Nothing all that special I suppose, but having a good day that doesn’t even seem special makes for something special. Oh, I’m talking about yesterday by the way. I’ll tell you how special today has been tomorrow.

Did the morning walk with the dogs. When I got home I saw a Facebook memory from two years ago showing Lucky in his previous life:

I took myself on a longer than normal two-hour walk on the Subic side of the river. It was quite pleasant actually.

Over at his blog, Kevin Kim was talking about the wear and tear on his body and the change in his appearance upon the completion of his month-long hike from Incheon to Busan. Well, I don’t have blistered and mangled feet, but I’ve gone through some changes from my walking exploits as well:

After my morning walk was complete, I took a nap and did my Bundok post here. Then perused Facebook some and found these gems:

Alright, enough of Facebook. It’s starting to piss me off. Besides, it is time to play darts at Johan’s down on Baloy Beach. I was the first to arrive but soon enough a few others showed up and we had ourselves a little tournament.

My partner was off her game but I was throwing quite a bit better than usual. That allowed us to go undefeated on the afternoon and take home first place money. Such as it was (300 pesos each). I don’t play for the money anyway, I come for the beer competition.

After darts, I headed over to Queen Victoria and shared my winnings in the form of lady drinks for my favorite waitresses. Then headed across the street to Mango’s to enjoy my ritual of watching the sun go down.

A good day.
“I’ll tell you how special today has been tomorrow.”
This is (at least) the second time you’ve used cheap and dirty narrative hooks to string us along. What, are you reading Dan Brown novels or something?
Anyway, congrats on the darts victory. Well done!
Ouch! I didn’t know just how much you hated Brown until I read your post from 2004! you linked. I prefer to think of it as foreshadowing rather than a cheap and dirty narrative hook.
Anyway, there is a Category 4 Typhoon headed our way and due to arrive on Sunday. After that, all bets are off!
Ha ha—I’m just yanking your chain. You do you!
Batten down them hatches!
Yeah, I know. And I appreciate you caring enough to yank my chain. No need to be discreet! 🙂