A busy day ahead so I wanted to throw something up here while I can. Yeah, a vomit post!
Have my Wednesday hike group to attend to this morning. This afternoon I’ll be attending a birthday party. Janey invited me! It’s at the bar where the guest of honor works, but still…
Althouse linked to a Twitter post that listed the “top 7 warning signs on a man’s bookshelf”:
1. A Dog-eared copy of Infinite Jest2. Too Much Hemingway
3. Any amount of Bukowski
5. Goethe
6. “Lolita is my favorite book.”
7. “‘Fathers and Sons’ Is my favorite book.”
I’m not a literary expert and haven’t even heard of a couple of these. But there is no such thing as too much Hemingway and don’t you dare attack my relatively new hero Bukowski. And Ayn Rand could see into the future for chrissakes. I’ll concede Lolita might be a little concerning without additional context. I’d keep my eyes on my teenaged daughter for sure!
Speaking of Twitter, Alexandra Occasional Cortex went there to attack the GOP convention. About the best she had was to mock the elephant symbol. As you might imagine, that didn’t work out well for her. Here’s my favorite:

Anyway, I’m far, far away from the madness back home. Glad to be here. But still…

Okay, gotta run. Well, walk. But you know what I mean.
Bukowski must be potent, indeed. Ayn Rand, too.