Yesterday’s Hash turned out to be survivable, and I even made it through a climb. I was huffing and puffing and slow as molasses, but it wasn’t a race. The Tylenol I took for the back pain helped, but I decided not to do the 3K walk to the start. I’m doing a consult with Dr. Jo this afternoon, which means I’ve got to do a rush job on this post. Hell, the less I say, the better, right?
A Jeepney ride to the start, a hill climb, a shortcut (yellow line), and a highway walk back to the On-Home at VFW—just a tad over 4K.Gathering at the start. I’d never done this route up before.And we are On-Up!A rest stop while waiting for the slow guy. You can see him (me) bringing up the rear there on the right.Photos I take never seem to capture the degree of incline. This climb was of moderate length but very steep in places.That’s no crow and I wasn’t scared.A rest stop before taking the short trail.We had a steep downward trek as well.Luckily, it wasn’t too slippery.The view from hereSunshine on the bayYes, I’m coming…That railing came in handy…I must have passed Scott on the way down. As you can see, I’m wearing my new La Union Hash shirt.That’s Barretto Beach down belowNearing the end of the downWith a stroll through a hillside villageAnd back on the National Highway for the walk On-Home
I’ve been avoiding hill climbs in deference to my weak leg, but lately, heavy breathing has been a more concerning issue. Hopefully, Dr. Jo will have some treatment for my sciatica, and the upcoming nasal surgery will improve my oxygen intake.
Lest I forget, Happy Halloween!
Not a good time to be eating at the “Y.”That would make a ghostly sound…
The dancing is a nice as the song!
2 thoughts on “Upsy Dazey”
I was planning to write about camera techniques for conveying a sense of incline, but you seem to be using them. Basically, put the top of the slope at the top of the picture when you’re going up (i.e., tilt your camera down), and do the opposite to accentuate downhills. It’s not the greatest method, but it helps a bit.
Good walk. Also, good luck with appointments and, eventually, surgery.
I was planning to write about camera techniques for conveying a sense of incline, but you seem to be using them. Basically, put the top of the slope at the top of the picture when you’re going up (i.e., tilt your camera down), and do the opposite to accentuate downhills. It’s not the greatest method, but it helps a bit.
Good walk. Also, good luck with appointments and, eventually, surgery.
Thanks for the tips, Kevin!