2 thoughts on “Where things stand

  1. A lovely hike, with some lovely fish and chips at the end. Can’t beat that! Good luck as restrictions slowly, slowly start to melt away. Here’s hoping that life will return to the old normal, not the new normal.

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