“Be not intimidated, nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretenses of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery, and cowardice.”
–John Adams

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a cough and congestion. That’s not unusual, just one of those things I deal with from my COPD damaged lungs. Got up and did my nebulizer treatment which does help me breathe easier. Went back to bed but noticed as I climbed the stairs that I had a backache right at the base of my spine. No idea where that came from. After some fitful sleep, I awoke at 5:30, which is pretty much normal for me. Except this morning I still felt very tired and lacking energy. Usually, when I wake up I get up because I’m rested and ready to get on with the day. Well, Buddy seems to know the schedule and he came into the bedroom to let me know he was ready for his backyard time. So I made my way painfully down the stairs and let the boys out. Fixed me a cup of coffee and plopped down in front of the computer. I got to wondering if the back pain, breathing issues, and waking up tired might be symptoms of something else. Took my temperature and registered a 35.3. That’s the coolest I’ve been! So, it appears I’m going to live.
In addition to the quote at the top of this post (man, Adams was WAY ahead of his time wasn’t he?) I came upon these gems during my internet travels (where else can I go?):

If you don’t appreciate this punny humor all I can say is that you are in Dire Straits…

And that’s all I’ve got for today…
I’ve got some lower-back pain going on myself. Sympathies. Hope your day has been healthy and relatively active!