What’s going on?

Glad you asked!

Preparing for my departure to Seoul at 0200 tomorrow. Pulled out the passport and noticed that the immigration folks had stamped this under my last visa sticker:

REMINDER: Secure Emigration Clearance Certificate Before You Leave The Country.

Hmm. Well surely I can get that down at the airport, right? Being the prudent guy that I am I had my driver take me to the immigration office in Olongapo City to get the lowdown. Hoo Boy. I was given a list of things I needed to bring and a long ass form to complete. And oh yeah, the first thing on the list said I needed to apply for the ECC one week prior to departure and that processing the application required 72 hours. Shit!

I told the immigration officer I was scheduled to fly on Thursday and asked if there was anything I could do to expedite the process. She said if I bring the required paperwork back that day I could pick up the ECC on Wednesday. Thank you, m’am!

The first thing I needed was three 2×2 photos of my handsome face against a white background. Luckily my driver knew where to go to get that done and we were off. I flirted a little with the gal in the hole-in-the-wall shop to no avail. But in the end she did give me what I came for:

See, I wasn’t being facetious about the handsome part.

The second thing on the list was a copy of my flight information. I needed to go back to the house for that though. So next I had the driver take me to the grocery store so I could pick up some supplies for the orphanage I sponsor. I got some stuff for my house as well but kept them separate in another cart (I had my domestic helpers to assist). After paying for the orphan stuff, the clerk rang up mine. I handed her my credit card and she said “sorry, only one transaction per card.” I was incredulous but couldn’t get an explanation beyond it being store policy. So I just kind of stood there in a Mexican standoff sort of way to see what would happen next (I had my debit card with me but preferred not to use it). The clerk finally relented and processed my card with a don’t do it again admonishment. Noted.

Back to the house and I asked my driver to return at 1:00 p.m. to take me back to immigration. I finally got my printer to agree to print my itinerary and I then completed the ECC form. Having everything required now in hand I made my triumphant journey back to immigration and handed over the paperwork.

Turns out you are not allowed to wear eyeglasses in the ECC photos. Who knew?

So back I went to the photo shop where I found the young gal running the place fast asleep at her work station. I guess I could have taken a nap too and told the world we slept together, but there was no time for that now. She awoke and took a new photo sans glasses and I was off.

This one worked!

So next thing I knew I was being fingerprinted and then I was relieved of 500 pesos and told to return this afternoon to pick up my ECC. Fingers crossed!

After completing my immigration ordeal it was off to the mall. I had told the orphanage director that I would host a monthly dinner for the kids and also celebrate any birthdays that happened during that month. There were two birthdays in May so I needed to get the requested presents. And the cake.

I had my helper order the cake, not sure a champagne bottle is appropriate for kids but…

Anyway, I delivered the goodies to the orphanage, made my usual donation, paid for dinner, and left. Honestly, I’m really not comfortable with this commitment. I feel like the time and money could be better spent somehow. In fact, one of my helpers thinks the place is a scam and the kids aren’t really in need. I don’t know about that, but I do see more desperate folks everyday. But for now at least I’ll keep on keeping on and see where it goes. The Director’s assistant is a real cutie, so there’s that.

What else? Spent a little time in Alley Cats last night and they gave me a little farewell party. That was sweet.

They even put a sign on the wall in my honor!

Here’s to hoping I don’t encounter any surprises at immigration this afternoon. I’m flying Asiana business class so I should be comfortable and even catch a flew zzz’s before waking up in Seoul tomorrow.

See you on the other side!

7 thoughts on “What’s going on?

  1. I had planned on doing another insane 60-kilometer walk this weekend, but there’s something going on with my right foot, so I’m canceling, and I’ll have time this weekend to meet up. Say the word!

  2. Saturday or Sunday, lunch-ish, will work for me.

    It’s not crippling or anything, but I’m hoping the foot problem will go away soon so I can try the walk the following week. How long are you in Korea? I could also try to meet up for dinner on a weekday if the weekend will be reserved for hangover-recovery after a mighty Friday. I normally arrive late at the office and work until late, but I can easily rearrange my work schedule.

    We can still go for a Namsan hike, which will be much shorter than a Seoul-Yangpyeong trek. And, hey—it’ll be another chance for you to make me feel like an ass.

  3. Lunch-ish on Saturday would work. I’m heading down to Pyeongtaek on Sunday. Plan to return to Seoul after doing the medical stuff, but not sure what day I’ll be back after that. Maybe we can do a reciprocal lunch or dinner.

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing you!

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